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I've had this question for a while now. What are the "boarders" of The Scavenger lands? Why is Grayfalls not part of the East? And why are Port Calin, Goodharbor, Sijan not part of the Scavenger lands?
The region called Scavenger Lands is a wide area in the East characterized by several rivers (including the Yanaze, the Yellow and the Grey) and by being composed of several smaller states, most often city-states. There is no definition of "Scavenger Lands", and that is a pejorative name adopted by the Realm's Legions in the first century of the Realm Calendar during their invasion to the east. Many states (city-states, that is) that are part of the Lands are also part of the Confederation of the Rivers, which is a union created to boost the protection of its members, more or less like the European Union.

The Scavenger Lands are to the East more or less like Central Europe is to the European Continent.

Also, Sijan is part of the Confederation, and Lookshy is its unofficial leader.
I think most of my question came about because of the scavenger lands book. Which for the most part is a book about the Confederation of the Rivers. Yet chapter wise 2/3 of the book deals with stuff that should be in the book about the east. That just made it seam more like more of a geographical boundary as apposed to a political one.
WHAT?! I didn't write that!

Exactly who can edit one's posts?

And what's Pilsbury?

Anyway, substitute Pilsbury Toaster Strudel for "Europe".
I am wondering exactly what will be on the East book now that it's available for preorder and how different will it be from the CoTD 1...
The Scavenger Lands is not the same as the Confederacy of Rivers, though the Confederacy does lie almost entirely in the Scavenger Lands. The SL, however, extend further north and south. Still, you can usually assume that any place in the CoR is in the SL, and usually vice-versa. But there's a distinction.

The East, however, includes places like Halta and Linowa, plus locations in the Southeast with Tyrant Lizards and whatnot.
cos our game's set there and he wants as much info as possible on it, kingdom of Halta's first ed right? maybe he wants some second ed info on it *shrug* maybe he doesn't know that book exists but it's unlikely.
Tch, like the background is gonna change...

Here's one thing I give to the first ed, those books (KoH, BotN, HotBG) were quite interesting.
99% of the Lore related info in the 1st Edition books is still cannon. The new edition was primarily a rules change with a name changes to clear up some of the confusion on the darker side of Creations (Mafeans and Neverborn etc). The stats for various critters might have to be tweeked a bit, but the info is golden. The only benefit of a newer edition is updates to official, use if you want to, story lines like the Bull of the North.

As for the "Scavenger Lands" it's borders are specifically vague, and change depending on who you talk to, it's a general territory, not a political entity kinda like the middle east, some people include various countries in reference to it, some don't. Since technically there is no "Middle East" on the map, it's Part Europe, part Africa, and part Asia. Another example is "The Pacific Northwest." You know where I'm talking about but when you read it, were you thinking Washington and Oregon, or did you include Canada and Alaska? All depends on who you ask. It's not an official area, but everyone has a general idea of where you are talking about when you say it.
crashmurdoch said:
99% of the Lore related info in the 1st Edition books is still cannon. The new edition was primarily a rules change with a name changes to clear up some of the confusion on the darker side of Creations (Mafeans and Neverborn etc). The stats for various critters might have to be tweeked a bit, but the info is golden. The only benefit of a newer edition is updates to official, use if you want to, story lines like the Bull of the North.
Concurred. I love the First Edition line, and use almost all of the fluff.
Most of the first edition books are still available at game shops, through or Ebay. You can also get them through in PDF or book form.

I highly recommend the Halta book if you are going into that area.
I highly suggest the Outcastes books from 1E if you run anything dealing with Lookshy. Admittedly, this comes with the crappy Forest Witch and the idiot crazy pirate sections, which are a pile of fecal matter. I personally don't think very highly of the Halta book...random kingdom in the middle of the forest with rules that prevent touching the forest floor, mostly living by not going to manage anywhere near the same population as the Blessed Isle. But, apparently, people don't compare their populations with each other or consult on such things. Then again, I'm frankly not fond of Halta in general. To me, it seems poorly thought out. But, different people prefer different things. Other books of use are the Autocthonians book, if you want to do anything with the Locust Crusade, though I would suggest actually taking the abilities of the people of Creation into account instead of following their adventure plotlines...which tend to either heavily over evaluate the power of crossbows and buff jackets in the Exalted setting, or assume that the Alchemicals are useless when facing medical problems. In either case...not really a good evaluation of people's abilities, one way, or the other. An invasion of Creation that meets up with any form of organized opposition is going to be a bloody mess for all involved...not a cake walk for either side.
I think the Forest Witches is one of the coolest writeups for Exalted, period.

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