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Fantasy The Scrollbound


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Roleplay Availability
In a realm parallel to our own, in a culture far different from our own living under much different conditions, every person is born a Mage. In a small community in the mountains called the Spiritforge, the tailor, the guardsmen, and even the town beggar are all capable of magic, performing such feats as pyromancy, creating life from nothing, and healing the injured. These acts are made possible by a long-standing tradition of the city.

In the world of Aledna, magic acts like any energy would, and only certain things can conduct it. Some rare species are capable of conducting this magic, and even rarer ones are sentient. Humans, unfortunately, cannot conduct magic, however talented they may be with magic. Only one human has ever been able to ever conduct magic on their own; a powerful magical leader known as the Prime Sorcerer, who founded Spiritforge over one thousand years ago. Needless to say, the Prime Sorcerer is long dead, and never has a human had his natural gift since then.

Over a thousand years ago, the Prime Sorcerer made a discovery that would change the way magic was seen by the world forever; any human, no matter how mundane, can gain the ability to manipulate magic. Using a hefty amount of magical energy, a person could bind their soul to almost any inanimate object, which were invariably capable of conducting magic. This allowed the person to use their soul as a magical connector between their body and a conductor, and, as long as they carried the item they bound themselves to, they could cast the magic that the item conducts the best. A warrior could carry a metal sword and manipulate electricity. An old man's decorative wooden cane can give him control over life energies. A traveller could bind their soul to a tinderbox and control fire with ease. Even greater possibilities emerged when it was discovered that scrolls could be designed to conduct any type of energy, or, if the designer was clever enough such as the Prime Sorcerer, all magical energies.

However, the Sorcerer did not consider what would happen if the item their soul was bound to broke. Old tales tell stories of mighty warriors withering to dust if their sword bent when striking against a shield. Blacksmiths who bound their soul to their hammer met with a terrible fate when it broke after overuse. Huntsmen, who would often use their quiver, would suddenly die when ripping out an arrow too fast, tearing it in the process. The overwhelming amount of deaths resulting from the discovery lead the human civilizations of the world to shun the Prime Sorcerer and exile him deep into the mountains. Him and 25 other mages gifted with scrolls of his versatile design left for the mountains, soon to create the town of Spiritforge.

Since then, every child in the town has had their soul bound to a scroll at birth with the ability to manipulate one of the many branches of magical energy. The citizens of the town, referred to as the Scrollbound by outsiders, are highly secluded and are often believed to only be legends, as nobody on the outside knows where the town, and a Scrollbound hasn't left the town in over three hundred years. The Scrollbound are very real, however, and a new threat will force them to send people outside of the town for the first time in centuries.

Four of the original twenty-five founders of Spiritforge still live through the use of magic, and now act as town elders. You, along with several others of all ages and many walks of life, have been hand-picked because of the potential you have shown. The town elders have sensed a new energy, restricting, blocking the flow of magic through the world. You and your new aquaintances will be sent out to find the source of the anti-magical energy and stop it. The way of life in Spiritforge hangs in the balance as you race to save the world of magic, your scroll hanging from your back, sourcing your power. Not only Spiritforge, but the entire magical world as a whole, is counting on you.

(Concept I just came up with on the fly that I would love to go deeper into and write more lore about. Anyone interested?)
I might polish this thread tomorrow, glad to see it got a little support even in its current rough form.

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