~The School of Hybrids~

Ashley Aswerlath


(Normal wears plain black pants and a light blue shirt)

(She is 5'6)

Ashley Aswerlath

"Hi I'm Ashley, it's nice to meet you"

AGE: 16

"I'm 16"

GENDER: Female

"Kinda have to be a girl"

Sexuality: Bi-sexual-homo-preference

*Blushes and turns away*

YEAR: 1st

"This is my first year here"

Type of Hybrid: Normal

"I use to be full human, before the incident..."

SPECIES: Yuki-Onna/human hybrid

"I'm part Yuki-Onna now"


Yuki-Onna physiology

"Well I am able to control ice and snow for the most part, I can do a few other things as well"


- Fire

- Absolute senses

- Compliments

"Well fire beats Ice..."


Ashley is a very timid girl in terms of talking, often getting very flustered when speaking to someone; what she tries to convey often ends up as an incoherent jumble of speech. She tries her best to make friends with others, but often ends up not being able to do to her inability to speak to others. Ashley, despite the fact its hard for her to talk, is a very upbeat person, often always happy and bubbly once you get to know her, and once she becomes comfortable with you.


Ashley was born and raised up in the Himalayas, her parents running a pet shop to make ends meet in the small village. She grew up a pretty normal life, for the most part, caring for the pets and playing with them when she was small, spawning her love for animals. Her other love was drawing, especially land scraps and wild animals, spending most of her time on the edge of the village drawing or hiking up the mountains a bit to find other things to draw. On one of Ashleys' drawing exhibitions, a flash blizzard came in and nearly killed her.

She became frozen in a semi-death like state, nearly killing her and turning her full Yuki-onna; but luckily for her a Buddhist monk that lived in the remote parts of the mountain found her and saved her from dying. Since she was in a state of semi-death, she became half Yuki-onna, granting her her powers you see today. The monk help taught her how to use and control her power, and is now attending here in hopes of learning more.


*Blushes* "Well I just arrived here so it's kinda hard to have one"


She has a pet baby wolf named wolfy

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@Wild Born there is a minimum of 3 weaknesses (Personality wise or Physically) and there is a maximum of 3 powers, just fix that up and accepted
Sure! well not much has happened. We are basically just starting off the school year. Psychopathic kids throwing knifes at peoples feet and putting 9 stacks of books away in the library, you know the usual :3

you could just start off arriving at school cause the first days of classes haven't even started
lol sounds like a normal day indeed, I was going to make a krazy kind myself but I saw someone else already did xD
Are you still accepting? Sorry if I get some things wrong since I usually RP in much more simpler... Places I guess..?
Yeah just click watch thread, also you could have just changed your name in your profile page
*facepalm* Oh well and sorry if I'm wasting space but how would you see your watched threads? And when I join I cant post that much since im studying for finals

nvm got it, i'll post my stuff tommorow
You see them in your Alerts. Every time someone posts something it will appear in your Alerts, you know the little flag in the corner and ok
NAME: Dru Meadows

AGE: 17

GENDER: (Male/ Female/ Trans/ Other)


PREFERENCE: (male/female/ both/ Other)

Any and all (Pan pride)






Elemental (electrical)

APPEARANCE: (Pic please!)


POWERS: (Limit of 3)



Heightened reflexes and senses

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3)

Water is dangerous around him stopping him from using his powers too much

He takes challenges very VERY seriously

He can't sit still for very long


Very strong willed

Respects power and those stronger than him

Can take a punch.

BIO: (optional)

Dru wandered for a few years.


Rattles (A small lightning elemental that tends to change shape from a small dragon to a small wolf to a bird)

Crush to be determined
NAME: Jason Frye

AGE: 16



YEAR: 2nd


SPECIES: Shadow.. Creature..? I don’t know…. Do they exist? I’ll change it if it doesn’t exist.


POWERS: Being able to blend into the shadows, having enhanced strength and a healing factor.

WEAKNESSES: Forming into a shadow takes an abundance of energy and his way of handling situations is by pure recklessness, so he is prone to traps. His fighting style consists of pure damage, and almost no defence, so if you break through he line of decisive attacks you have a good chance in winning.

PERSONALITY: Well to begin with, I’ll just be saying that he acts differently in battle and when… Well he has casual encounters. In battle he’s usually focused on winning, though he will taunt the enemy at some times. His fighting style is something described as the “brawler” and he mixes firearms (if he can get a hold of one) and sharp melee weapons to take an opponent out. In just, out of battle he’s kind of the guy who would try to stop fights between two people. He tries to be kind and formal to people he has just met. Though once you get to know him he kind of just throws all that formality away but he keeps his kindness intact. Most of the time he isn’t afraid of meeting new people, and if he enjoys their company he acts like he new them for years. He is extremely intelligent though it doesn’t really process into battle, he is trilingual from traveling and he is an expert at… Well just attacking.

BIO: His mom was living a normal life until she met her dad. They started dating, and he soon started living his his mom’s house. After that it all went to BEEEP (can we swear?). They started getting into arguments pretty much everyday and Jason would usually hide under the dining table with the family dog. Soon enough his dad left and his mom ODed a year later, and it left him an orphan. He did what he had to survive and he silently stole from other’s home. He didn’t hurt anyone, physically. Not like they returned the favour. One night he was getting patched up in the hospital, and what did he do? He stole he antibiotics and other kinds of medicine and he left. This entering and stealing went on for a while until someone took him in. He lived with him (I need a way to make him not like a villain and stuff) and yah now he’s here. :D

CRUSH/PARTNER: No idea anyone..?


um... image wont work give me a second...

THERE appearance

If BBcoding doesnt work then im just wasting space<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27922500_ScreenShot2015-05-17at10.03.14AM.png.509abf70a46bf5ad8ed94c5ad8e64321.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27922500_ScreenShot2015-05-17at10.03.14AM.png.509abf70a46bf5ad8ed94c5ad8e64321.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The Elemental Twins!

(This is WIP! will finish once i get back)

  • {NAME}

    "Jhon Here!!"

    "Mark here!!"

    "And We Are Twins!!!"


    "Im 17 the Oldest!"

    "Im 17-..wait you are not Older? we are the same!"

    "Still im 3 Minutes ahead of you"

    "Oh yea...yep he is older...3 minutes ahead"


    "Im a Sexy gal!"


    "what? NO! im just joking! we are Both dudes!"

    "...shoold i check?"

    "....If i see your hand in the Door i will burn you..."


    Mark and Jhon are EXACLY The same the Only Differance being there hair and eye color,Jhon Being the red one wille Mark is the Blue one,both are 5.10 FT tall,Both weight 158 Pounds,Both have Same Exact Mark on there palm being what seems to be a star,In short whatever apperance one has,the Other must have the same apperance,The only way to tell who is who is by Color and how they act,



    "He likes dudes"

    "What? NO!...I dont,you do!"

    "Yea i know"

    "WELL!...I like Girls and you like dudes so dont come and mix things up ok?"

    "Got it....sorry...actually i like both"

    "Really?...Huh...never knew"


    "Third year right?"

    "Yep Third year...Both"

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