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Fantasy The Runaways

YumenoTsukishiro said:


“...I am curious. Who are you? What are you?”

Name: Schwarzschild Mobile Frame EH-001 “White Wing”

Other Name: Shiro Kanako

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Personal Information

Age: One Year from Date of Assembly (Looks 18)

Gender: Android (Looks like an Androgynous Male)

Sexuality: Android (But address himself as ‘he’)

Blood Type: None, runs on soul power and water

Appearance: 5’10”, white hair, ivory pale skin, crimson eyes, slight build, crossdress-ready

Likes: Logical Puzzles, Philosophy, Curry, Small and Fluffy animals, Water

Dislikes: Illogical things, Overly Strong Emotions, Hot sauce, Crossdressing

Habits: Shiro’s internal mainframe tends to whir very loudly when he encounters something beyond his programming.

Talents: Crossdressing, building tiny machines from spare parts, near-perfect accuracy with firearms, acting as a portable flashlight / music player / camera / etc.


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- Excerpts from the White Wing Project Logs of Aya Kanako, Project Head -

White Wing Project Log: 0100

Subject White Wing has finished assembly. Mainframe is running without any notable errors. The neural network is able to process the proper stimuli from the proper channels. All joints are moving smoothly. Weapons systems are armed and active. Tomorrow we’ll start the weapons trials. I should have my earmuffs handy.

White Wing Project Log: 0101

Accuracy at 98.7%, all targets hit on non-fatal areas. All weapons fired properly without backfiring or catching on fire. There was one issue with the hidden sword, however-- Subject tried using it as a firearm. It was amusing watching him stand there for a full minute, arm raised and sword pointed at the target… which was 100 meters away.

White Wing Project Log: 0114

It was finally time to dive into the meat of the Project: developing White Wing’s personality and reasoning. The team is already conducting interviews with the sample of college students aged 18-20 years old, and the government’s own soldiers. Their behavorial and speech patterns will serve as the foundation of White Wing’s personality.

If you think about it, if we’re going to go this far, I should give him a proper name other than ‘White Wing.’ White… perhaps Shiro will do, as a homage to my homeland. Yes, Shiro. Henceforward, Subject White Wing will be known as ‘Shiro.’

White Wing Project Log: 0143

This is more of a personal note than anything else. In the past three months of collating interview data, I’ve… started seeing Shiro as more than just a government project. Perhaps it has something to do with the continuous testing of personality profiles, watching how he reacts with each one. Or maybe it’s the simple fact that he reminds me of the son I no longer have.

...Perhaps I can’t look at him anymore than just an android. That’s already my first mistake as Head of this project. And I don’t mind.

White Wing Project Log: 0175

We’ve made a breakthrough. After six months, the Heart Drive chip finally achieved compatibility with Shiro’s mainframe. Simulations have demonstrated human speech with adaptability and proper reaction to verbal and non-verbal cues. We have a long way to go to make him sound fully human, but this is already a major victory for the project. And it does my heart good to see my child talk to me like this.

White Wing Project Log: 0180

Shiro continues to develop at a rapid pace. Already he’s asking questions about the outside world, about the machines that scan his neural activity, and about Toto, a pet dog one of the researchers brought along. It’s almost as if he’s a toddler just learning to talk. Some nights, I’ve taken to telling him bedtime stories. The questions he asks right after are always endearing to hear.

White Wing Project Log: 0199

They’ve done it. The government finally stepped in and said they wanted Shiro as a weapon of war, instead of a suppression tactic as he was originally envisioned. They want to scrap the Heart Drive chip and replace it with advanced targeting systems, high-end weaponry, and military-grade programming. The changes should take place starting tomorrow, as per their memo. Failure to comply means handing over the entire Project to the government.

...No more. They will not take away my son from me again. Tomorrow, this ends.

White Wing Project Log: 0200

In hindsight, I could’ve gone about things very differently. But all the same, I got him out, with strict orders to run as far as he can within the nearby forest. No doubt the government will come after him with everything they have. But if my sources are correct, he should find others… people like him, in a way. Runaways. I leave behind my notes and my project logs within his console, and should anyone ever read through them, I wish for your understanding and trust. Shiro-kun, my child... he needs someone to guide him, now that I’ll be gone. Lead him down the right path. And most of all, protect him from those who would use him for their own selfish purposes.

This will be the final project log. My hands can no longertrype praoperly. I ;lovbedcvxc

Supernatural Being/Power:

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- An Entry in the Console Diary by Shiro -

“...Mother. I will miss you.”

I like your character!

Need help with coding?
YumenoTsukishiro said:
...Yes please. *admits utter defeat*
Dun' worry.


Just send me your character sheet with no coding if possible~

(and I love your title)
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[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]Dun' worry.

Just send me your character sheet with no coding if possible~

(and I love your title)

Thank you! I will offer you 50% of my pancake stash. :D

Also, I left the Google Font code in there. I hope it's no trouble...
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]No prob!
N' I luvz that font!

You are a life saver. Please teach me the ways of the BBCode!!!
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]
Good for you!
If only I could do it that fast >-<

Only because a. I have no life and b. I hate coding so much that I don't really bother with it anymore
Casey said:
Only because a. I have no life and b. I hate coding so much that I don't really bother with it anymore
Well, if coding is giving you troubles, feel free to seek me out!

Imma pretty good if i say so myself. B)
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]
And I did.

Waiting for approval!

I thought I typed lilah

Ah, it was autocorrect
@Chibii we planning on starting soon?

I understand completely if you're suffering from writers block or something, I was just checking in.

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