The Silent(The Records of Assassins)

((Lol. Everyone crushing on Anti and Twylum already? xD ))

Iencio pondered for a second. He figured he'd go ahead to The Cave. He already informed Hei and Twylum. "20 minutes until The Voice will show up..." he mumbled aloud. He wondered if that was enough time for a nap, but decided otherwise. He continued to walk across the cave til he reached the wall. It had all sorts of marks and bashes made into it. I suppose the greatest dummy to practice against is the Earth herself. He still wondered who made the biggest dent into this wall.

Anti shook her head. Even though she had been more adept in sword use and magic, didn't exactly mean that they were her only skills. Yeah, with brute force he would definitely win. But if she used the tactics she basically used for swordhandling, she'd have a bit of a chance of winning.

A small smile appeared on Anti's face, a sign that she might have gotten caught up on something Lasair had joked on. "I would be willing to take that bet," the smile only got bigger from there, "but what are you going to bet?~" To Anti, even a small chance she'd be willing to try for.
Twylum snapped her head around, so fast she might have broken her neck, and eyed at Cloud. "I swear, I will shoot at people with my crossbow pistol the next time you all enter my room without knocking." She greeted indignantly before standing up. She looked at the beautiful rose, cruelly plucked from its stem. Her jaws clenched, but she wrestled her anger. She walked up to Cloud and forced a smile; she took the flowers from him and said, "That poor rose was just cut away from its stem. How does it make you feel if your head was cut off from your body?" She asked before walking back to her room and placing the rose into her vase.

"And no," She whirled around, "I can clean your blood, myself." She added. Just as Iencio wandered into her room, and just as she was about to grab her crossbow pistol under her bed, Iencio said, "20 minutes until The Voice will show up..." Twylum stood there for a moment before silently, but quickly burst into activity. She grabbed vials and reagent bottles and stuffed them in her back pack, she grabbed her crossbow pistol, its bronze color was gleaming in the moonlight, and said a silent prayer before sitting down on her sofa.

Sitting up, Lasair rested his chin on his knee, drumming his fingers on the floor. He was hesitant to take this bet, but there was also a spark of opportunity. If he took the chance, it would make things rather awkward, and might affect their duties. But, maybe, it would be worth it. Maybe things would go better then expected. What harm could it do? A slight smirk crossed his lips as he jumped to his feet, holding his hand out to her.

"Alright, I'll take this bet," he said smoothly, "And the cost? If you win, I have an amulet. From what I know, it's worth quite a bit. It'll be yours. And if I win... You owe me a date. Just one date." He held up one finger, waggling it slightly. "How does that sound? Fair enough?" He arched a brow at her, waiting for her reply, hiding his nerves. He kept a calm and cool exterior, but on the inside he was nervous as hell. This could go either way, and he hoped it went his way.
(Thats what happens when people get bored waiting for Voice to hurry up already. xD )

Cloud walked over to his room to get ready. "Thanks for the info Twylum. Now if there wasn't just a spider in my room to scare the crap out of me." Cloud sighed but walked into his room anyways. "Ok got my rods yep. Got my knife yep. Ok I'm ready set to go." He said. He didn't even notice the scar on his arm anymore. As Cloud was walking out of his room a spider started walking on the floor behind him. "Really now spider. But I am a smart person." Cloud ran out of his room and shut his door. "Ha take that you infearior species!" Cloud walked away from his room and started waiting for Voice to show up.
After she set and ready, she padded out of her room, leading Hei out of it too, just in time to see Cloud slamming the door. In the dark, Twylum couldn't see very clearly, but she was quite sure that there's a spider lurking somewhere. "Assassins are clearly the mortal versions of a grim reaper, but how can one take someone's life if one fears the littlest of things?" She mumbled unconsciously.
If Anti were a hungry dog, she'd be drooling pints of saliva. Her eyes had a bit of a glint to them. She knew exactly the amulet he was talking about, and how valuable it was. He was unknowingly exaggerating when he said it was worth quite a bit.

Anti answered without even listening to the other side of the bet. "Deal, deal." She didn't even care for what she would give if she lost the bet. Winning now was more important.

"What'll be the rules?"
The Voice chuckled a bit as he approached The Center Room. He decided he'd stop by the kitchen and eat a meal before going into story-telling mode. "After all, I still have 15 minutes. That'll be plenty of time to scavenge something together." He spoke, slightly determined to create something good to eat.

Iencio sighed. He was almost getting stiff from waiting. It has been some time since Voice found a good challenge. Yes, yes, every mission is a life or death situation... but the flawless teamwork they exhibited prevented anything wrong happening. Iencio almost had the resolve to practice a bit....but lost the motivation. He walked back towards the entrance of The Cave.
A small smirk crossed Lasair's lips as Joker replied immediately. Like she, he had motivation, but it was much more then hers. For one, that amulet was not something he was willing to give up. It had been his mothers, and the only memory he had left of his family. Secondly, scoring a date with Anti would be awesome. He would give all he got into this spar, without bruising her, of course. With all of this, he was risking quite a bit, but he had a feeling he could do it. This could be accomplished.

"Only rules are no incapacitation and try not to injure the other too much," Lasair didn't plan to hurt Anti at all, but he did not expect the same from her. He could handle a few bruises here and there, even if they were to go into full battle mode later. "Give it all you got, Joker. No going easy on me." He paused for a moment, tilting his head, "Also, no weapons, obviously. This is a hand to hand spar." Anti probably figured that part out on her own, but he still clarified, as he always did when about to spar with anyone.
Hearing about the no incapacitation rule meant two things to Anti; One, she couldn't use magic to bring harm to him and two, she couldn't amplify herself or else it would end up doing the same thing as number one. She thought for a moment, taking in consideration each point that dealt specifically to the bet. If luck were on her side, maybe she would be able to win. But with how she was now, and the current situation, she would not win. She would have to continue at a better time. And that was one of her many strategies to winning a bet, depending on who and what were included in that bet.

Holding her hand to her face, Anti sighed. "I really really want that amulet, but... Let's do this bet at another time. At that time, then, I'll take it off of your hands. If you want, I might as well give you your side of the bet, whatever it is." She wondered what it was, since she didn't even hear it.
"Oh, so that's already a yes on the date," Lasair said with a smirk, resting his hands behind his head lazily, "That was fast." He knew she probably just didn't hear him the first time around, and was actually rather disappointed by that. That amulet had really caught her attention, and now he kinda wished he had never shown it to her in the first place. Not that it mattered now, what mattered now was that he, er, attempted, to score a date. He hoped this worked, but at the same time, he was nervous on what would happen if it did. Not that he would ever show it, let alone say it out loud.

"So... what will the date be?" Lasair joked, letting his hands drop back to his sides, "Grabbing a drink at the bar? Shooting some pool?" He arched a brow at her, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "Or maybe fighting some criminals? That's always a blast."
Anti quickly gave him a look with the eye her hand wasn't over. "You wanted a date? Are you serious?" Well, that confirmed many, many previous suspicions. She gave a little laugh, which could be interpreted as an insulting one.

"I'd think the life of an assassin would be full of killing, getting paid, and a secret identification. But this isn't a regular assasin's group, I'd say." Anti withdrew her hand from her face. She took the bamboo sword that she had previously placed onto the floor and stuck it back into her storage, it disappeared as it seemingly met with her stomach. She went over to the longsword that was pushed away and did the same. She turned around to face Lasair when she was done.

"You're the male. You should decide the when and where, according to how you think your lady is." She approached him again. She grabbed onto his arm as the same process as from before occurred; a sudden transportation back to their living quarters followed by a slight headwind to show the movement was successful. Anti then let go of his arm, moving back into her room. "I'll be expecting it to be fun." She said, not turning around, closing the door.
Iencio heard a familiar thud as he then heard Anti speak. "So that's why I couldn't find her earlier..." He continued towards the Living Quarters, hoping to catch up with her. He also saw Lasair in the hallways. "Oi, Lasair." He spoke to get his attention. "Voice is back. Meet at the cave in 10 minutes."
She laughed. Oh jeesh, this was going to be terrible. He should of kept his mouth shut. He should of just done money or something, but a date? Why, oh why does he have to be such an idiot? Oddly, he remained quiet as Anti spoke, saying what an interesting group they were. Then she went on to say he should be the one to choose where the date would be, depending on what he thought she liked. And then she was gone, her final words being that she expected it to be fun. For a moment, after the door closed, Lasair said nothing. Then came him slapping himself in the forehead, muttering under his breath about what an idiot he was. "Oi Lasair!" He looked up as Iencio approached, blinking as he said to meet in the Cave in ten minutes.

"Got it," he replied automatically, running a hand through his hair. "Hey, Iencio," he called out, turning and running after him, "Odd question for ya. Um... what does Anti like to do? Besides make bets and collect stuff?" He felt stupid, asking Iencio this, but he would feel stupider asking anyone else. Besides, he was basically already set to go for whatever mission The Voice had for them. It couldn't hurt to ask a few questions before heading out.

((sorry it's crap. writers block))
"Oh.. Uh, no reason..." Lasair muttered, running a hand through his hair. "Just curious." Now he was beginning to think that maybe Iencio had not been the best choice to ask... He would probably do better just winging it rather then going around asking everyone what they thought. "So, what does the Voice have for us this time? Any ideas?" It was a rather abrupt change in subject, but Lasair also knew Iencio probably wouldn't be of much help. Hell, he didn't think anyone would be. And the date didn't matter right now anyways. What mattered was the mission.
"Not a clue. We'll all be briefed in about...5 minutes. And I was kidding earlier. Anti's hobbies..." Iencio gave a playful smile as he thought. "Well, I know I loaned her a copy of a book and I still haven't gotten it back. She kinda likes a quiet place, instead of some loud, crowded area. And if I recall correctly, but don't quote me on this... Asian food? Not recalling... it's either Asian food or Italian." Iencio kinda just mumbled off. "Tell Anti the meeting is in 5." He started to walk off.
Anti stood in the same place as she shut the door behind her. What turned out to be a simple regular day might not have been so simple after all. She looked over to her left, to the overly organized desk that was probably only organized because of the magic she used. Books were stacked neatly one over the other, followed by loose papers and other materials such as pens and pencils. A space was left free, though, with a small desk light for Ani to use at her disposal.

Might as well keep a note of things, thought Anti. With a wag of her finger, a small book trembled and shook until it slipped out of the stack of books piled onto Anti's desk. Soon, a pen followed it's lead. Both flew silently into Anti's hands, and automatically the next unused page was opened to.

Anti uncapped the pen and wrote inside the book as silently as possible.

'After next briefing--'

"We'll all be briefed in about...5 minutes."

Anti nodded. 'After next briefing, allow Lasair a bit of your time for the date.'

She closed the book and sent both the book and the pen back to the desk. Now that she had reminded herself not to read after the briefing, she only needed to wait for the next five minutes to pass...
5 minutes...

Twylum tore her gaze off from the clock and slung her backpack on her back and grabbed her crossbow pistol from her bed. She briskly marched out of her room and into the dimly lit hallway. She took a moment to adjust her eyes in the dark before walking again. She racked her brain for some possibilities of what the mission might be, she prayed that they wouldn't kill anyone tonight, but that seems impossible.
Lasair stood their after Iencio left, drumming his fingers on his chin. "Quiet places, and Asian or Italian food..." He muttered, letting out a slight huff of air, "What am I supposed to do? Take her to a library?" He ran a hand through his hair, then scowled, spinning on his heel and making his way to The Cave. He already had his smoke bombs, and was fully dressed in his gear, considering he had been training earlier. There was no need to gather any supplies back in his room. He had everything he needed.
The Voice, finally satisfied his hunger, made his way to The Cave. He made quite a Sub. He continued to munch on this sandwich, finishing it as he entered.

Iencio entered the Cave right after Voice. "Sup?" He asked.

"My sandwich was delicious. And exquisiteness." Voice replied.

Iencio cracked a small smile hearing this.

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