• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic THE SEA (Lore based, Futuristic RP, OPEN & ACCEPTING)


Batteries not included.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Feel free to BBcode your CS however you see fit. Sheet must contain the following:



Sex/ Gender (if applicable):



Current Location (where your character will start. Eg: Pyxis, The Sea, Seoul9):

Appearance (photos accepted. Please keep characteristics within reason of the lore):


Abilities or Adaptations:

Gear or special attire:

Virus Specific Mutation(s):


Extra information:

UPDATE - For those who create new races or species, feel free to add a "Lore" section to your character sheets or PM me any lore you'd like added to the overview.

UPDATE- Hey guys! Please mark your CS's if they're incomplete. Just an "Under Construction, Incomplete" at the top will do. Thanks.
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  • 4mDQkSBJv4bptnJ_HjMfISQZmsDCe8p0xaJEgx6Jo1s.jpg


    Amaranth Zerdaica, otherwise known as the 'Beetle Witch'


    20 years old







    Current Location

    The Sea


    An odd, yet strangely beautiful appearance, Amaranth's facial structure is soft and heart-shaped, with stunning magenta-hued eyes. Her skin is a pale white, and shines gently under the sun due to the hard, shell-like exterior. Her hair is a dark purplish-pink, with the ends braided and decorated with silver ornaments. Three beetle-like horns stick out from her head, which are closely related to the Three-Horned Rhinoceros Beetle. Her body overall seems and looks human, except for her toes, which resemble the claw-like feet of a beetle.

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Full name: Vi Redan

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Race: Cyborg of sorts

Sexuality: Straight

Current Location: Seoul9

Notable features: Few scars and quite noticeable metal arm

Abilities or Adaptations: Vi can fuse her body with metal, giving her a cyborg-like appearance. So far she's only fused the metal it onto her skin, but she's quite aware of the other possibilities of other materials.


Eyes: Pink

Hair: Changes from a bright neon to pink; it has nothing to do with emotions.

Height: 5'6

Weight: 120 pounds

Physique: Slim but muscular

Virus Specific Mutations: She's not really sure why her hair changes color, but but she tends to overlook it. Her body was studied once after the accident with the wrench, and there is obviously something very weird going on with her DNA. Vi doesn't exactly know the diagnosis due to it being too long and complicated.


PERSONALITY: She's quite stubborn and hard-headed, which causes her to end up in trouble. At first glance she seems like the typical "rebel" but she's smart and complex. Vi is brutally honest, which is sometimes more of a curse than a blessing. She thinks out all of her actions before doing them.


Vi was orphaned at a young age when a fire broke out in their quarters while they slept. It was nothing major but took likes, including Vi's parents and two younger siblings. IT also left her with major scarring on her arm and legs. She was put into the system and soon became a troublesome child. She went from family to family until she was old enough to leave. She took up a job at a mechanic shop when the owner took pity on her, and gave her a job as helping him with tidying. But, Vi found herself intrigued with his work. When he had left the shop to go out once, she started observing the bits and pieces until one of the wrenches suddenly started covering her skin. She quickly tried to pry it off but it refused. She tried to keep it hidden until he noticed the metal, and was quite surprise to say the least. She managed to get it off a while after but wanted to replace it with something more useful. The owner helped her gather some metals and helped fuse them on her arm, covering the scars she had been disgusted at. She stayed and started working under the mechanic until she was knowledgeable enough to help out in the shop. She slowly began getting into trouble after finding about her new ability, but she always comes back to the mechanic shop sporting whatever cuts and bruises from the scrapes she gets into.



  • Working in the shop

  • Wandering around the dome and getting into fights.



  • Authority

  • Snottiness

  • Rudeness that's not coming from her



Mechanic-works pretty good with all kinds of machines and other trinkets of that nature.

She is extremely stubborn and sarcastic. She comes off as rude, which ends her up in trouble.



She carries around a small pistol, and if it ever gets taken, well, there's always the small knife in her boot.

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Name: Kallum

Age: 20

Sex/ Gender (if applicable): Male

Race: Sheik

Sexuality: Pansexual

Current Location: The Sea

Personality: Kallum' always been calm and soft spoken, a tactician by nature. He's also just a boy with a sense for adventure, craving almost any cheap thrill or sense of danger. He isn't naive to his hypocritical nature, but that doesn't mean he isn't in denial.

Gear or special attire: A water bearing targe and hilt. They're inscribed with the glyphs of his people an

Virus Specific Mutation(s): Gills align the side of Kallum's neck, and his bones have a lower density then those of a normal humans, allowing him to withstand the deep pressure of the sea with ease. This also acts as a dual-edged sword, if the area is lacking humidity, Kallum become sluggish and pliant.

Ability: Kallum can manipulate water into being a hard-water construct... as long as he has something to direct the water towards.

Background: Kallum's people have worshipped the water for as long as their history is dated back, the elders passing down the knowledge to control the tide to a select few of each generation. He was one of them, but he was never as talented as everyone else, needing a conductor to filter his magic through. Every year, someone from the Sheik tribe conducts a pilgrimage to the spirit of the ocean. Kallum was chose to offer the gifts, he's mostly using it as an excuse to venture out further then his home.

Extra information:
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Location: The Sea | Pyxan | Will Solari


  • ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Intro post below for reference.


The sky rippled like a velvet sheet. Seven streaks glittered down from the heavens and seven flickering tails of light swam down toward the Earth, doming like the bars of an illuminated birdcage--a whistling hum in the skies as they descended rapidly. The trees below shifted, restless. The evening was a cloudy one and a thin fog was slowly rolling in over the valley that split the towering forest in two, cut deep by a river which forked the valley into thirds.

The lights flitted out of view. One bright tear dropping into the darkness of the trees who consumed the object, just as the sky expelled a misty drizzle over the land. Within the canopy, the pod bounced against branches which snapped and crackled in the wake of its' momentum. It looked like an egg plummeting to the damp forest floor where it smacked the soil, a dull, crunching, thud--sending a wave of debris about it.

The pod rested in the uprooted thicket. All silent, save for the quiet hiss of smoke fuming from what might be the object's underside. A creature darted past the crash site, giving the air a quick sniff as it hurried by and away into the darkness.

Dawn broke. The machine thrummed in its dirt nest, the ground around it vibrating wildlife into motion. The smoke was settled and though its outer shell appeared unscathed, surely its interior was no more. The fall was too great. Too unthinkably treacherous for anything to survive.

The sun could not penetrate the foliage. Decades of growth, and the early morning light became that of an early evening twilight. The air was damp from the evening's rain, thick and muggy. Heavy on the lungs.

The pod rattled. A hatch burst open from its' side, icy breath spilling against the warmth awaiting and meeting with temporary fog. The sound of metal and beeping technology erupted with the expel.

The pod vomited. A boy, naked and plugged into its' innards, dripping with clear mucus.

If nothing else, the boy appeared dead. Limply hanging from the plugs and wires as marionette from her strings.

All at once his chest gave a great rise and fall, then another. The damp air set him gasping. New lungs unaccustomed to unfiltered oxygen. The boy's muscles spasmed as he choked and coughed out the musk he'd inhaled. The frailty of his form rattling thin, malnourished even.

A short eternity passed him by, hanging there. His breaths mere wheezes crackling up his throat. He quieted himself after a time, weakly tipping his head up toward the sky of whispering leaves. His eyes sat wide at the flora, red and bright. Burning and tearing, he closed them tight-- pulling free sticky, wired patches from slick skin. He rid his arms and chest of the patches and forced his eyes back open. Though they stung, he needed his sight to remove the needles and connectors.

Fear of infection set him to work gently, unplugging and disconnecting. A strap across his abdomen held him firm to his full-body seat. An indent remained in the soft material as he unbuckled, dropping about a foot to the forest floor, cold and naked. The soil was black tar against his milk skin, and he pressed his fingers into the supple earth, rubbing the rich grains between them.

He'd never seen such greenery and life. No one in his lifetime or many previous to his, could even imagine such an existence. That vegetation could be so abundant, so breathtaking.

He sat, knees in the dirt, gathering his senses which were more stimulated than they'd ever been save for his birth. Forgetting the many years of preparation, of training and planning that'd gone into his descent--he felt he could cry. No amount of training would do when faced with the real and true experience. He'd never known real gravity, his entire experience, life, up until this very moment was artificially provided. Artificial light, and food.

Abundance surrounded him. Everything alive and in motion. A beetle scurried across his hand and up his forearm and his eyes followed it eagerly. Amazed he was, standing himself upright and brushing moist soil from his thighs and knees, skin stained coal. He looked to his landing pod, how unbelonging it appeared to him surrounded by the dense nature. The vehicle door was face-planted in the dirt and he gave the interior a once over. It consisted of his bed-seat, which he'd been strapped to, many wires and curious lights, and one small compartment.

The boy reached for the storage hatch and tugged the handle. It popped open smoothly on metal rods, revealing a meager stash of supplies. Especially meager compared to the grandeur of his situation.

Truly, the forest stretched for miles upon miles. Vast and towering so high and lush, that he could not see the sky even if he were to climb 20 or even 50 feet up. He'd read many books, studied countless hours, yet nothing was familiar to him. Nothing of the old world existed here. The environment was

Click banner above to read intro post.
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Name: Wally Scranton

Age: 40

Sex/ Gender (if applicable): Male

Race: Pyxan

Sexuality: Hetero

Current Location (where your character will start. Eg: Pyxis, The Sea, Seoul9): Pyxis

Appearance (photos accepted. Please keep characteristics within reason of the lore):

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 125 lbs.

Eyes: Red

Hair: White

Build: Scrawny


Outgoing and friendly, Wally finds it easy to make friends. He is some what eccentric and thoroughly enjoys his field of expertise. If you let him, he will ramble on for hours on the intricacies of different plant species. He is true and loyal Pyxan, following the tenets set down centuries ago without question.

Abilities or Adaptations: Unknown

Gear or special attire:

Wally dresses in standard Pyxan garb. He has a scientific testing kit, about the size of a briefcase, that he uses for his research.

Virus Specific Mutation(s): None

Background: From an early age, Wally has had an affinity for plants. This led him to be schooled in botany and horticulture. As this became his specialty, he was selected to contribute to society by being assigned to work in hydroponics section of Pyxis. He started out at the age of 15 helping to ensure the plants were receiving the correct amounts of water. A few years later, he was assigned to ensure the soil quality was within range. After finishing his schooling at age 20, he was placed in charge of the entire fruit section. While in this position, he was able to increase the amount of fruit harvested by 10% over the course of 3 years. Upon the death of his teacher and mentor when Wally was 30, he was promoted to oversee the entire botanical department on Pyxis.

Extra information:

Wally was mated to Serena. Upon reaching the age of joining, the were officially wed. Their union has produced one child, a son named Lawrence. He is 20 years old and followed in mothers footsteps to become a medical doctor. Wally was chosen for the expedition to The Sea for his botanical expertise.
Name: Caleb Grant

Age: 21

Sex/ Gender (if applicable): Male

Race: Pyxan

Sexuality: Bisexual

Current Location (where your character will start. Eg: Pyxis, The Sea, Seoul9): Seoul9

Appearance: White neatly combed hair, stubble, tall, formal dress, fairly physically strong, mostly human flesh but some areas (right side of head, arms, legs and some of torso) covered with wires and metal plating

Personality: Good public speaker, confident, pragmatic and logical, likes maths, engineering and classical music, tries a little too hard to make friends, self-conscious about his appearance

Abilities or Adaptations: N/A

Gear or special attire: Has to carry a circuit board on a trolley around everywhere to ensure nothing in his body malfunctions

Virus-Specific Mutation(s): The virus developed into a flesh-eating form that destroyed most of his internal organs and the flesh on his arms, legs and some of his face and torso

Background: Raised on Pyxis and extremely gifted in engineering, he was a model example for the other Pyxans there due to his total obedience and advanced mind. He was wedded to his life partner, Jennifer, when he was 18 and he was recruited into the engineering department overseeing the building of the technology to be used in The Sea Expeditions until he started to fall ill. Over the next two years he realized that a form of the virus was devouring his internal organs and started to work to create metal replacements. When he tried to seek medical treatment he became disillusioned with the lack of attention he received until his flesh started to rot quickly. He was placed into quarantine but once he heard of plans to execute him, he fled to Seoul9 and found refuge in a lab where he and an elderly scientist completed his new body and nervous system. He works in that engineering department now and wants to find out more about Pyxis and expose their totalitarian practises.
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The application looks good minus his dark hair. Pyxans are albino as they no longer require the production of melanin.

You can just add he had his hair modded in Seoul9.

Other than that, accepted.

Aside from the BBcode issue and a few grammatical errors, the CS looks good.

Accepted. Just make sure to tidy it up when you get the chance.

Agent File:115

1st Lieutenant

Nathaniel C. Vincent

  • Birth Name: Nathaniel C. Vincent

    Alias: Reaper

    Age: 35

    Sex: Male

    Species: Dome Bred

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Current Location: Pyxis

    Personality: Serious, Cynical, Aggressive, Perceptive and Over-Confident

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Name: Barumal Hevi'zal

Age: 27

Sex/ Gender: Masculine

Race: Hominem Ultra

Sexuality: Asexual (He has no sexual drive but is more than capable of procreation.)

Current Location: The Sea

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Fo4_heavy_raider_armor_concept_art.png.eff2e6d2d9b8fb7a83eefe672e867ba2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Fo4_heavy_raider_armor_concept_art.png.eff2e6d2d9b8fb7a83eefe672e867ba2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Barbaric and violent, Barumal is a primitive and skittish creature. Like most Hominem Ultra, he abides to strange tribal customs and behaves very primitively, despite his high-tech appearance.

Abilities or Adaptations:

Prodigious Size-

Most Hominem Ultra are much larger than your average human, standing 9ft tall and wide as two men, he may be easy to spot but he's certainly more difficult to take down.

Incredible Strength-

Boosted by his reliance on technology, Barumal has a terrifying strength and is able to rip apart metal contrusts with ease.

Heightened Senses-

All of his senses have been increased drastically, he is immune to dizziness and motion induced nausea, can see in the dark, and is able to rapidly heal broken limbs.

Gear or special attire:

Mechanical Suit-

Reliant on his suit, Barumal is somewhat married to his hulking armor, constructed from ancient vehicles and other metal structures that have long been deconstructed and salvaged.

Fusion Engine-

The large pack on his back functions as both a storage unit and a fusion battery/engine for his mechanical suit. It is salvaged from his ancestors and provides a near limitless amount of power.

Virus Specific Mutation(s):


For the most part, Hominem Ultri are human however the virus allowed them to consume their fellow man without negative health effects. This as attributed to the tribal nature of their culture.

Background: Born in the Hominem Ultra capitol of 'Ne'ok', he was born of a Hominem Ultra mother and a captured Pyxian father. This made him a taboo child but regardless he was still slowly integrated into the great machine god to be a vessel of it's omniscience. He was raised to be a 'Kohok Ly' or 'Hunter killer' someone who hunted down the heretics in Seoul9 and kill them for sustenance. Eventually, Barumal began to feel remorse for his prey and abandoned his tribal ways (for the most part) in order to search for a higher calling. Believing the Great Machine God had better plans for all of creatures and people of the The Sea.

Lore: Hominem Ultra are sub-human race that began sometime after most of humanity had abandoned Earth. Unable to survive without their technology, the humans remaining on earth began to covet and horde technology no matter how insignificant. Over the course of decades, they began to worship the technology that they collected and built; The Great Machine God, a self aware AI that reduced these people to slave-like human that were COMPLETELY reliant upon technology. It eventually reached critical mass and the humans were mutated and changed through years of reliance on technology to create the Hominem Ultra. They became so advanced that they effectively set the scale of cultural advancement back to zero and were reduce to tribals who utilized advanced mechanical upgrades.

Their culture became violent and aggressive and the Hominem Ultra often times captured residents of Seoul9 and Pyxians that strayed too far into the Sea. They force bred with these people in order to further their species as most males became sterile after their upgrades were complete.



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Aside from a few grammatical errors, I like this app. His abilities seem a bit OP. However I'll allow them unless it gets out of hand.

Tidy up, and Accepted.

Still Under Construction.


  • Birthname: Stanislaw 'Law' Ulysses Kent

    Age: 46.

    Sex: Male.

    Appearance: Silver hair and a silver trimmed beard, with off-white eyes. His face is often tired in appearance, and his skin leathery, but healthy, especially in the days before the expedition as he received access to increased rations in preparation for the venture. His outfit varies, from conservative suits to padded grit covered uniforms, and the occasional sweat soaked grey t-shirt.
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(Undah construcshun xD )


Age: 90

Race: Alfar

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Current Location: The Sea

Personality: The best way to describe her personality, from others point of view, is absolutely 'alien'. When it comes to interacting with those outside of her race, her peoples customs and mannerisms are absolutely foreign to any other race but her own. At times she may seem completely devoid of emotion, but a split second later she could be bouncing around in excitement. She sees the world in a way no one else can, which often affects others' outlook on her.

Abilities OR Adaptations:

All Alfar are superior in every physical aspect, when compared to humans. They're faster, stronger, and are born with far greater motor skills then even a human in peak physical condition. A handful in every generation have the ability to fuse their body with any form of living nature, taking it as a host, or controlling it with a single touch. All of them can mentally communicate with living forms of nature as well, giving them commands, which easily allow them to manipulate lesser creatures. They can also draw on the energy of their surroundings, whether it be from the sun, or living things in order to heal or invigorate themselves.

Gear OR Specific Attire:

Alfar usually carry nothing but the clothes on their backs, which is made up of leaves and the branches of tress sewn together, in a way to provide with them some form of modesty. They only do this out of respect for other races though, if it were up to them they'd walk around butt naked. They carry no weapons, seeing no need to, as they would rather flee and avoid violent confrontation.

Lore/Background: Compared to other races, Alfar are far fewer in number. Due to the fact that they have no cities, each Alfar living a life of nomadic solitude until they find a mate. Once a mate has been found, they are bound for life, and the women are only able to conceive one child in her lifetime. Given that Alfar can live upwards to five hundreds years, children are few and far in between. Large groups of Alfar rarely congregate in one place, this probably only happening every couple of decades, and even then many do not show up. Alfar are fairly peaceful, never initiating fights, only ever lashing out violently as a last resort or if their life is on the line and they are unable to flee; or if a large amount of nature is being harmed. They shy away from any form of danger, including things they don't understand, like any form of technology. They are taught at a young age to fear the relics of the old world, and remain with The Sea, where they are safe and at their full strength amongst nature.

The offspring of the Alfar are expected to leave their parents once they reach a certain level of maturity, probably never to see them again, as they journey in search of their soul mate. Which is where Ellesmera finds herself now, almost a decade has passed, and she has been wandering The Sea alone ever since...
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Name: Ailwyn

Age: 20

Sex/ Gender: Male

Race: Syl- a race of peaceful, religious folk that inhabit the densely forested area of the Sea. Tall in stature and fair-haired, they maintain a hunter-gatherer society whose members revere the natural world around them.

Sexuality: Demisexual.

Current Location: His village in the Sea.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/f4ba76c4239c2cfe81e950320ecb4f12.jpg.cb936e5eeb47fefd9497b29ff99ae5e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/f4ba76c4239c2cfe81e950320ecb4f12.jpg.cb936e5eeb47fefd9497b29ff99ae5e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Quiet and observant, Ailwyn loves the world around him with the same respect he and his kind hold for nature. Born a loner and the youngest of his family, Ailwyn spends his nights hunting the creatures of the forest, selling the meat and pelts he gathers by day at a stall in the market, content with his routine life. However, his adventurous soul yearns for more.

Abilities or Adaptations: Ailwyn and his race are very humanoid, and obviously share a common ancestor with the humans of Pyxis. However, as the Syl have spent many generations hunting and scavenging in the forest, they are generally slender and lean, and have great athletic and acrobatic abilities.

Gear or special attire: Ailwyn wears clothing made from cotton and leather that offers a very slim amount of protection against whatever dangers he may face in the wild, but instead allows him the freedom of movement he needs to navigate through the thick forests.

Background: Ailwyn is the youngest of two children. He has a sister a few years older than him, and a brother even older than both of them. The oldest of the three children is a defined scholar of their religion; his sister followed suit. Families of Ailwyn's race are most often suited to having only two children among them, leaving the youngest son the odd one out. In that case, this left Ailwyn in a situation where he could 'follow his dreams.' At least, he could follow them to the outskirts of his village.



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Edits in italics

  • Yu_zpsusudfnug.jpg
    Name: Unknown, but occasionally refers to self as “Yu”*

    Age: 19-21 (see mutation for explanation)

    Weight: 112lbs

    Height: 5’1

    Ethnicity: Unknown, though her resemblance to a Pyxan is [probably] not a coincidence

    Profession/Location: Sea-Dweller; The Sea

    *’Yu’, adapted from “what are you?”, the last words she’s heard by the start of our storyline.

    Appearance notes: The red streaks in the locks on either side of her face are naturally formed, a side effect of mutation.

    Personality: Yu is a very adventurous and curious woman, often acting on impulse without regard of risk or consequence. Due to her isolation, this has rarely ever ended poorly for her, reinforcing her habits. She is quick and decisive which allows her to perform exceptionally well under pressure. These qualities are hidden well under her small, frail frame, cool, contemplative eyes, and quiet disposition.

    Despite her restless, thrillist personality, her ambition is significantly quelled by her sustained ignorance of the world outside the bubble she's created for herself.
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