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Realistic or Modern The Shadow Force

Max struggled with the luggage, but was too proud to accept any help. His own things tumbled and probably broke as he dropped a few of his bags in favor of Lance's. Luckily, a cab driver was kind enough to assist him with the luggage, but it still didn't mean anything; the damage had already been done. A smile was on his face as Max got into the car. He accidentally sat on Lance before scooting over.
"Sorry miss," Max apologized knowing it was Lance, but still felt it necessary.
Lance laughed it off when she was sat on. She then asked him if he had all his stuff motioned for the driver to leave. As thay where moving she wrote is hand "I have good news and good news, atlest from your perspective. Fisrt the boss says I can't kill you even if I gets realy tempting, which I can't imagen why he wold go out of his way to tell me. Also I'm going by my first name on this trip so I'm shure you'll be happy about that, you seem to like it better than Lance'. She then looked at him expecting a laugh, a familiar sound to her, knowing it wold ease her nerves.
Max didn’t know how he felt about her not killing him. Part of him felt that she couldn’t only if she had a weapon, the other part felt a bit fearful. He laughed it off.
“I do like Anna better than lance,” Max voices his opinion. He would have called her that, but everyone at the agency knew her as Lance. It wasn’t a big deal, but it was a Memory from a time before his spy career.
“Tell me when we arrive at the airport.”
'Rodger' she wrote before focusing on finding a book to read because that detail had slipped her mind until that moment. She scrolled through the digital library, for what felt like houers but was really only 20 minutes before settling on a dystopian romance that she knew wold make Max laugh at her or at least rool his eyes if he found out. With that done she settled on looking out the window for the rest of the drive.
After more than an hour of traffic the car finally rolled to a stop infront of the airport gate. Lance wrote 'we are here ' on Max's hand before hoping out, nearly geting run over, and making her way to the trunk. She carefully pulled out both of there stuff with the help of the Driver, shooing away Max in the process, and got everything to the curbside bag check where she almost emedietly got into an argument over the produce basket, her in a sighn language, notebook writing, and waiving of a permit, and the handelter merly raising his voice higher and higher.
Max had fallen asleep during that time. He woke up to feel her words.
“Looks like we get to board a plane now. Thank you sir,” Max pulled some Cash out of his wallet to pay the man. What bill it Was he didn’t know, but the driver sounded more than happy with it.

“Hey hey hey,” Max walked out of the car to hear shouting. With his lack of sight, the rest of his senses were heightened. The shouting sounded like someone scratching metal; a very unpleasant sound.
“Let’s just use our kind words. The lady is going to need her stuff. I’m sure it’s no big deal.”
Lance didn't realise Max had Aproched until she hurd his voice, she grabbed wildly for his hand, hitting his arm twice and his chest once before stopping to take a deep breath and reaching slowly to grab his hand. 'It's me she wrote, the baggage handelter is mad because I have a produce basket with me. I have a permit to bring it in my other hand, can you try telling him that? I don't think he knows sighn and he won't read ether the permit on my notebook where I wrote I have it. Also please tell him I'm mute not deph, so for the love of good please stop shouting it is causing a scene' she finished exasperated. She knew twice disabled peole traveling together was not going to go down smoothly but she had wrongly assumed that wold atlest make it to security before the madness started.
Max nodded.
“Excuse me sir,” Max looked towards the green outline of someone moving aggressively.
“You seem to be upset with my friend here. The problem you’re imagining doesn’t belong here. You need to step away as there is a permit right here.”
Max held up her permit.
“We are legal and have all the required documents, so if you wouldn’t kindly step aside,” Max “accidentally” whacked the guy in the shin with his seeing stick.
Lance bit her tung and fought hard not to laugh at Max "accidentally" hitting the handelter. With that "crisis" finaly over she got the tags for the luggage and turned then over, less than confidently, to the guy. She moved away pulling Max after her, in and attempt to stick together not because he was blind, and wrote on his hand 'forget being your assistant, your basically my translator. Atlest TSA should be easyer, or atlest faster than I wold be, I got us pre check. Don't ask there was hacking involved, I traded' she stopped realizing the car was gone ' did you pay the driver?' She asked looking at Max.
“Indeed I did,” Max said, “And I guess I am your translator. And yeah we should stick together. Otherwise you can’t be my eyes and I can’t be your voice.”
Max was at her mercy. Not horribly, but enough. This was a whole new area to him. Lots of sounds and people. Lots of new things happening all at once. If he didn’t home onto something, the sounds would have easily overwhelmed him.
“Let’s just hope they don’t fight us for their spot,” Max truly did hope.
'Thanks' lance wrote 'hey I know you hate it but this place is even crazier than I expected, our best chance is Sighted guide' she said before taking his hand and forcfuly puting it on her arm to guide him going with the forgiveness over permission aproch. Together thay waked up and then down several flights of stairs, bafre and after which she paused to tell him, and thrue two hallways as carefully as she could manage before she stoped them. She took off his arm and wrote 'You are 100 percent within yourbright to tell at me but please for it after we make it thre security. We are at the entrance to TDA pre check, it is like normal but shorter line and you keep your shoes on. Ready for our first adventure?' She let him take the lead for this part partaly because she knew for a fact she wold be stoped as she was every time and partially because she coldmet even began to get in his head at this moment and knowing this was stressfulfor both of them wanted him to atlest get to orient himself and take controlof the situation.
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Max was about to say Something before he was whisked through the airport. He almost stumbled down some stairs before they finally stopped.
“It’s alright. Just warm me next time,” Max wanted before he began to take deep breathes.
Max straightened up his shirt and began to walk towards what he thought was the security. The guards helped him put his stuff in some boxes before letting him go through the metal detector. Max felt the detector wirr into life as
It scanned the man. Exiting, Max out his stuff back on and waited for his friend.
Lance smiled as her old friend made it through without a hitch. She then whent through and was selected for the "random" extra security scan. She sighed and tried to grab her notebook to ask then to tell Max but was stopped. She tried sighn and while the agents didn't understand an little girl in line did and told them "she says to tell him" much to the confusion of the agents. Lance turned to her and signed again to the little girl who translated "She says she is with the blind man that just whent throught, and you need to tell him she is stoped so he doesn't worry." Thankfully the same agent who had helped Max whent to tell him.
After the extra surch, Lance joined Max and apologized "sorry, I'm shure I've told you before but I get stoped every time at airports in this country ' as she rolled her eyes. 'We have 20 minutes before we need to get to our gate, so let's go buy lunch and take it to eat on the plain, what are you in the mood for?' She wrote before tapping his arm twice to offer sighted guide again but not forcing it this time as it was slightly less crowded, geze she thought where is everyone going?
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Max walked through the security just fine and headed towards the door. Instead of the usual touch of his friend, a stern hand grabbed his arm.
“Sir. Your friend had to be stopped by us for a random security check. If you could just wait a moment right here, she will join you shortly,” A female voice said.
“Alright,” Max said with a smile, but he was frustrated. Well. If hitches didn’t happen, then this would be the perfect mission.

Random? I think the airports are out to get you and you’re signing fingers too,”
Max joked about, “Yeah let’s get some food. Somewhere quick if we only have 20 minutes.”
He strolled with her going along with her slight tug on the arm.
“I’m good with whatever you choose,” Max thought ahead so she didn’t have to sign it.
As the two of them made there way towards gate 11 lanc kept her eyes peeled for a short line. Lance settled on a shop insed of a restaurant and grabbed two sandwiches from a case, her favorite BLT and the one she remembered being Max's favorite where both in stock. There, or atlest her, luck was turning up. She also grabbed an overpriced bag of Hawaiian potato chips from a display for them to share. When she turned back to Max she burst out laughing, in her silent way, he was standing infront of a host's display which reminded her of some of the fun that had together in High School. She nudged him to the side to grab a two pack of the cupcakes to share dispute them being even more overpriced than the chips and dividing to have some fun wrote on Max's hand 'we are having memories for our late lunch early diner' before carefully leading him to the counter and paying for the food.
After that left the store thay made there way to the gate and to the counter. As Lance double checked the tickets with the lady's at the counter, one of which knew sighn, the other lady looked at Lance than up and down at Max and interposed the first who was conforming that where at the right place and the flight was on time to say " Ya, we are boarding in 5 minutes and you both are priority boarding" Looking Max and her ups and down together. Lance tried to say 'it is fine we will board with the rest of Business' but she want having it. Lance shrugged and turned to Max and wrote 'you hurd her. Want to sit or stand while we wait?'
Max felt himself be taken down a hallway before stopping in a store.
“Not a bad idea. More stuff her. A variety of stuff here,” He commented to himself as he used his nose to guide him. The man paused for a moment in front of what felt like a clean surface. Glass was it? He couldn’t remember why it felt so familir until Anna mentioned what it was.
“Oh yeah. Those were good times,” he said coming out of the trance.

Max’s feet traveled over unfamiliar ground as they moved to pay for the food and to leave.A table was felt by his hands and he sat down. He could feel a commotion between Anna and someone else. He tried to make out what they were saying by looking towards them. Sign was an unfamiliar language to him. It was even harder when you could only see outlines of things. Deciding to check things out himself, Max headed over to them.
“What’s this about?” Max asked Tapping his cane to keep up that he didn’t know what was happening.
Lance realised Max had already sat down and then walked up to her. 'We are at the right gate ans we get priority boarding because we are disabled, they are insisting on it, note my desire to roll my eyes, I guess perks are perks though. We bord in 5 minutes, do you want to stand around or sit while we wait until then'. She asked while slowly moving them away from the desk and into a warm patch of sunlight that was ironicly not crowded before sharing 'just so you know for the fisrt time in your life somone checked you out and didn't drool' she said fighting for composure, lasting for all of three seconds after she finished writing and then doubled over laughing.
Max laughed in a snarky way before walking with her.
“Women happen to like me a lot,” He guesses. There was no real way for him to know that, but he guessed. Well, there was the romance and hugs and what not.
“let’s just stand around for a while. If the plane is flying to Hawaii, we’re going to want to be standing. It’s gonna be a long flight,” Max guessed using his seeing stick as a cane to lean on.
Lance tried to stand straight and got half a deep breath in before she glanced over at Max and burst out in a fresh fit of giggles. On her second try she suscsefuly stood strate and took a deep breath before leading him to a window that was free. Once situated she focused outside the window to as she finished composing herself. She took Max's hand and was about to write on it when the overhead came on and announced "gate 11 to Hawaii, priority boarding starts now." 'That is us' she wrote instead. And gently guided him to the entrance. She scanned both there tickets and released Max at the entrance of the tunnel where she grabbed his hand and wrote 'we are at the entrance to the tunnel, it is straight forward from here and we can pick our seats on Business. Do you want me to guide or fallow?"
Once thay where on the plane and Max had picked seats, thay stowed there stuff and sat down. As soon as she was seated Lace bucked and began reading the safety manual. After about half an hour the doors closed and the flight attendants addressed the passengers. All during the safety presentation Lance focused intently and incomchisly squeezed Max's hand.
“Guide,” Came Max’s voice. While he had been on an airplane, it was still something he was unfamiliar. The words of boarding were suppose to be good, but why was he dreading it? The walk to the plane wasn’t all that bad. He had hit his foot twice, but otherwise he was fine. There were people assisting him at every turn. Finally, he was seated in what he assumed was the middle of a row. The seat was awfully small for him, but it was expected. He did his best to listen to the instructions as the woman presented what they were suppose to do in an emergency. It wasn’t all that comfortable knowing he would be nusciance instead of helping If they did crash.
After the presentation Lance looked at Max and wrote 'were a team. I'll pull out our food when we get to cruising altitude' then she leans back and relaxed as thay where taxied to the runway. Once the plane started gaining speed she visibly stiffened and held the armrests until thay where in the air then it was instantaneous that she relaxed and even smiled.
Soon the anaouncmet was made that thay had reached crusing altitude. She reached for her backpack that she had stashed under the seat. She pulled out the food and started up. She wrote to max 'put down your tray, I about your favorite sandwich and a bag of chips to share' before puting her own tray down. She put his sandwich and the bag of chips on Max's tray before didging into her own sandwich.
Max felt the plane lift off and he relaxed. He was in the hands of the pilots now. If anything bad happened, it would be their job to fix it. I got to trust them, he told himself as he closed his eyes. What did it matter? He couldn’t see anyways. He reached his hands forwards to find the tray. After fumbling with it, it finally popped down.
“Thank you,” Max thanked her as he began to eat his food. It didn’t taste right. He assumed it was the altitude though.
After Lance finished her sandwich she tried to discreetly open the cupcakes, though she knew Max probably hurd her, and she put one on front of max before taking his hand, writing 'surprise', and puting his hand on it so he didn't fumble for it. She then gave him a grin and bit into hers, memories flooding her.
After about an hour the flight attendance came around to offer drinks and Lance ordered a ginger-ale. And made sure Max was served. She spent most of the flight reading, thow she made shure to silently check on Max periodically our of habit even thow she knew he was more than capable. Half way through the flight she got up to use the bathroom and wrote 'heading to the latreen' on Max's hand.
Hearing wasn’t what alerted Max to the cupcakes. As soon as she opened them, Max’s nose smelled them and his eyes went wide. His mouth surrounded the goody and he was in heaven. Man how good it tasted to him.
After the food, Max fell asleep. He dint have an audio book and didn’t want to listen to a movie.
Lance realised Max was sleeping and felt bad to have possibly perturbed him. She took care of business and came back. When she got back she fielded she was tired of reading and desided to take a nap herself so she set an alarm for almost an hour before the plane was scheduled to land and doused off.
Lance got stiff again as the plane landed. Once it touched down she made shure Max was awake. 'We are in Hawaii' she wrote dispite it being obvious. Thay waited patiently in there seats as the plane emptied and where one of the last ones out. Lance then guided Max out of the plain and through the tunnel before stopping infront of a window. 'I'll be right back' she told him an whent to an information desk before returning 'our flight to Australia isn't scheduled to land for an hour and a half, but it is running late so we have even longer. What do you want to due? My only idea is trying to find those nuts the islands are so famous for, the chocolate coverd ones ' she wrote and looked around.
Max groggily woke up. It was quite a rude awakening with the bump of the plane hitting the run way.
”I’m up. I’m up,” Max said sitting upright. Her taps told him they were in Hawaii, The paradise state. He gathered what little things he had while waiting to get off the plane. It was their turn to get off. Standing with shaky legs, Max trudged towards the exit with Anna as his guide.
Anna’s familiar embrace left once he felt the sun.
”okay, guess I won’t wander off,” Max thought to himself as he took a seat. A little while later, she returned. Max was talking to someone about sports.
”There are many museums and beaches we could go to,” Max suggested, “ Make sure you grab our stuff.”

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