The Silent(The Records of Assassins)


In our world, politics is a game for power. The ruthless will rise to the top and right-minded will be left behind. Such cases have been so common as of lately, it seems that today's leaders are always holding swords at each others' necks. In order to restore peace and balance out these powers, a group of 7 individuals banded together and offered their services to...Ahem... dispose of potential threats that are rising more problems than necessary. The odd thing about it is, no one knows the identity of these assassins... With no official way to recognize them, the name 'The Silent' stuck to them. The only identified member of this organization is known by 'The Voice' who acts as a spokesman on their behalf. He takes their contracts for them and announces their actions when they see this fit.

Each member is gifted a 'letter' that is the only way the masses can identify them... as these people are, no doubt, wanted. Each 'letter' has been identified by signature abilities, and a few ideas of counter-measures have been hypothesized but have rarely worked.

S- has been known for his affinity to Fire magic, and brutal fighting style. This one is headstrong and a powerhouse.

I- can manipulate water and all its forms. His ability is quite flexible and is a calm, reserved individual.

L- has been called 'the leader' of this group. He is incredibly fast and has some sort of ties to shadows...we think...

E- She is who we think is their Medic... Her affinity to nature has a long range offense or healing.

N- He uses lightning defensively. Uses plenty of rods and metal spears to conduct this power to create barriers and traps.

T- She is a jack of all trades. She has a collection of different swords and is well-versed with all sorts of magic.

The Voice. He is all but helpless. This gentleman can hypnotize with his voice, getting hard-to-reach info a lot easier...and can use sound offensively...(along with a bit of wind.)


In this universe, magic is a common work. Civilians can use magic in every day use, such as to light their fires, or draw out drinking water. Guards have been taught how to manipulate these forces to be more destructive and restraining to capture any outlaws. Any Politician must be well-versed with all forms of magic and a few of them act as commanders to their own personal army.

This RP isn't meant to be a 'one-man job versus a country.' It'll require a lot of teamwork among members to get any mission accomplished.


There are different stages to each assassination.

1. Initial Recon- Survey of the main area of operations. Includes creating a safehouse to work from.

2. Infiltration- Infiltrating the insides of the target location to learn information about the most opportune moment to commence the assassination.

3. Retrieval/Set-up- This is the process of gathering needed materials to cut off escapes-isolate the target-and execute operation.

4. Assassination- The actual attempt at the target's life.

5. Regroup- Rendezvous to discuss next course of action...(whether the assassination was sucessful or failure...)

Character Skellies!!!! :D


Codename:(this is used during operations in case it's heard.)

Age:(Around 20~30 years old. Can't have kids assassinating people.)

Appearance:(Description or link)

Letter:(Needless to say, but the letter defines your characters abilities.)

Equipment:(anything they carry on their person at Normal times...)




Dislikes:(this can be taken advantage of by our adversaries)

Extra:(anything optional that wasn't mentioned above)


Name: Lasair Hayes

Codename: Hotshot

Age: 25


Letter: S

Equipment: After learning how to makesmoke bombs, Lasair began carrying them with him everywhere, usingthem whether necessary or unnecessary, which he finds amusing,although the others do not. He does not carry much else with him,relying on his brute strength and fire affinity to get him through abattle. Occasionally, he will bring with him a dagger, but only whenit is considered absolutely necessary.

Background: His life had been boring.He grew up with a family with the same affinity, nothing excitingever happening. Not until he turned fifteen, when a group of men,ones he did not know of, came in and took away his entire family fortesting. Because of his mother, Lasair managed to escape, but sworeone day he would find those men and kill them. It wasn’t untilafter he became one of The Silent that the revenge faded from hismind, not fully gone, yet not as strong as it used to be.

Personality: Cocky and ratherflirtatious. Usually, he’s hitting on the girls, making cheesyjokes that aren’t so great, and jokingly making sexual comments. Ofcourse, he means them no harm, and is rather loyal to everyone in TheSilent, swearing he would take a bullet for any one of them. Althoughloud and rowdy, he’s good-natured and a team player, being seriouswhen he needs to be. But, every team need the prankster, and that’sthe part he plays.

Likes: Boxing, wrestling, playingpranks on people, eating

Dislikes: Spiders. He hates spiders.

Name: Iencio Valentine

Codename: Hydra


Appearance:A smaller framed male with white hair... which is slightly messy but he keeps a lock of it out of his eyes with a tribal bead. He has a 'fox face,' meaning closed eyes and a sly smile from time to time.

Letter: I, the ability of Water/Ice/Steam.

Equipment: He carries around a few canisters of water in case he can't draw out any from the moisture in the air... also a blade that has glass orbs filled with water along it, to manipulate it from a distance.

Background: He hails from the nomadic tribes from Isles from the south. They all have white hair, and use tribal markings to distinguish which clan. He became sick of the Emperor that moved to the south to try and conquer them. His clan opposed him first and were hunted down, much like the game they use to hunt. He escaped and personally wants to remove the Emperor himself from his seat of power.

Personality: Iencio is very calm, even in the thick of battle and cares about his teammates. He sometimes finds a lack of motivation but once he sets his resolve on something, he'll stop at nothing to accomplish it.

Likes: Sweets and Sleep.

Dislikes:The Emperor and other water users.

Extra: He lacks the agility that the others have, but can create new routes with making paths of ice.

Name: Hei Habawara

Codename: Mirage

Age: 2o


Spoiler: Normal look

Spoiler: Geared up

Letter: L

Equipment: he boasts no noticeable weapons, the only weapons he has are located in his clothing, and they are merely blades. He sports concealed blades mounted along his wrists, them being hidden by his long sleeved clothing. (Them being able to extend when needed due to a mechanical device) Rare as it is he does use a long sword when needed, it hidden down his back from sight.

Background: Hei or Mirage as he is called sometimes, is not the oldest of the group but he is referred to as the leader. The reason perhaps being his calm and levelheaded manner, the real reason being up for debate for the most part. Before all of this he was raised in the land of shadows, a location that few know of and fewer still know the secret power that is taught within the veil of mist…often mistaken for a mirage by those that near it. For a time they were thought to hold power over the mist itself but that was proven wrong when one shadow manipulator killed a water user with their own shadow, how the feat was done still being a mystery to all those that do not know the technique.

That is the place where Hei was brought up within, him being rather gifted at the given teachings…exhaling at stealth and subterfuge. He left the village when he came of age at fourteen to forge his own path just as each had done, but unlike the rest he did not return when he turned sixteen…him preferring the outside word and it’s differences. There have been other’s that have done as he did, but they were more hidden than he decided to be. They all preferred to live unassuming lives as commoners and tradesmen, he however preferred to deal with things another way. His way was doling out death when needed to stabilize the regions, him seeing such a thing to be a noble practice in it’s own write.

Personality: One description that encompasses him would have to be levelheaded, him in no hurry to accomplish any kind of task. When you rush to achieve a given task that is when everything falls apart, which would be a bad thing. Nevertheless when the deed needs to be done he will accomplish the kill with creepy precision, it revolving around a ‘How did he do that?’ kind of mindset.

Likes: The aroma of a good flower, Nature in general even though he does not bend any of it, a decent poem, Dark chocolate, and of course night hours…which should be obvious.

Dislikes: grating noises, impatient people, recklessness, when a plan crumbles.

Extra: He is not reliant on power attacks, preferring agility and speed maneuvering until a weakness is displayed for one clean shot for a kill. The individual he gets along with the easiest is Nightingale, for some reason.

Name: Twylum Nakamura



Appearance:Spoiler: Appearance

Letter: E, nature's ability to heal and hasten the growth of plants

Equipment: A small backpack filled with medicinal herbs, just in case she gets too tired from using her healing powers too much. A crossbow pistol; she's excellent in marksmanship.

Background: Born from a family of farmers, Twylum has been exposed to painstaking work and blistering heat almost all her life. Her Dad carved a bow and an arrow for her to play with. Years later and she was already known for selling fresh wild meat to the merchants in the market for extra money after an early hunting in the nearby forest. Her Mom was a midwife, so she picked up her medical skills from her and also assisted in curing injuries and diseases.

When she was 17 their house was raided by thieves and took her parents' lives in their wake. Bitter and full of resentment, she left to find the thieves and know who they were working for after seeing their tattoos on their arms.

Personality: Gentle and soft spoken, Twylum, even though she grew up in a farm, is a lady who moves with grace and sophistication She knows her place and stands by her ethics. She never lets anyone change her and she stands by with what she thinks is right. She is also strong and resilient, although can be sometimes easily swayed with sweet words and illusions.

Likes: Playing the flute; strolling in the night; reading fortunes through palmistry; collecting herbs at dawn while hunting for wild animals to sell their meat; flowers.

Dislikes: Crowded or closed space(places she cannot move freely in)and fire

Name: Anti Charteruse Regalia

Codename: Joker

Age: 24

Appearance:Spoiler: Appearances

Letter: T, with the power of extensive magic.

Equipment: Normally, because she is fascinated with bargaining, swords, and magic, she will have a magical storage device within her chest that holds most of her money, her sword collection, small papers with differing magic circles drawn onto them, playing cards, and anything she may come across that she might keep.

Background: Anti, being born from a politician and a lawyer, was expected to do great. Her parents forced her to learn magic extensively so that she may become a national politician that may significantly shape the world. Anti wasn't interested at all, in fact she hated that sort of thing. "Speaking for the greater public is lame," she would say, "I'd rather just take what I like and leave what I don't". She still would pay attention in her magic lessons contrary to this. Her parents often were aggravated at her rebellious attitude towards their future plans for her. It was one day that the three actually got in an argument, and it ended up with Anti accidentally causing both of her parents to be in an endless state of slumber. Utterly mortified, she decided that she wouldn't become a world leader, but adept in magic and swordsmanship in order to wake her parents up again.

Personality: Anti, like stated in the background, usually takes interest in what she wants and does the opposite in what she doesn't. Her comrades are a different story, as she may act like a tomboy mixed in with her usual personality in their vicinity. Around potential money-gaining scenarios or precious items, she will be desperate to bargain for whatever it is, and she might use magic to get what she wants secretly to fake luckiness.

Likes: Bargaining, money, swords and blades...

Dislikes: The mention of her sleeping parents, rain, bears (personal experience), politicians.

Extra: She isn't totally reliable on magic, since she uses swords more, but she may mix the two if she needs to.

((Sorry for the delay... without further ado... it commences.))

Iencio Valentine. A name only his comrades know. This gentleman waited for The Voice to return with their next mark. He wouldn't mind taking another nap but he knew he'd be scolded if he did so. He ended up taking a short walk to the roof. He watched the night sky and gazed down at the roads. "Soon..." He thought to himself. "Voice will be back to send us off somewhere else again..."
“Perhaps,” Hei said with a light shrug as he stood in the shadows, the corner of the room a bit darker than the location Iencio had wandered to. He walked out of the darkness after he spoke, the hood of his favorite fur lined jacket falling back as his hair feathered up due to a sudden wind gust. Night time being one of Hei’s favorite times, him seeming to be linked to such a time when the sun was absent. Whereas most assassins were keen in darkness Hei is down right ridiculous, even a cat would not see him if he did not want it to. His eyes shot to Iencio as he walked toward him, his red and blue hued irises trained on him as he spoke yet again…this time however he was more playful in his tone than before, “Maybe it will be at a treats store, I haven’t had a good chocolate in a lifetime…that would be interesting.”

He sighed and looked up at the stars subconsciously counting them as he did so, him getting up to forty before he looked down at the road. “Have you seen the others?” He had an all business tone to his voice at this point, his expression serious to a fault compared to his more playful look before. He didn’t want to deal with the group starting trouble before a big mark came into the picture, such things were reckless and he o so hated such things. He looked over at Iencio and raised a brow awaiting him to either say he knew where they were or the more probable I have no idea, the lot of them more often than naught off doing their own thing day by day.

Subconsioulsy he probably knew where Nightingale was, knowing her she was out and about looking for certain herbs or flowers. That was her niche in this world for the most part, if you needed someone poisoned effectively you went to her. If you needed someone patched up you would go to her without question, forget a traditionally accepted doctor used by the people in towns…just go to her if you get a knife wound. It had been sometime since he had spoken to her, him almost forgetting most of what she had said about her favorite flowers.

It might be odd but contrary to popular belief Hei liked more than just killing people from the shadows, one of the things that he liked were the smell of flowers and nature in general. That being one of the reasons he is usually seen speaking with Nightingale, them having something in common which was rare in the whole assassin group thing. More times than naught most of the group members in any self-respecting assassin’s guild were polar opposites, it being something about them having more of a objective outlook on each mark. Hei always thought that was rather idiotic, such groups never lasted long for that very reason…differences have a way of tearing apart anything, opposites being just that.
A serene, yet disconsolate melody plays from the old phonograph beside Twylum, better known as Nightingale. The airy and mysterious sound of the flute resonated throughout the room strewn with shelves by the walls, all filled with vials of different herbs. The dimly lit room, faintly smelled of Casablanca Lily and nighttime, which added to the mysterious spirit of Nightingale's room. The only window was open, letting the silver light from the moon hanging from the skies, along with the multitude of stars, and also letting the chilly breeze fly in that made the jade green curtains move like specters in the shadows.

In the midst of the scattered papers and stray pages filled with notes and scribbles, was a small sofa upholstered with maroon velvet. Twylum laid on it, looking as beautiful as the Cassiopeia and mysterious as the night that held the constellation. Her ebony hair, swept back behind her ears as she read another book about medicinal plants, while her lips softly spoke the words in the book. "Aloe Vera... The Purple Coneflower... infections... wounds..."

Peaceful and dim. A temporary paradise for Nightingale.

Knowing the others, Twylum would suspect that one of them would be on the rooftops, strolling and enjoying the night while it's still there, while the others would be out in a nearby tavern drinking and looking for a fight, but Twylum was content in where she is now. There was nothing much to do, but the books and the notes around her was pulling her towards them through an invisible force. Killing people was always hard for Nightingale, when she thinks about it, but when one is in the battlefield one doesn't have the time to think and as much as it pains Twylum to see the blood of others spilling out of them, nothing could satisfy her thirst for vengeance, but the blood of the murderers that killed her family forming a crimson pool where their dead and soulless bodies swim to the depths of Hell.
There was something on the wall. It was rather small, no bigger then a dime, and a dark, brown color. Upon closer inspection, Lasair, aka Hotshot, could see eight, spiny legs covered in small hairs. For a moment, he said nothing, and just stared and the insect, processing what he was seeing. Then came the aftershock, followed by a girlish shriek as he jumped back, slamming into the wall with a loud thud. "SPIDER!" He screamed, scrambling back as the insect scampered down the wall, vanishing behind a chair. There was no way in hell he was staying in this room after that, after that little pest vanished to who-knows-where.

Almost comically terrified, Lasair sprinted out of the room, slamming the door behind him and gasping for air. "Spiders," he whispered with a slight shudder, shaking the hair out of his eyes. That was the only thing that seemed to leave him screaming like a little girl, the only thing that seemed to be able to defeat him. At first glance, most expected him to be fearless and strong. Who wouldn't, with his muscular, brute appearance and extravagant height. And he was rather good looking, with dark brown eyes and hair that matched, the perfect messy style that constantly fell into his eyes.

Women swooned at the sight of him, most of which he ignored. Of course, he was kind towards them, never cruel nor harsh, but he also made it clear that he was not interested. He had his eyes on someone else, though anything happening between the two of them was doubtful. But he refused to let any other woman effect him, unless the feelings he had for her faded away, another fact he doubted. Not that it mattered currently. What mattered now was getting as far as possible from the room with that spider.
Could also called Rain had just got back from going out. "It's just like me to have something like this happen." Cloud started walking up to Twylum's room while holding his arm. As he walked around the corner blood spilled out of his arm. "Oww stupid arm stop bleeding!" Cloud was now yelling at his arm. Twylum's room was now just a few feet away. Cloud walked up to the door and knocked. "Hey Twylum can you help me for a minute? My arm is bleeding and no it won't stop can you help?" Asked Cloud as he kept knocking.

"Hey Twylum I mean Nightingale sorry sometimes I forget that we all have codenames" Cloud put his arm behind his head and it started bleeding again. "Ahh come on Nightingale please answer." Cloud kept knocking on the door. Suddenly the spider that was in Hotshots room ran out beside Cloud. "Ahh a spider please help me Nightingale there is a spider." Could started knocking with both arms on the door ingoring the blood that was spewing from his arm.
With a mournful sigh, Twylum said farewell to her temporary paradise, with the hope to come back to it again once the infernal banging on her door would cease. She silently padded, with a cat-like grace to it, and open the door; revealing Rain. "Good evening to you too, Rain. Why is it that you come to disturb my evening with an irrelevant report about a spider?" She asked nonchalantly, but still maintaining her grace. "Ah. Your hand is bleeding." She added as she eyed Cloud's arm that was streaked with red.

She looked to the side, where she can see the wall beside her. "This Spider?" Twylum couldn't stop a smile. "Why, it's nothing, but a harmless Sac Spider." Nightingale sighed, bent down to reach for her slippers, and with an effortless grace struck down on the poor spider with a loud thud.

"Now, come. That wound must be cleaned before it gets infected."
It was peaceful, although she didn't suspect it'd last long.

The air was chilly enough from the night to read without fanning herself in her own room, but the tension she suspected she'd 'go through' would inevitably ruin that.

She was in an okay mood, but that wouldn't last long.

Anti, also known as Joker, was skimming through the contents of an old book filled with different types of magic. She had bargained for it the day before yesterday and she was practically dying to read it before she had to go out on the job. The only reason she hasn't read it sooner is because there's always something happening that required her attention.


"Ahh, a spider, please help me!"

"Speak of the devil!" As soon as Anti rose up from her satellite chair inside her dimly lit room, she saw Lasair, one of her comrades, burst in her very own room. As he screamed in a rather girlish manner, Anti painfully placed her hands to her ears. "Alright, alright! Let me get the goddam spider before you break a window trying to run from it!" Anti grimaced, heading out to her room. Looking around, she mumbled a bit of jumbled words under her breath. It resulted in the spider that was pestering the two to light up with harmless sparks that made it easier for her to tell where the spider was. In an instant, she grasped one of the small, hairy legs of the spider using the tips of her nails and tossed it out of the window nearest to her. "Dispell," She chanted, and the sparks were gone when the spider landed on the ground.

After all of that, she turned towards the two, sighing. "I might as well try for a spell that gets rid of all spiders in the friggin house, just for you two."

((As I am too lazy to edit this to accommodate the late post, just think she never really did anything to the spider.))
Cloud walked into Nightingale's room. "Umm thank you for taking care of the spider. How can you not be afraid of them?" Cloud pulled up a chair and sat down. "Do you think my arm will be alright? That spider didn't help anything. Oh yeah I guess your wondering how I got this cut well it's a long story and I don't remember most of it but here are the details I remember. It was a night just like tonight in fact it was tonight I was bored so I wen't out to a bar down in town and this man said to me that I couldn't chugg more vadka then he could! So naturally we made a bet and then we got out the vadka and after that is mostly a blur. But I won! Then the man said you are one *Hic* awesome person to drink with we should do it again sometime. Then I said sure and I left."

Cloud looked up at the cealing like he could see it all happening again. "But then ohh and this is the juicy part! On my way back home I decided to practice with my knife by the way never practice with sharp objects when your drunk! I was swinging it around and then there was this squerle on the path and he wanted to play! After we had played for a bit I droped my knife on the ground and the squerle had jumped on my back and the knife was sticking straight up and it cut my arm all up. Then I stabbed the squierle to death and now I am here. Pretty reasonable story if you ask me. *Hic*" Said Kite.
((Codenames are used in Missions. It is up to player if they want to address other players as their codename/real name out of missions.))

As the cry of spider ringed throughout the base, Iencio couldn't help but chuckle. "I guess they are around here somewhere." His eyes were barely lit up by the moon's light, a very sharp blue. His hair was kinda an eyesore at night, but he couldn't get rid of it. He does his jobs well enough, he didn't have to really worry about it. He looked back over to Hei. "It's odd...this family. Sometimes I feel like we're just human...but then the battlefield reminds me."


The Voice was an elegant man. He dressed as such, and acted accordingly, even though he does speak Sarcasm as a second language. He was walking down the road, passing the slums. A thug started to trail him, closing the distance between the two. Voice was humming a soft tune that was interrupted as a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"The last one didn't have enough on him to even buy a new jacket. If you know what's wise, I'd advise you to hand over any valuable." The gristly voice spoke.

"Here, catch!" Voice tossed his cane at the man. As the man started to catch it, he ended up collapsing over due to the sudden backhand that became acquainted with his face. The cane twirled through the air and Voice caught it, taking a bow. He then twirled the cane, stopping it where the handle was on the ground, acting as sort of a golf club.

"Fore!!!" he smiled as he took the cane up into the man's torso. He couldn't help but chuckle as he his unlucky 'golf ball' landed in a nearby dumpster. He continued on his way towards HQ, resuming his tune.
Lasair couldn't help but grin as Anti, or Joker, as he preferred to call her, ranted at them for freaking out over a spider. At least the pest was dead now, so Lasair could freely admire Joker, ready to whistle and look away in innocence if she happened to turn to face him. He would prefer to leave things the way they were, him being able to at least be friends with this girl, if he couldn't be more. The last thing he wanted was to ruin this friendship, even if he was overly obnoxious half of the time.

"There's a spell for that?" He asked, perking up as Joker mentioned a spell for getting rid of the spiders everywhere just for him and Cloud. "Seriously, if you did that, I would love you forever," a smile cracked across his lips as he leaned against the wall, eyes wandering over to Nightingale and Cloud. Cloud, per usual, was rambling on about how he got the cut on his arm, a rather odd story, yet completely normal for him. This wouldn't be the first time he came home with tales to tell.
Anti sighed and rolled her eyes. Could she not get three hours to herself to read and study a book of magic? Three?

"Again with the super obnoxious stories and the super obnoxious fear of spiders, again with the disruptions..." Anti contemplated, thinking that she might come up with an advanced behavioral spell to get Cloud to stop drinking. It made him seem more unintelligent than he really was, and she couldn't even understand what was happening to him in the past hour or so according to him.

Anti turned to Lasair, nodding. "Of course there's one, it's a bit specific so I can just make it myself. But, you know..." Making a rather coy face, Anti stuck her tongue out and stuck it inbetween her index and middle fingers of her right hand. "Getting rid of all the spiders would mean more insects coming in, and I wouldn't be able to tolerate that!" She slurred, in the same coy manner.
Tsking his tongue lightly in between his teeth, Lasair shot Anti a devilish grin, waggling his brows. "Hey, insects I can handle. Spiders...." he shuddered, shaking his head, "God no." His grin widened as she stuck her tongue out at him, copying the gesture exactly, fingers and all. He then let his hand drop, a look of hesitation in his eyes as he bit his lip, examining Anti with a curious look on his face. Don't do it, he told himself sharply as he took a slow step towards her, Snap out of it. Shaking his head, he stepped back again, giving Anti a small smile. "Tongue belongs in your mouth, sweetheart," he said jokingly, giving her a quick wink. He opened his mouth to say something else, but snapped it shut again, suddenly finding the ceiling fascinating to look at. I gotta get over this.... he thought to himself grimly, his gaze flickering briefly towards Joker, then back to the ceiling.

"Hey Joker," he said, still not looking at her, for reasons he would not state, even in his head. Hopefully she wouldn't figure it out. He didn't want, or need, the awkwardness right now. Or ever, for that matter. "Wanna go play with some swords now?" His eyes twinkled slightly, knowing that she was great with swords, even though he just... wasn't. Still, he had fun with her every time he helped her train, although he constantly got his butt kicked by her talents. Not that he would ever admit defeat.
Twylum shot him a look of disbelief and unconsciously tightened the bandage around Cloud's arm. "I'm sorry." She said. "I feel sorry for the squirrel, to give him such a shameful death, that is. I never want to die in the hands of a drunkard, do you?" She asked, as she took a damp cloth and wiped the little faint marks of dried blood around her companion's arm.

"Drink this." Twylum reached for the cup of steaming ginger ale and handed it to Cloud. "You cannot sleep here tonight, not in you condition. Leave after you're done drinking that." She added before she stood up and gathered the scattered books and papers around them. The phonograph was silent now, she turned it off a few moments age when Cloud came in and splattered blood on the floor, and the room was filled with the stench of ginger, Aloe Vera and dried blood.
"Sorry I didn't think about that and I'm sorry for the blood. Thanks for patching up my arm, Good night." Cloud smiled at her and walked out of the room. "I hope that there arn't any more spiders around that wouldn't be good in my condition right now."Cloud said looking at his arm. "I wonder when were going to have another mission?" Cloud asked himself. Then a spider came out of the wall in front of Clouds room. "I'm not sleeping in there tonight." Cloud turned around and wen't over to Hotshot. "Hey Hotshot can I sleep in your room tonight there are spiders in my room." Asked Cloud.
It wasn't that Anti was completely clueless, she just thought it was an odd thought to think Lasair had a crush on her. His behavior, of course, had to mean something. She just had to tell herself it was something other than love, and if she did blurt out that thought it would be majorly awkward.

"I'm guessing you're sick or something," she stated, "or else you wouldn't be staring up at the ceiling like a loon." She placed her right hand on her hip. She was supposed to keep reading, like she wanted to, but she had a feeling Voice would be back soon and she couldn't get interrupted at the middle of it. She could, however, get interrupted in a sparring match, even if it was against a less experienced person. "I hope that doesn't affect your sword fighting skills because you're going to need them if you're going to learn anything.~"
Dramatically, Lasair swept his head back, resting the back of his hand on his brow. "Fever and everything, darling," he joked with a grin, his gaze sweeping over her briefly before reaching her eyes. He barely noticed Cloud, asking if he could sleep in his room because of a spider in his own. "Go for it," he said, sparing him a quick glance, "Just don't kill anything." His eyes floated back to Anti, a smirk crossing his lips at her commentary. "Hey, a guy needs to get his butt whooped every once in a while," he said with a laugh, "Besides... You need a training dummy." He spread his arms wide, gesturing to himself, "That's where I come in."
Hei absentmindedly looked to the side out toward the distant buildings, his mind wandering at the moment while was speaking. He heard everything that he said though, his absentminded look being merely a ruse to thwart those that thought he was not paying attention…it being a skill he had learned after a need to appear less intelligent. He looked over at Iencio and said with a light shrug, “I think of us as humans, each human has the urge to kill or strike out at someone.” He paused for a moment and then added with a light grin, “We just merely act on the urge.”

He stretched and let out a light sigh, him rubbing the back of his neck after, “I think I’ll go and see what the others are up to.” With a quick about-face he started toward the door, his steps more or less carefree…his demeanor radiating which could be seen by how he carried himself. He paused before he opened the door and said with a light nod, “You know where to find me if The Voice turns up.” With that he went inside, letting the door swing shut behind him as he descended the staircase down to the living quarters. His mind wandering as he passed by Anti’s living quarters, him not bothering to look inside even though the door was open.

However as he passed by Twylum’s room he glanced inside, him seeing her with an annoyed look upon her face as she was gathering an assortment of books and papers. After that he looked down and noticed some blood splotches on the ground, him figuring she had patched someone up earlier…odds are the patient was one of their own. His brow rose and his head shook, him leaning against the door frame, “Which one was it this time?” His arms crossed over his chest as he stood there, his coat scrunching up as he did so.
"Ah, you're not much of a training dummy though." Anti said, giving him a little look-over before she took one of his hands. She'd personally move the both of them at once towards the training area she had in mind, and it would've been much faster than just walking there.

So she did so. It took a while, like all movement magic did for her. The destination wasn't all that far away since it was right at HQ, just a little way from her room on the same building, so there wasn't much of an energy cost to compensate for the movement. Once they got there, a slight rush of wind game out of nowhere in particular and whipped through the two's heads which made their hair fly away for a moment, then rest back in place. A sign the transportation was successful.

The place was very open and well-lighted with simplistic design as it was optimized for training and such. There wasn't much of anything to distinguish it with, but there might be soon if the room was used more seriously in the future. Anti got right to business, opening the special storage device embedded into her chest, taking out two swords. One, the reinforced bamboo sword, was made for this sort of thing. Practice. Another, basically the opposite of the bamboo, was an iron longsword that seemed to have done a considerate amount of murder in it's time. It was sharp as it was deadly. Guess which one she used?

"The bamboo sword," Anti said, "That I beat you with on several occasions. Pretty lightweight, blunt as to not wound but bruise, maybe. But I wouldn't go that far." Anti pushed the longsword to the floor and kicked it for it to stop at his shoes. "I'll let you go first."
Iencio nodded as Hei disappeared. "The urge to kill... but the reasons can differ..." He quietly spoke to the empty sky. He waited for quite some time as he saw a familiar face walk up towards their old building. "Voice." Iencio spoke. "You took some time today."

"So I've noticed." Voice replied. "I got a bit sidetracked on the way here...played a bit of golf with some unlucky thug as my ball." The Voice grinned from ear to ear upon saying that. "But I did find an interesting case. Something a bit bigger than last case, actually. I even wonder if you lot can handle it. Just kidding. Gather the others and meet me at 'The Cave.' in half an hour's time for briefing."

The Cave is the space under the HQ. It's a bit too big to call just a basement, but it's where they kept a lot of their training equipment. One time a contest broke out among a few of the members and Voice to see who could drill through the wall the quickest. Needless to say after that mess, Voice affectionately called the place 'The Cave' since.

"Alright, but if you are late to this briefing again, you might have to check your food once or twice." He smiled as he turned to walk inside. He began to walk down the stairs and look for the others. He stopped at Twylum's door, seeing Hei's back. "Voice is back." He spoke to the people in the room. "Briefing in half hour." He continued to his room. He entered it and walked across the room to his fish. He smiled as he saw them. He grabbed their food and put a few flakes inside their tank. He turned back and continued his way towards the center room. "I wonder where Anti and Lasair are..."
"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?" Lasair said with a scowl, clearly joking, his eyes twinkling slightly. Yet, he shut up immediately as Anti grabbed his hand, his brows shooting up in surprise at the touch. It was small, but it still shocked him, oddly, and he was slow to regain his composure. After the gust of wind swept his hair, he blinked, looking around the area, then glancing over to Anti. She opened the special storage device embedded into her chest, containing two swords. One was bamboo, made for practice, the other an iron long sword, one he had seen her use in battle, and would definitely not underestimate her with. Not that he underestimated her with the frickin bamboo stick. That thing beat his butt plenty, as she stated.

When she kicked the iron sword over to him, he stared at it blankly, briefly unsure on what to do. Then he shook his head, giving her his usual smirk, and bending down to pick up the sword. "Nice arena," he said with a whistle, swinging the sword rather poorly in his hand. It slipped from his grasp and clattered noisily to the floor, echoing throughout the room. Sheepishly, he merely stood there for a moment, scratching the back of his head as he slowly edged over and picked up the sword, holding it in his hand like a normal person. Already, he knew he was screwed in this practice round, and it hadn't even started. "Bruise me all you want," he said with a laugh, "I can handle it."
[MENTION=3377]Mediocritys Muse[/MENTION]

Twylum flinched at the voice that came from behind and quickly composed herself. "It's very rude to peek in someone's room, especially a lady's." She replied, annoyed and irritated. She walked towards the desk beside her sofa and placed the papers and books on it. "What do you need, Hei?" She asked and eyed him sternly.

"I don't see any wounds or injuries on you; what do you want?" Twylum asked as she placed her crossed arms on her chest. "As for your question before, the one that Intentionally ignored just to reprimand you for peeking in my room, it was Cloud. He got drunk and sliced his arm with his knife." She added as she walked closer towards her unexpected guest.

She eyed Hei's coat and narrowed her eyes at him. "Isn't it a bit too warm for wearing such coat?" She asked, a small smile played on her lips.
Anti giggled. "As much as I do want to bruise somebody in practice, I can't right now." Not until she knew that they didn't have anything to do for the day. It was just a matter of his state of being. If she were to put his body under some form of stress, she would risk having him run missions in that same state, also giving a slight chance of compromising the whole thing. Even if Lasair had been pretty tough, and Anti had beat him a few times with the same training sword, she couldn't hurt him.

She advanced quickly. Her movements were serious, but her attacking wasn't. She first disarmed him by knocking the sword away to the other side of the room. With a quick twist in her arm, she brought up the sword to knock his chin up, thwarting a bit of his balance. Then it was time to finish, by sliding low and slamming the bamboo sword into the back of the knee. With the suppressed effort, she managed to have him stumbling if not tumbling down to the ground.
Lasair didn't even have time to react. In a blur of movements, Anti had knocked the sword out of his hands, sending it skidding across the room. When she brought the sword up to his chin, he stumbled backwards, already completely off balance. She finished it with a swift hit to the back of his knee, leaving him tumbling to the ground. He landed face first, but managed to catch himself, somersaulting forward and hitting the ground with his back.

"Okay..." He muttered, giving her a grin, "As usual, you win." He stayed on his back, resting his hands behind his head and flicking his bangs out of his eyes. "Bet I can beat you on hand to hand though," he joked, a smirk crossing his lips. He probably could, considering that was where his talents lay, but he also didn't want to accidentally hurt her, either.
Cloud was now alone since Lasair and Anti had gone to the training area. "Well I guess I'll just wonder around waiting for some orders from Voice." Cloud walked outside and saw this beautiful rose beside a bright yellow flower. "I think I'll give this to Twylum and say sorry for the blood.

Cloud walked back over to Twylum's room to offer to help clean up his own blood droppings that had fell into her floor and to give her the flowers. While he was walking over to her room he overheard what Twylum had said. "Now listen Twylum it didn't go like that the squirl did it!" Cloud randomly appeared beside Hei. "Hey Hei." Said Cloud quicky then looked back over to Twylum. "Oh yeah the reason I came back hey Twylum I didn't properly thank you for patching up my arm from that squirl attack. So here." Cloud pulled the flowers out from behind his back. "They were pretty so I brought them to you to thank you." Cloud smiled. "Do you need any help cleaning up my blood?" Asked Cloud.

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