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The Search for Fantasy & Fandoms~

Red Juliet

Thanatos Rising
Yo! I'm looking for a good detailed role play, either fandom or original. I vastly prefer 1x1 where we play multiple characters as opposed to a group RP. I like to have a few paragraphs to work with, so please give me at least two although you can make your posts as long as you'd like. I will mirror my partner. I prefer MxM but I may be swayed towards MxF if I like the plot and/or character.

I only have two rules...

Message me if you get burnt out or won't be replying for a long time

Help plot with me! Really, I want to hear ideas from you.

Now that the boring stuff is over, I'll post what I'm looking for! Italics are cravings, bold are the characters I would be writing. I'll play any gender and/or pairing but I prefer MxM. I write more than one character to advance to plot, and I will double a pairing if you want! ? = I want it. A lot.

Click on the accordion tabs to view more:



? ?Criminal x Ex-Detective

F MxM)

? Prince x Knight

? Shinigami* x Shinigami

? Shinigami x Demon

? Shinigami x Human

? Human x Demon ????

? Demon x Supernatural Creature

Kidnapper x Victim

? Vampire x Fledgling



? Fairy Tail

(Juvia x Gray)

(OC x OC)

? Kuroko no Basuke

(Kuroko x Kise)

?????????(Kuroko x Akashi)?????????

(OC x OC)

? Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler

(Grell x William)

Grell x Sebastian)

(OC x OC)

? Hannibal

?(Hannibal x Will)? TV

(OC x OC)

? Harry Potter

([Marauders] Sirius x Remus)

(Harry x Draco)

(OC x OC)

? Supernatural

(Dean x Castiel)

(OC x OC)

? Fire Emblem: Fates

(OC x OC)

(I have only ever played Birthright and

Conquest but I'm open to a world creation

that's similar to the game in style)

? Tales of the Abyss

Jade x Saphir ?

Luke x Guy

? Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X

Kenshin x
M!OC ???


(Plot below)

? Dramatical Murder

?????? Aoba x Koujaku ??????

Will double. Love you forever.

Aoba x Clear

Aoba x Noiz

(OC x OC)

? Final Fantasy VII or X

?(Summoner x Guardian)?

(OC x OC)



Name: Nicolai Konred

Nicknames: Nick, Thanatos

Age: (Appearance) 22

Height: 5' 9"

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Race: Shinigami

Appearance: Long black hair plaited into a braid, grey eyes with a dark double ring around the iris. Medium-tone skin, slender build.

Born in: St. Petersburg, Russia (later moved to Kiev, where he was executed for witchcraft)

Hobbies: Collecting comic books, tinkering and inventing gadgets

Habits: Sleeping in past noon, leaving his office in a complete disarray (although he claims that's the only way he can find anything).

Likes: Snack foods, especially Japanese snack food. Comic books-he collects them.

Dislikes: Paperwork, being cooped up inside or in small spaces.

Terrible at: Cooking. Usually there is smoke or fire.

Really good at: Caring for others, especially if they're sick or injured.

Death: Nicolai was accused of witchcraft due to his ability to "see into" others' past memories and was consequently hanged. The rope was improperly tied, and he suffocated causing a deep fear of things around his neck.

Profession: In life, Nicolai was a scientist. His knack for creating things followed him after death and he still creates machines and tools.

Abilities: He can sometimes see flashes of a persons life, like clips from a movie. However they are often out of order and confusing. Occasionally they cause Nicolai to question his own memory. He wields a massive, dual-bladed scythe.

Style of clothing: His clothes are often mismatched or old-fashioned such as waistcoats and top hats. He likes purple and often wears it. Suits are required for death gods so he wears them while at work.

Random facts: He can tie a cherry stem with his tongue.

Name: Sumi Maeda

Age: 22

Height: 5' 6"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Race: Human

Appearance: Long wavy blonde (yes, she dyes it) hair, brown eyes. Curvy build.

Born in: Japan

Hobbies: Kickboxing, interior design, reading fashion magazines.

Habits: Burning food and ordering takeout. Ignoring everyone and everything until her first cup of coffee, which she drinks while playing phone games.

Likes: Though she doesn't often admit it, she likes cute things. Ridiculously cute things.

Dislikes: Long lines, poor drivers, and weak coffee.

Terrible at: Cooking. Separating work and outside life.

Really good at: Hand-to-hand combat. She's also a great shot, though she doesn't like to use her weapon unless absolutely necessary.

Profession: Former Detective, but after the unjust capture and execution of her lover at the hands of the police, she became a vigilante that sometimes works as an agent of the Dracon Syndicate. Her specialty is information gathering and undercover work.

Style of clothing: Her favorite outfit is a Vivienne Westwood pencil skirt, silk blouse, and lace stilettos. As Lady Noir, her undercover alias, she prefers lace and leather for obvious reasons.

Random facts: She loves strawberry cake. Any kind of delicious pastry is her weakness.

Name: Darius [alias surname Mortier]

Titles: Prince of Gehenna

Nicknames: Dari, Dar

Age: 26

Height: 6'2"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Race: Demon

Appearance: Long red hair he keeps in a ponytail, hetero-chromatic eyes one violet and one grey. Tan skin, medium build.

Born in: Gehenna

Hobbies: Reading and traveling. He enjoys wandering Gehenna, but he particularly likes to visit Earth and observe the humans there.

Habits: Giving people nicknames.

Likes: To take in stray animals off the street, especially cats and dogs.

Dislikes: People without a sense of humor. He will often tease them to test how short their fuse is. Those that accuse others without proof, or abusive self-centered individuals.

Terrible at: Keeping appointments or being on time.

Really good at: Disguises. Due to his ability, he can make himself a mirror image of someone for a short period of time.

Abilities: Illusory combat. He can touch someone and send signals to their brain to make it seem as if they are suffering in some way. He can also use that ability to heighten pleasure, or take away pain, etc. He also has enhanced senses and increased strength.

Family/Friends: Gwendolyn (sister) Isril (mother) Tessius (half-brother) Florian (best friend)

Style of clothing: He wears long tailored jackets, lots of embroidered fabrics, and gilded accessories.

Past: He grew up in the royal family, raised to take the throne as a Firstborn. He had two siblings, one younger sister and a half-brother. When he grew up, he traveled away from home and to the outerlands, where Wingmother and the dragons resided and dark magic was still practiced. He accidentally stumbled upon an ancient demon that could cast and manipulate nightmarish visions. He was trapped there and tortured for several months, until a deal was struck and he learned the art of illusory combat in exchange for an open-ended favor.

Other relationships: He was engaged once to a half-blood princess, but she abandoned her crown and went to live on Earth. He never heard from her after. He has a very difficult relationship with Victor, who serves as both his enemy and his teacher. He was tortured by Victor's hand several years ago, although the memories are hazy and he can't quite recall how he managed to escape.

Random facts: He cannot say no to "puppy dog eyes" at all. He loves to spoon.

Name: Hiran Desai

Age: Appears to be in his twenties

Height: 6' 0"

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Race: Shinigami

Hobbies: He likes to play the guitar when he's not working, and he enjoys composing music that mixes cultures and styles. He also enjoys to cook and clean although he has slight OCD.

Habits: Writing on his hand, or arm, or any available surface since he doesn't use technology of any kind, including a phone.

Likes: Quiet and peaceful afternoons away from the office. Occasionally he'll skip his duties to get away. He also likes human cinema.

Dislikes: Monotony. Most of hist job is monotonous, especially when it involves paperwork. He does enjoy being out of the office and collecting souls though.

Terrible at: Dancing. He can't dance at all so he prefers to be the one playing music. Sometimes he doesn't understand subtle humor, or sarcasm.

Really good at: For some reason he has unusually high luck, so anything involving chance such as gambling.

Abilities: He wields a pair of golden chakrams. It's a modified scythe, and he didn't get clearance for it but he knows several people in the department.

Random facts: He won't talk about his tattoo, but when he's fighting it seems to move and "grow" across his body.


(This is my primary antagonist in certain RPs. He's not a good person demon. But he's a fantastic villain. Possible triggers below.)

Name: Victor

Titles: Lord, Duke

Nicknames: Vic (only Darius calls him this)

Age: Unknown

Height: 6'2"

Sexual Orientation: Asexual [Aromantic]

Race: Demon

Appearance: Long black hair, strikingly violet eyes.

Born in: Outerlands of Gehenna

Hobbies: He enjoys surrounding himself with music, art, and expensive finery. However his hobbies also include manipulation, psychological and physical torture, and studying individuals to test their breaking point.

Habits: Meddling in the lives of humans and other demons that pique his interest. He has had a hand in the lives of many infamous humans, heavily influencing humanity's most gruesome methods of torture. Many of his favored "success stories," include Genghis Kahn, Vlad Dracul, Elizabeth Bathory, Talat Pasha, Tomas de Torquemada, and "Ivan the Terrible".

Dislikes: Boring people that die too quickly, or beg and plead. Begging irks him.

Terrible at: Feeling sympathetic. Or if he is capable of it, he certainly doesn't outwardly show it.

Really good at: Seducing and charming others and bringing out their darker desires.

Abilities: Victor can create illusions out of shadow, manipulate the mind, and create living nightmares by getting inside the heads of his victims.

Family/Friends: Unknown. He has several servants and loyal followers.

Style of clothing: He dresses in fine silks, embroidered in golds and silvers and adorned with jewels. His style of clothing is just as fancy as that of the Gehennian Royals.

Past: Unknown.

Other relationships: Darius, Rien. Several years ago, a demon boy wandered into his castle. Victor, of course, attempted to torture and manipulate this boy, Prince Darius, but was pleasantly surprised that after several months he still managed to fight back. As such, he struck a deal with the boy, and taught him how to utilize illusory combat in exchange for a favor at a later date.

Random facts: He often tricks others into owing him favors.

(More to come later)


Demon Prince x Knight

Heir to the throne of Gehenna, Darius has always had his entire life laid out for him like a map. Never having had a choice on what he wanted to do, or whom he wanted to wed, he became restless. One night, he traveled to Earth on a whim and discovered a majestic castle not unlike his own, filled with courtiers, nobles, and knights. To kill his boredom, he watched from a distance until he saw a particular knight that caught his interest. He asks the knight if he would like to strike a bargain: one wish, anything in the world, in return for one little thing: his soul. (Up to you what the knight does. We can add to the plot from here.)

Prince x Knight (of opposing kingdom)

Character A is the son of the king, and heir to the throne. His father orders the best knights in the realm to serve under him, and pulls in Character B as a recruit. However, Character B was a knight that defended the king of another kingdom who was slaughtered by Character A's father, and he holds a grudge still. At first, Character B refuses, only to be locked up in the dungeons. He hates Character A at first, until he begins to warm up to him bit by bit. And he may decide to fight for the prince yet.

Demon x Human (or Demon x Supernatural)

Demons have taken over Earth. Normal weapons did nothing against the supernatural threat, not guns, not bombs, not even bio-warfare. Humans quickly fell to these invaders, the population dwindled at a rapid rate as old and powerful entities formerly believed to be mythical took great pleasure in decimating the weaker species. They took control, enslaving the humans left alive and fighting against any rebellions that would rise up. But some found no satisfaction in the torture of humankind. These demons aided humans where they could, sometimes fighting in the rebellions, but usually remaining neutral.

Your character/s can play any part. The two characters I will be playing will be Darius, former Prince of Gehenna, and Victor, a very old demon of lore. (I may also play a character or two in the rebellion, and any to help advance our plot.) My character would like to help yours in some way.

Catch Me if You Can (Demon x Human. Fantasy/Sci-Fi)

Welcome to the end of the world. In the year 3033, a man named Joesph Wainwright became the first person on Earth to learn how to travel between other worlds. At first, people didn't believe him but after he brought back strange and fantastical creatures, plants, and foreign materials, people started to wonder. His discovery opened up an entirely new realm of possibility and shortly thereafter people began to travel to these worlds. But not all of these other worlds were devoid of life, and some were downright hostile. Thirteen years after his discovery, Joesph Wainwright disappeared never to be seen again.

It wasn't long after that the first of them started to appear. Humanity first called them demons, and the name stuck. These creatures were human in appearance, but their abilities and strengths went far beyond what humanity was capable of and their only purpose seemed to be to cause chaos and to corrupt those they encountered with seductive silver tongues. Over time, people began hunting these demons but without much success. They developed special technology called neotechnica that enabled them to use similar magic and give them supernatural strength, speed, and other abilities. This technology helped them capture and fight the demon threat. Sensing this, many demons started contracts to ensure their safety. These contracts consisted of them being "chained" to a master and serving them until their death, at which point the demon could claim their soul. Being contracted prevented them from being hunted.

Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X

The setting, Bakumatsu-era Japan. We could pick up at any point during the time Kenshin joins the Choshu and go in any direction of our choosing (for Kenshin x M!OC) or! We could pick up at any point of the revolution (for OC x OC). I would loooove to tie in the Shinsengumi because they are amazing. My character is a kagema, or a male prostitute, with training in infiltration and assassination.

? Things I enjoy weaving into plots ?

? Amnesia

? Mind control/Imperius

? "He couldn't love me"/damaged goods drama

? Stockholm Syndrome

? Dark themes, murder, suspense

I also love AUs. Don't see it? Suggest!


Marshmallow, present.

Hello there, my name is Marshmallow but you can call me Mars too. Nice to meet you.

I am currently unemployed as I quit college this June and am now learning to drive and searching for work. This can cause some disruptions in my days and it can be that I don’t respond for several days, so please take note of that. I’m only human. T_T But I’ll be replying as fast as possible and there will be (a lot of) times that I respond within an hour after your post. But then again, there’s the thing of time zones, I’m in the UTC+2 time zone currently, Belgium.

I can write from 1 paragraph to multiple ones. It depends on how my muse is but I tend to write what I’m feeling at that moment and make it as interesting as possible. If you feel like there is something missing, please notify me and I will overlook it and try to make my next post better.

I’m interested in these

> Criminal x Ex-Detective

> Human x Demon


> Victor


> Demon Prince x Knight

> Catch Me If You Can


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