the schoools of wizardry and necromancy


One Thousand Club
Long have wizards and necromancers been rare and enemies against eachother, few wizards and necromancers exist to this day, but whalen vankin(wizard of 10000 years old) aron esin(wizard of 8000 yeard old) and a few other wizards decided to make a school for wizardry, it is open to all and teaches every school of magic, while a few necromancers have made an underground school to teach the dark arts of necromancy, who will you be? Wizard or necromancer? The choice is yours, along with the concequences.



1. No one may master all the magics before 20 pages of activeness on their part have been finished

2. You can have powers other than magic before you study the magic arts

3. If you wish to have the role of a teacher consult me

4. No learning both necromancy and magic!

5. No pure invoncibility, but having forms that make you near invincible with concequences afterwards are allowed

6.the 6 base commands of the elemeltal magics are infero(fire) quench(extinguish) aunom(water) orene(earth) imaso(air) infina(lightning)

7. If you join the necromancy school you must stay inside the school unless allowed to leave or you will be punished by an hour of being a demonstration model for pain magic

8. three lines of meaningful posting AT LEAST, if you post one liners constantly you will be kicked out untill i decide to let you back into the rp


(My char and also an example of the sign up sheet)

Name:runeofflame, but he is called rune

age:his appearance is about 16 but his age is 1600

Magic knowledge: he has mastered all schools EXCEPT for storm magic, wich he has a hard time with

personality: he is nice and caring but he has a demonic side because of the two demons(the king of hell and a rare ice demon) trapped inside him

Wizard or necromancer?: wizard

info: he was the son of the god of hell and the god of chaos on a far off planet that was destroyed, now he rules the underworld of earth along with being a wizard(not invincible tho)he has lost much and is deeply depressed but trys to hide it, even though he is 1600 he has never been kissed, he has 3 forms human being one, being a true silver humanoid(true silver is a very strong metal that glows) and dark elf metal(the strongest metal In existance)

weapon: a dark elf blade called star splitter
Name:Shadow Collen


Magic knowledge: Unknown,even to him.

personality:Very nice but tends to doze off if he gets bored.He normally doesn't show any emotion but happiness even in the hardest of times

Wizard or necromancer?: wizard

info:Lost at the age of 6,he doesn't remember anything before that.He's been alone since,of course he didn't let that get him down,but it was hard.As he grew up with his rather dark appearance,everyone thought it was bad luck having him around because of the strange things that happen when he's near.He tried to change it,but nothing he did ever worked,it was hard to stay as positive as he was when nothing positive was going on around him.Then he found out what had done it all,a little shadowlet had been following him because he was the closest thing it found when it also got lost.Now that Shadow knew this he could help it and could stop all the problems that went on around him.

weapon:Thin metal wire that could cut through almost anything and catch shadows to use people like puppets.


Looks like:
I do enjoy magic,and I am interested...But please make an effort to make your posts legible.

Name: Uriziel Bane

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Magickal Knowledge: In theory,he knows every spell under the sun. In practice,the only spells that don`t literally explode in his face are spells which bend and shape light."

Personality: To say he dislikes failure is to say that the Halifax Explosion was "just a little messy". He demands nothing short of perfection from himself and those around him,and always seeks knowledge. His personal goal is to become an Omnimage before he dies. Aside from that,he learns best through practice;studying a book makes him forget things,but if he tries to cast the spell,it'll be committed to memory.

Affiliation: Wizard...For now.

Background: Named for a long since lost legendary magickal sword which slew an Archdaemon known as The Sleeper,Uriziel has a name to uphold. His parents were highborne mages,and their blood runs through his veins. Since he was five,he was training under his parents,but a magnificently large problem became evident rather quicly: Nearly every spell he tried to cast failed spectacularly. It seemed that the only spells that he could muster were lumaturgy spells,and because of this,they focused on that aspect of magic,to get it out of the way. When the time came,he was sent to the Wizard's Academy for further training.

Weapon: His weapon is a foot long dagger with a crossguard designed to entrap enemy weapons. Furthermore,he wears a pair of bracers,also designed to entrap weapons.

Uriziel stands at six foot five inches. His build is lean,and his limbs are long. His hair is dark brown,but his eyes are green. He wears a waistcoat and formal trousers,as well as dress shoes. His face possesses prominent cheekbones and a pointed chin. His hair is kept short,due to its thickness.
accepted riddle, i will post the to when i get the chance(riddle n ember u will be under whalens tutoring in magic but will also do independent study if you choose)
Name: Sylvie Grey

age: 16

Magic knowledge: Focus on Fire and Lightning, but also Excels in Water Magic

personality: She keeps to herself, devoting much of her time to magic. She's one of the best in her grade level. Not a lot about her is known (personality will be revealed more or less in the RP))

Wizard or necromancer?: Wizard (Witch, technically)

Info: Not a lot is known about her history. She showed up one day out of the blue. It may or may not be a rumor, but people say that she can bring good luck to those around her.

Weapon: She controls lightning, who needs more than that? But she also carries a "wand" (or what she wants people to think is a wand) with a sharp needle-like tip that is filled with poison strong enough to kill any creature.

Looks like:
accepted kait

ive posted the rp(even though the add took it out of letter format for the two proulouges to the school)
for any information about the wights they are also called the white walkers due to there ability to bring snow, they wield crystal moonight swords that can cut pretty much anything except a dark elf blade, heres a pic(there swords are more purple and they glow strangely)

there is a saying 'either the wights bring the snow, or the snow brings the wights' due to the huge blizzards that follow wights, they are immune to any attacks as they dont die, unless you completely mutilate them they will continue to fight, but fire easily kills them
Hey is it okay if I join? I'm new so I don't really know what I should do. To save space, I'll just post my character sheet now, but I don't mind if you say no!

Name: Gabriela Akelzandar

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Magickal Knowledge: None of yet.

Wizard or Necromancer: Witch

Appearance:Auburn wavy hair that reaches her shoulders, hazel green/brown eyes, long black lashes, pale (but healthy) skin, of medium height.

Personality: Protective, fun (when with those she likes), kind at times, smart, likes to pick a fight when tempted.

Background: Not the most popular, but does have friends in the popular group. Relatively smart, but not perfect at anything, and has problems with classes such as Geography and Economics. Never knew her parents. Has an older brother (she was adopted) named Cale who is in College, but is only able to contact him once a week due to his assignments.

Weapon: Unknown as of yet.

information on the king of hell: a ancient demon who has more knowledge than any but his knowledge drove him mad, he was imprisioned inside rune and when rune allows it the king can fiill him with power to fight. the king wields a 200 foot long sword of pure flames in full form but rune can only handle a small fraction of his power so its about 30 feet when the king takes over rune, after a fight using the kings power rune will be badly injured by the energy that is exerted from him

Name: Hailey Arks

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Magical Knowledge: Small knowledge of frost magic

Wizard or Necromancer: Studies both arts but is preferibly a necromancer


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Personality: Shy, Quiet, Trust issues, Slightly obsessed with violence

Background: Was abandoned as a young girl and found the school of magic. She has aways wanted revenge on her parants for abandoning her and hopes to find it in the dark arts of necromany

Weapon: A combat scythe
Dis will your char join the wizard or necromancer school? As the necromancer school will need oneor two otherppl for me to start tht up( due to needing one other person and also possibly someone to play the headmaster necromancer cos id make a sucky necromancer)
This character sheet comes with a caveat: Get. More. People. Interested. Actively pimp the RP.

Name: Alvar Cole

Age: True age of 145,visible age of about seventy eight

Gender: Male

Magickal Knowledge: He's a master alchemist,having potions for every occasion,and then some,which is the secret to his apparent youth,considering his age. However,his actual magickal talent lies in transformative magicks and demonfire,of which he is an uncontested master. He is relatively skilled in the art of necromancy and golemcraft,but his passion lies in alchemy,transformation,and demonflame.

Faction: He's sympathetic towards the Wizards,but ultimately finds their "White and Black" mentality to be a short-sighted and self-destructive mindset. As such,he identifies himself as a Necromancer.

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Personality: As stated above,he doesn't consider the Wizards to be his enemies. Aside from that,he values knowledge and peace,but also realizes that violence is the only viable option sometimes. Compared to his peers,he is very calm,rational and open-minded.

Background: Alvar was born to a split household. His father was firmly on the side of the Wizards,while his mother was on the side of the Necromancers. Fearing that her husband would do something...Less than rational,she spirited her young son away to an enclave of Necromancers. When he reaches the age of twelve,he was enrolled in the Necromancer's Academy,where he learned the magicks of his mother's people. For the next hundred years,he honed his art as well as he could...And found a way to cheat Death,as any self-respecting Necromancer should. However,growing restless and worried at the schism between his people,Alvar started voicing his beliefs,hopefully sowing the seeds of change.

(As an aside,I'm making this character to be of relatively high status among the Necromancers. I'll adjust the age if I need to)
(At 165 hed look very young, id make him old like whalen cos both necromancers and wizards age the same, but otherwise accepted! Ill start thinking abt how to start the necromancer school and wuts a caveat?)
A caveat is a condition. This is my ultimatum: Get people interested in the RP fast,or I'm pulling out from it. RPing with few people gets stale and causes stagnation.
Well im trying to get more ppl into it, wondering if lily will ever apply or at least look and possibly one or two others imay be able to convince to join
attention all, this rp has a chance of being made into a movie(not the entire rp but the 'trial of ice' part mite, also imay start a 'trial of fire' or 'trial of lightning' wich could also be made into a movie) so if you would like your name in the specia dedications section of the credits and your char used in the movie pm me!

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