The Saturn Space Colony and the Earthly Time Traveler~Kole and StarDust~


Cupcake Fairy
character posts first!

Kael Evans, 23

Was the subject of a 21st century time travel experiment that sent him a millenium in the future to a 31st century space colony on the planet saturn. the Era Colony has been around for at least 100 years. current year: 3022.

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[MENTION=4307]Kole[/MENTION] you can do any type of pic or chara description you want, my usual medium is anime picture though.
Lanai Saidi Telianna Sentilia


Lanai is a scientist on the Saturn Space Colony. She specializes in physics and chemistry. She is in the employ of the SSC (Saturn Space Colony). Her main job is to make sure that the air is regulated.

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Kael grabbed his Viola and headed for the door. it was mid-day, the kids and teens would be at school and adults would be at work so it was a great time for him to play to his hearts content on his beloved instrument. he peeked out the door of his small yet clean and well kept house on the outskirts of the the little space dome he now called home. there wasnt much for scenery aside from looking out at the asteroids that made up Saturns rings and the stars that dotted the abyss beyond Kaels floating home. Kael slipped out and took a short walk right to the edge of the bubble he called home. he sat against the new age, see through material that sheltered humans from the unforgiving abyss that was outer space. he sat against the wall and pulled out his instrument, a type that had long since been replaced with models that were made of readily available materials. at thise point, trees were rare, and only around to slightly ease the burden of the need for oxgen. they were dying out due to being genetically altered and because the last of them were too old to produce any more seeds.

Kael pulled out his bow and set it on the strings, pulling it along as notes danced from the instruments beautiful cherry wood shape. he smiled to himself as he listened to the notes, a richness in music only heard from classic wood instruments. of course, he had no sheet music and only played what came to his heart and mind, something he had done since he was a 20th century child. he was born in the year 1989, traveled to this time period during 2010, when he was 21, and had stayed under radar for two years. the year he had arrived in was 3020, and at the turn of his 23rd birthday and january 1st, the year was 3022.

(just had some technical stuff to lay out for backround there)
Lanai chewed on her bottom lip nervously as she waited for the call she knew was inevitable. She was at her apartment. It lay on the 47th floor of the Andromeda Apartments building near Pine Square on the Saturn Space Colony. Many things here were named after old earth cities or organisms that once existed on earth. Humans have always been a nostalgic species. Even if pine trees were extinct, we still wanted to remember what old earth was like.

Lanai paced the length of her living room. The color of the walls changed as her nerves became more intense. It went from a light purple, to a calming blue. Many building were built with walls that change color depending on your mood. It wasn't a particularly difficult modification. The robotics systems that ran throughout almost all of the buildings already keep track of heart rate and movement. She stopped in front of the window that took up all of the west wall of her living room. It was automated to dim when the sun was brightest so that the room stayed at an even brightness throughout the day. She looked out at the city. There were no trees or animals here, just plain metal buildings reaching up to the sky. Some were tall enough so as to be an danger of being hit by an asteroid from Saturn's rings.

A light squeak alerted Lanai of her companion, walking towards her with a tray in one hand, a small plate of food and a small orange pill sitting atop it. "Mistress Lanai, I must insist that you eat and take your medication." Cinate's voice was smooth and designed to be calming, but had a slight metallic edge to it. Cinate was her robot servant, to put it bluntly. It had served her since she was a child. Normally such an old model would have been taken apart years before, but Lanai had upgraded it herself, not being able to bear loosing her oldest friend and companion.

Everything about robots was designed to be unoffensive, from the almost humanlike appearance, to the programed responses. Cinate had a tanned and soft surface, designed to look and feel like real skin, and feminine features. But, no matter how hard some companies tried, they always a bit. The skin looked an felt human, but at the same time, there was something alien about it. The same could be said of their features and voice. There was always something...not quite right about them.

(Thought I would add some more background information.)
Kael heaved a sigh as he set his viola down in its case. he latched the old black case shut and looked out into the stars. Earth was one of those stars, his home form many years back. Kael stood up, dusting himself off and decided to take a walk in the city. he walked along, his viola over his back and his hands in his pockets. life was rather boring when he was not working. his job was at a local bar, a young bar tender. he liked working there because he could listen to peoples stories. he couldnt tell his own true story, however he had gone through the trouble of fabricating one in case people asked.

When Kael was not working he was walking. he would walk all over, find secluded places to play his viola, he would sing a little bit.his favortie hobbies were like rare gems now, an instrument that was the last of its kind, his gardening knowledge that was just that, knowledge. its not like he could explain the Language of the Flowers to people who had never seen a real flower. he missed the expressions he got when he gave such meaningful treasures to ladies, as well as family members.

Kael was not a player, merely a gentleman who liked to see people smile. his flowers were gifts of friendship, as he had never found a girl worth giving his favorite flower. he sighed once more as he found himself amongst taller buildings, idly listening to people chat as he walked.
Lanai sighed and grabbed her pills, ignoring the food. She was rarely hungry. She hadn't slept the night before, either. She knew she should, Cinate had even nagged her about it, but she couldn't. She didn't like the pills that would put her to sleep either. They seemed to slow her mind down. Her mind was her most precious treasure. Lanai sat upon a soft blue chair in the corner of her apartment, her head falling into her hands. Today, she needed the distraction of her lab. There were so many samples to test and experiments to observe, it was the only thing that helped distract her focus her mind. She knew what was wrong with her. It was her anxiety. If she didn't keep calm she would begin to hyperventilate and could pass out. It wasn't that she had anything in particular to be anxious about. It was just that her mind could never seem to calm down. Every thought led to another, which led to another. She was always thinking about recent scientific discoveries or theories, real life just seemed like a nuisance.

Lanai noticed a pale blue light blinking on her wall, just beside her. She leaped back to her feet and spoke quickly. "Phone, on." The blinking stopped and was replaced by a steady blue light, the sign that the phone was connected. A voice spoke from the speaker just beside the light.

"Lanai?" She frowned. The voice was too familiar and entirely unexpected. She had known she was to get a call, but had expected it from someone else entirely. "Lanai?"

"Yes, I am here. What is it, boss?"

"I apologize, I know you weren't supposed to come in today, but I was hoping you wouldn't mind coming into the lab for a while." The voice was hesitant and quiet. It was the manager of her department. She had always wondered how he had to become the manager, timid and weak willed as he was.

"Of course I don't mind. I'll head over immediately." She could feel the relief wash over her. She loved her lab. It would be a pleasure not to have to talk to Dianna. She pressed her warm palm over the blue light and it died, the call disconnecting. Lanai pulled on a jacket and started for the door.

"Mistress? What if she calls?" If Cinate were human, Lanai thought she would probably sound worried.

"Tell her that I was called into work." With that, she walked out of her front door.
Every so often Kael would stop to look up at the enormous buildings. they were too systematic. the city was organized so neatly that the buildings fit like a puzzle. the streets were impossible to get lost on. Kael moved on, recalling how much he missed the buildings of New York. many of them had been systematic as well, however there were those buildings that never got torn down. the old rustic ones made of stone instead of steel. words wouldve been carved in the stone about the door instead of welded out of mixed metals bent neon containing tubes. but even in his time such buildings were rare. then there was the Empire State Building. that was a view he had seen too many time to forget.

As Kael wandered lost in thought amongst the people and immense buildings, he accidentaly bummed into an old woman, knocking her down. "oh my, im sorry ma'am, are you hurt?" he offered a hand. the old woman eyed him, then got up and left without a word. many people around him were staring. he had forgotten that this society was so organized and tight lipped that "zoning out" was an extinct type of behavior.
Lanai fiddled with the bottom of her jacket. She didn't like being outside. It wasn't that she thought she might get hurt, she just wasn't comfortable around other people. She had never had many friends and preferred being alone with her studies. Lanai could explain exactly what part of the human brain causes a reaction in people and how, but she was still uncomfortable. Eyes kept firmly on the ground in front of her, she started forward.

Her anxiety could probably be placed on er parents. They were almost never around, so most of her childhood was spent with only Cinate for company. Such a lack of human interaction would cause anyone, even the most outgoing of people, to get nervous around others. Though Lanai understood what caused her anxiety, it didn't help stop her from feeling anxious.
Kael shook off the awful looks he was getting and continued his stroll through the city. he hummed a little tune and let his mind wander back to the past again. he stopped to look at another one of the cities immense biuldings and planted himself right in the path of someone else. they collided and Kael stumbled back. "Jeez im really sorry..." he stopped himself. he had let a bit of his old American accent slip out. "Are you alright?" he asked, correcting his earlier mistake. he noticed he had run into a young woman around his age, making him feel a bit guilty.
Lanai righted herself and looked at the man she had run into. He was tall, with dark hair and eyes. She tilted her head. For a moment he had seemed to have an odd accent, one that she had never heard before. It wasn't entirely surprising. There were many different colonies on many different planets and moons, each with their own dialect and accent. Lanai supposed they were living in a golden age for Linguistics. They were living in a time when there were countless recordings of different languages and accents from hundreds of years ago. She had a colleague who studied the many languages that have developed. He was a loud man. He laughed often and it made her uncomfortable.

After Lanai had rightened herself, the man's strange accent faded. She wondered if she had misheard. She smiled shyly up at him and tried to move around him so that she could continue to her lab. She disliked social interactions. Most was pointless. If she spoke to someone, then she wished to learn something from them or debate their way of thinking. Something to make the both of them grow as people. Most conversations didn't. Either person could be replaced and there would be no difference. It was a pessimistic thought and unlike her. Lanai disliked pessimists. Had they ruled, she wondered if humans would have ever ventured into space. It was the optimistic and those willing to take risks that advanced human kind.
Kael was glad she hadnt asked any questions about his accent. it was most likely because there were a number of different accents around the colonies. had he let any old American english slip, that wouldve been a differnt story. nearly everyone carried some sort of translator since there were so many languages among the different parts of the Saturn Era Colonies. if he had spoken his old language the translator most certainly wouldve picked up on it, however he had no idea how a translator would react to an unknown language, because technically there no unknown languages.

Kael cleared his head a moment and watched as the girl tried to walk away. "er, alright. as long as i didnt hurt you....have a lovely day ma'am." he said politely, unsure what else to do. why was it that no one seemed to interact much outside of his bar? it was like communication was a situational thing, and it bothered him.
Lanai wound her way through the crowd, being careful not to touch anyone else. Touch between strangers was considered unseemly. She felt the urge to run to her lab in one of the many scientific institutes within the colony. There had been something off about the man she had run into. He didn't seem to fit this place. Most humans had lost their edge. They were too comfortable. The temperature was kept at a steady 78 degrees Fahrenheit and every need was met easily. There was little to no danger in this place. She sometimes wondered if humans from many millennia would even recognize them. Humans had lost much of their height and muscle these days, robots doing most hard labor. Only in savage colonies was it possible to make a living using ones strength. In fact, many jobs had been outsourced to robots. They did not make mistakes or slack off. It was simply more logical to do so. Robots were common these days, though there were some places in smaller corners of colonies and worlds were most work was done by humans. Lanai rarely left the center of this colony, though. She knew that living somewhere quieter would help with her anxiety, but she would also be further away from the laboratories and all of the many discoveries taking place everyday. Science had always been her only love and she didn't mind living in a less comfortable place if she were closer to it.
Kael watched the woman go. he couldve guessed that given even a minute more the she would have seen that there was something off about him. he had remained under radar for quite sometime, knowing that if he was discovered he would turn into a new age lab rat. he shook off the thought and decided to see where the girl was headed. he had nothing better to do and he was rather quiet anyway. he hung back, keeping an eye on her while still looking around like a tourist. as long as he had been the space colony he still couldnt get used to all the futuristic sights.

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