The Serpent's Cross [Idea]


That guy who's not around much right now
Crew Dossiers

Dr. Jerry Palavick's notes

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"Why has our kind always been plagued with violence, with greed? We've lacked guidance. Humanity has had no true leadership in all of it's bloody history, we've walked ourselves from one war to the next with no idea why.. truly why we needed to kill another of our own. We've fought with ourselves for so long it's all we know how to do. What we must do is look elsewhere. We, humans of every race and gender, must have a singular focus, we must march onward to the stars, we must colonize, we must go to war. This is who our people have molded themselves into! We must, one and all, leave the land of our birth to explore beyond our borders of our comfort, as we have always done, as we have always yearned to do. We must go to war with the stars!"

~Quote of Kurt Daniels, head of the Serpent's Cross organization for exploration~

The year is two thousand eighty seven, Earth is choking on the waste products of it's population. Humanity is killing itself through inaction. Already the entire solar system has been colonized, and yet still our planets cannot sustain the ever-growing population. The Serpent's Cross is an organization of such power that it rivals even colonial councils, planetary governments. It is now that these extremists have decided that our own solar system was not enough, and now must move onward to the outer reaches of our capacity through the revolutionary Suiard drive. Liam Suiard was a genius Irish scientist on earth, formulating a method of travelling beyond the speed of light without acceleration beyond human capacity. Suiard claims that the idea came to him one night while watching television. The idea of the remote, why move to your goal if it could be done remotely, make the end product come to the user. A mathematic formula beyond normal comprehension was his answer, Suiard denied the natural laws to create a reality warping device, essentially creating a fold in space to travel infinitely greater distances over a considerably shorter time. Armed with his idea, and funding from the Serpent's Cross, Suiard built his device, a generator the size of the common minivan that consumed astronomical amounts of power, to warp the very fabric of reality to do his bidding, assuming the proper calculations were entered. One generator was capable of travelling a near infinite distance in an infinitesimal amount of time, not limited by conventional methods of propulsion. Shortly out of prototyping, Suiard passed away of questionable reasons, and the Serpent's Cross developed colossal ships, three to be precise, all powered on a multitude of Suiard drives, and solar sails for power generation. The Berserker King, The Prophet's Fate, and The Dungeoneer became the first true colonizing crafts, ships capable of carrying billions at a time, fabricating mass, generating their own power, even containing entire cities and farm fields. The cross had made fantasy for many, a reality. Leaving behind warpgate buoys for future colonization, the trio set on their way immediately, branching in different directions to various Goldilocks worlds spotted via stellarscope.

Now we humans travel forth into the unknown... what pray tell, may happen?

AWESOME!! I'm in :)

So will we be starting at the beginning of the journey then, or will it be in progress. Also, I want to be a captain :) If that is possible.
Insofar, nothing is actually known of other intelligent life, or if there is any for that matter. This will take place before any first contact, assuming there will even be any. I'm still a little lacking on plot at the moment, so suggestions would be nice. An idea I had was possibly separating the members to the three different ships, communicating relatively often, but never meeting. This is an idea though, I doubt will work unless we get a lot of interest quickly. In which case, I think that we can vote on which ship the players want to be aboard. I'm not done much of the real planning yet, so it could be a little while before the rp is ready, but any questions or suggestions, please don't hold your tongue; So to speak.
I like the idea and would be in, but I don't have much to contribute at the moment, sorry. xD
I don't have plot at the moment, maybe we should scheme? (macaroni not included)

If it has some interesting ploy I'd be interested.

Most rps like this end up dying off :(

*looks at vaga and outer*
Well I've got a grander scheme in mind, but once again I can't share that. Immediately into the rp though, the crew of chosen ship will be landing on it's first Goldilocks world. From there we'll see about what happens, shall we?

Characters from Vagabond? Well there will only be humans at the moment.

Wait, did he just say, "At the moment?" Will there be more in the near future?
I think this sounds really nifty! I want in on it. Plus, I want in on some of the later stuff... like.... "IF" there will be aliens and whatnot. -toothy grin-

What kinds of characters are you looking for in general?

Plus, I like working with other writers on relationships; like creating a brother/sister team or best friends team, or past loves/friends that went terribly awry? Anyone interested?
Well, signups will be expanded later into the roleplay, I will share that much. Later tonight I'll also add more information about technology in this universe, which will be a mandatory read, in previous science fictions, people have presumed energy shields to be the norm, which is not always so. As for general characters, this story takes place based around three colony vessels, ships that contain entire cities within them, so basically anyone is fair game. The three ships literally took the entire population of several cities, and are presently carrying them to new Goldilocks, or earthlike, worlds.
So, for technologies in this universe, as promised:

Transportation: The Suiard drives have taken the world(s) by storm, and those with the assets to acquire one are always richly rewarded. The Suiard drive has proven wrong every other method of travel thus far, and while expensive and space consuming, it proves to be the most efficient method of travel so far, allowing near instantaneous travel to theoretically anywhere presuming that the math given is correct. Otherwise, space travel by solar sail is popular on smaller and/or less wealthy crafts. In atmosphere, little has changed from the present day save for the shape of the modern wheel on automobiles. Due to safety reasons, it was found that a spherical wheel proved far more safe than cylindrical ones, allowing for more absorption of force when impacted from the side, as well as proving more convenient for parallel parking. The sphere was not a particularly large change, and was adopted quickly with little complications.

Weapons: Modern firearms still fire solid metal projectiles, proving time and again to be a rough and ready weapon at any time under any circumstance. Now though, with the advent of plasma generation, such weapons are propelled by "clean" plasma that releases virtually no radiation, and is relatively safe to handle without special equipment. Unfortunately, weapons require a brief "spin up" time while the first plasma charge is readied. Once "spun up", the weapon can discharge rounds at an unnerving rate, as quickly as the magazine can feed into the chamber. Doing so often causes overheating and burns as severe as third degree when not handled properly, and it is advised against discharging beyond fourty rounds a second.

Commercial: Artificial intelligence has come a long distance, and automated machines are often enough used for menial tasks, seen commonly enough as house servants in wealthy households. A machine, more commonly dubbed "synth", looks identical to a regular human save for their "data halo", a projection that notifies anyone around them that they are a synth, and what it is that they're presently doing. Synths operate on the fundamental laws of robotics, and under no circumstances can they harm a human through action or inaction. Most spacefaring vessels have at least one synth on their bridge crew, inputting commands via digital link far more quickly than a human can ever be capable of by normal interface. Quantum computers have become commonplace, making load times a thing of the long forgotten past, and allowing for incredible data storage within minimal space.
Sooo...When do we start? I SO want in. Also,would it be accurate to compare Synths to Tranquil Mages in Dragon Age,emotion-wise?
Emotionally, the synths don't actually feel anything, but they "pretend" for the sake of the humans around them.

As for when we can start, that entirely depends on interest level. It seems that we've got enough now, so I'll get to making the signups at some point today.
Sweet beans and rice cakes! This is going to be a fantastic journey!

Now, for one of those newb questions: When we sign up, where do we do it and where will we see who everyone is playing? :) I sometimes go a little overboard on my characters, considering I'm an actress, because their backgrounds are extensive. From the looks of the character galleries, I may not have enough space... :S
what if

A: humanity becomes involved in an already ongoing interstellar war, and end up saving the almost defeated more peaceful race from the evil interstellar empire who gravely underestimate human determination, our "knack" for conquest and slaughter and out ingenuity, so for once our weapons are pointed at someone else, instead of ourselves... maybe the enemy could be sentient plants who walk on their roots and suck people's guts out by driving tentacle-things into their guts? or a race of intelligent aliens like the Ranchi or those bugs from "Starship Troopers"?

B: after a MASSIVE miscalculation, the ships are transported not to another place in space, but instead to an entirely different universe, and since their drives were worn out in the jump, they need to find some way to get back home all the while trying to face off other interstellar species who want to take the ships by force!

all the while making friends as well as enemies ect...

C: the drives work but the consequences are terrible, somehow they alter the makeup of the sun, causing it to collapse into a black hole or explode in a supernova... now with no earth, mars or anything, the inhabitants of the ships must find a new place for humanity to grow once again...
There's a signup section under each category of roleplays, that's where you'll be posting your character.

I've got ideas for plot as things are bettsy, and it's a little startling how close you came to some of my plans with those. You'll probably come to enjoy the story, though I won't be sharing much information at this point.
Fabulous! I found what you were talking about, heartsteel. Now I will patiently wait for sign-ups all the while creating a character.

Hm, which begs the question, do you have a preference for the artwork we use to depict a character? I'm partial to anime/paintings, and I don't want to offend the game master.
Oh cool, I didn't even see the notifications chatroom. I'd seen posting updates in the regular shoutbox but i didn't realise there was a filtered one. Yeah, that is really handing, thanks for pointing that out Riddle.
Well, the signups have opened, so feel free to check those out under the sci fi section; there's a link in my first post here in this thread.

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