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Realistic or Modern The Secrets of Redwood CS (OPEN PLEASE JOIN)

Name: Roux LaVesque

Age: Appears to be 27 in her current form, but in reality she can no longer remember how old she is.

Gender: fluid, mostly takes female forms

Species: Shapeshifter (changeling)

Powers: The ability to change her appearance based on faces she's seen, though there's always a flaw. She only needs to know what the face looks like, and the flaw can usually be found somewhere in her face.

Race: Her current form is french

Sexuality: pansexual

this is what Roux looks like when her true form is revealed. A decent amount of her blood has to be spilled for this to happen, or a witch can dispel her disguise
Long wavy/curly red hair with paler skin. She often sports a look often described as unapproachable, and this is intentional. She sports a leather jacket over a white tank top and simple skinny jeans. She tries to put off a tough guy aura.

Status: Upper Class

Likes: Stealing, cigars, alcohol, trickery, pranks, brawls, well planned schemes. She's more of a trickster and petty criminal than anything.

Dislikes: people who are snobby, or overly talkative, and hates when people nose into her business, hates not being in charge of a situation

Personality: Roux is a bit rough around the edges, and hard to get close to. Light up a cigar and have a drink with her and you just might get to know her. She's good at getting her hands on things and brokering information. She's materialistic and greedy, so everything comes at a price with her. Roux also likes being able to boss people around, being a take-charge kind of person. Most of Redwood's bars have her on the 'Do Not Serve' list for starting bar fights. Really, she's nothing more than a petty criminal, troublemaker, and general pain in the ass. Though, once you get past the surface level you start to discover a lot of identity issues as she's started to forget who she originally was, crippling her self-esteem, but also leaving her with a bit of a god-complex. Roux is convinced she can't die, and as a price she can't remember who she even is. 'Who she is' even changes every decade or so, adopting a new persona once too much time has passed.

Background: Roux doesn't really remember how she came to be or when, she just remembers existing for a very long time. Currently Roux is living off her fortune that she's accumulated through ill-gotten means and enjoying it. Her current hobby is cigar collecting, because it makes her look cool, though the hobby changes every decade. Ironically Roux happens to be the jerk who punched Sinclaire's tooth out after he pestered her too much with the vampire assumptions. Witches are often Roux's main clientele seeing as she tends to be good for running their errands and doing footwork for them. Over the years Roux has taken many lovers, and a select few have left some deep scars in her heart with their passing. She can remember the past several decades rather clearly, but once you get close to a century ago memory only get fuzzier and fuzzier.

Relationship?: Available

Occupation: Her day job is working in the social services office of Redwood, but during her off time she poses as the leader of a small criminal group.


Other: Changelings really just tend to be lackeys for other magical beings, most commonly witches and vampires.
Secret Sentence/word: Redwood
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Name: Yessenia Lupei

Age: 460 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Werewolf

Level: Beta for this pack

Powers: She is capable of turning into her wolf form at will, but honestly, it is difficult for her to control. The woman is a powder keg of emotions when her temper is flared, and she tends to see red when the right circumstances are at play. She doesn't have a mate, and isn't keen on anyone as of yet.

Race: Romanian

Sexuality: Lesbian

Appearance: 1524201628939.png

Status: Middle, she does pretty well for herself

Likes: pretty women, good music, ballet, wine, and a good fight

Dislikes: admitting she's wrong, losing, toxic masculinity, repeating herself because she feels like she said something wrong if someone doesn't understand her and she is sensitive about her knowledge of English,

Personality: Though her name meant flower, one needed to be more careful of her thorns. She was capable of being very playful and charming, but most only knew of her wicked fangs and claws. Growing up in a man's world, she had to be twice as fierce to get a margin of their recognition. As such, she learned to respond rapidly to threats and never let a man see her back down. She would rather have all of her limbs broken than admit defeat. Proud and tall, she had a hair trigger on her temper that tended to remind everyone why such a pretty young (at least in appearance) thing was security in a town housing witches, vampires, and werewolves. Beyond that temper and tough bravado, Yessenia was an honorable woman. She had a special passion for dance though her height made ballet an impossible dream. When she eventually found her mate, she would undoubtedly be very protective even if she had no need of it.

Background: Born in Romania during a time of unrest due to the Ottoman Empire and the Hapsburg empire, Yessenia learned that only the strong survived. She was young when her homeland of Transylvania was taken over by the Ottoman Empire, watching as members of her family were executed for having resisted the Turkish rule. That sight hardened the young girl, and she was determined to gain justice for her fallen brothers and father. One of the men who helped raise the girl passed adolescence never seemed to age, she had noted. And every full moon, they retreated to the Carpathian mountains where she heard blood curdling howls of wolves. She didn't learn until she was older, twenty four in fact, just why that was.

All she had known was that he had been constantly goading her, questioning her resolve to really be a hadjuk rather than a good little house wife. Finally, she snapped. She had been trained to an extent, but she let her rage take over to attack the older man with a bestial ferocity. While she had him pinned down and was repeatedly striking him, he bit her. That had made the men just watching the fray leap forward, trying to separate the pair. It was too late. The wound had been enough to break the skin. She was now one of the pack even if it had been unintentional. The pack worked to try to free Transylvania of Ottoman rule, harassing soldiers on the roads and giving the money to the common people who needed it.

She was the only woman in a pack of men, and even robin hood sorts had their limits to chivalry. Andrei, the werewolf tapped to be his father's successor, sought to make Yessenia his mate. She denied his advances clearly, not interested in him in the least. Livid at being denied constantly and disgusted when he found out about her penchant for slipping off to visit a sweet, quiet maid at the bottom of the mountain, he attacked the female werewolf. Her rage led her to shift, and she lashed out with unparalleled fury. No one was around this time to stop them from clashing, and in her rage...she killed him. Yessenia was to be killed on sight by her pack, so she fled. She fled from country to country in an attempt to find refuge. Finally, she found Redwood. Maybe she would finally find some peace.

Relationship?: None so far

Occupation: Bouncer for a bar




Other: She still has a strong Romanian accent because she sought to be around other Romanian immigrants. Do not bring up Dracula unless you are prepared for her temper to flare. Just don't do it.

Secret Sentence/word: Redwood
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Name: Layla Pitcher

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Level: None

Jewelry or no Jewelry?:


Powers: None

Race: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual (Prefers guys)



(Also wears glasses)


Status: Lower class.

Likes: . Interacting with others and brightening up their day.

. Her mother. Without a doubt.

. Pizza. Who doesn't like pizza?

. Blur, Oasis, Queen & Led Zeppelin . Lisa's mother raised her on these bands religiously.

Dislikes: . Losing her glasses, since she's close to being legally blind without them.

. Certain flowers due to allergies. Although Lisa tends to ignore her allergies for as long as she can.

. Stimulants. Whether they be legal or not.

. Being hit on incessantly.


Lisa is a very caring person; she'll always go out of her way to help someone. That doesn't mean she can't be a little devil when she needs to be, but always tries to resolves the situation with pacifism.


Growing up rough, with not even a mattress to sleep on, a mother shooting up heroin thrice a day, a questionable father, would usually have a negative impact a person.

Lisa always appreciated what she had, even if it meant having just a little bit of food a day, seeing the world in blurs until she was fourteen when her family scraped enough money for her glasses, sleeping on a flithy floor, having scarce clothes and schoolbooks. She was just grateful to have parents, a roof over her head and to be alive.

Arguments and frequent drug intake all transpired after Lisa's fifteenth birthday, when her father left her and her mother. The amount of Heroin and Cocaine, as well as her father's huge bag of Psilocybin Shrooms, that kept appearing, amplified severely. Getting her mother off the drugs for, just, one day, took months for Lisa to achieve. Now her mother's drug usage is lower than she'd anticipated, although it took everything Lisa knew and had.

Her mother, however, despite being off the drugs, is still affected and her mood swings are frequent, making her unable to hold a job. So Lisa's current job is all they have, with Lisa working overtime most days, being able to pull a few strings with the management in order to do so.

Relationship?: Single

Occupation: Student at Redwood High, as well as working as a barista at her local coffee shop.

Form: None


(Any other imagery such as house, car, etc... goes in a spoiler please)

Other: (Anything else you want us to know about your character)

Secret Sentence/word: REDWOOD.

sprouhtt sprouhtt
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Name: Neil O'Hara

Nickname: "The Waiter"

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Powers: While no one would consider it "Alchemy" he is pretty good with home-made medicines and drinks. (Would that be even a power?).

Race: American

Sexuality: Straight, not really sure if he would experiment.



Status: Middle Class.

Personality: Relaxed, a guy that likes to be chilled in all situations, his patience seems almost infinite, in the impossible case he gets mad, it would be with himself, and not anyone in his path, has a lot of self control, and likes having fun, thinks that ecstasy needs fear, love needs to hurt, and pain needs to make you feel alive, his best friends are emotions, to the point that he gets lonely and doesn't care. Yet he will always be open-minded, and extrovert that feels rejected, but doesnt care anymore.

Likes: Silence, addictions, feelings, peace and quiet. Pizza, coffee (Wouldn't live without it), sleeping and taking pictures with a polaroid he inherited. sometimes he writes made up- adventures.

He loves herbal medicine and spirit encounters, his biggest dream would be transcending, if possible, reads Tarot cards and reading palm hands. While he likes crystal healing, he never really likes showing it. He doesn't really like admitting he is a spiritual guy.

Dislikes: Noise, crowds of people or people that annoy everyone. Violence in general. Being stuck in one place for more than 15 minutes. Hates hating something. Ironically enough.

Background: He was always the quiet one, the kid that just listened to everyone and sometimes his presence would be undetectable, so much that some kids just started to get away from him or just straight up bully him, but he didn't really mind, he knew that he would be moving to a new city soon, but the cycle continued, leading up to him having a lot of patience, learning that as long as his heart keeps feeling, everything would be ok.

One day, at a herbs store in New York, a robber started shooting everything and everyone, while Neil got away and ran to safety, there were no clues as to where the shooter might have gone, and the police, after reviewing security cameras, blamed Neil for the attack. This lead up to Neil and his family fight it in court, where the judged only offered 1 deal. Some kind of special community service, where he would move to Redwood, alone, and work in a Café, where he would assist at a special school for 3 years.

Neil didn't mind, he liked cooking and serving cocktails, aside from the fact that the owner of the Café (Mr. McFly) liked the same type of aesthetic as Neil. Vintage stuff, they ended up being really good friends, and the Café is everyday growing a little bit more.

His story never was important, at least that is what he thought. It wasn't really something that interesting for him.

Relationship: He knows nobody except for Mr. McFly, a 40-or so year old man that likes silence.

Occupation: Waiter at "Marie", the Café, sometimes go to Redwood High School, but prefers to stay at the Café.

Secret word: Redwood (That is what im supposed to put in right? lol)

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