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Fantasy The School of Powers


A Demonic Saint with A Rose and A Hatchet





Power explanation:



Weapon: (Not Nessicary if not need for Charater)

History:(Optional but recommend)

Crush: (Optional)
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Name: Yuma ziko

Age: 16


Power: summoning

Power explanation: Yuma can summon things out Of a scroll. So far he can only summon fire balls and weapons


Personality: Yuma is a kind and loving person he loves to help all he can and will do anything to protect his friends

Weapon: summoning scrolls

History: will be told throughout the rp

Crush: N\A<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1d7f26abb8773a8dcdb0d877c835e926.jpg.22e3c2b597efb6fe11abaa91c1635797.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1d7f26abb8773a8dcdb0d877c835e926.jpg.22e3c2b597efb6fe11abaa91c1635797.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Zoey Marles

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Fairy

Power: Ice

Power explanation: She can create and manipulate ice

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/86c8876687c96756f214041b92ef37bc.jpg.07297603d489ef8a9dfb6cebc1ae2c35.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/86c8876687c96756f214041b92ef37bc.jpg.07297603d489ef8a9dfb6cebc1ae2c35.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Shy, Moody

Weapon: (Not Nessicary if not need for Charater)

History:(Optional but recommend)

Crush: (Optional)



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Name: Myorka

Age: 16

Gender: M

Power: Hypnosis

Power explanation: His eyes allow him to hypnotize people manipulate them like little marionettes. But, he requires rest after due to draining his mental and physical energy.



Personality: Cynical, sarcastic, hard to anger, very salty, enjoys puns and irony

Weapon: Has a punching dagger hidden in his sweater's sleeves.

History:He grew up as a normal kid, nothing tragic, no angst etc. He was just always able to manipulate people well. He was part of a band at one point, so he brings a small mint green ukulele with him everywhere.

Crush: None at the moment
Name: Ren Leighton

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Power: Psychokinesis

Power explanation: The ability to move objects with her mind. She can move small objects almost without any trouble but the bigger or the greater the expanse of her powers will make her go light headed and weak. Nosebleed is quite common and she might faint.


Personality: Ren is a kind person, a bit reserved but have no problem with socializing. She's somewhat of a lone wolf, not by choice. More that she's afraid she might hurt someone with her powers. She often smile towards others and always seem to be in a good mood, rarely seen sad or angry. She loves listening to music and sings along when she thinks she's alone. She's not the best singer but it's not like your ears will bleed if you hear her. You can mostly see her walk around with a violin case, she plays on an electric violin (silent violin) when she's bored but always have her headphones plugged into it so she won't bother anyone else when she plays it.

Weapon: None

History: I'd like to have things come through the roleplay but well. Can write some stuff here anyway. Ren grew up in a family containing a mother, father and two siblings. An older brother and a younger sister. The day she noticed she could move things with her mind was confusing. She had just sighed and reached for a pen that was lying a bit too far from her reach and it moved to her hand. She first shrugged it off like just gravity or something like that. It wasn't as if she could actually move things with her mind, right?

The curiousity gnawed at her and she tried again. It worked. Shocked she stared at her pen for a minute, tried to move it and it did. Not fast or sudden, just a small twitching movements a few centermeters. Excitement bloomed inside of her but also anxiety. This wasn't normal, no one had powers right? It made her confused on many levels but she kept it all a secret for many years. As you all guessed there are something that did happen to her, which made her scared then ever about her powers and keep her emotions on tight control.

It had been during a fight with her older brother, the fight hadn't been about anything special really. Both of them had been keeping too much bottled up and it just snapped for both of them. It had started about a crush Ren had, then went to all the bad relationships her brother had and then to many things you really shouldn't say to each other. Ren had been so angry at her brother. Things in the room had started to rattle, scraping noised and hovering. Her brother had gone silent when it happen but Ren didn't see it, her powers had gone out of control and things flew around. Vases crashed, books flew into walls, tables and chairs moved violently around. When her brother finally grabbed her, hugged her and tried to calm her. She had snapped back into her mind. Seeing the disaster she had made in the room, her brother tighten his hold around her and she closed her eyes. Crying she apologized for what had happen, she didn't knew she could do that much damage.

Her brother had been rather forgiving even though he had a few bruises and cuts from shards and stuff that had flung around. Together they cleaned up the mess before their parents got home and their sister. The only one who knows about her powers that's close to her are her brother. Not even her friends knows about it.

This is of course not all that have happen in her life or made her fear her own powers. There's much to uncover and see behind the layers of walls Ren have put up around her. Stories and accidents that have made her the one she's today.

Crush: None at the moment.
Name: Danny Heirloom

Age: 16


Power: Matrix dodgeing

Power Explanation: Slowing movement around him. It allows him to dodge things going even as fast as the speed of light. Think of "The Matrix".

Personality: Funny, clever, witty, sarcastic, smart, nonformist, daredevil, vain, selfish, flirtatious, says whatever he is thinking no matter if it will weird people out or hurt somebody's feelings, refuses to sugarcoat or filter any of his words, cross him and you will suffer the torture of his revenge in direct and equal retribution with what you did to him, insult him and he will return to you a clever but stinging insult in return, if physically attacked he will not hesitate to beat you senseless, despises authority.

Weapon: A hand and a half Katana and a repeat-fire automatic light crossbow.

History:Parents were surprisingly awful. He was eventually sold into slavery right under the very nose of the government. His parents's involvement was kept secret from the general public. His parents lied and wept about how he was kidnapped by criminals. He was also thoroughly bullied and abused even by fellow slaves. This was partially due to his immense physical beauty. But it was also due to his absolute hatred for conformity to anything other than what HE wanted. In Slavery it was expected to obey. Among other Slaves he was disliked for acting and speaking of abnormal things. He also refused to keep any opinions to himself. In a short amount of time, he was able to discern that it was his body that both slavers and fellow slaves wanted. In both physical labor oriented desires, & perverted desires too. He escaped before he could be violated by anyone or have his body scarred by harsh beatings. He escaped and in the process, killed everyone who had mistreated him with little mercy or remorse. The scarier part is that the police found no physical evidence of him being the murderer. Therefore, the police weren't even after him. He trekked through wild woodlands and came upon a camp of reclusives. They lived in a small family like tribe of people who didn't like living in urban areas. Mostly made up of indigenous blooded people and rough butchlike Caucasian ranger type characters. For a while they took him in after hearing his tragic tale. They welcomed him with open arms into the tribe and even performed a tribal initiation ritual. It was like a mix between a college fratboy intiation, a native american coming of age ritual and a riot. The riot part was only because the local police had messed with the tribe. In the riot, he discovered his power when he somehow managed to dodge a police bullet and then fire his crossbow at the cop's forhead, killing the officer. The tribe had in fact won the battle against the police in the city. Danny was a huge part of that. The tribe in fact had not shunned Danny for this strange power, but loved him all the more. His powers would be a great asset to the tribe. In a coffee shop one day, disguised as a regular civilian, he read the mysterious letter inviting him to a place for other like him.... His tribe bid him a sad farewell and said he was welcomed back any time he chooses. His destiny awaited....

Crush: He has 2 boyfriends but is always looking to add more of them to his list....
Forgot image<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-205.jpeg.8a3e5d2576f6bdb55d9254322a26bb40.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images-205.jpeg.8a3e5d2576f6bdb55d9254322a26bb40.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Lyth Davenport

Age: 15

Gender: M

Power: Aerokinesis

Power explanation: Limited control over Air

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c81d11ac4_kyeryugga.gif.33439dcdae40e43c41566902c517849c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c81d11ac4_kyeryugga.gif.33439dcdae40e43c41566902c517849c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Lyth is extremely shy do to his home life. He is a fun person if you can break sown the walls he built to protect himself. He loves music and singing he is a pretty good singer. he also has a way with animials

Weapon: (Not Nessicary if not need for Charater) katana

History:(Optional but recommend) Lyth had a horrible childhood he lived in a family of 6 his mom, dad, older brother Alaric, younger brother Maxxwell and younger sister selena. his father cheated on his mother and he was born from that woman who died during birth leaving the responsibility to his dad to raise Lyth. His father hated him, his mother was disgusted by him his sister tortured him and his older brother beat him. The only sibling that cared for Lyth was Maxxwell. He discovered his power on an ordinary day his brother Alaric punching him in the face and selena rooting him on, at this point lyth was so angry he held his hand up and Alaric went flying into the near by wall he looked at his sister and she fly out of the room.He blacked out and woke up in the basement of their house chained to the floor like a dog. later that year on the way home from school he found the letter sitting on his door step With his name on it and decided that this was the time to make his escape from the hellhole called his home.

Crush: Dosen't have any and he is gay



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Name: Rhodes Sinclair

Age: 17

Gender: male

Power: Teleportation, Psychic link to his twin brother Stephan, Protection spells.

Power explanation: Erects wards that are blue in colour, much like his aura. They allow him to block magical attacks. He can't block physical attacks yet, but with time, that might be a new skill he could employ in the future. His psychic link allows him to communicate freely with Stephan, but it comes with a downside. Rhodes can feel Stephan's pain, as well as his own. This can be a major handicap. His teleportation skill allows him to travel anywhere he has been before, so long as he hasn't used it more than once, as he doesn't have the magical capability to use it anymore.

Appearance: Turquoise, messy hair, spiked and cuts across his brow. Sad looking amber eyes, Tanned skin, White coat with armour plates sewn to it. Black pants and matching boots. Gloves which mimic his coat, with gold trim. Has a large, black cloak, which he dons on his right shoulder.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c824524bc_RhodesSinclair.png.5631c061df0362985dd4f5d9288bd420.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c824524bc_RhodesSinclair.png.5631c061df0362985dd4f5d9288bd420.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8244f503_StephanSinclair.png.2268681608f6c1b2ec93a222412c56b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8244f503_StephanSinclair.png.2268681608f6c1b2ec93a222412c56b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sarcastic, Witty, Standoffish and Crude. Can seem cruel at first, but eventually opens up and can be loyal. He is brave and will fight for his own if need be. Can also do reckless things for people he cares about dearly, such as the girl who took him in and her elderly grandma.

Weapon: Winged Sword. He uses a small, magical stone in the center of the hilt to forge his wards, as he has little magical ability himself.

History: A former prince from a hellish dimension, he has been exiled because he refused to partake in his studies of magic. His un-princely behaviour was seen as unbecoming, so he was forced to hand over his position to his brother, who was younger by 11 seconds, when he was just 13 years of age. Rhodes travelled from the hellish dimension and walked constantly until he collapsed at the front door of an old lady, named Myriam Blanchett, her granddaughter Aeris bringing him in and nursing him back to health. He decided it might be best to go to school, because he wasn't getting any younger sitting in someone else's house, stewing in his own anger and stupidity.

Crush: Aeris Blanchett



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