The Silence

Character Sign-Up Sheet:

Full Name:






Amount of Time Spent in Asylum:

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence:

Insanity Level (1-10):

Cell Number:


My Character/Example:

Full Name: Charnette Lilura

Age: 19

Gender: Female



History: As a young girl, she was fascinated with everything paranormal. She would collect voodoo dolls (She'd never use them), try her luck at seances, even once buying "ghost hunting" equipment. She would always read horror and try some of the games said to be able to let you meet ghosts and such. One night, she had been trying to figure out how to do one game, when suddenly, there was no noise. No cars, no crickets, nothing. She could hear a slight whispering in her ear. It stayed there, driving her insane, when she was eighteen and put into the asylum.

Personality: She is quiet, not very trusting, and forgetful. She has had short term memory loss for as long as she can remember. She is slowly spiraling into the deep pits of insanity. She prefers to have her solitude.

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: One year

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: Nine years

Insanity Level (1-10): 8

Cell Number: 7

Other: She has a great fondness for animals. She loves music and poetry. Before being put into the asylum, she would always play video games.

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Full Name: Jayden Snow

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Appearance: Small for his age, Jayden was always stunted in growth compared to the kids that went to his school. Dark brown hair that came to a spot a few inches above his eyebrows framed his round eyes, which changed between a dark blue and green depending on the color around him.

History: Jayden's parents were both murdered when he was four years old, no reason or cause of their death was ever found, and he was then moved into a home with his aunt. He had a sister that was a few years older. Jayden and his sister Serah both had a pretty normal life with their Aunt. However, after the years went by Jayden experienced the death of his Sister at the age of 11, which started around the same exact time the Silence came. To this day, Jayden hasn't said a word. The reasons behind his placement in Asylum are unknown currently.

Personality: Quiet, contemplative, loves watching people, helpful, friendly, sad and self-less to a fault, spongelike, absorbs new experiences.

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: 3 Months

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: 4 Months

Insanity Level (1-10): 3

Cell Number: 18

The un-perfected ability to communicate with others via his mind, placing words, thoughts, images into minds of others; which gets him into trouble more than it helps him out.
Full Name: Jason Michael

Age: 21

Gender: Male


At the age of 8 years old, Jason's parents were brutally murdered. When police arrived on scene, Jason was found in his house covered in his parent's blood, with their dead bodies strewn around the house. The evidence all pointed to Jason, who claimed his innocence the entire trial - claiming evil spirits had murdered his parents. Nobody believed this, naturally. The jury assumed Jason had done the horrid crime to his parents and was just insane. It was then decided for him in the court system, that he would remain at the Asylum until he was not longer a threat to society. He remains there to this day.

Personality: Honest to a fault, likes to help out around the asylum, doesn't open up much, very mysterious, flirtatious

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: 13 years

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: 13 years

Insanity Level (1-10): His charts list him at an insanity level of 10, but he claims he isn't at all.

Cell Number: 1

Jason knows more about things then he likes to act.
Full Name: Jordan Ream Crowwe

Age: 22

Gender: male


360 × 480 -

jordan when he isnt possesed by the silence ^^^^

1600 × 877 -

jordan when he IS possesed by the silence, this is the closest to a picture anyone has. ^^^^

History:well, jordan was a just fine child, with himself alone with his mom, a nice child, an only child, his dad left a while back, jordan didnt mind, he just trekked on, pretend he didnt mind, it was always in the back of his mind, he was always a but insane, but he was happy, mostly, he would do a lot of things to get his father off his mind, he would ride his bike, enjoy his friends, his activities, his tv, and had charmed himself a good looking girlfriend! but when he was 14, a terrible thing happened, everything went silent... no breathing, just whispers, slowly, oh, so, slowly, jordan began to hear them increase in volume until they were shouting in his ears: "kill her, just kill her... KILL HER JORDAN! SHE DROVE YOUR FATHER OFF! SHE MADE YOU AN ONLY CHILD! WHY DO YOU THING SHE HAS JUST ONE PATCH OF ROSES!?! WHY DONT YOU DIG THEM UP!?! YOU'LL SEE IT JORDAN, YOU SEE ONE OF US, A CHILD OF SILENCE, DEAD, BUT ALIVE!! RIGHT FROM THE START SHE KILLED HIM JORDAN!! KILL HER KILL HE-!" then jordan blocked off his ears, ran to the bumpy patch of roses, he found something that shook him so deeply, so very deeply, that he started cutting his arms off with his mothers gardening spade, then he blakced out due to blood loss, he woke up some time later, and saw something like a slab of meat, with its blood everywhere, then he pulled the two flaps toghether,putting the suspiciously human-sized organs back in place, he saw his mother, her eyes shriveled up, a look if comeplete and utter terror mixed with a smile and slit like lines cut in to her throat, that was when the police came, they caught him with his hand in his mothers stomach, squeezing half digested food out, crying silently, but smiling, jordan did not recount that time in court, but he had about 3 seconds until he was given a choice, death penalty or this bloody insane asylum, go fish, why don't you, how about that carcass in the corner, OH WAIT, THATS YOU! good night... AND DONT FORGET TO TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!!

Personality: Happy, but in a creepy way, flirtatious, but intimidatingly so, snake-like

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: 8

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: 9

Insanity Level (1-10): 9 1/2

Cell Number: 102

jordan smuggles in lots of stuff, if you need anything, jordan can give it to you, for a price.
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Full Name: Xavier Wood

Age: 16

Gender: M

Appearance: He has wild and curly grey hair with black strikes running though it. His eyes are nearly aways bloodshot to the pupil. Which is dark blue. He has a small frame and is very skinny for his age.

History: He used to live on a farm. All the animals and the fresh air made him feel happy. Until the day the silence came. He was used to the moise of the night. Owls and other creatures. Flying, squawking running and playing. The silence is what drove him mad. The sounds of the night stopped. The sound of the old house stopped. Every sound stopped. He went to his parents room, as he was sacred. So very scared. He opened the door and felt a rush of cold air racing out of the room. The air was different. It felt as if it went though your very soul and played around with it. The air felt alive. He looked at the bed. The bed was saturated with blood. He saw arms on the covers and legs on the floor. He saw his parents killed. He snapped. Went around the bend. Lost his marbles that very night. Tge rush of air returned. But this time it bared knowledge. He felt it. The reasons for everything. All explained. The police arived the next day. The next night was the first of many to be in the prison.

Personality: He's mentally unstable. He jibbers and jabbers all day long. Muttering about the spirits. He is a lost cause as far as the gaurds know. But he knows things. He knows far to many things for his young mind to handle.

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: 8 years

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: 8 years

Insanity Level (1-10): 11

Cell Number: 57

Other: Loves animals and long walks.
Full Name: Adrian Boyd

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Adrian has lost all of his memory except for the faint feeling of comfort.

Personality: Adrian is cautious but curious most of the time. He can easily get lost in thought and excited when faced with a new problem or mystery wanting to know how they could solve it. He warms but to others easily and is very caring and kind knowing much about the world due to his memorization level. Adrian loves sweets and animals, becoming slightly childish when he's playful. He's known to giggle when he likes something...a lot or is excited.

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: 5 years

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: 8 years

Insanity Level (1-10): 8

Cell Number: 68

Other: Adrian loves acoustic music, playing the ukulele and loves writing. He can often be found mumbling to him when stressed or deep in thought.
Full Name:Xobic loner




History:he cannot remember

Personality:it changes so much no one knows his real personality or what it's going to be

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: just got brought here

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence:8 years

Insanity Level (1-10):10

Cell Number:666

Other:((come join my roleplay
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Full Name: Alex Faye

Age: 15

Gender: Male


History: Alex has always been insane... Always... He played out images of killing people all the time in his head. He has always remembered how he killed his family... He remembers how fun it was to hear The Silence telling him to keep hitting his dead father and remembered how he pushed his brother off the swing then stomped his face in. Alex wasn't really all this bad though he does have a good side it's just easy to set off his bad side... Real easy. He loves to bash peoples brains in but he loves talking with others and he hates when the silence talks to him but as weak as he is usually listens to it.

Personality: Very friendly and talkable person but gets set off easily and can kill others if he gets egged on enough.

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: 10

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: 15

Insanity Level (1-10): 1 (When normal) 10 (When The Silence speaks)

Cell Number: Lucky number 3 (Even though he isn't lucky.)

Is bisexual but acts heterosexual (He likes girls more then guys but still likes guys.)
Full Name: Tyger (Ty) Elijah

Age: 18

Gender: Female



History: Tyger grew up in a commune, isolated from society, but not from people. She was happy there, completely content, and nobody would've suspected her as one to go insane. But she did.

It all started when she was 13. She had been homeschooled by her parents for all her life, but now was old enough to be educated with the other children in the commune. Ty was social, and made friends easily, but there was one boy who constantly bullied her. She had never had a bad thought in her life, but one day in class, the boy called her a hideous name and the other kids laughed. Then everything went silent. Tyger shook off the name-calling, but never quite shook the nagging voice in the back of her head telling her to hurt the boy. Kill him.

Then, when she was 15, the same boy became her first boyfriend. They were both tired of commune life and finally ran away together after 6 months. They lived in the city, and if that wasn't enough stress on a 15-year-old that's been isolated her whole life, along with the Silence, her boyfriend began to physically and sexually abuse her. She packed her bags to go back to the commune one night, and the next thing she knew, she was here, in the asylum, bloody and bruised and clinically insane. (She'll be trying to piece it together for a portion of the RP.)

Personality: She's very social, and loves talking to people. She's also very flirty. Tyger has a mysterious air about her, and is very graceful in everything she does. She's witty and quick on her feet, able to retort quite fast. Ty had good intentions, taught to her on the commune, but is deeply disturbed.

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum: 2.5 years

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: 5 years

Insanity Level (1-10): 7 (slowly increasing)

Cell Number: 2

Other: She's bisexual, mostly heterosexual.
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Full Name:Elizabeth Worthington



Appearance:5’11 has a skinny figure (nto slim) hair is red and down to about her hip area generally wears white clothes when she can. skin is a natural tan colour. has several freckles and blue eyes.

History: she was raised in a relatively rich community everyone was close and she went to a private school when she reached the age of fourteen she really had nothing to do since her parents thought that she would go out more at this age they no longer stayed with her and focused more on the younger children. however this was not the case. she was heavily bullied and though not to the point of depression nobody really liked her she was apparently to up front and not that fun. one day she was sitting in her room staring at the roof when she realized it was quite not just quiet, no noise and the last thing she remember was a wisper that said “go”. then she awoke with a knife in her hand one of her bullies scared on the floor and a man barely managing to keep her on the floor. Her parents tried everything therapy, medical treatment, MRI’s even some non conventional items, even though she did not murder someone this all changed when she turned 17. she was sitting in her room again with nothing to do then suddenly silence again. she started saying “no no NO NO NOT AGAIN” then the voice whispered “go”. next thing she knew she was standing over a dead corpse. with no other choice and the parents scared this may happen to them they sent her to the asylum where she stays to this day.

Personality: Elizabeth is a narrow minded person she generally goes with what she thinks is right and is very blunt in conversations. when you talk to her it is like walking through land mines where the center is the winning lottery ticket. if you get on her good side she is willing to risk her life for you and you can almost never make her angry get on her bad side though and she will hold a grudge at you till the bitter end. over all though do not expect her to sugar coat anything once she thinks of something to say she is blunt about it. but before deciding what to say she will listen what you have to say first that is why she is considered to be a very good listener.

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum:1 year

Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence: 4 years

Insanity Level (1-10): 3 (goes up to 9 when changed)

Cell Number:7

Other: bi-sexual

the workers have figured out that the best way to prevent the silence from coming in is to keep her busy with as many chores as possible when she's not with other people and only making her not busy when she is sleeping.

Full Name:

Bonnie Avery







Bonnie had always been described as "an average person", and nothing ever gave her a reason to believe otherwise. That is, until about four years ago when everything went quiet. Her parents, fearing the worst, took her to every doctor they could get their hands on, but they found nothing wrong with her. The doctors concluded that she was deaf, but could not explain why. Bonnie's parents pulled her out of school and began teaching her at home, otherwise continuing like everything was normal, but the girl knew something was very, very wrong.

After two years, Bonnie was now adjusted to her silent life and even learned simple gestures for sign language, however she mostly just communicated by writing what she needed to say in a notebook she always carried around. However, one day she could hear it: faint whispers that sounded both far away and extremely close all at once. She tried to ignore them, but they eventually grew louder and louder to the point where she couldn't even think. She remembers frantically digging through drawers and cabinets, searching for something but she couldn't -

She watched the flame dance on the lighter, now calmer than she has ever been. The voices were gone now, and she knew that everything was going to be okay.

Suddenly she was laying on the grass in her backyard, looking up at the night sky. She could smell something burning and felt something warm and bright nearby. Curious, she looked up at her now burning house, the ringing in her ears fading and people's shouts drowned out the silence. She was rushed to the hospital immediately, then to the police station. After a year and countless jury hearings, Bonnie Avery was sent to the asylum.


Bonnie is quite shy and not at all talkative, but it is rather easy to get her to open up with some persistence. She is known to be a bit blunt, but she does not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. The girl is truly generous and kindhearted, but not trusting. She does not believe she belongs in the asylum, and will remark that her parents will coming to get her soon. If insulted, she will attempt to remain calm but will resort to physical violence.

If you catch her mumbling to herself, keep all flammable items at a safe distance.

Amount of Time Spent in Asylum:


Amount of Time Being Able To Interact With The Silence:


Insanity Level (1-10):

Fluctuating between 3 and 8

Cell Number:



Bonnie used to have long, beautiful hair, but had to get it cut due to fire damage. She also has burn scars on her arms, legs, and torso.


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