Number X
The presidents fight aliens and the supernatural. Pause - That isn't true, the president strictly runs the country, right? That's what they would want you to think. The idea of races far more technologically advanced and beings beyond the comprehension of science are still too much for mankind, in the eyes of the universe they are children, they haven't matured enough to be ready for what the universe has in store for them. This is the reason earth has never experienced anything beyond the concept known as reality. That is - up until now. The earth was living comfortable as the only existence in the world, but that would all change in....
Dear, Benjamin Franklin
How have you been since we last talked? are you still creating those peculiar invention's? After that lightning strike, I thought you'd be a goner. Surely your dedication should deserve a reward. Who knows maybe even you'll find your face on the dollar.
Anyway, I am writing for more than just small talk. There is much to be done. Firstly, We both know of the events that transpired during the revelutionary war. That strange Grey reaper we had to fight, despite the terrible price we had defeated it.
There was work to be done after that. I was hard at work to come up with a contingency plan. So a new special organization is being developed named Area 51. Even though it isn't official as of yet, we still have eagerly jumped into business. We had found it to be in the best interest to keep it a secret from the public, if they knew it could cause another Salem Witch Trials. You know how the uneducated will point fingers, then the next thing you know people are being burned on the stake.
Even with the war over and the alien killed, it appears the universe has much in store for us. Is it destiny? I do not know. But even with a sense of comfort, the outside world isn't done with us. An alien by the name of Nova came to earth. She was hunting the beast that we killed, as it turns out it wasn't that simple. We thought we had killed the beast, but as it turns out, we only made the situation much worse. So I have taken it upon myself, for the best interest of my country, to help her hunt this foreign alien.
Alas we reach the end, this will be a dangerous journey, even with the aid of the special unit from Area 51. So if anything is to happen to me I need you to find the next president. I have already sent the address of the man I wish you to seek in the event I die.
He handed his mail to the messenger boy and gave him a nod. After that he headed to the caravan. There was a small group of the 51 unit. One of them was missing.
"Rather peculiar, I wonder where he is?"
The Secret Story of the Presidents
Stricken Steel
Part One: George the Strong
Episode One
An oval shaped room, with three windows parrell to each other, that gave a glimpse of the apple orchard outside. This room was the legendary Oval Office, a room that held important meetings, and steeping stones for the future of the economy, the united States, and most importantly their status in relation with other countries. In the most important chair of the United States was the master of Uncle Sam itself: George Washington. Who was currently writing a letter to a fellow founding father. He dipped his feather in ink and brought it to the face of the crumpled, yellow paper. The sharp point glided across the paper. He wrote - Starring...

Part One: George the Strong
Episode One
Dear, Benjamin Franklin
How have you been since we last talked? are you still creating those peculiar invention's? After that lightning strike, I thought you'd be a goner. Surely your dedication should deserve a reward. Who knows maybe even you'll find your face on the dollar.
Anyway, I am writing for more than just small talk. There is much to be done. Firstly, We both know of the events that transpired during the revelutionary war. That strange Grey reaper we had to fight, despite the terrible price we had defeated it.
There was work to be done after that. I was hard at work to come up with a contingency plan. So a new special organization is being developed named Area 51. Even though it isn't official as of yet, we still have eagerly jumped into business. We had found it to be in the best interest to keep it a secret from the public, if they knew it could cause another Salem Witch Trials. You know how the uneducated will point fingers, then the next thing you know people are being burned on the stake.
Even with the war over and the alien killed, it appears the universe has much in store for us. Is it destiny? I do not know. But even with a sense of comfort, the outside world isn't done with us. An alien by the name of Nova came to earth. She was hunting the beast that we killed, as it turns out it wasn't that simple. We thought we had killed the beast, but as it turns out, we only made the situation much worse. So I have taken it upon myself, for the best interest of my country, to help her hunt this foreign alien.
Alas we reach the end, this will be a dangerous journey, even with the aid of the special unit from Area 51. So if anything is to happen to me I need you to find the next president. I have already sent the address of the man I wish you to seek in the event I die.
Your Friend,
George Washington
George Washington
He handed his mail to the messenger boy and gave him a nod. After that he headed to the caravan. There was a small group of the 51 unit. One of them was missing.
"Rather peculiar, I wonder where he is?"