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The School Girl and the Tramp

Elijah tried not to chuckle when he had been shoved back. Maybe he was only behaving all friendly like this because he felt a sudden need to change. That might've been his reason. Though, he was Elijah, so probably not. Most likely he was just enjoying messing with the annoyed girl. "That's stupid...why do they have to be so smart?"
Viola smirked "So people like you can't get away with ditching." She said looking ahead again. School was still a few blocks away it would be a few minutes before they got there. For some reason it felt like it was taking longer than ususal to get there. "When was the last time you even went to school anyway?" She asked curiously.
"Haven't attended school in years," Elijah didn't seem at all upset or hesitant when it came to admitting to this, almost sounded proud of himself. "I had been ditching so much that they finally just gave up on me then booted me out."

"You act like you've never ditched before. C'mon now, you can't be Mommy's perfect little angel."
Viola hummed in response. It didn't really surprise her that it had been years since he had gone to school, and he acted like that was somethign to be proud of. "Oh I can imagine" She said rolling her eyes. He was just some deadbeat boy... What had he planned on doing with his life anyway? She wondered.

Hearing him taunt her she slowed her pace turing to look at him her eyes narrowing. "Well if you can pull of a convincing sick act you don't have to ditch" She retorted
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