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Fantasy The Sinful Seven (A Dark Supernatural Western)

My idea is for Ezra's father, mother, sister, brother and the other deceased members of the Invidia gang to be among the returned dead The Seven run into. It would be a fun chance for roleplaying.
The year is 1899. The Old West is dying, with the East bringing technology and growth along with corruption and pain. In this land, there was once a gang. They were the meanest, toughest bastards you'd ever meet. They were The Seven. For years, they did small hits on banks, trains, the like. This caught the eye of a certain man of high standing. That man was a Senator by the name of John Kalvin. In exchange for money, women, land, and anything else they could want, The Seven would take out political opponent, and do seemingly mundane tasks like stealing lambs or chopping down a tree. It didn't matter, since they always got paid, and were above punishment. Well, until their last job. You see, turns out that Mr. President was the Antichrist, and sought to brjng about the End of Days earlier than it was supposed to (The date it was supposed to happen was June 6, 2106.) The reason he had used The Seven was because they were, well, physical manifestations od the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, and Gluttony. They were instrumental in his plans, since they were above normal humans. Faster, stronger, and much harder to kill, which each having their own power relating to what part of their sin they most represent. For example, the current Greed represents selfishness, so he can see a few seconds in the future to allow him to come out on top. Anyway, their last job. It was simple. Kill a politician, kidnap his wife, ahd hand her over to Uncle Sam. Pretty easy. Well, that was until Kalvin took the girl, prepared tl sacrifice her to his father, ane publicly declared The Seven enemies of the state. They all went their separate ways, damned by God for the part they played.

That was seven years ago. John Kalvin became a national icon, civilizing the West and ending the old gangs that rode in it. Then, on June 6 1906, Kalvin started the End of Days. Armegeddon. The dead rose from their graves, their spirits trapped and kept out of the afterlife. Demons roamed the world, destroying entire villages in days. The forces od Heaven were desperate. By law, they couldn't interfere directly. So, they turned to the very people who helped start this mess: The Seven. Gabriel came to them with a deal: if they killed Kalvin, affectively ending the apocalypse, then they would be allowed entrance to Heaven upon death. After working off their sins in Purgatory, of course. So, here they are, once again riding across the nation. Now, they were The Sinful Seven, determined to save the world.

Hi! So, this is based off of a lot of things. Primarily, old Western movies like The Magnificent Seven, and an old RP I was in that never really got off thr ground. In fact, the entire idea and premise is pretty much that with a few changes. I didn't make the RP originally, so if you're reading this guy who made it, full credit goes to you! But yeah. We will play one of The Sinful Seven each, with me playing Greed. Everyone else I open, and don't worry if you don't get a slot! You can play a side character, or even an antagonist! So, anyone interested?
Pride: Open
Greed: Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Lust: SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful
Envy: Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
Wrath: MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake
Sloth: Open
Gluttony: GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

CS: Fantasy - The Sinful Seven CS
i call sloth

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