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Futuristic THE SEA (Lore based, Futuristic RP, OPEN & ACCEPTING)

Under Construction!

I'll finish when I'm certain this is the character I want. :3

Name: Koras'el

Age: 151

Sex/ Gender: Male

Race: Yar'Kuhl Swamp Dwellers

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Current Location: The Sea

Appearance (photos accepted. Please keep characteristics within reason of the lore):


Abilities or Adaptations:

Astral Projection: The Yar'Kuhl Tribesmen have the ability to enter the spirit realm, and travel the area separate from their waking body. This is a result of their connection to the Tainted Spirit-Realm, whilst undergoing Astral Projection the Mar'Kuhl can communicate with others telepathically, even if they're miles away; the ability for offense however, is unavailable. Additionally, the body is shielded by the Spirits when the host is in the Spirit Realm, yet is still highly vulnerable.

Spirit Call: The primary source of the Yar'kuhl ability of necromancy was born from the Spirits, the virus allowed the tainted humans to make contact with what they theorize are those killed by the same virus, linking their conscious minds with one another. These spirits can be called upon by any Yar'Kuhl, in battle; the Spirits can act as defensive barriers by shielding the caster, healers by fixing flesh, traps by grabbing and holding individuals in place, or attacks by charging at enemies with a loud screech, followed by an explosion of spiritual energy. Whilst easy to use, versatile, and accurate, the spirits themselves are not very powerful; each unique ability isn't overly efficient, healing would only work on minor wounds, and the barrier would not be able to take great damage.

Chant of Mohrgrath: This is a power only the more adept Tribesmen can use, through mastery of the Spiritual Energies certain Yar'Kuhl are able to absorb the Spirits through the ancient words of Great Mohrgrath for an enhancement in self speed, strength, and durability. However, the concentration to maintain the enhanced form is immense meaning the caster cannot utilize his or her other powers.

Limited Spiritual Manipulation: Koras'el is the only of his kin to ascend to a new plain of power, as Guardian of the tribe; it is no surprise he is the most powerful among them, yet to learn a new form of magic unaided is a feat only two have accomplished, himself, and Mohrgrath. Whilst the Yar'kuhl have certainly mastered control over Spirits themselves; Koras'el has the ability to reach into the fabric reality of the spiritual world itself, and weave the vast energies as tools of war, or peace. Yet such power is merely in its earliest stages, the most he can do thus far is create strong spirit barriers, and spirit blasts. Yet even these simple acts sap energy with speed.



The Yar'Kuhl are able to live indefinitely provided they maintain the strength to absorb the Spirits through the Chant of Mohrgrath - added with aid from living sacrifices. Without these two conditions met; a Yar'kuhl will live roughly 120-140 years. This type of immortality is a result of the strong spiritual energy in the area, it also only affects age. A Yar'kuhl can be killed by any normal means.

Gear or special attire:

Virus Specific Mutation(s):


Extra information:
Name: Chiaro Vor’e

Age: 20

Sex/ Gender (if applicable): Female

Race: Pyxan

Sexuality: Hetero

Current Location (where your character will start. Eg: Pyxis, The Sea, Seoul9): The Sea

Appearance (photos accepted. Please keep characteristics within reason of the lore): A fairly fallow skinned young woman, silver hair with differing shades streaked within, chopped roughly low to head. Height: 5’5, Weight: 120 lbs.; Body Structure: Toned rather than thin, with lower- moderate muscular tur



Regally reserved, observant if nothing else, she is not dominant in her speech patterns and was noted for her sharp intellect, although observant and deep in thought, she had tendencies to speak in a calloused calculating tone, only to point out an obstruction to a rule or an injustice, however few she may have seen given her family and their station.

Abilities or Adaptations: N/A

Gear or special attire:

Suited with thermal bandages, and an “abysmal” assortment of “meager” rations, containing a thermal upper torso microfiber vest with microfiber arm wraps, thermal microfiber pants equipt with stitch in slippers.

Virus Specific Mutation(s): N/A


Born and bred to be a wealthy socialite, literally, her family branched back with deeper and richer pigments verging from hair to skin than many other Pyxians, Chiaro was distinctly made to observe, follow and enact the Cardinal rules to the fullest, and for the longest she had neither the inkling nor the faintest whim to defy. Chia was the middle daughter, bred to a family of four, having an eldest sibling being her brother, an elder sister, and younger sister. All life mated, and the eldest two fine pillars to follow, only guided by the unwavering lead of their illustrious mother and father. Their mother, taking on the true role of a Pyxian matriarch, non permissive, decisive and most of all obedient, the Cardinal rules were law for the Pyxian populous and she made no hesitation in following to the fullest extent what they determined of an individual's intentions and worth. In true Pyxian fashion, she was admirable in her corrections and strict apprehension of those who dared neglect the guidance of these ironclad rules, blood or not. What else to expect from a senior officer under the Cardinal council.

Chiaro, named in a ways to reflect the purity of her breed, was a Pyxian loyal and thorough, demanding only in her necessity to find useful contributions to her family and her government, quick in intellect she excelled and exceeded her expectations in studies, graduating through both primary and secondary by the age of 13. These traits and exceptional qualities were put to use by her mother, being a model example of a Pyxian and obedient vessel to enact laws while providing useful information was all Chiaro had worked and succeeded to become. Chiaro’s occupation of choice, surveyor, an accountant for the justice and regulation department, to find all disobedient, adulterating, laggard, basically defective Pyxian specimens to “dispose” of.

Perhaps it was that Chiaro was too observant or too tact in judgement, or her presumptuous nature at the time, but to this young woman her life-mate was ill chosen. Either based on his genetic background, lack of certain quality gene traits, or the way he treated her, definition of a life mate as her father told her was to create near perfect offspring, anything more is mere decoration. Though the young woman wanted to follow his words, that man acted as more than a decorative mate. Sullen, heavy tempered and strictly protective, were undesirable to Chia, and she rightly told him so in present company. At times it was unsavory to see her act in such a manor but that was unimportant, life mating leads to offspring an ultimate goal, but Chia began to form or think...imagine that was wrong. Although 18 was not a young age, at this point Chia’s mother and father instructed and proceeded for Chia to carry out a joining between she and her life-mate, odd and disruptive as it was, Chiaro refused.

Although she refused, she was wed regardless, refusal was not a viable option. Under the same roof with this man happened to bring out greater genetic defects, hostile and at time violent defects, however at Chia’s constant complaints and unfruitful exploits to nullify this union, her parents simply kept their strict and unwavering stance. Though one of the two began to grow weary of the child and these bizarre outbursts and irrational actions. In time, Chia grew bitter and slightly nervous toward her mate, and with it precautions branched out to the point of her dissolving their union. Of course this was not seen or acknowledged by her parents or her mate, and although this made Chia somewhat nerve wrecked and pensive to even think of disobeying this “natural” order, it actually felt joyous.

In secret this could be handled, but in public this could not be tolerated, and Chia took one to many “joyous” actions, by taking up with another male, it was a weary start to this abomination, but in later months flourished into a small scandal, as they were seen in many eyes and passed through countless mouths until reaching a pair of static draconian ears. This behavior and encounter had sullied the once stringent, young woman, into a defective liability. In this moment, a reassuring solution came in the form of a simple statement from her mother, “ Pillars that begin to weather and crack loose their ability to bear the weight of the roof they uphold, in time they begin to corrode and warp the very foundation they stand upon, if one pillar surrounded by many crumbles, the roof will not fall...and yet the corrosion can linger, so...a simple tactic is to just... remove said pillar.”

Simple was the correct term, with a station and rank that of her mother’s the operation was quick and painless, at least on the perpetrators end. Chia was taken in the night, stripped of any semblance of her former self, hair forcefully chopped, proper clothing messily thrown and burned, but her skin and features could not be hidden, that however was not an issue where she was going. Chia now boarded and strapped into her prison caught a glimpse of a figure, drenched in white and eyes stained with a stagnant flash of disgusted pity, before the clear liquid seeping through the tubes rendered her unconscious. The ivory pod was soon launched into a silent darkness, only leaving faded streaks of jetting air trailing behind.

Extra information:

*The night Chiaro was launched into space, another pod from a distant departure station was also launched.
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Name: Shod.

Age: 104.

Sex/ Gender (if applicable): Male.

Race: Croad.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Current Location: The Sea.

Appearance: Shod walks with a lumbering gate, and lets his arms trail behind him. His movements are slow and deliberate. Shod's eyes are the color blue.


Personality: Shod, like most Croads, is a simple creature. He enjoys the feeling of the rain on his skin and the taste of meat on his tongue, and little else. However, unlike most Croads, Shod is curious, and ponderous. He enjoys a good laugh, and the presence of the children of most species. Shod almost always speaks in tones of indifference, excitement, and rarely, anger. Shod only expresses anger when frustrated or in pain. He is fascinated by technology and magic, although he possesses a crippling phobia of the latter.

Abilities or Adaptations: Croads are capable of growing to tremendous sizes. Some growing as large as eighteen feet tall! Shod is fourteen feet tall, and possesses enough strength to heft an elephant. However, with this immense size comes an immense weight, which causes a Croad's movements to be sluggish and hard to maneuver. Additionally, Croads possess a hide that is both thick an tough, stopping lower caliber bullets and arrows with ease. At places such as the palms of it's hands and it's mouth, however, Croads are extremely vulnerable due to the relatively thin amount of skin there. Damage to these areas is usually enough to ward off a hunting Croad. Don't overdo it though, or you'll risk riling it into a frenzy. Further increasing their durability, the bone structure of a Croad is built to handle their tremendous amount of weight, making them thick enough to stop practically all small arms ammunition, as well as take a large amount of blunt force trauma. However, at the roof of the mouth, the bone is thinnest, and a direct shot here with a weapon of sufficient caliber will travel into it's brain, killing it instantly. Croads also possess eyes adapted to see in low light conditions, giving them clear vision during the day while deep in the Sea. However, their night vision is not the best, and they are incapable of seeing during the night while in the Sea. Additionally, sudden, bright flashes of light will blind a Croad for several seconds. Sustained bright light directed at a Croad's eyes will, at the very least, force it to look away. Croads also have a keen sense of smell, which they use to track their prey. However, their hearing is about as good as an untrained humans. Croads also possess an amazing endurance, being able to go for up to three days with virtually no decrease in ability. However, when they do rest, they enter a coma like state, becoming completely numb to external stimuli. They are extremely vulnerable in this state. Croads also possess strong claws which can leave deep gouges in metal and shred wood. Unfortunately, if they do break, it can take up to three months to regrow them to a usable level. They may never fully grow back, however. Croads also possess a naturally stunted intelligence, and Shod is no different. He's kinda stupid, and speaks in broken English. Croads live to be around two hundred years old.

Gear or special attire: None.

Virus Specific Mutation(s): Croads are strictly carnivorous and can consume rotting meat.

Background: Shod hatched under the care of his father and, like many Croads, was set loose by his father at the age of thirty four, when he had fully matured. He lived a normal life, hunting, eating, and attending the annual mating meeting. He even fathered and raised a child. However, Shod began to notice something strange, every gathering less and less Croads seemed to be attending. Shod seemed to be the only one who really cared about this, the others being content to ignore it or claim Shod was merely imagining it. But Shod was right, and he found out why. Croads were dying, or more specifically, being killed. Who was doing the killing didn't matter, because they all had one thing in common, they were what the Croads called "talking meat". Small, squishy things which the Croads had always been able to easily hunt, until recently. Shod needed to know how these small things were able to kill a Croad, something which he perceived as far superior. Shod needed to find out how to become better than them, or perhaps arrange a truce of some sort. The only other option is to face the inevitable extinction of his species.

Extra information: Shod's roar (WARNING: LOUD).

Lore (Really just information about Croads): Croads each claim a territory by marking it with their scent and leaving scratches on trees in the area. Fights over territories are done without claws or teeth, consisting of headbutts exclusively. All fights between Croads not meant to kill are done this way. Croads meet every five years or so at the territory of one of the first activated Croads. Said Croad will give off pheromones which will attract other Croads that will soon activate as well. Males fight over females and vice versa for an indeterminate amount of time until mates are settled. Pairs will mate and create one or, rarely, two eggs, which are incubated at the site until they hatch. Parents then fight over custody of their favored child with their partner, or, rarely, abandon the child, likely dooming it. Croads raising children do not attend mating gatherings while in custody of the child. Croad children are released by their parents once they are fully matured. Croads are solitary creatures, only interacting with other Croads in territorial disputes, at the mating gatherings, or afterwards when raising their children.​
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  • c9af6026173a115f7de94472e7c1a353-d8ge7lf.jpg
    Name: Cara Svaelin

    Age: 26

    Weight: 139

    Height: 5'9"

    Ethnicity: Dome - Bred

    Sex/Sexuality: Female - Heterosexual

    Profession/Location: Herbalist/Pharmacist/Microbiologist; Historical and Sea Dwelling Expert;

    Currently in Seoul9


    Cara is a fair skinned and slightly taller than average female member of the Dome population. Holding an affinity for a more open air and natural oriented life style she wears little modern clothing that may be tight fitted and refuses to apply any cybernetic enhancements onto her own body. She is more than willing to use modern technology if needed but will usually walk around with her silk like attire and a bag at her side. When alone she will at times adorn her fully ritual like attire but never goes outside in that form. Regardless of when she is seen she will usually keep her right eye covered and her hands covered with gloves.

    Beneath her right face is a mutated eye that seemingly was the only one affected by her parents genes, leaving it a bright green that shimmers when used while her other eyes holds a far more natural brown. Her hands however hold strange vain like designs on her skin that travel from her finger tips to the center of her underarm until merging into nothingness.


    Cara is a caring individual who loves the people of Seoul9 and is always working to improve the lives of the people around her. With no family to speak of at the genetic level she spends the majority of her time attempting to find cures for issues in mutations and assisting in the lives of her neighbors. Her passion for others draws a line at Seol9 and inhabitants of the Sea as she has internal hatred for the Pyxis. She often considers them traitors to the human race and the very beings who abandoned her ancestors when they needed help the most. Since their arrival she has shown them little to no hospitality and would more than gladly feed them to a carnivorous plant that lurks within the Sea.

    On another note she does love to read and enjoys the solitude of being in the forest.

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Aside from a few grammar issues here and there, everything is good to go.

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Just trying to figure out before I interact with a Pyx. Can they understand Seoul9 language and vice verse? I know someone already talked to Will but I just wanted to clarify before hand.
Currently we're just going with English for Pyxis and Seoul9. However if a language happens to arise in Seoul9 then no. Unless a Seoul9 citizen has created a piece of tech that can translate.
IN PROGRESs. Having a hard time coming up with a non generic background will fix tomorrow

Name: Mykel

Age: 20

Sex/ Gender (if applicable): Male

Race: Alinanon

Sexuality: bisexual

Current Location (where your character will start. Eg: Pyxis, The Sea, Seoul9): The Sea

Appearance (photos accepted. Please keep characteristics within reason of the lore):


Personality: Mykel is a very loud individual making his presences know everywhere he goes. He is also quite sarcastic and typically plays the jokester role when things are becoming to serious or awkward to help diffuse the tension in the room. These almot feel like natural instinct. But the race of the Alinanon have always been caring and quite. Sure Mykel is caring but he has never been the quite type. His actions

Abilities or Adaptations: along with his a small portion of race, Mykel has the ability to tap into nature and can manipulate the way it works. They can use it in very powerful way, and in very small ways. The most common way to use it is to help grow vines from the ground that allow them to make supplies to buold home.

Gear or special attire: The bow he made is his weapon of choice. Aswell as the gear they are given at the end of their training. The gear is made of the thick moss that covers the ground woven together with the leaves of the sacread tree that sits in the middle of Ma'ne. Most equip themselves with a few pieces of armour small knives.



Alinanon are a race of elf like people who have hidden themselves deep in the thickest darkest reaches of the sea. They take power from the nature around them, the trees, the flowers, even the grass. It feeds their abilities. They live in varying sizes of communities that are scattered far from any other civilization. Very little is known about them, except a strange marking on there chest that glows a dull green when they are using their power. Making them design clothing that hides that glow from predator or threats. The Alinanon are considered a peaceful races by those who have interacted with them, that is true, but that doesn't mean they don't know how to fight. They take their training seriously. At the age of 16 all Alinanonian Kids are brought Ma'ne (pronounced Ma Nay) the main village and trained for a whole year. The lsat month being dedicated to making their own weapons. Every person is unique in style so no weapons ever match. Since only some Alinanon are gifted in the ways of nature Protection is very important to them.

Extra information: Most Alinanon are vegitarians, they value the life of the animals around them to much.

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