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Futuristic The Second Revolution


"I'll rather die on my feet than live on my knees."



San Francisco under the Occupation

It's been 2 years.

In 2008, Kim Jong Eun became the Great Leader for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Many scoffed at the short, chubby man that became a leader of a starving and struggling country. However, the new Leader vowed to reinvent his nation and build it to become a Great Power. In 2012, after a hasty US withdrawal from the Korean Peninsula after military budget cuts due to a recession, the North Koreans promptly invaded the South, which fell within weeks. With the military and technological might of both Koreas, Kim and his military struck down nations after nations in Asia, except the neutral Chinese and Russians. Japan fell in 2013. Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore all fell in 2014. And after establishing themselves as the supreme power of Asia, the North Koreans looked east to their struggling and crumbling American neighbor; the United States of America.

The Asian Financial Crisis didn't just hit Asia, but it spread across to the United States due to the relaxation of trade. As a result, the United States fell into a heavy recession, and things only got worse as Asia struggled enormously, dragging the US down with it. After failed economic reforms, a failed war in the Middle East, and peaking oil prices, the United States was forced to withdraw nearly every overseas military asset back to America to save money. And when countries were taken over by the Greater Republic of Korea (the North Koreans changed their name after conquering South Korea), the United States could only verbally condemn them, a toothless tiger with no will or resolve to embroil itself in another conflict. Little did America know that this would prove to be a stab in their heart...

After a decade of peace and silence, the world almost let out a sigh of relief as the GRK calmed down and began to isolate itself, as most nations, even China and Russia, were cold to them. However, in 2023, the GRK made a surprise announcement; they would be launching a satellite in the name of peace and advancement for the human race. So on the Great Leader's birthday of January 8th, a single rocket carrying the GRK satellite flew into space. And Kim Jong Eun would make a short speech that promised "an even Greater Korea," ending it by pressing a single button. This button activated an EMP device within the satellite, flying directly over the heartlands of the United States. Within 30 minutes, the entirety of the United States was crippled. Most electronics were suddenly fried and the government was in chaos. The very next day, as the world was still attempting to figure out the situation, the GRK sent its forces to Hawaii, destroying the heavily crippled American Pacific Fleet. Hawaii was quickly established as a forwarding base for the GRK forces, as they began to move east (and north, hitting Fairbanks and a couple of Alaska towns). Landings happened in Santa Cruz, San Diego, and Seattle. Once they arrived, they quickly took over everything, expanding east. The United States military and government were helpless to stop them, and the EU voted to stay out of this conflict, as they were nervous that an EMP attack could possibly cripple them. NATO was shattered, and America was effectively alone.


GRK took everything in the west. Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, and the other western and central states quickly fell. Only when the GRK reached the Mississippi River was the advancement stopped, with the ultimate result being nukes dropped on the entirety of the Mississippi in 2024, destroying a portion of GRK forces and halting their advancement. Meanwhile, some brave guerrilla fighters and surviving elements of the US military managed to sneak behind the "Liberated" States of America, briefly taking over the city of San Francisco in 2025 before being bombed and forced to surrender. However, the halt of GRK advancements and the brief fight at San Francisco made the EU see some hope in the United States, as they agreed to send reinforcements to reinforce and help the USA take back its homeland. Russia and China both refused to intervene, but began to increase their military presence in Asia in hopes to deter the Korean threat...

Now, the front lines are in the states of Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana. GRK forces are sparring with US/EU forces fighting over Kansas City. Various resistance factions and guerrilla fighters are resisting in the occupied states, with the strongest cells in the Bay Area, Denver, Austin, and Los Angeles. Asia is also in the verge of a revolt, with various forces in the Philippines, Indonesia, and even South Korea fighting back. The GRK are definitely taking casualties, but they still hold a size able tech advantage. Meanwhile, the US forces have the will and determination to liberate their occupied country, with guerrillas and soldiers alike having almost unwavering willpower. They also have skill and experience in resisting and fighting. The EU forces are fresh, but eager to help their American allies, though not all agree on being sent to the North American Continent. Russia and China are the wild cards, looming in the East by themselves, quietly planning something...

What will you be? Will you be a heroic guerrilla fighter? A US tanker? A EU fighter pilot? A Chinese government official? A North Korean civilian? Or perhaps something even more...

It's the year 2025.

You are the Revolution. You decide.

(Note: Tech levels are much more advanced. The GRK uses spider bots, highly advanced drones, and auto turrets. The US/EU is much less advanced, but still more advanced in warfare than our TL).
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