Two Thousand Club
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- PreludeLong ago there lived seven clans, each of the clans represented an element. There was Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Air, Metal and Shadow. Once every hundred years or so, one member from each clan is selected to become the envoy of the clan. The selected clan member would be branded with a mark of the seven elements, and from there they are granted a divine from following the mark. The divine form of the seven elemental envoys is connected to one of the seven virtues for each envoy, the virtues being Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. Once the individual is gifted with the power of the divine form and the mark of the seven elements, they are given the responsibility to ensure that the barrier holding back the demon realm is secure at all times.
Not only does the barrier keep demons from escaping their realm but it also is sealing away seven specific demons that the first-ever elemental envoys sealed away hundreds of years ago. These seven are known to be the dark envoys, they control the very same elements as the seven elemental envoys, however, are simply a darker version of each element, their divine form represents the seven sins that being Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth. These dark envoys were sealed away along with every other demon throughout the land, as time had passed though, with every generation that went by, the barrier keeping the demons sealed away weakened little by little and every so often, a demon would slip out from the cracks to bring chaos onto the land until it is either returned behind the barrier or destroyed by an individual or one of the envoys personally.
One day, a group of villagers visited the barrier and found what appeared to have been the scales from a small child-like demon. The scales were edible and seemed to have cured nearly any form of disease as well as restoring one's vitality. Without a second thought, the villagers went on a hunt for the child demon and by the time they had found it, they returned it to their village where they locked it into a cage only to torture the creature for its scales. Once it was discovered by the demons that one of their own kinds' children was abducted, the determination to be freed from their prison was even more pronounced.
With their extremely violent behaviors after the realization of what the humans were doing, eventually, even the barrier could no longer hold back the overwhelming force of the demons against the barrier until it had finally shattered. With demons spreading across the planet all over, chaos ensued, even with the envoy's help, there were only seven of them against an unlimited number of demons, and with no knowledge of the villagers who abducted the child demon and tortured it, they continued to battle against the demons and the seven dark envoys to this day.
Years have passed and to this day the war against the demons continues as they search the planet for where their kidnapped little one is. All while news has started to spread slowly little by little that those who have eaten the scales of the child demon have started to morph their form little by little over time. Losing their minds to the different forms of their sins before slowly descending into madness and becoming bloodthirsty demons themselves. Even with all of this, the people of the village seem to refuse to accept that the reason for their change and behavioral difference change is not due to the scales of the demon child but moreover because of the increase in demons on the planet over time, still refusing to inform any of the envoys about their crime.
Little do any of the envoys or dark envoys know that behind closed doors, there is a looming threat that is far greater than any of them could ever imagine, one that could change all of history as they all know it....OverviewHeey there y'all, new roleplay idea I just came up with. Wanted to give it a try. Part of this is inspired from an anime I recently watched called "Fog Hill of Five Elements."
The level of technology the roleplay will have is Steampunk and will have flying ships and all that...but nothing super crazy like jetpacks or flying cars.Story * - ROLESFIRE ENVOY - Diligence -
WATER ENVOY - Patience -Nothingness
SHADOW ENVOY - Kindness-Faerie Childe
FIRE DARK ENVOY - Pride - reserved
WATER DARK ENVOY - Wrath -Le Chevalier
AIR DARK ENVOY - Envy -Peckinou
METAL DARK ENVOY - Sloth-Necromantic
SHADOW DARK ENVOY - Lust -AnonyMouse
AVALIABLE VIRTUES: Chasity, Temperance, Charity, Humility
AVALIABLE SINS: Greed, Gluttony
Unlimited openings
Unlimited Openings
Rules1.Rules are subject to change as needed. Announcements will be made if anything is to change of course.
2.So even though this roleplay is based on Fog Hill of Five Elements, it does not mean that everything from the show will be focused into this roleplay. Hence why it is not a if you've seen the show, it will help but it is not absolutely needed to be part of the roleplay.
3.There will be no OOC thread. OOC will be handled on a discord server, it will be most likely a requirement to join.
4.Character sheets given a 'heart' reaction mean the CS has been accepted.
5.Posting will be expected at least once or twice a week. If you're going to be gone for long periods of time, then please let me know ahead of time.
6.Usual obvious rules of no god modding or controlling other players' characters without permission.
7.This roleplay will require at least 2 paragraphs for responses. Unless you have writer's block or you have no idea what to do or respond to, then that is the minimum. If you need help with responding or writing something more, feel free to ask for help. I am here to help however I can.Rules * - Linksx.In Character
x.Character Sheets
x.OOCLinks *
code by Nano
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