[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:1 Howlcrick

"Captain." Nimbus says, approaching the table that he and Tshav had taken. "These books should cover the town's history." He continues, setting the books he had been carrying down.

Using 2 motes on IAE's first excellency

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Saron frowns as he considers the question, "I am afraid that I have not. But I believe that I had heard of something before about some ruins nearby this town. That's how we managed to collect a large number of books. Most of them were found there."


As Nimbus looks through the books about the town's history, he finds it to be quite bland. Nothing much of interest can be found about the town, only generic information is found within the pages. As you go towards the back of the library, you find something strange.

Roll Perception+Investigation please.
"Interesting... where might an interested party hire a guide to these ruins? Are they from the First Age, or Shogunate?"
Saron frowned, "To be honest I only heard rumors... But to my knowledge they are First Age Ruins but I am not too sure."


Nimbus' search finds something VERY interesting. Hidden behind a bookcase is a small door that's locked up tight. On the door says "Restricted Area. Authorized Staff Only." Dex+Larceny to break in.


The man at the bar frowns at the request before shrugging, "Sure, but I won't be able ta tell you much. Ya might want to go to the library for that, but I can tell ya what I know. Alright, ask away. My name's Leonel, by the way."
"I see. Well, I thank you for your time, Master Saron. I shall be about my business, and not keep you any longer from yours." With a perfunctory gesture to his guards, Viktor strides off to catch up with the others, unless the man has anything important to say to him. On the way, he takes a meandering route through the town, gazing with Essence-sight for anything out of the ordinary.

Can I use Factual Determination Analysis to see if he was telling the truth about not knowing anything? Either way, using Essence-Dissecting Star to check out the town.
Viktor takes his time going through the town, occasionally stopping to confer with his guards, examining any unusual essence flows.

You manage to spot three of your companions in the library. Wren and the others are in a tavern. Xentair is in the orphanage that the woman that Wren was talking to earlier went. He's probably doing investigations of his own there. Other than that there are not that many unusual essence signatures.
Spotting nothing else of interest, Baal heads to the library to join the largest group of his companions.
He raises an eyebrow at the collection of powerful Exalts stymied by a door. "And what have we here? Found something of interest, have we? Is the door magically locked? Sorcerously sealed, perhaps? Or do none of you know the first thing about breaking and entering?"
Wren takes a sip from her drink. "Well, I am interested in any tales you can tell me about the history of this place. Everywhere in Creation has a story to it. I'd just like to hear this one."
WarDragon said:
He raises an eyebrow at the collection of powerful Exalts stymied by a door. "And what have we here? Found something of interest, have we? Is the door magically locked? Sorcerously sealed, perhaps? Or do none of you know the first thing about breaking and entering?"
"You do? That hardly seems in character." Tshav says quirking his eyebrow.
"By all means, your majesty" Said Kyros, mockingly. "Show us how it's done." He made a grand sweeping motion towards the door, inviting Victor to try his hand.
He cracks his knuckles and removes his gloves. "I will have you all know that after I left Drakholdt, and before I was chosen by She Who Lives In Her Name, I spent two decades becoming known as one of the finest Scavenger Lords around. It has been a goodly number of years since I've needed to do this sort of thing, admittedly, but they say one never forgets. Musakith, make sure no one disturbs us," he directs one of his guards.

He bends down and pulls out what appears to be a lockpick from the pocket of his coat. Eyes still burning with Pyrian sight, he observes the Essence of the lock as well as its physical form, and applies pick to tumbler.


If that's not enough, would my Excellency apply for a retry?
Wren looks at the old man sitting in front of her. "Are there any old tales that you can tell me about this area? Interesting sites to look at? Old ruins? I'm anxious to learn all that I can." She leans forward to let her body language show genuine interest.
Leonel frowns as he considers his answer, "I can tell ya about some of the history of the town but it's pretty bland. If yer looking for First Age stuff, there's some ruins a fair distance away. They've already been gutted out for the longest time but there might be some stuff that'll catch yer eye. It's a rather large castle in the middle of nowhere."


Viktor's lock-picking skills are a bit rusty so he's having a hard time picking the locks to get the door open.

Roll Dex+Larceny again please. I don't think you excellency will be able to apply to it though...
"Truly, your highness, your skill with the lock and tumbler is to be admired." Sniggered Kyros.
Wren's eyes twinkle in interest as she hears about this old castle. "Really? Where is this ruin located? It sounds like just the thing that I'm looking for."
Viktor scowls. "I believe I mentioned it had been quite some time," he grits out. He inhales deeply through his nose, forcing himself to calm down and approach the lock meticulously, focusing on his memories and letting the skill come back to him.

Channeling Temperance to approach it in a calm and logical manner.

The moment Baal tries again, the lock clicks after a millisecond of fiddling. How you managed to forget how to open it is beyond you.


Leonel shrugged, "It's located a fair distance away from here. Around four days worth of walking, from what I remember."

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