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Fantasy The Royals Survive (small group interest check) (closed!)


A Wild Fay Has Appeared!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey everyone! I had two rough ideas that could be fun for a small group rp. I've been reading a bunch of webtoons lately and I'm getting a bit inspired to want to write a fun little story.

1) The Royals Survive
Basically the idea is that we start as all the characters are children. They're together in a seating area in one of their castles as their parents are all meeting about diplomatic stuff.

Something happens though (magic? attack? etc) and their parents are killed. The kids flee and basically live on the run and in this new world. Time would skip then to maybe 10-15 years later and just how all of them are holding up and meet each other again, etc.

Could totally go full on bloody origin story... or it's some weird curse on the kingdom... or both. Just depends if we want to go a bit more sad and gritty that poor kids are left alone.

2) The isekai
A bunch of people end up waking up one day and find that they're in the bodies of someone in another world! But the thing is where do the others go? The story would be pretty much from the POV of the souls of the people trying to get back to their lives and boot the people who took over their bodies back to their homes.

Could be a fun thing to play with world building of how the ghosty thing works. Maybe someone has some magic power to make them solid, maybe they're just ghosts unseen by everyone, maybe they kind of unlock some sort of magical bodies that was long thought to have been lost to time?

Let me know if any of those sound interesting! I love a good romance, mystery, and intrigue to keep a story going, but not in the NSFW realm. Small group would be perfect for each idea but if anyone wants to try a 1x1 just let me know!
I really like the first one. We could start the story essentially in the 'present', when the royals in question are young adults who've assumed different identities to stay safe and live normal lives, and flash back to sequential co-written scenes explaining their origin story, each written from the point of view of a different character. In the 'present', some triggering event has made it so they are gonna set off on a quest to reclaim the kingdom or something.
I really like the first one. We could start the story essentially in the 'present', when the royals in question are young adults who've assumed different identities to stay safe and live normal lives, and flash back to sequential co-written scenes explaining their origin story, each written from the point of view of a different character. In the 'present', some triggering event has made it so they are gonna set off on a quest to reclaim the kingdom or something.
Oooh! that sounds fun! :O
Some of them could still be acquainted with each other, while others maybe not.

I oddly could see that they're all from different species too, so a mixed bag of character races and cultures now just living in the present :)
Oooh! that sounds fun! :O
Some of them could still be acquainted with each other, while others maybe not.

I oddly could see that they're all from different species too, so a mixed bag of character races and cultures now just living in the present :)
Yeah I'm picturing a medieval setting, and a hostile takeover by an evil queen (bc this is giving me super strong Snow White and the Huntsman vibes, and it's spooky season ;P ). The kids got away, then split up (some on their own, some into pairs). When the story starts, some event has just happened to bring them back together, and we can go from there.
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SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles , Ayama Ayama , AlmighTy AlmighTy

Yess! Thanks for your interest you guys! :D

I normally like going midieval-ishTM in fantasy. Ie where you have more modern experiences like indoor plumbing. Stuff you'd see in your normal webtoon/renfaire
especially with once royals, I figure they've lived a pretty regal lifestyle before whatever event happened.

To get them all back together, an easy idea is that it's an aniversary of the fall of the empires. So while others are celebrating, they go back to the destroyed palace to just reflect. Then stuff happens from there?

Another option is that if the fall is due to some weird magic, someone may be trying to hunt them down?
Yess! Thanks for your interest you guys! :D

I normally like going midieval-ishTM in fantasy. Ie where you have more modern experiences like indoor plumbing. Stuff you'd see in your normal webtoon/renfaire
especially with once royals, I figure they've lived a pretty regal lifestyle before whatever event happened.

To get them all back together, an easy idea is that it's an aniversary of the fall of the empires. So while others are celebrating, they go back to the destroyed palace to just reflect. Then stuff happens from there?

Another option is that if the fall is due to some weird magic, someone may be trying to hunt them down?
Bc I have an undying love of tropes, my vote would be for a Magic Mirror/Hercules-style prophecy that gets leaked, whereby if the royals get back together and resist, the evil queen will fall.
Bc I have an undying love of tropes, my vote would be for a Magic Mirror/Hercules-style prophecy that gets leaked, whereby if the royals get back together and resist, the evil queen will fall.

Extra points too if maybe an evil queen is related to one of the royals?
"I KNEW you were evil!"
1665968243295.png vibes lol

if you're interested, would you guys like to talk on discord to hash out characters and story?
Love the idea of the first one!!! ☀️

Still accepting by any chance?? 👉👈
I am mighty interested in this RP, but sadly because of my tight schedule at work till the end of the month, I would probably just lurk for now [Join later on in the story] or reply really late in the day [sometimes every other day because of being too tired after a whole day of work or something.].
Might as well post here saying I'm interested as well. Completely went about it in the wrong order
xD yay thank you all for your interest!! It's super awesome that you all are interested, but I know I want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to talk and enjoy the story! Don't want to leave someone out if there's too many characters and things going on!

We'll hash it out! :D
That is understandable Fay.
Everyone wants a bit of spotlight every once in a while, some more some less [personally im in the less category i prefer making others shine more with my actions rather than standing in the spotlight and shining myself.]

So even if not as a main character a periodic one would suffice for me.
Hey all! I am marking this search as closed for now.
We're working on hashing out the story and basic info of the world for all of you who are interested! :D I'll tag all of you once we get the official forum up!!

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