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Fantasy The Shadow of The Seal
















Life is like a dream.

and we should cherish the present moment like offering a toast to the moon reflected in the river.


The winds were blowing much harder today. Light brushes of the sea grazed against the ship and birds sang to each other from the sky above. Scarlett rested on the edge of the ship with her eyes closed listening to the sounds around her. Weeks passed with nothing for her to do in Kidem, until she had gotten a recommendation that was worth the wait. The target they were meant to hit today boiled the changeling blood inside. She had never experienced this sort of rage before a mission. It was a first and hopefully doesn’t become a habit.

Opening her eyes they glanced over to Navon, Fennec, and Kiva. Navon was someone she knew to be too much of a pain. A heartless man who soldiered on never hearing or being compassionate about the people around him. No matter how many times she’d tried to be understanding with him, it was never enough for him to see that. The walls he built were too great for her to climb in order for her to reach. It seemed like they have for years for him. Fennec was another agent she had seen around, but never properly got a moment to do a mission with. She had always enjoyed his company and mischievous nature. Truly a changeling at heart, one that leaves her feeling okay with being one most days. Then there was Kiva, the new blood of the Seal. Scarlett has been watching her carefully since she heard that she would be the leader for the recommendation.

Rather bold for the pillars to pick someone with barely any experience to be a leader. That was what interested Scarlett, and she intends to continue her observations until further notice. The moment they hit port she turned head towards her fellow companions, but eyes fell to Navon who seemed to be glancing her way. What an odd man he was. Tilting her head she raised her brows to him with a look that was rather playful; mischievous even with her red lips curling into a smile. She even wiggled her brows a bit, but gave in to a pout seeing he didn’t find it to be amusing.

Such a meanie.

With her lips puckered and chin resting on her knuckle, she waited patiently for orders to be given. She was also impatient for her to get started. Watching Navon and Kiva she raised her head trying to see what they were saying, but it seems that her wish was about to be granted. She watched the woman before her suddenly change like the waves in the sea. Ears perked to listen with a great interest, smiling at the way Kiva was carrying herself. Pages of the story were to be written and here she was with the quill ready on the parchment. Giving speeches were rather tricky to give, especially as a leader. Kiva leaving herself to be vulnerable in some ways leads to other people having doubts or uncertainties, but Scarlett doesn’t believe that to be the case.

“Questions? Comments? Concerns? Cookies?”

The level of speed Scarlett’s hand was raised was nowhere near the human eye can see. Especially when it comes to sweets. She was practically a small child with eyes wide in excitement about something to eat.

“I do! What kind? Chocolate chip? Red velvet?”

♡coded by uxie♡
ometimes Aricia wished her life was more mundane.

It would be easier if she were born a commoner. Perhaps her father could be a farmer, and her mother a performer. She could wake up every day with little worries as to what to say and wear, and instead spend her time hanging out with friends or helping her father out on the farm.

Oh, never mind. That sounds exhausting.

The first week after her trip with Scarlett and Istoire was hell. Instead of returning to the torturous silence of the Belwick Manor, she returned home to her father.

Just being around him was uncomfortable, instead of Aricias heart beating fast out of fear. It was like it stopped, the aura around Aldor Belwick was pure ice. If Saphelle was the Ice Queen, her father was nothing short of a god. Her hair raised on end at the volume of his steps, and a shiver wracked her spine at the coldness of his voice.

He no longer bothered to put on an act with her anymore. Any warmth in his voice had long left him the moment Aricia first enrolled in school.

It was time for Aricia to play the role of a perfect daughter. She dressed up and followed Aldor and her mother to meet another noble family, the Dayos’. She spent her time doing what she must, charming the adults with wit and smiles, and giggling along with their daughters about the latest trends and jewelry.

It wasn’t that Aricia hated speaking with them, she simply worried about her Fathers intentions. What was the Dayos’ relationship with her father? Was he using them? Deceiving them as he did Aricia? Or were they somehow involved in Aldors business? A partner, ready to participate in whatever impurities he gets up to.

The day left Aricia exhausted, her father didn’t leave until the end of the week. And by then she was ready to start feigning sickness just to avoid sitting at that awful dinner table with him ever again.

The nerve her mother had, to ask about her appetite.

When Aricia finally got news of another, bigger, mission, she was excited. Until she found out she was going to Al-Lotoy. Her. Aricia Belwick. The Spy. Going to Al-Lotoy. The place that doesn’t care who you are. Much less if you are a noblewoman. Once again. Her. Aricia Belwick. Going to Al-Lotoy.

Her only relief came with the fact that she wasn’t going with anyone she especially hated. However, after hearing the plan, it seemed she wasn’t going to be spending much time with those she got along with.

Once the plan was set, Aricia spent her time deciding what to wear. A welcome distraction to her anxiety about, once again, going to Al-Lotoy.

The extra time off was needed. Aricia had to go out of her way to commission an outfit- she didn’t own anything that looked like it belonged to anyone but a noblewoman. She had a simple outfit made, one covered with browns and ugly patterns that made Aricia want to gag. What was most important was it was double-lined. Tiny needles laced with poisons and potions were hidden in the clothing and attached to a string. Were anyone to observe the fabrics too closely, they would just think it was a bad sewing job and nothing more.

Aricia had to pray she didn’t get poked by the needles, thankfully, she had proper immunity to most poisons.

Deciding to leave her precious poison dagger behind for fear of losing it in Al-Lotoy, Aricia instead brought a dagger disguised as a hair pin. Hopefully, if at any point she was searched, the guards would leave her hair alone.

Aricia didn’t hide her huffs and puffs as she approached the caravan. Her mood no closer to rising as she observed the merchant outfits in front of her. She leaned against the caravan silently as she listened to Istoire spoke. It seemed he was a Lorekeeper for a reason. He could be a bit clueless at times, but he was prepared, that Aricia could appreciate.

She was tempted to ask about his feet, though.

Aricia bit her cheek to hold back her comments about having to be a Hand Maiden. It made sense, in a way. Saph barely gave off the aura of a regular merchant, to have her play anything less would be asking to get caught.

"These are for good luck during this mission. though with the group we have i do not think we will need them. you all seem confident in your abilities."

Igdunn’s approaching figure snapped Aricia out of her inner complaints, and she observed the red jasper in her hand silently. Not her style, but Aricia wasn’t one to turn down a pretty gem. Perhaps she could have it made into a necklace of some sort?

“Oh, how lovely!” Aricia exclaimed, turning the crystal around in her fingers. After a silent debate, she turned towards Jason and held the crystal out to him.

“Could you hold onto this for me? I don’t have anywhere to hide it and I’m afraid it might be taken if we are searched.” She said, tilting her head with a smile.
Aricia Belwick
Outside Al-Lotoy
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"I have failed you in this labyrinth of my mind..."
The Shadow
  • .
The Twin Cities
Quill ( Klown Klown ), Cresley ( hery hery ),
Kalin ( WillOWispJJ WillOWispJJ ),
Zenith ( Sir Mayday Sir Mayday )

Missions didn't make Kygo nervous: they never had. Even when he worked for the thieves' guild in Al-Lotoy, where the price of failure had been inescapably clear, he had never fallen prey to any urge to worry.
And of course, he hadn't intended to start such a stupid habit now, but it appeared within him anyway: the uneasy flicker in his pulse, the roiling discomfort in his stomach, and above it all, the unknown consequences of failure, shrouding his mind with a veil that allowed nothing to linger except the potential ways he might be sealed into that fate.

It wasn't for him to know why he had already been trusted on a mission with |Cresley| such crucial stakes, but he was convinced that he saw the implication in this assignment from the Pillars anyway.

If you cannot work with agents other than Navon, you are useless to us.

So, he stepped onto the ship, heart throbbing twice as loud in his ears, as he reminded himself once again that no part of this mission could be allowed to go awry.

With the hood of his coat pulled low over his head and an extra strip of cloth layered beneath his earmuffs, Kygo paced to the bow of the ship and sat cross-legged in the small nook where the frame of the vessel came to a point, then tucked his coat tightly around himself.
Faintly shaking, his hands dipped into his pockets and grasped the extra cloth wrappings he had stashed there, balling them up inside his fists as an outlet for some of his stress.

Kygo didn't get sea-sick and rarely became nauseous without good reason, but his empty stomach was unsettled and he was determined not to waste energy on running to the railing to throw up. Perhaps more importantly, disrupting the start of this mission with such dire unpleasantness would simply be unforgivable.

After another moment, Kygo shifted to pull his legs up to his chest and rested his chin lightly on his knees to stare out at the ship's crew. They were busily preparing to depart for the Empire's shores; climbing masts, shouting orders, loosing knots, and finally, pushing off from the dock.

The display was hardly quiet or soothing, and Kygo was all too aware of the colossal threats lurking beneath the waves they were now beholden to, but as the warm sun settled on him and a rhythm began to form within the motion of the ship and the movements of the crew, his eyelids slowly drifted shut and he breathed a touch more easily.
As the urge to sleep continued to grow, Kygo released the tense grip of his hands and shifted his position one last time to prop his head up on his arm, and with a long, steadying sigh, he drifted to sleep.

"Land ho!"

The sounds of the Twin Cities had been much closer than it's appearance on the horizon, but Kygo flinched at the shout against his will, then stubbornly refocused on his pulse, on the last few moments before preparation became action.
Once the ship had been secured to the dock, each of the agents seemed to move with a shared understanding of the cue to regroup before stepping onto hostile land.

Kygo could immediately sense how valuable the nap had been to his mood, and his expression didn't quite reach a scowl when he saw the others approaching.
Still, he retreated to lean against the side railing while they gathered, quietly committing himself to remembering each of their pulses above all else.
The stern lesson was stuck in his head, after all, that losing any agent would be considered a total rift in their success: especially if that agent was a Lorekeeper.

Kygo's attention fell to Quill when she offered the small token, and he accepted it with only a brief glance of curiosity before tucking it into the depth of his right pocket.
Her quiet presence could be a challenge to keep track of in the dual populations of the cities, and that concern reflected in the deepening frown that seemed almost inherent to his features.
Still, being slightly less sleep-deprived had made him slightly more optimistic.
He wasn't going to make any mistakes on this mission, even if it took all his energy to...what had Navon said? Work out every second of the victory with his hands...and his heart.

Kalin's response to Quill's gifts reminded him that following Navon's advice was now secondary: he didn't need to worry over what it had meant, as long as he let nothing distract him from the necessity of following Kalin's orders through to the end.

Noting the migration of passengers toward the guarded gateway into the city, Kygo sighed softly and moved a hand to adjust his earmuffs slightly before speaking.
"The checkpoint?"

He immediately regretted the waste of sounds on a query that couldn't be understood, but the regret was not enough to quiet his mind.

'That's not a fucking question, Kygo. Use your words.'

His annoyance locked itself into the tense muscles of his jaw, but he knew the complaint from his past was still right.
This was the test of working on a new team, and he was still failing to adjust.
"Are we set to handle the checkpoint?"
he clarified, using just enough emphasis to be heard, as he slowed his breathing to repair the annoyance he had caused himself.
But then his gaze flickered to Cresley, who had suddenly become a wide-stanced obstacle in the throng of disembarking passengers. His eyes narrowed, then looked to Kalin with a transparent request for an order to follow, for some word to direct their next move.

coded by reveriee.







Shiny rock?











It hurts the worst when the person that made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.



Fennec will refer to themself as Roan from now on.


Others will address Roan as Fennec until the mask is broken.

(Those who know their true identity are excluded.)

Carve, carve, carve...

Nimble fingers meticulously etched a design into the polished obsidian rock with a stone carving chisel. They chipped away at the smooth surface with ease, simultaneously showcasing their familiarity with the craft and artistic precision. They wiped away the extra shavings and continued to carve.

Up, down, up, down, left, right...

Etched on the surface was a small sequence of runes formed into a chain. The chain looped around the obsidian rock horizontally. Once they completed the last rune, Roan set down their chisel and examined the stone.

"May the Earth rise up and hear my call. Follow my command until you fall. Activate," they murmured in Elvish. Suddenly, the rune sequence flashed a vibrant gold and dimmed to a warm amber. The glowing runes indicated a steady flow of Earth magic was infused inside the obsidian stone. "That should be the last one..." They glanced at the multiple obsidians arranged on the wooden floor; each stone featured the same rune sequence. Roan carved a total of four obsidians – one for each member of the party, including themself – and infused them with a single Earth spell.

If the owner crushed the obsidian, it summoned a curved rock wall strong enough to shield them from most attacks. However, it wasn't impenetrable. With enough force, the wall would crumble and deactivate the protective spell.

Roan packed their carving tool kit inside the large pouch strapped to their thigh. They gathered the obsidians and rose to their feet. "It seems we've finally arrived at port. " They stored the obsidians inside their hip pouch and adjusted their messy bun. Roan pulled up their hood and deboarded the boat. They tightened the straps on their arm guards, mindful of the burns on their right arm.

Two weeks passed, but the wound was still healing.

Fortunately, Roan was used to working under harsher conditions; a single burn on their arm wouldn't deter them from their mission objective.


CW for mentions of suicidal ideation.

"This was for your own selfish reasons. You didn’t want to believe or accept that Fennec was dead. So you kept using this disguise. This trick. To comfort your grief when you should have moved on."

Bright orange-red flames. Golden yellow eyes. Anger. So much anger. Pain. So much pain. A searing burn cut through the delicate purple flower tattooed on their forearm, evoking a scream. It hurt – oh gods! – it hurt, it hurt, IT HURT–!

"Two years of this, Roan! At any point in time we could have talked! You could have said something! We could have BEEN something!"

Hatred. So much hatred. Regret. So much regret. Does this mean Kalin–? Were their feelings reciprocated–? They didn't mean to confess. They take it back. Please, not like this.

"You’re right about one thing, Roan ... It should have been you."

Deep down, something inside them shattered. Their worse fear came true. Alone. All alone. A part of them hoped ... prayed ... begged for someone to think differently, but–

Kalin was right. It should've been them.

They can't deny it any longer. Why are they alive? Why did Fennec have to die? It should've been them. IT SHOULD'VE BEEN THEM! What if they ... ceased to exist? If they died right now, would they meet Fennec in the afterlife?

No ... they were destined to be alone. Filthy liars don't deserve a happy ending.


"Questions? Comments? Concerns? Cookies?"

Roan blinked in response. What? It took them a moment to register their current location. They deboarded the boat and followed their teammates. They surveyed the port, keeping their eyes peeled for a certain guild. How long were they out? Since they were lost in thought, Roan missed the entirety of their esteemed leader's motivational speech.

Fortunately, they read the mission brief and understood the objective: rescue the hostages with minimal bloodshed. As for the finer details ... well ... Navon could fill them in.

Or Scarlett. They voted Scarlett. She was easier to have a conversation with.

"Cookies? I'll take some cookies. Got any peanut butter? Chocolate chip? Both?" Roan inquired. They approached Kiva and retrieved three runic obsidians from their hip pouch. They offered her an obsidian. They pivoted and distributed the remaining (excluding their own) stones to Scarlett and Navon.

"Earth runes. If you crush the obsidian and throw it on the ground, it'll summon a rock wall." They gestured toward the amber runes etched on the polished surface. "However, stronger attacks can break through so be careful. Use it wisely. It's a one-time only activation," Roan instructed.

♡coded by uxie♡


The Fire


Kiva. His memory made it such that he was bound to remember her name whether he planned to or not. However, with every word she spoke, she was slowly etching her face and name on to the short list of people that Navon actually respected.

She was new and undoubtedly had several questions. She had also been put as team leader over a group of people. Despite all that, she was actively pulling together a sensible plan; one that impressed even Navon. He wasn't quite impressed enough to offer her any smile - though many would argue that it was impossible to impress Navon so much that he would smile. They would be correct, of course. But, in this moment, Navon was closer to smiling than he had been in a while.

Which is why it was particularly disappointing that she had to ruin it all by mentioning cookies. His face dropped from neutral apathy to a frown, no attempt being made to hide his disapproval. He was well aware that there were some who liked to share food or snacks or gifts with team members when they go out on a mission. He, however, was not one of them and neither did he agree with them.

His condemning gaze found Scarlett as she not only entertained the thought, but empowered it. She had worked as an Agent long enough that he expected her to know better. Even Fennec joined - which he couldn't say came as a total surprise. If anything, the look on Navon's face was more reminiscent of disappointment than shock. Fennec had always enjoyed treats, but Navon had just expected a little more professionalism on a mission. Navon had always thought of Fennec as someone who knew that there was a time for everything and that this was not the time for cookies. Although, it had been a while since he was on mission with Fennec, so perhaps his attitude towards missions had changed.

Given that everyone else had opted to allow the distraction, Navon was forced into a corner he was very uncomfortable in. He was silent for a while, pensive. A beat passed, and he concluded that refusing the cookies should not have any impact on the team's performance or the success of the mission. Satisfied with that, he huffed and turned away, looking back towards the roads, already beginning to map them out. "We have no need for such frivolities on a mission." There was more he could say. Much more. However, they were on a mission now and it wasn't worth spending the time and effort to reprimand them; not when they were in enemy territory with their lives on the line.

For a moment, Navon's head swam when he saw Fennec handing things out to Kiva and Scarlett before making their way to him.
Has everyone here entirely forgotten what is at stake? He was half expecting Scarlett to show up with gifts for the whole group as well. However, when Fennec got to Navon and he actually got to see what the gift was, some of the fire in his reaction dimmed. This was actually useful to the mission. Certainly more useful than cookies. Navon accepted the run with a curt nod, tucking it in his pouch. Ideally, they wouldn't find themselves in a situation where it was needed, but it certainly didn't hurt to have.

"Now," he stated firmly, turning back to Kiva. "You mentioned that they know this city better than we do. You were not incorrect." He could simply have said that she was correct, but time had hardened him such that saying someone or something wasnt bad came easier than saying it was good. "We should change that. Allow me scout ahead; map out the city and get a lay of the land." Despite having more experience as an Agent, he respected her position as the leader of their team and wasn't going to do something without her permission. Not unless it was an emergency, at least. "By this time tomorrow, I could have the city fully studied. There will likely be hidden passages and secret routes that I fail to catch, but the gap between our knowledge of the city and that of the Bookmark will be all but closed."

His gaze flitted to Scarlett and then to Fennec, coming up with ideas of roles he would assign them to that he believed would best aid the mission. However, that came from his understanding of their individual skills and abilities. His eyes settling on Kiva again, he was curious how well she had gotten to know her teammates before coming on the field. "What say you?"

Mentions: Scarlett ( CrimsonInk CrimsonInk ), Roan ( roxybirdie roxybirdie ), Kiva ( LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix )


The Insider

A few weeks had passed since Navon had opted to share his nook with her, allowing Saphielle to relax for a little bit. Now, as the wagon jostled along, the curiosity of the fact she was with a group she barely even knew ... minus Jason of course. She had to wonder what the heck the pillars were thinking! She was not a common choice on many team missions given her...reputation. Elegant fingernails gently entwined into the white fur of her bonded partner, Eona settling next to her as the wagon slowly came to a stop. The pretty elf slowly stood up, stretching her long arms as her bones popped delicately (from sitting in one position mind you). The assassin slowly emerged from the wagon, her eyes flashing to Jason slightly as she tilted her head.

The given light played across copper and ginger strands, long waves tumbled down her back to her knees as her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. Her outfit was different for this mission, though she had to despise the fact she was wearing....shudders... A dress. A dress of dark blue settled around her ankles, with two slits on either side, discretely hidden by the flowing folds. Two bell-like sleeves draped over her arms, but remained off her shoulders. Delicate silver threads danced across the navy blue fabric - weaving floral patterns across the outfit. A corset laced together the look, a deep navy with silver laces. A cloak hid the look a bit from view - also deep, almost black, blue and the hood was down, revealing the copper strands. On each thigh, hidden by the outfit, were two small daggers and of course, her swords were hidden in the caravan - meaning that Eona would have to listen carefully should her mistress need them brought to her at any time. A circlet of emeralds gleamed across her head - a larger stone in the shape of a lily rested against the center of her forehead - allowing the girl to look as regal as her heritage hinted at. The whole outfit brought together her tri-colored orbs, the three-toned colors gleaming brighter than ever - eyeliner popping the orbs brilliantly.

Her attention shifted as Eona gave a soft whine of question, the white-furred fae jumping down and sitting at her feet as the heiress carefully leaned against the side of the caravan. Saphielle gave a slight shake of her head at Eona, the fae huffing in an almost disappointed manner as she flopped dramatically to the ground. Saph's lips twitched just barely before she glanced at Jason and spoke "When am I ever not confident?" A teasing lilt to her tone as she raised an elegant eyebrow before turning her gaze to their leader. She shook her head slightly, stealing a glance at her partner-in-crime (aka Aricia) before turning stunning orbs to Igdunn. A manicured hand extended out to take the green adventurine delicately. A slight head incline was the only indication of thanks the girl allowed. The royal assassin hummed gently as she thought about the plan quietly. Nothing seemed too out of place though she would much rather not be in the group.... besides most were afraid of her anyway, she could thank her 'ice queen' persona for that one. "Eona will remain with you all - she will be too noticeable with me...sorry my dear." A soft fond tone seemed to slip through the icy cold accented voice as Saph spoke quietly and to the point. Her tone brooking no argument as she raised an eyebrow at her bonded partner.

♡coded by uxie
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Jason Elvesh
Location: Caravan Outside Al-Lotoy
Mentions: Quill ( Klown Klown )
Interactions:  Saphielle ( Talathel Talathel ), Aricia ( lyn. lyn. ), Istoire ( CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon ), Igdunn ( YellowBeanBeing YellowBeanBeing )

Jason looked on to the city in which they were about to complete their job. Memories of failures past haunting him. Even failures that had nothing to do with him haunted his memories. Specifically, Quill. He was not there to protect her. His strength completely useless in the situation. Had he been there, maybe the story would be different, but how is he to know? It was something that haunted him. All of his failures were. He had a habit of walking around like some sort of mythological hero. Standing tall and seeming to simply emit an aura that screams confidence, but it was clear that he was unusually nervous. Yet he did not falter. It was clear that he had planned to do his job and would not allow past failures to affect his performance now.

Jason turned to Aricia, looking down at the Crystal that was given. A smile forming on his face as he took the crystal between two fingers, holding it as though the slightest amount of pressure would crush it "Of course. I will keep it safe." taking the gem he stuffed it into his gauntlet, just before his wrist. Squarely placed and next to his own.

His attention turned back to the city as he spoke "Once we enter the city, everything will be after us. Every person will be out to kill us. I can make a quick path, but if the goal here is to kill no one, then we must take our time. I cannot simply break down walls."

Jason takes a moment to look at the maps and plans Istoire had laid out. While the maps were basic and didn't show the finer details, it gave him a pretty solid look at what they were looking at. He made sure to take in the locations of the best routes to where they would be held. Trying to find the most direct path that would allow him to get there without breaking down too many walls. He was confident in his strength, but this mission wouldn't allow him to use his strength recklessly.

Finally he pointed to the map "This is the best location. There are few walls in the path that leads out, lowering the risk of hurting or killing anyone. I can't guarantee a clean break though. There's always a chance someone may get caught up in my charge."

Îstoire – The Glutton

Caravan Outside Al-Lotoy
Interaction: Aricia, Saphielle, Jason, Igdunn
| Tags: Talathel Talathel YellowBeanBeing YellowBeanBeing lyn. lyn. DeathUnchained DeathUnchained

A gemstone of radiant blue; held against the still-rising sun, the Lapis cast soft lights around it. A scholar of many disciplines, the meaning and spirituality behind gemstone yet eluded Îstoire. Despite being utterly mundane, the gemstones—crystals, as they were called—were oft attributed feats of restoration, purification, and stabilization. They, of course, did no such thing; or, if they did, research had yet to substantiate them. And yet, despite the Lapis having no power at all to affect the success or failure of their mission, there was a tender sincerity to Igdunn gift that couldn’t be denied.

Once again, Îstoire found himself at a loss. As with Aricia’s mood ring, the sentimentality of it all struck the Merman with profound…humor. The warmth of companionship could be found anywhere, even amidst the proverbial viper’s den.

After a moment’s admiration, Lapis Lazuli found a home inside Îstoire vest and the Lorekeeper instead turned his attention to the team’s queries or…lack thereof.

A grimace. He was ill at ease. They say, ‘No news is good news’; but, when the matter at hand involved the life-and-death of so many, Îstoire simply couldn’t stomach the silence. Were they so confident in their plan? Their tones left no doubt. And yet, there was so much that could go wrong, so many details left unknown, so many risks left unaccounted for.

Even if they had no questions, for his own ease of mind, Îstoire would re-iterate their plan once more. However…
”Saphielle, could Eona secure out surroundings before we proceed?”

Although they were still a distance from the city proper, it paid to be cautious. Al-Lotoy was, after all, a nation infamous for its stealth and subterfuge. It wouldn’t do to carelessly risk the mission before they had even truly started.

”Then once more, from the top:

We’re a Merchant’s caravan and we’ve ‘taken every precaution’ to avoid the attention of Al-Lotoy; they, after all, are infamous for their thievery and no sensible caravan would willingly pass traverse their lands. For our ruse to work, the Lotoians must believe they stumbled upon us through their own wit and of their own initiative.

Distrustful by nature, there’s a chance they may not attack us immediately and will instead choose to observe us until they can ascertain we are not a trap. It is possible, but not probable, that they allow us to pass through their lands unmolested. Our cargo of grain should be extremely tempting since the Lotoians likely lack the ability to produce food in large quantities. Wheat fields are hard to hide, you see. However, if they choose not to attack us then we’ll need to reconsider our plan.

Once they’ve engaged us in combat, we will put up a brave ‘fight’ against them before being ‘overwhelmed’ by their numbers and—in Jason’s case—agility. We will be ‘forced’ to abandon our cargo and, best case scenario, some of us—Saphielle, Aricia, Igdunn—will be ‘captured’. There’s no guarantee they will try to capture all of you or that they will try to capture rather than kill.

Do what you can to steer things in a ‘safe’ direction; you can perhaps hold the grain hostage by threatening to set fire to it. You’re all clever, I trust you can handle whatever situations may arise. There’s no easier way to enter a fortress than to be invited in.

Once you’re on the inside, it’ll be up to you to secure our Cords. Those of us who remain on the outside will wait for your signal to stage a prison break.

I believe Jason & I can head north to provoke a sortie from Falin; if we’re lucky, Falin will dispatch enough troops to occupy Al-Lotoy’s attention. That should make things easier for you on the inside.

When you’re ready for us to break you out, it would be best if you could create a disturbance from within Al Lotoy. If they’re dealing with trouble from both without and within, they’ll scarcely have time to watch their prisons. In this way we can minimize risk to ourselves and the Cords we’re rescuing.”

Of course, whatever causalities arose between Falin & Al Lotoy were outside their control but given the Lotoian MO of staying hidden, Îstoire expected light casualties and few to no fatalities.

”Ah yes, one more thing. If you find any wells or sources of water within Al Lotoy then please try to drop these inside.”
From his pockets, Îstoire withdrew and distributed several small containers filled with squid ink. The containers had been enchanted to slowly release ink in controlled bursts. If the waterways of Al Lotoy were connected to an external body of water, Îstoire’s hope was that these bottles could leave an underwater ink-trail he could follow to sneak into the city.

”Does anyone have any suggestions? If not, then let’s move out!”

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Navon Wyll Wyll
Scarlett CrimsonInk CrimsonInk
Fennec roxybirdie roxybirdie

No one needs to know that Kiva originally brought a baker's dozen chocolate chip cookies for her to stress eat along the way. Nope. Not at all. It just so happened that she got so lost remembering all the stress leading up to the mission that she managed to forget the cookies. So why not share them instead to build morale?

Scarlett's hand raised so quickly that Kiva was sure that it could outpace a bolt of lightning. It scared her, but she kept her composure on the outside thanks to her already being focused. Kiva let out a giggle at how eager she was. Six cookies for her! Then, there was Fennec. They were equally eager for the baked goods. It also helped that they had a common love of chocolate chip cookies. To be fair, so did Kiva. If she hadn't captured Fennec's attention beforehand, the mention of a snack seemed to do the trick. Six cookies for them! “Yes, cookies. Chocolate chip in fact. One for me, and six each for you two. I'll see if I can get some more if I can find a good bakery here.”

It felt easy to get along with Fennec and Scarlett. Perhaps they were just in it for the cookies, but based off of what she's observed so far and what the little extra she researched before the mission started, she knew that they were shapeshifters. Maybe being whimsical comes with the territory. In this case, relics come with the territory too as Fennec brought one for each of the team members. They explained how it's used and that it's a one-time use. “Excellent. This will work wonders. Thank you.” She added a nod of approval to her words. Kiva was starting to believe that the team had strong cohesion and high optimism......but then there was HIM.

Kiva turned her head to look at Navon, who declined the pastries. He was...diffic-different. Different! Yeah, that's it. Frivolities he calls this. Maybe he's just allergic to cookies and doesn't want to admit to it. Whatever it is, Kiva can cry about it later. Navon did offer a solid suggestion to scout ahead. “Nothing wrong with a little morale boost, but you do bring up a point about gathering intel. Go for it. I'm sure what you'll find out for us will be advantageous.” Her focus shifts to the shifters. “Meanwhile, I'll need you two to seek out someone to impersonate. Be it guards or someone else, I'll leave that to you since that's your expertise. You two will likely be our best chance of getting the hostages out before potential chaos ensues. As for me, I'm going to see if I can get a good look on the inside via the direct approach. Despite not being royalty, I do tend to get invited to high class events, so I have a good chance of being welcomed in as a visitor. That way, I can get a good look at the inside of the place. Maybe map some things out and learn their strategies.”

She looks up at the skies above. “We should meet back here at sundown. That way, we can set up camp for the night. You're welcome to keep up with your espionage if you wish to burn the midnight oil. I just want to make sure we all at least have a safe spot to sleep at so that we can be well-rested when we make our move.” She grabs her backpack, takes out a box with 13 cookies in It, takes out one of them, and then holds up the box for either Scarlett or Fennec to grab....or unlikely Navon but sure. “If you have to cut out early, this will be our rendezvous point. Information is important, but your safety is more important. Now let's get the ball rolling.”
















Life is like a dream.

and we should cherish the present moment like offering a toast to the moon reflected in the river.


Yay, chocolate chip cookies! Simple and tasty!

Scarlett’s smile grew fondly over the girl excited about the baked item she was ready to receive. Though her interests began to change when Fennec handed her an earth rune. Her fingers rubbed against the smoothness of the rock, eyes glimmering as she began feeling the energy of the properties it held.


Eyes widened in amazement from the rock in her hand. She had read about runes from college but never had a proper chance to really use or see one. It was fascinating really. She would be sure to ask more about it with Fennec later, but first her sweet treat came first.

At this time waiting patiently she could feel a pair of eyes burning the back of her skull. That sort of attention was never given lightly, and right away she knew it was Navon. After a few years she had recognized most of the agents and their habits. Fennec’s little grin, Sapphiel’s fingers itching for a dagger, Kalin’s feet tapping always ready to dash, they were things she made note of over the years. Her first being Navon, the agent she had grown to detest over the years. How fitting for him to dislike her need to satiate a sweet tooth, especially from their new assigned leader. To be a seasoned agent he probably expected her to be more ‘professional’.

Professionalism is a concept mister meanie; you wouldn’t want me to be professional.

In the midst of her eating the cookie and putting the rune away, she listened to the instructions given carefully. Someone to impersonate? Scarlett’s head turned with her eyes narrowing at the woman. Suspicion crawls at the back of her skull whispering to her to not trust Kiva. It was an odd sensation she hasn’t felt in a long time. Not since her days in the woodlands as the huntress. There was something that made her wary of the woman, but maybe that was due to not knowing the agent yet. Wiping her hands she got up to her feet and looked over to Fennec, her lips still defaulting her signature smile.

“It looks like it’s going to be me and you!” she exclaimed, “I say we try to find some of the council members. Think about it. Up close and personal to the target?”

She raised a mischievous brow towards the other changeling. The woman grabbed her bags waiting for the other just ready to start. Scarlett already had an idea of what she wanted to do, but it has been so long since she had to work with another. The pillars had gotten so used to sending her on solo missions that she had forgotten what it was like to work with a fellow agent. She wanted to take her time with this assignment. To reconnect with agents that she had not been able to bond with yet.

♡coded by uxie♡
Quill IC GIF.gif Location: Aboard a ship; Near the Twin Cities
Interactions: Kygo Shadow Shadow Kalin WillOWispJJ WillOWispJJ Cresley hery hery Zenith Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

The bracelets were shared. Copper and amber braided with hopes of fortune for their near-future endeavors. Seeing each in their hands, a timid anxiety flitted in her chest, overshadowed by the beaming ray of Cresley’s disposition. His sun-bright smile and encouraging lump of knowledge propelling Quill’s tail into a pleased sway.

A respectful nod is offered to Kalin, their leader. She trusted his judgement would carry them far, his resilience and dedication evident not only with his work back in the library. There’s a vague, barely graspable image of Kalin in the foggy depths of her memory that always finds her when faced with him. The woolly call of something too obscure to seem real but charged with emotions too certain to be a dream. Visions of a Tiefling, haggard and bruised, but determined. The two had the same eyes.

Her eyes locked with Zenith’s accidentally. Much like walking into a room unaware that it wasn’t empty, then being forced to acknowledge the presence there. The question elicited a response from Kalin, whose answer would’ve aligned with what Quill might’ve said. There were still too many missing pieces. The puzzle was a scattered chaos of hues with few edges to build from. They needed more edges before crawling towards the center.

Kygo’s inquiry of the checkpoint was a good place to start. Quill’s tail looped around her waist to avoid it being caught beneath the boots of heedless passersby. A stomp far too close for comfort had her hackles raised.

“The checkpoint guards are the unsavory type.” In her years of travel, she always tried avoiding the Twin Cities checkpoints when the opportunity presented itself. The guards were all too keen on interrogation and biased suspicion. “They will belittle Cresley, challenge Kygo, be prejudiced against Kalin and…” Her eyes wandered onto Zenith, appraising her mask from the waves of her hair to her flattering figure. “…be crude towards Zenith.”

“We should keep that in mind unless persuaded by a more indirect approach.”
She looks to Kalin expectantly.

the foundation.

  • mood

    Anxious..nervous for the mission at hand

Igdunn tried her best to focus on the debrief, her gaze moving between all speakers equally. they were to play it cool and there was a chance she may get captured....that should be fun..ah sarcasm... She nodded her head, looking towards Îstoire as they asked their final questions. when no one else dared to speak up or seemed to even have a question, she hummed with intrigue. She was right about this group. they were smarter than she gave them credit for..she could only hope the gemstones she gave them provided the protection they were known for..she didn't want a repeat of previous missions...being only one coming back alive again would make her go crazy...

The Seal were smart when it came to collecting recruits...this group was promising, especially their leader. Îstoire, though relatively new to the seal, was proving to be an immensely advantageous person. Igdunn would have to keep an eye on this one when later missions arrive...perhaps she could convince Keep and Bookie to keep them on her team when it came to missions...that may take some bribing from her but it was possible. it had to be- right?

Snapped out of her train of thought, the faefolk looked up only to glance at the road ahead of them. She could act decently enough to pass as a merchant, right? When in doubt if she stayed quiet she could pass for mute- less issues but that may cause its own problems. They would cross that bridge when they got to it though… Why Al-Lotoy? She hated this city… one final mental prayer and a gently touch to a certain heart shaped gemstone she had hidden in her jacket pocket and she gave the group a nod, a silent motion that they should get moving.


J. R. H.

♡coded by uxie♡
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ricia gave Jason a thankful smile, inwardly praying the gem would be safe with him. Hopefully he wouldn’t get in too much conflict in Al-Lotoy. Which was impossible. Because it was Al-Lotoy.

She just didn’t want to lose the gift, that’s all! Jason could handle himself. He was built for Al-Lotoy, not her. God, why was she here?

She leaned her head against the caravan as she listened to her teammate's words. Silence seemed to be her best bet. She wanted to get on with the mission, the sooner it started the sooner it would end. But truthfully, she was terrified. Aricia was a curious person, she wanted to learn and experience all of what the world had to offer.

That curiosity did not include Al-Lotoy. Why the hell would it include that place.

Aricia remained quiet. She noted the spots on Jason's map- assuming they were correct in where the prisoners were being held in the first place. She eyed Eona and listened to Istoire’s debrief, which almost comforted her. If their leader knew what he was doing, then maybe they’d get out of this okay.

“Saphielle, Aricia, Igdunn—will be ‘captured’. There’s no guarantee they will try to capture all of you or that they will try to capture rather than kill.”

Alright, never mind.

Aricia grabbed the ink from Istoire, and with nowhere to put it, dropped it into her corset and hoped for the best.

She grabbed onto the handle of the caravan and mustered up what confidence she could under her worry.

“If we want this to go smoothly, we have to be believable. No one recognizes the rich like thieves, so we need to make sure we come off that way.” She eyed Istoire and Jason, "Knights don’t ride in carriages, they walk along outside. You can ride along inside until we’re close enough to the streets. But unless you’re navigating the horses, you shouldn’t be sitting.”

Being rich, being noble, being a merchant. All were things Aricia was confident about. Somehow, just saying those words helped calm her mind.

With that, Aricia jumped into the carriage, and they set off.

For most of the ride, Aricia was completely mute. Her hands remained fisted into her skirts as she listened to the noises outside, imagining she was anywhere but here. But her thoughts kept going back to where they were now. Images of violence and darkness were all she could see.

When they were properly on the streets, Aricia gave up. She pushed the small piece of fabric covering the window aside just a smidge to see outside to satisfy her curiosity, and hopefully quell her fear.

Dusts, browns, and blacks. A mixture of lived-in places and destroyed buildings. The few people Aricia could spot on the roads looked about as excited as she felt. The sight did nothing to settle her rattling gut. So she let the curtain close and instead turned to look straight ahead.

Things were quiet for so long that Aricia wondered if they’d actually make it to the center unnoticed. Until the caravan came to a sudden stop, and she heard voices outside.

One beat, two, they got louder, and Aricia’s heart skipped a beat. She reached for the closest thing near her- Saphielle’s wrist, in her anxiety.

“If we’re not to be killed, we need to make sure they know we are wealthy and worth capturing.” She insisted. She prayed inwardly her panic didn’t show on her face.
Aricia Belwick
Al-Lotoy Streets
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CHAPTER 2 - First Contact - Al Lotoy

Location: Al Lotoy
Interactions/Mentions: Aricia, Istoire, Igdunn, Saphielle, Jason

1739857566732.pngThere was nothing new or noteworthy about this day in particular. The eternally grey skies denied passage to even a single ray of sunshine. Every sound seemed to echo, not just against the surrounding walls, but around the entire city. Yet, for that, the only sound in the entire city was that of the caravan.

It wasn’t that the city was empty. In fact, it was difficult to look in any direction and not see people walking and going about their usual business, they just did it in what seemed like perfect silence. Lips moved with no words to follow them; footsteps weren’t embellished by even the slightest puff of dust, even the children running on the streets did so in utter silence.

And then there was the carriage and its possie.

A rattling, rumbling ruckus that stuck out like a single red rose in a garden of white - a target. It didn’t belong. Everybody knew that and no attempt was made to pretend otherwise. Eyes watched even before they properly entered the city. Ears listened to every breath, every whisper. The caravan was the one abnormal thing in the otherwise rehearsed performance that was life in Al-Lotoy. In any other city, the looks and curiosity would be all that a caravan passing through would receive. However, Al-Lotoyans didn’t take kindly to changes in the routine. In Al-Lotoy, change always meant trouble - if not immediately, then eventually. However, whether present or future, trouble wasn’t something Al-Lotoy enjoyed.

The caravan, as one may expect, gained some shadows. Not shadows that could be seen, but the pressure from their faze could be felt as deep as one's bones. Then the density of people on the streets thinned out and it seemed as though the fewer people they could see on the streets, the more people were watching them. The pressure of being watched, studied, even hunted kept growing until, suddenly, the streets were devoid of all live and movement. It didn’t matter what street they turned down, where they looked, or how far they listened - the entirety of Al-Lotoy was suddenly barren.

And then there were five. It wouldn’t be accurate to call them people as they had no discernable features. Figures or silhouettes would be more appropriate. They looked vaguely human, or, at least, human-like, but that was all that could be said about them. Wind and light seemed to move through them as though they weren't there at all, yet instinct warned against getting too close. They stood directly in the path of the caravan, denying further passage into the city. They stood until the caravan stopped and, only then did they begin to advance.

Even the way they moved was off-putting. The edges of their shape came in and out of focus and it would seem that they left afterimages in their wake despite moving painfully slow. There was no movement in their legs, and still, no sound heard. They moved as if they floated. And then came the first sound in Al-Lotoy that didn’t come from the caravan.


The voice didn’t seem to come from any of the figures, but from Al-Lotoy itself. As if the walls had opened up their mouth and spoken all at the same time. The figures floated closer and the city demanded once more.


The figures themselves just continued their slow progression towards the caravan - the air between charged with tension and malice. However, they figures - menacing as they were - only accounted for half of the danger that the Agents now found themselves in.

Within the caravan, where Igdunn, Aricia and Saphielle sat, the shadows began to grow. A living darkness began filling the carriage. If moved up the walls and even over the windows, crashing over itself like waves at the beach. Each time it passed over itself, the darkness got deeper, until none of the carriages inhabitants could see each other and any sound made was promptly swallowed by the darkness that was nearly choking them.

The darkness seemed as though it would continue to take over the carriage, but it suddenly stopped and a beat of stillness passed in the carriage - allowing the three a chance to breathe again - before the figures outside stopped moving as well. If shadows could smile, these ones were smiling. And, one final time, the request was made, though, this time, very clearly by the silhouettes and in a voice that didn't shake the entire city but still commanded respect, almost like it was issuing a challenge.

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The Fire


Navon nodded once she gave him the go-ahead, but still stayed behind so that he could listen to the rest of the plan. He needed to make sure that he had a good idea of where everyone was excepted to be so that he could get to them quickly if any of them needed back up. The fact that Kiva herself would practically be going into the belly of the beast made him uncomfortable. The same was true of Scarlett and Fennec, but at least they had each other. For Kiva to willingly go in alone would be risky, but he wasn’t going to refute. She had mission control, after all.

Plus, she was still proving herself as a leader. Her suggestion of finding a target to impersonate wasn’t a bad one. Scarlett’s suggestion of finding one of the members of the court was an even better idea. Was it mildly hypocritical for him to be fine with Scarlett and Fennec getting close to the target but not liking the idea of Kiva doing the same? Perhaps.

He would have stayed to discuss more on the strategy, but he saw Kiva make another attempt to hand out cookies and all that disappointment that he was just beginning to forget came back as a double portion.

He sighed, picked a random direction and began walking. Any place was better than being around such nonchalance. He caught the tail end of the conversation where Kiva mentioned using their current location as a rendezvous point in case things got hairy. A sound enough plan - hopefully the others wouldn’t have a problem finding their way back.

With that, he had all the information he needed and so set off on his mission to map the town. However, doing so without arousing suspicion would take time. If people saw a stranger simply walking around in circles, they were bound to have questions for him and he would prefer not to deal with such hindrances. However, in his years, he had learnt that the most successful way to blend into a new environment, was to be - very clearly - a tourist.

He wasted no time in walking up to locals and asking them where he could find the local tavern. After all, what does someone fresh off a boat want, if not something cool to drink?

As expected, quite a few turned him away. These people had suffered the loss or disappearance of some of their loved ones with no promise of ever seeing them again. The last thing they could care for was some tourist looking to get himself drunk on their ale, which was likely already running dry.

Perhaps more sympathy could have been shown for the heart breaking conditions these people found themselves in, but sympathy was a luxury that he couldn’t quite afford on a mission. After all, he was actively working to get those family members that they loved and missed so much back to them. Any additional sympathy was therefore unnecessary.

Plus, the goal was never quite to find a tavern, the goal was to walk around. And, with everybody that turned him away, the more of an excuse he had to walk about aimlessly. At least, aimless walking is what it would look like to anybody else. To Navon, however, every step was counted, every landmark was noted, every distance was measured. He had already started drawing the map.

Even when people did eventually point him to the tavern, he would be sure to head in the direction they pointed...and proceed to go right past it when he was sure they weren’t looking. This was where his memory came particularly in handy: keeping perfect track of all the people he had asked and the people who had heard him ask, so that he never asked the same group of people twice. That would be far too suspicious.

He also made sure to stretch out conversation with the locals long enough for him to catch Kiva passing by in his periphery. Though the role wasn’t officially assigned to him, he had taken it upon himself to make sure that Kiva specifically made it back alive. She was the newest and most inexperienced, and therefore the one in the most danger, so he’d given himself the task of being her unseen guardian angel on the mission.

He kept his presence unknown to her, always rapt in some conversation about the local spots as she was passing by, but that was more than enough. He didn’t necessarily need her knowing that he was watching over her, nor did he want her to know. After all, his goal wasn’t recognition or appreciation - he had given up on such lofty ambitions a long time ago. His goal was simply making sure that she made it back alive from the mission - making sure that they all made it back alive.

Mentions: Scarlett ( CrimsonInk CrimsonInk ), Kiva ( LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix )


The Insider

Auburn strands flashed as the royal heiress slowly lifted her head, Aurora Borealis orbs shedding icicles as she slowly stood up, tossing her ponytail over a shoulder as she tossed her shoulders back, eyes scanning the shadows as they appeared to surround the interior of the caravan. Her circlet gleamed brilliantly against her brow as she lifted a delicate eyebrow. They wanted them to identify themselves hmmm.... well then - who was she to disappoint? Her accented voice echoed through the dark caravan as she raised her chin slightly before speaking. "You wish for us to identify ourselves then?" She asked dangerously, her fingers tapping against her thigh slightly. "You sure about that? Well then... you asked for it." Her voice took on a more icy tinge to it. Daggers of ice gave her tone a more ... royal feel as she formally introduced herself for the first time since she had joined The Seal.

"I am Princess Saphielle Zayna, Heiress and Future Empress of Falin." Her words echoed faintly, her eyes never wavering as the cloak swirled gently around her legs. Her tone was sure and calm, though her tri-colored orbs flashed dangerously as she rested a hand near her thigh, itching to draw one of her daggers so she could fight. However, Keep and the rest of the pillars said to keep bloodshed to a minimum - with avoidance being key. And Saph was not one to disobey a direct order given by her superiors. Though if it was Falin it may have been different as her distaste for her mother ran deep within her blood. Saphielle looked as regal as her title implied, cloak swirling with her jeweled circlet - her heirloom being obvious.

Eona was hidden under the caravan, her ivory daggers flashing as she felt the unease of her mistress. Her fur bristled - spiked and tense. Her ears were flat against her head as a low rumble echoed in her chest. Her mistress was doing something she usually would not support - even as her bonded animal friend. A sharp tap of a heel caught her attention and the wolf gave a soft snarl of annoyance. She hated being separated from Saphielle. However, the signal was given and she would listen. A streak of white flashed across the road before the fae hid in the shadows of an alley. Her tail was tucked as she snarled lightly.

Now while most would have assumed that the introduction was planned out, and the haughtiness of the heiress suspected ... it was all an act. The assassin was anything but haughty, prissy, and perfect. However, there was a time for acting and this was one of those times. It came in handy to protect herself during her time as the actual empress-to-be of Falin for sure. Now it came in handy for the mission at hand. The cat was out of the bag now...oh well. As a team, it would have eventually ended up in the open at some point she guessed. A hip popped out to one side, arms crossed as she flicked her hair behind her shoulder again, letting the high ponytail rest against her back gently. A sharp tap of a heeled boot was a hidden signal to Eona as the pure white wolf booked it from under the caravan and out of sight. Now to see what the rest of the team did and how they played their hand.

♡coded by uxie
The Prodigy

Name: Zenith

Gender: Female

Interactions: Shadow Shadow hery hery WillOWispJJ WillOWispJJ Klown Klown

Location: Port, Near the Twin Cities

Zenith took her time surveying the port, her sharp eyes drifting over the bustling dockworkers, merchants haggling over goods, and the occasional pickpocket slipping unseen through the crowd. The city was alive with movement, each person with their own agenda. She frowned as she looked towards the checkpoint and licked her lips in though. She then ran a hand through her hair, exhaling slowly before addressing the group.

“There’s no rush to get into the city. Lets avoid the guards as long as possible. For this exchange, plenty of groups will be arriving by land and by sea. We will find a way to slip in.” Her gaze flicked toward the docked ships as she casually adjusted her linen shirt and patted at the loose folds of her trousers.

“Let’s split up and gather information. One group watches and investigates the cargo, specifically anything being guarded, not by city patrols, but by mercenaries and the like." She clasps her hands together and then seperates them. "The other group keeps an eye on the people arriving. Who is stepping off those ships, who looks important, and who looks like trouble.” She tilted her head, tongue pressed against her cheek in thought, before glancing at Kalin and Quill. “Kygo and Cresley can handle the cargo. They’re our knife and hammer. They are more than capable of checking the crates and getting sailors to loosen their lips, by whatever means necessary.” She smiles too wide as she finished her sentence.

Then, with a hum, she sidled up to Quill, a knowing glint in her eye. “You, me, and Kalinnn..we watch the people. I know how you see things, and I’ve read the reports on Kalin’s way with words. We notice details others miss. And we are easier to make lose lips” Her lips curled as she added, “Besides, you look important and a touch exotic, my dear comrade. You can pretend to be important. Kalin as well.” She ran a hand through her own hair, casually suggesting such. Whether it was a compliment or insult anyone was free to guess. “I’ll act as your servant or baggage carrier. Maybe even swipe someone else’s luggage and claim it as our own to sell the illusion properly.”

Zenith stepped back, rolling her shoulders as she looked over the group. “We’ll worry about finding a place to rest later. For now, we work.” Her smirk returned. “Let’s get started. Agreed? If you find any documents or papers to help us past the guards or even lead us to the exchange...I say take it."

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Kiva Fitzgerald
Navon- Wyll Wyll
Scarlett- CrimsonInk CrimsonInk

So this is what it's like to be a spark of light on a realm of darkness. A glimmer of hope in a sea of despair. The longer Kiva took in the sights, the more she realized how much of an outsider she was here. Not even her warm smile and gentle voice could pierce some of the cold, hardened hearts she passed by. Some people ignored her completely. Others glared at her like they were clones of Navon. It was worrying, but she had to remain calm. After finally getting enough information to be able to navigate her way to Lord Salnet's stronghold, she went on her way.

Unfortunately for her, she wasn't alone. Desolation leads to desperation. A desperation that brings out the worst in people. One of which has his eyes set on Kiva. A lanky man with a sinister smirk stares at her like she was a gold mine. With a simple dagger in hand, he follows the woman down the road, keeping just far enough in the shadows to not get the attention of anyone she comes across. The closer she gets to Salnet, the further she'll be from anyone that can potentially stop him. A simple robbery looked to be the main goal. Filthy as he was, he didn't seem to have the intent to kill. Just run up, show the blade, take her stuff, and run off. That was the plan.

As Kiva got closer to her destination, she started getting a sneaking suspicion that she was being followed. A few minutes go by without her seeing or hearing any of the citizens. There was no one in sight in any direction. Perhaps she was just psyching herself out. After all, with her teammates all doing their own things, She was alone. There was no one to protect her if she got ambushed by Salnet's troops. Or really by anyone. Even if she does safely reach the castle, the guards could potentially overwhelm her and toss her in with the rest of the hostages. Kiva herself was the biggest risk to her plan. Suddenly, her heartbeat started racing. Someone...something...was close. She hoped it was an animal passing by while fearing it would be something much more hostile. When the tension became too much to bare, Kiva finally turned around quickly and her eyes widened in shock.

Nothing? There's no way. And yet, that's what she saw. Nothing. Just a clear road behind her. "Hello? Anyone there?" She called out, but no one answered. "Weird. I could've sworn something was behind me. Oh well." Kiva shrugs it off and keeps on with her journey. Could it be that she was being watched over by some sort of angel? A kind guardian spirit that protects her from dangers hidden from her? Maybe, but that sure as hell wasn't the case this time. While the would-be thief was approaching Kiva, Navon caught him lacking and sent him packing. That's all I shall say about that.

So with one crisis averted, Kiva finally reaches the entrance to Lord Salnet's castle. A pair of guards stare at her. "That's far enough. State your business." One of them said firmly. Without hesitation, Kiva responded respectfully. "Forgive my unannounced arrival. My name is Kiva, and I am a traveling healer from Rumar. I've heard from some of my wealthier patients that Lord Salnet has an urgent matter that requires my skills, so Im here to provide assistance."

The guards look at each other and then back at Kiva, who doesn't look even the slightest bit threatening. The way they saw it, her story checks out enough to at least mention it to Salnet himself for clarity. They look back at each other for a moment before one of them finally nods and speaks. "Stay here with her. I shall inform Lord Salnet that he has a visitor." The guard walks away, leaving the other one to watch over Kiva, who has begun to play with her hair while she's waiting.
The Sun ☀️
Cresley Hogsweed

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐆𝐨𝐫𝐲, 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬

INTERACTION: Quill, Zenith, Kalin, Kygo
LOCATION: Twin Cities (Port)
OUTFIT: Something nice
MENTIONS: Klown Klown Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Shadow Shadow

Cress was all too eager to disembark, being the first of the group to drop his boots onto the wooden pier. Beyond the planks, the waterfront stretched before him—less rickety, paved with sun-bleached bricks worn smooth by centuries of footsteps and portside dealings. There was an undeniable air of wealth and lavishness here, a certain exclusivity gated behind the intimidating checkpoint.

Cress clapped Kygo on the back with a grin, entirely ignoring the way his colleague stiffened at the contact.

"I like this plan," he said, jerking his chin toward Zenith. "Knife and hammer. You hear that, Kygo? We’re a perfect pair." He spread his arms wide as if to welcome the title. "Don't worry, I'll do the talking if you're feeling shy."

His eyes swept over the docks, taking in the controlled chaos of workers, passengers, and crates being shuffled about. Guards and mercenaries clustered around specific shipments, their stances firm, eyes sharp with inherent suspicion. But for every guarded chest or locked box, there were twice as many left unprotected, sitting unattended for fleeting moments as dockhands busied themselves with other tasks.

On the journey over, there had been too many sealed crates, all surrounded by hushed conversations between sailors who weren’t being paid enough to ask questions. But out at sea, suspicion meant nothing when there was nowhere to run. Now, the rules had changed.

Cress let out a low whistle. "Look at all this. What’s guarded is valuable, but what’s unguarded?" His grin turned conspiratorial as he tilted his head at Kygo. "That’s interesting too, don’t you think?"

The hobbit started toward the waterfront, his excessive confidence restored now that they were back on solid ground. His hands flexed at his sides, and as if answering a command, a thin spike of metal slid from his fingertip. As it caught the light, it gleamed a deep blue, almost sinister as he tapped it against his side.

"So many presents," Cress quietly remarked, smirking like a child up to no good. "I want to open one." He glanced at both his sides in search of Kygo, who he'd assumed was scowling somewhere behind him. "Maybe even two," he added, his voice light, but his posture coiled like a spring.

His shoulders, though loose, carried some tension underneath, like a predator in the long grass, waiting. His weight stayed balanced on the balls of his feet, restless to begin the mission.

Then, casually, Cress rolled his shoulders and adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves, the picture of nonchalance. But his eyes, sharp and hungry, flitted across the docks, tracking movements, noting patterns—who was watching, who wasn’t, and where opportunity lay waiting to be seized.
coded by reveriee.
















Your worst sin.

is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing.


Upon entering the city, Scarlett had parted ways with Fennec early on. Not that she didn’t want to work with him, it was more than that. She would rather not find herself having to explain how she does her job. Being an outsider to an unknown city is one thing, but she had been an outsider all her life — so the glares, stares, and threats didn’t bother her. What did was the fear they held in their eyes. Fear masked by their anger, frustration, and sadness in their hearts.

Scarlett understood what it was like to mask such emotions. Wearing a face that isn’t yours is easy to please the crowd. It is easier to be someone you are not. Only that if you continue to wear the mask, it slowly grows to become a parasite of everything you are not. The obsession to be the perfect and ideal person in the eyes of the people you value higher than the gods themselves. To hide the monster you truly are.

Light feet glided through the crowds of people entering the alleyway. The building just on her right was the one where some of the counsel people were residing at the time. One in particular was a woman that Scarlett had been watching since they’ve ported Falin. Cersei Romero, one of the ringleaders and the one who trafficks the unfortunate souls. She would be the closest to the victims, knowing each and every one by heart. A betrayal to all women Scarlett cannot abide with.

The changeling scanned parts of the walls before starting to make her way up to the window. Hands clawing at the nooks and crannies with meticulous care. Diligent eyes observed the surrounding area before reaching the window, her hands slowly lifting her to peek through the glass. No one was in just yet, and if her timing was correct the target would be coming to their room soon. Lifting herself to the edge she grabbed her dagger to unscrew part of the window. The space was small enough for her hand to enter and crank the handle on the other side. Quickly opening the window, she was able to get her body through, fixing the window as if it was never open. At this time, she took a moment to assess the room. It was clean, things were kept tidy and neat. Other than your typical room with a bed, nightstand, lamp, desk, and — that was new. Catching the item in her peripheral was a plant. There was a weird discoloration to the leaves as it was the only saturated item in the room.

Approaching the plant she carefully looked over the leaves, stems, and found something rather odd about it. Picking at a leaf she could feel the texture was different, it wasn’t the same thinness or thickness you feel with leaves. Rather it felt more like parchment, and that is when it hit her. Messing with the disguised leaf she was able to unfold it. The text was visible enough for her to see, her eyes scanning the message that was for the noble council woman.

“Clever girl…” Scarlett mumbled. Clacks against wood alarmed the huntress and she hid quickly.

With the door opening, Scarlett watched the target carefully from her hiding place. It seemed the woman just came back from one of the meetings. Perfect. With careful hands Scarlett dug into her sleeve and brought out two things: a bamboo blowgun and a dart filled with poison given to her by Aricia. It was more of a paralyzer than anything, nothing too deadly. Taken into position she moved just slightly to see the woman. She was currently vulnerable, changing into something more comfortable it seems. The moment the huntress saw an opening she blew into the blowgun, watching it hit the woman on her spine and falling to the floor. Scarlett slid out from her hiding spot carefully assessing the target. Her eyes wandered up and down the shaking body, looking into the eyes of the woman that showed fear. Scarlett only smiled.

“Don’t worry, Miss Councilwoman. This won’t take long. I just need a few things from you is all,” she spoke so warmly that the dark and threatening tone of her voice became natural, “just tell me everything I need to know, before I slit your unforgivable throat.”

♡coded by uxie♡
CHAPTER 2 - First Contact - Salnet's Deep

Location: Salnet's Deep, Salnet Fiefdom, Falin Outskirts
Interactions/Mentions: Kiva ( LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix )

1741449706937.pngThe guards hear her before they see her. Caught in the middle of a conversation that Cresley would have approved of, they both snap to attention; their weapons suddenly drawn as though from thin air.

They watch, as one would watch a lamb, the girl whose mere presence ripped through the canvas of gloom that blanketed the fiefdom. It was, somehow, sad and amusing in equal parts. However, as she continued walking and it became clear - from the vexing amount of eye contact and her jovially purposeful strides - that she was heading towards the castle gates, the situation was stripped of all humor and any empathy they once felt was replaced with cautious hostility.

What manner of fresh madness had possessed this girl? All the locals knew never to approach the castle; their fear of Lord Salnet repelled them. That meant that the girl currently taking bold strides towards the gate had to be a tourist. But what tourist would have the audacity to saunter right up to the palace. Surely, someone would have warned them to stay clear.

From the way she was walking, it even appeared that she was going to walk right past them if they didn’t stop her.

Having entertained her boldness for long enough, in perfect synchrony, both guards stepped into a defensive stance, leveling their spears at her.

“That’s far enough. State your business.”

They had already begun studying her. Even as she spoke, offering her response, their gazes scrutinized every inch of her. They dissected every fold in her clothing looking for a concealed weapon; studied every moment for nervous tics; even analyzed her stance, looking for any signs that gave away combat experience. However, they found nothing. As far as they could tell, she might as well have been a lost sheep that stumbled across their gate. However, this lost sheep claimed to be a healer.

They recalled hearing that a terrible sickness had taken Lord Salnet’s wife, but no further details had been shared. Unfortunately, after a year of being sick with no news, many had already assumed her dead. Although, they knew of Lord Salnet’s endless devotion to his wife. So, if she was still alive, and they sent this healer away before Lord Salnet had even been able to speak with her, surely their lives would be forfeit.

A look passed between them, a nod of understanding, and then they slowly lowered their spears, although the girl wasn’t entirely free of suspicion just yet.

One of the guards, the older of the two, with silver stubble and scars that spoke of many battles spoke up. His voice was deep, rough, and carried authority. Anybody would be able to tell that he was the one in charge between the two. Or, at least, the one with more experience.

“You,” he boomed to the younger guard. “Stay here with her. I shall inform Lord Salnet that he has a visitor.”

He turned on his heel and marched quickly, but with structured steps, deeper into the hold, leaving the younger guard and Kiva alone at the gates. His eyes watched her closely, still cautious of her. Nobody could be this unassuming. Surely she was hiding something.

“You. Healer.” There was condescension in his tone. “What kind of travelling healer doesn’t cary their wares with them where they go?” He gestured at her general area with the tip of his speak, far enough where it wasn’t a threat but it was still a spear being waved. “If you are a travelling healer, where are the…” It was at this moment he realised that he didn’t actually know what travelling healers - or healers in general - carried with them. “Where’s the stuff you supposedly travel with, huh?” He stood to his full height, crossing his arms over her chest, proud to have caught her in what he was certain was a lie. “Unless you with to tell me tha-”

His words were cut off by the loud sounds of clanging armor rushing towards the pair in front of the gate and, while panting and clearly struggling to breath, the new arrival - the biggest of the three Kiva had seen so far - stood at attention beside the guard questioning Kiva. His nostrils flared as jet streams of air were pulled in and pushed out through them, as he struggled to keep his lips pressed together.

The burly man’s flamboyant arrival - and super sonic breathing - snatched the other guard’s attention away from Kiva.

“You…know you don’t need to kill yourself to get here, yes? Lord Salnet isn’t even here.”

“Yes…but he…could show up…at any time.” He managed to say between laboured breaths. “And…you know the rules.”

The smaller guard rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes. Two guards at the gate at all times, or there will be hell to pay.” From his tone, it was clear that he didn’t quite believe that there was anything particularly worrying about the threat, almost as though he didn’t believe it to be a real threat in the first place.

Finally finding his breath, the larger guard raked a scrutinizing gaze over this colleague, before sighing and turning to Kiva. The bright smile on her face and the carefree atmosphere that pooled around her was such a stark contrast to everything he had known up until now that it was almost nauseating. “Who is this?”

The question was asked to the other guard, though his eyes stayed locked on Kiva.


The Fire


As Navon continued to watch Kiva, one thing became undeniably clear: he had grotesquely overestimated her abilities. With every step she took, Navon felt himself growing more and more irritated. Tunnel-visioned; unknowingly drawing attention to herself; looking around and making eye contact with everyone. You could fill The Library with everything she was doing wrong. However, her biggest crime of all was that she likely didn’t even know she was doing anything wrong. It was as though she was begging to be followed.

And followed she was. Although, the unfortunate soul that had taken an interest in her impressed him even less than Kiva herself. He never took his eyes off her; was pretty much walking directly in her footsteps; and his idea of cover was simply to turn around or hide behind a wall. It was difficult for Navon to imagine anyone seeming more suspicious than he did in this moment. In fact, judging by how they looked at him, it appeared that everybody around knew what was about to happen. Unfortunately, none of them cared enough about a random girl who just strolled into town to do anything about it.

Between Kiva and her would-be attacker, the sum of their incompetence was great enough that it threatened to stick Navon with a headache if he kept watching. Plus, it seemed as though the robber was finally about to do something.

As the robber hid behind a wall, waiting for the right time - a moment that passed several minutes ago - Navon appeared behind him, a dagger delicately placed on the robber’s nape. Fear and realization of what was about to happen paralysed the robber as Navon spoke.
“If you turn around, you die. If you flinch, you die. If you make a sound, you die.” His voice was cold, devoid of emotion and left no room for doubt that he meant every syllable. “Nod slowly if you understand.”

Unfortunately, the fear from having cool, sharp, steel pressed against his neck left the thief trembling, his knees barely strong enough to keep him standing. The tension pulled sweat from his skin, tiny droplets appearing on his face as he nodded slowly, suppressing a whimper.

“You are hungry. And desperate. I understand that. But, at least, you are alive. And if you would like to stay alive, you will lose all interest in that girl, go about your day and you will forget about this interaction.”

Navon felt the man breathe a sigh of relief, like one who had forsaken life only to receive it once again.

“Off you get. Eyes forward.”

Scared, grateful, terrified, relieved. The robber began scurrying away, Navon’s piercing gaze watching his every step. The decision to spare his life was weighing heavily on him, however, the thief had seen neither Navon’s face nor Kiva’s and so possessed a negligible risk. There was no need to kill him.

However, as the thief got to the end of the alleyway, just before turning away, he looked over his shoulder. The two locked eyes. The man’s expression was one of pure terror and Navon simply brought the butt of his dagger to his head, scratching his temple as he released a sigh that almost sounded disappointed.

“Now, why did you have to go do something as stupid as that?”

At Navon’s words, recognition; painful, dreadful recognition set upon the thief’s face and he turned to run. Unfortunately, having seen Navon’s face, this man now posed a threat and letting him escape might complicate things down the line.

Before the offender could complete his turn, Navon’s blade had made a clean pass through his neck.

As the body dropped to the ground, Navon sighed once again, flicking the blood off his blade as he shook his head.
“Needless death…” he hissed as he looked at the man with eyes that could almost be described as sad. But surely that wasn’t the case, after all, that would require the stoic Navon to actually be capable of showing emotion.

He knelt down beside the body that had lost its head, calves tucked underneath his thighs. He bowed his head, bowing his head and bringing a hand in front of his face in prayer. Quiet words were muttered as he prayed peace for the departed soul and for whatever lost ones he’d left behind.

When he was done, he slowly opened his eyes, mournfully looking upon the corpse before getting his feet under him and quickly making for the castle. He’d taken his eyes off of Kiva for far too long. He was sure that she didn’t have any more tails when last he had seen her, but anything could have happened since then.

He was a blur to the eye, sticking to the rooftops and quickly covering the ground. Soon, the castle was in sight and he could see Kiva approaching the guards.

Directly? Was she tired of life? What did she think she was doing?

No. Kiva. Stop. Kiva, wait!

But he was too late. They had already seen her. He couldn’t intervene further without more bloodshed. Hopefully, the girl actually knew what she was doing. He watched quietly, concealed by the shadows.

He was too far away to actually hear the words that were being spoken. However, the strangest thing happened. One of the guards turned and walked through the gates. As Kiva stood before the guard, neither of them treating the other as a threat. To call this unexpected would be a gross understatement, but at least she was safe. The other details could be worked out later. For now, he simply continued watching the interaction in case things suddenly went south.

Suddenly, movement to his right caught his attention. One of the guards stationed on the wall was making a horse’s pace towards the gate. Navon had little understanding - or care - for why. All that mattered is that, for the briefest second, there was a weakness in the wall defenses.

Navon briefly considered using it to sneak into the castle, but no. He had to, at the very least, trust that Kiva would be able to do her part of the mission. It was difficult to swallow, but he understood that if he simply did everything, that she’d never learn. And so, for now, he stuck to watching to make sure nothing went wrong.

Mentions: Kiva ( LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix )
CHAPTER 2 - Second Contact - Lady Romero

Location: Romero House Hold, Salnet Fiefdom, Falin Outskirts
Interactions/Mentions: Scarlett ( CrimsonInk CrimsonInk )

1741449914906.pngSmile. Wave. Give a polite bow to those who should be kissing your feet. It was absolutely loathsome. Yet, it was the role she had to play. The locals had to like her and so she had to pretend to like them, despite the fact that not a single one of them was worthy of shining her shoes. Not even the other advisors.

By the time she got back to her room, the flush had left her face, but there were still a few strands of hair that she hadn’t managed to tuck back into place. She closed her door quickly, spinning and resting her back against the door as she released a deep, heavy, burdened breath. She stayed there for a few seconds before pushing herself off the door and wiping down her arms with her hands as she grumbled.

“Disgusting. Every last one of them. I can feel their filth on me.”

She swiped harder and harder, trying to get rid of every last trace of “their filth”. Unsatisfied with the results, she stomped her feet and squirmed in a concerningly tantrum-like fashion for someone of her age and status. “Get it off me!”

Suddenly, the sound of heavy boots was heard outside the door. “Milady? Is all well?”

His voice caught her off guard, an audible gasp escaping her lips. She quickly cleared her throat, crossing her hands delicately over her stomach as she assumed the posture and tone of the perfect, lovely lady everybody knew her to be. “Pardon me, Geralt. All is indeed well. You know how I just dread spiders.” The lilt in her voice had a charming musical quality to it that was famous for disarming anybody she was speaking with. “Never you mind, my darling. I have dealt with the horrid thing. Go on, go be with your family now. Don’t let little me keep you.”

“Thank you, milady. Rest well.”

She listened to his footsteps recede down the hall, descend the stairs, and, finally, she heard the thump of her front door closing. “Ugh. Peasant.” She rolled her eyes, the musical quality of her voice now filled with disdain. She looked down at her robins in disgust, as if speaking to him through the door alone was enough to taint her with his filth. “A bath! Surely, that will do it.”

She clapped her hands together giddily. A bath was one of her many, many…many weaknesses. But it was likely the weakness she was most helpless against. She moved to her closet, beautiful, fine robes calling to her. Each one was a different colour or pattern and there was more to choose from than you would be able to find even at a tailor’s shop.

She hurriedly rid herself of her clothes, eager to get the outfit she saw as contaminated off her. She continued browsing her full closet for something she could wear. That was when she felt it. A tiny prick, like that of a bee sting, on her back. However, unlike any bee sting she had gotten before, this one made her strength melt away as her legs buckled under her.

“Huh?” Her tone was a mixture of scared and confused. “What's this? What's happening?”

That was when she heard footsteps coming closer to her and dread slowly started to choke her. Eventually, the woman appeared in front of her. The way she spoke was calm, but there was no masking the murderous intent that enveloped her.

There had been rumors floating around that The Seal would be coming for their fief, however, she - as well as most of the other council members - had written it off as gossip started by some of the servants who hoped for better treatment. The servants had even been punished for saying such ridiculous things. However, as she stared at this huntress in front of her, there was no doubt: The Seal had come for them.

Despite the clear hopelessness of her situation, she was confident she could charm her way out of the situation. After all, her enchanting voice and striking beauty had always been enough to get her out of any unpleasantness she had encountered in the past.

“Slit my neck? Oh, darling, surely there’s no need for all that mess. You are much too pretty for that.” The twinkling of her voice had come back, life she was halfway between speaking and singing a lullaby. “I’m sure there has been some kind of misunderstanding. Surely, you are looking for Lady Salnet, yes? The Lady of this humble fief? That is not me. I know, the Lady of the land is usually the fairest in the land, so you figured it must be me, yes? An easy mistake to make, I’m sure. Not to worry, I will gladly point you in her direction. We can forget this ever even happened.”

As she spoke, she was painfully aware that she had been caught in such a vulnerable position, and in her undergarments at that! How humiliating. To think that this foul creature was being blessed with such a view. And for free?! Such a trespass would never be forgiven. "Forget this ever happened"? Impossible. Such a crime could never go unpunished. She would personally see to it.

the foundation.

  • mood

    Trying to remain calm and collected

Igdunn perked up ever so slightly as a voice rang out demanding they identify. She moved, sitting up more in her seat within their caravan. Her lips parted in order to speak before Saphielle spoke up. She could not fully hide her shock at the title being dropped before she would school her expression, folding her hands in her lap as she looked between the shadows and Saphielle silently. She bowed her head as the heiress spoke her title, figuring she could easily act the part of a lady in waiting for such a woman in this instance. Most serving staff waited for permission to speak, this she knew from watching nobles and being on previous missions in her lifetime.

She had faith in her group. They could manage this..there were no true issues just yet. Sure the shadows invading their caravna was a concern, the vibes of the atmosphere were absolutely horrid and Igdunn felt like she could either choke on it or cut through it with her dagger… Such vibes were never usually good so early on in a mission, but if they can hold it together things will possibly clear up. She had confidence in her group, Saphielle seemed the most confident presently and she was grateful at least ONE of them was-

Igdunn glanced at the rest of her group, trying not to show her disappointment when she could not really see any of them due to the shadows that had invaded their space within the caravan. She knew herself and the others within the caravan were meant to possibly be kidnapped and that instance was the best case scenario shockingly (well not really shockingly, this was Al-Lotoy for gods sake- any scenario was better than death or being sold off for some experiment to be done on her). She just remained silent, trying to keep her wits about her as she listened for her team's voices or any sign that they may still be alive and breathing. She didn’t want history to repeat itself…or worse, it repeating with a deadly twist that could ruin their lives


J. R. H.

♡coded by uxie♡
"I have failed you in this labyrinth of my mind..."
The Shadow
  • .
The Twin Cities
Quill, Zenith
Cresley ( hery hery )

The docked ships, gently rocked by waves, thudded repetitively against their berths, and the ambiance of the port proved to be nothing like the peaceful experience of listening to the ocean from an abandoned beach or a cliff-side vantage.
This was hardly supposed to be a vacation, though, and Kygo was dialed into the activity of the people around them, where any number of threats might be lurking.

At Quill's assessment of the checkpoint guards, Kygo lifted his head and aimed to add onto her observations by singling out the sounds of the guards from amongst the dock workers and passengers.
Perhaps he could determine from here whether they were all large and brutish, or awkward new recruits with twitchy sword hands: were they gruffly interrogating everyone who passed, or lazily waving people through?

Whatever their collective disposition might have been, Kygo couldn't pinpoint it from his current position, and decided the effort wasn't worthwhile for now.
Zenith had made a valuable suggestion to use the activity within the port to their advantage and search for potential for leads among the cargo. He couldn't help but bristle, though, at being paired up with Cresley, especially after the "Hammer" moniker provided unnecessary encouragement for the other assassin to be loud and reckless.

Knives work best alone, he wanted to say, but there was hardly a moment for it: Kygo directed a quick parting nod to Quill and Zenith, then stepped off the ship to fall into pace next to Cresley, taking one long step for every three or four of his strides.
The sudden slap of emphasis against his back caused Kygo to recoil and glare sharply at his oblivious companion, but the urge to draw his blade didn't quite arise. Instead, he managed to let his shoulders fall to their usual posture and simply placed a more carefully calculated distance between them.

A stubborn weight settled in his chest when Cresley brought up the monikers Zenith had used for them, and again, he wanted to protest: when are a hammer and a knife ever needed together?
But it was probably a metaphor for comradery, or something like that, and Kygo knew he shouldn't be rude about it without a good reason.
Anyway, at least the parallels between the assassins and the weapons were accurate.
So, a rather noncommittal hum of acknowledgement formed deep in his chest and his attention fell with slightly more interest to Cresley's subsequent comment.

"I'm not shy,"
Kygo retorted immediately, but why hadn't he restrained himself?
If there was any benefit to Cresley's energetic demeanor, it was his ability to talk to people easily and convincingly, and that was the last thing Kygo should complain about when his own distaste was reserved for exactly those aspects of a mission.
He amended his statement gingerly,
"I don't mind you talking."

And...that phrasing had probably overstated things a little, but in fairness, they were walking through a crowded port and Kygo's attention was being forced to flicker quickly between various distractions - dozens of rowdy sailors moving about, stacking and unstacking crates, laughing and cracking jokes about which tavern would be the best locale for flushing away their paychecks, a sudden crash, followed by a lament at the cargo's excessive weight - which left perilously little space for considering his own words with care.

Among the commotion surrounding them, Kygo followed Cresley almost without thinking: some unquestioned instinct directing him to appeal to the agent with seniority, despite any irritation he might normally have felt toward someone with such a differing style from himself.

Again, he hummed quietly in response to Cresley's comment and took note of the hafling's mischievous grin with slightly less suspicion than usual.
"We should beware of traps or alarm devices, if we open something unguarded,"
Kygo offered, spying one pile of cargo with just a handful of guards, some of whom were conveniently close to the water...an inviting opportunity for corpse-disposal.

But Kygo couldn't allow himself to get distracted, or give too much distance between himself and Cresley: one wrong move and they could easily draw with the attention of every armed person in the vicinity.
Kygo's veins thrummed with adrenaline at the thought, but reason easily overpowered his eagerness, along with the suppressive influence of the fear that arose with any thought of mission failure.
He wound up frowning dourly at Cresley again (this time, without any reason), but his brows did lift slightly when Cresley actually spoke quietly.
"If you can pry the crates open, I'll keep watch,"
Kygo said, noting, with some interest, the spike of strange metal on Cresley's finger.

Yet, as he turned to find a covert place to survey their surroundings, he hesitated and turned back.
"If you need help, don't shout. Just say my name."
It probably didn't need to be said, but Kygo couldn't shake the feeling that shouting was always Cresley's first instinct, so he felt better for having given the reminder.

Now, he paced a short distance away, keeping Cresley just within eyeshot, then leaned casually against a stack of crates and watched the movement in the crowd of people for any irregularities that might suggest they'd been noticed.
Occasionally, of course, he couldn't quite help but turn his head to catch Cresley's movements in his periphery, ensuring that he would be able to move in an instant if his assistance was needed.

coded by reveriee.

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