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Realistic or Modern The Sharehouse CS


Junior Member
Life for young people was becoming ever harder in terms of supporting themselves though their various collages, diplomas, traineeships and schools. For whatever reason, home is not an option, and you are out in the big world on your own. You have the perilous task of looking for cheap accommodation within a reasonable distance to work or study or both. When you see an add online for a share house with 6 rooms looking for tenants you can’t believe it. It seems perfect. Before long you’ve called the landlord up and organised a viewing. Everyone checks out so you begin moving in. There are five other people living in the same house but you’re sure it won’t be too much of a problem.

It’s time for a new adventure, new friendships and new experiences. Will you move in with us?

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LittleUFO LittleUFO wanderlost wanderlost gangsta gangsta Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay @Overwatch

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Character Sheet

- Realistic image of character-




Brief Description




Study(If applicable)


Margaret Francesca Beaumont

  • 479063af8baed728dc3eb8ed4b94f55c.gif
    name. Margaret Francesca Beaumont

    nickname. Maggie Beaumont

    age. 21

    gender. female

    sexuality. heterosexual

    birthday. April 23

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Name: Elizabeth Montez
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
DoB: 7th Mar



Height: 5’6"
Weight: 119lbs
Brief Description: Short black hair constantly cut into a pixie style. She has a very narrow frame, stands quite short and has very little body fat or muscle. Her eyes are mud coloured and very intense. She has a square, masculine jaw and sharp cheek bones. Her features are very angular. She dresses like she only shops in cheap shops or Op shops. She also has a rather large collection of music festival band shirts and hoodies with unique slogans that she bought online.


Personality: wip

Likes: Black Coffee, Heavy Metal, Classic Rock, Oversized tees, Horror movies, Candles, Weed and Tobacco, Piano music
Dislikes: Tea, Scented candles, Hard Candy, Uptight people, being woken up, mornings, Attics
Fears: Storms (Intense Irrational Fear)
Quirks/habits: Smoking weed/tobacco/cigars, Drinking, Blinks a lot when upset
Description: Beth likes to act like she is made of stone. She self proclaims that she is a loner and wants to stay that way. She rejects kindness because she never trusts that it is un-motivated or real. She is hard to get to know in general. She is a lot of fun to hang out with on a surface level, however, and has plenty of 'Friends' who don't actually know the first thing about her. She likes to sleep with people but she never has been very good at relationships. She is untrusting and jealous, and expects to be messed around with from the start. Plus she rarely opens up with her own thoughts and feelings, unless she is truely comfortable with someone.

Beth can be a little on the fiery side. She gets angry easily and isn't afraid to talk about it. She will tell you all about what her thoughts on you are and will not hold back if they are not positive. She has no muscle and definitely wouldn't last long in a fight, but she has been known to start them anyway. Her nose is slightly bent from being broken too many times, and there is a faded scar running down her face from being 'glassed' by an ex boyfriend of hers.

Beth has a soft spot for women who have been through hell, especially with abusive ex partners. When she is very drunk, especially on vodka, she may even talk about herself, however the setting has to be right to loosen her lips. Piano music has always been something that calms her and makes her feel safe and comforted, for example. She has a big heart but it's so hard to reach, that most give up before they reach it.

Beth is very arty. She has a particular interest in photographing different people, with different backgrounds and different stories. She loves people watching. She thinks about stories as she sees there faces. She hates having to converse with them but she loves still images of those unsuspecting.


Occupation: Part Time Janitor at a High School
Study: Is currently attending art and photography classes at a local collage
Hobbys: Photography, Making dolls for Etsy,
History/Biography: Elizabeth grew up in the rainy and cold countryside of england. Her parents owned a big property and a very beautiful cottage and sheep farm. She enjoyed her life back then. She loved her friends, her parents left her to do whatever she wanted from a pretty young age and she had so much freedom. She didn't have much money but she didn't care. Her friends and her used to get her best friends older sister, Mary, to get them cheap spirits and they would all get off their face, and have sword battles with sharpened sticks. Life was amazing. Unfortunalty Beth's father was pretty old, and his mind was going a bit funny when she was fifteen. He'd been 51 when he'd conceived her and was 66 when she was 15.

He had been cooking dinner and had completely forgotten what he was doing. Not long after the little house was ablaze with fire. Her mother didn't make it out, nor did her father or her little sheep dog, fly. So Beth was whisked away from the countryside to stay with her aunty and her family who lived in the city. She disliked the city a lot, but at least it had more opportunity for her. She was bought a camera and spent all her time making art and taking pictures. She had about 6 scrapbooks full by the time she was old enough to move out.

She started dating when she was 16 and had quite a few bad relationships, but none quite so bad as when she turned 18. Her boyfriend at that time she thought the world of. He asked her to move in with him, and she immediately did so. He used to be her weed dealer, but he was also a musician. Unfortunately over time she noticed a pattern. He was slowly taking control of her. She wouldn't wear anything he didn't approve of, she did not go out without his permission, he controlled her money, and often took from her savings without asking. But she loved him, so she blindly put up with the bad times and focused on the good.

Her aunty told her he was bad news but she rejected the idea. Her boyfriend wised up and refused to let her see her anymore. She was the only family Beth had left and this cut her deeply. So she stood up to him. As she grew wiser, he grew more aggressive, and eventually he started hitting her. She covered it up for ages while she worked on getting herself a proper job and her finances in order.

After about half a year went past she felt broken.in a state of weakness she finally told a friend. as it turns out that friend was also sleeping with her boyfriends and was completely un sympathetic. lost, she ran away. She didn't tell anyone where she was going, she just ran and got a new phone number. She got far away and got herself a small house and an office job.

She was happy for a while. She was lonely and guarded, but at least she felt safe from him. Unfortunately a year ago she got fired because she had requested that she change from full time to part time at her office job in order to study art and photography. The only opening she got last minute was a crummy little janitor position in a high school. She had to move into a share house too, unable to pay for rent on her own with her new income.

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Name: Daisy May Finch
Age 21

Gender Female (she/her)
Sexuality Demisexual lesbian
DoB January 12th

Height 5'4"
Weight 116lbs
Brief Description Daisy is relatively short in stature, years of manual labour and physical activity have left her with a lean, muscular build. She has smooth, tanned skin, decorated by a smattering of tattoos (a small flower on her ankle and a star on her hip). Her wide eyes are a pale blue, which contrasts her olive skin. She has thick, long eyelashes and thick brows. Her hair is a dark brown and falls to just below her chin. Her clothing usually consists of low-cut tank tops with old jeans - when cold, she layers of flannel or her army surplus jacket.

Likes Grunge/classic rock music, drawing/photography/art, mechanics, nature.
Dislikes Loud, unexpected noises, people in her personal space, cold weather.
Bad habits - Smoking, chewing nails.


Occupation Automotive Maintenance Technician (Full-time apprenticeship)
Study(If applicable)
Drawing, nature walks, photography.
History/Biography Daisy grew up with what could best be described as a 'dysfunctional' family. Her mother left her when she was nine years old, leaving her to be raised by her two older brothers and her father - a violent alcoholic who was seldom home. The town in which she was raised was small, and she often felt like an outcast among her peers. She dedicated herself to finishing high school and excelled in her metalwork and shop classes; her number one dream was to leave her hometown and pursue a career in mechanics. Following in her brothers' footsteps, she left home the day she finished high school, and has been looking for a suitable living arrangement, bouncing from place to place, ever since.
Daisy seems to be in an endless loop of trying to give up smoking, but she never seems to succeed.
Daisy is not neurotypical and suffers from several anxiety disorders. However, she consistently refuses to acknowledge her symptoms.​

Heim Heim sorry for taking way too long

Name: Walter O'Brien
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DoB: 27/07/1998


Height: 6'3
Weight: 109kgs
Brief Description: Chubby, but skinny.

Personality: Walter is known for working well in any type of situation, from roommate disagreements to a bomb under the building which he can't defuse

Likes: Everyone and everything, flying
Dislikes: People who are angry for no damn reason
Fears: That he will fail, spiders
Quirks/habits: Known for uncontrollable anger when really mad

Lifestyle: He has a lovley house and is known to splurge out at any time.

Occupation: Training Homeland Security Agent
Study(If applicable)

Other: Nothing worth noting

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