[The Seven Deadly Sins] Intermission 1: The Dragon's Den

Seeker of the End

Two Thousand Club
After a few days worth of travel, the Blind Radiance finally makes it to Castle Drakholt, the seat of Viktor's empire. It is a very grand sight, nearly as intimidating like Viktor himself.

Will you land near the castle or further away?
Over the past few days, Wren has been digging through her pile of books for any hint on the Seven Sins, and is disappointed to find very little to work with. Time for a break. Heading up to the deck, she takes up her favorite spot on the bow of the ship and looks out at the sight of Viktor's castle.
*Aldiminius has been more than willing to study alongside her, and anyone else save Elio.. he still seems to Harbor some Disdain for the young lad- and is aparently also been preparing for the Duel. He has even engaged in martial art's Kata Practice on top the ship's deck, both with the armor on, and off*
Wren watches the sparring with interest, always interested in learning different combat techniques. She asks questions about the various maneuvers she sees, trying to compare them to the fighting techniques she knows best with her chosen weapon, the pole arm. "I'm not nearly as good with my bare hands as I am with a weapon. I can balance my lack of skill with my natural agility against most opponents well enough to get by."
*He nods, going through the motions- his own Weapon of Choice, the Scythe, and his bare arms* "Yes.. Personaly, I'm something of a.. I've found that to balance myself, it was optimal to improve the body, as well as the Mind... and that Martial Art's was excelent for improving my body... and for focusing my mind, yes? It helped with meditation, among many other things.." *As his hand's move slowly, then swiftly, twirling the scythe as if to parry, and strike to an invisible figure's chest with his palm, incredibly swift* "It... help's, with Self Control... As I hold the body in a tight regime, it helps me with the honing of my Mind- Self Discipline.. I'd suggest it to anyone, really."
Nimbus has been meditating at the front of the ship, considering what has occurred and what the group he found himself with would be doing about he sins. The most present issue was the growing conflict between Viktor and the Solar who claimed to be from the First Age. 'It is entirely possible that the group may split apart over this' was his final conclusion and he stood, seeing Viktors castle in the distance and leaving to find the Captain before they landed. He had questions that required answers.
Having completed his own martial arts practice and calisthenic exercises earlier that morning, sparring with anyone who was willing, Viktor stands on the prow of the skyship, a smile of genuine pleasure on his face as they approach his home. He turns to Wren and Aldiminius practicing nearby. "Magnificent, is it not?," he calls over the wind. "Drakholdt, the house of my fathers. Built during the height of the Shogunate, armed with First Age weapons, still functional more than ten centuries later, able to house five hundred troops, and the entire population of the barony at need."

Indeed, the building is impressive; built of black granite imported from the Blessed Isle, Drakholdt is nestled in a curve of a wide river, three of its mighty walls flush with the shore. Docks and a medium-sized town to service them spread out on either side, with low, rocky hills starting just a few miles back from the river. Clean and orderly, strong and impregnable, it is a veritable beacon of prosperity and stability in the heart of the near-anarchy of the Hundred Kingdoms.

"Speaking of those weapons, they are likely tracking us even now... if they are not, then my captains and I shall have words. I should let them know we are friendly."
Raising a fist into the air, Viktor flares his anima, announcing to the people of town and castle below that their Emperor has returned.
Wren steps up next to the gruff Exalt. "Impressive digs there, Viktor. I have not seen the like in many years."
With Victor's anima going high, Kyros guides the ship deftly in to the courtyard of the Supernal's Castle. Mostly to show off his skills, as this was not a landing many, even among the Exalted, could make. But also for the sake of politeness. This was an ally's home base, it would be improper to make them walk.
Since this is someone else's home, Wren waits for Viktor to step off the airship first and to extend the invitation to join him on the ground. No need to be impolite, after all.
"I myself specialize in the Violet Bier of Sorrows Style." Xentair speaks as he approaches where Wren and Aldy are, "It has helped me develop my path as Xentair. Should any of you wish to learn it, please do not hesitate to ask me."

When the Blind Radiance touches down in the center of the Castle, there is a rather grand procession laid out before you. The soldiers that Viktor has hired stand at attention, armors polished and ready for the Dragon's arrival. It is a very impressive sight. Heck, there's even a red carpet laid out for the rest of you.

A man walks forward and as he gets closer, the burns on his face are more apparent. He wears crimson clothing, and is obviously very high ranked.

"You have returned, brother." the man states, bowing slightly as protocol dictated, "What brings you back home so early?"
*Aldy walks up, close on Viktor's Right Hand Flank, scyhte ovver his back- he throws hiscoat on as he walks past it- as he was shirtless during the training scene- but, the labcoat is easy to slip on, as he takes a formal position*
Wren raises an eyebrow at the mention of the martial art technique. "I have tried to learn some of the Celestial techniques that the Sidereals know, but to no success. Perhaps I will take you up on the offer of instruction. After watching masters of that style fight, I have been interested in learning it to incorporate with my own style of fighting."
"A Glaive is an unusual weapon of choice for the Violet Bier of Sorrows, but I believe that it can be possible. I have seen a young Chosen of Endings by the name of Hotaru use a Glaive with the katas. It works, but it just seems that nobody has thought of using it before." Xentair nods. "I recently developed some new charms from my Essence and was hoping to spar with Viktor but alas it seems that he is busy."
Kyros casually saunters down to join the others after giving permission to the crew to take a shore leave. A few members of the crew would stay on board at all times to keep watch, but they would rotate out and have their own chance to relax at the palace. "So." He said, coming up to the gathering "What's next on the agenda?"
"Perhaps I can be of some service with that. So long as you don't mind a few bruises, I wouldn't mind seeing what you can do in a fight. Perhaps I'll decide to accept a Sifu to teach me something new after all these years." She smiles as she talks, but her eyes do have a dangerous gleam to them. Even a 'friendly' duel with a Lunar blademaster can be deadly.
"I believe that Aldiminius wanted to study Luxaria and some of the others wanted to do some research about the Sins. Wren and I have agreed to a friendly duel since she wishes to learn the Violet Bier of Sorrows. You are free to watch me put her in her place if you wish." Xentair shrugs, but there is a competitive and dangerous gleam in his eyes when he says the last sentence.
"Ho ho! I will happily make you eat those words. 'Put me in my place', indeed! I have not had a good workout in a while; bring your best and I'll take you to school!"
Kyros let out a bark of mocking laughter. "HA! Good luck with that, friend. You'll need it." He said, smirking. "I am going to raid the kitchens. Afterward I may join you for a scrap myself."
"It would be a pleasure and an honor, Xentair. On the morrow, perhaps?"

Viktor strides proudly down the gangplank of the ship, stopping before the high-ranked man who spoke, and nodding to him. Aside from the other's scarred face, and blue-green highlights in his hair, the family resemblance between the two of them is remarkable. "Success, brother. What else? Though perhaps not quite in the manner I anticipated, a victory nevertheless."

"I shall tell you all, of course," he says, with just a hint of condescension. "But, first things first. Friends, permit me to introduce my brother, Maxim Mattias Vladimir Borislav Adalbert, the Baron Drakholdt and High Seneschel of the Draconian Empire. Maxim, meet our new allies, encountered on my journey." He proceeds to name each of them in turn. "With one exception, they have proven to be worthy allies of the Empire, and we have found the beginnings of a most... interesting, if pressing endeavor. I would not ruin my appetite, were I you, Captain Kyros; a feast shall be held in honor of our guests this evening. But first, I will need the dueling grounds prepared. That... exception, has offered me a rather severe insult. We shall have some entertainment before dinner."
*Aldy chuckles, looking to Kyros* Perhaps, once I've performed my Studies, we might Spar between you and I hm?
"Two on one, eh? Sure, I'll take you up on that." Said Kyros. "I look forward to that feast, Victor. Until then, I'm going to familiarize myself with the area." He gave a friendly parting wave to the others. "By your leave, Dragon Lord."
Xentair grin turns predatory. "Well then, I believe that I know where we can start. And I will fight you tomorrow Baal, I spent most of my time since our last meeting developing my Charms. I have realized most of my potential and I think that even you would be hard-pressed to keep up!" Xentair is uncharacteristically eager for fighting.

Maxim quirks an eyebrow, "I pity the fool. We both know what happens when you get insulted. We're still trying to clean the burn marks from the walls last time that happened. Regardless, I will have the grounds prepared. Do you wish to send out a message to the town? I believe that they will be eager to see their leader in combat."
"As you wish, Captain," Viktor gives his leave. "Yes, we do, don't we, Maxim? Personally, I think the scorch marks give it a certain... honest quality, but we must keep up appearances, I suppose. By all means, invite all who wish to come, but do so quickly. We begin as soon as the grounds are prepared. I wish to put this unpleasantness behind us as quickly as possible."

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