The Roommates.

Myla said:
Alright, but you have all the information I was looking for but one or two things. :)
i know some might say she seems "perfect" but i wasnt so sure how to do a fashionista as a cs. But i wanted to try something knew with my character's
[QUOTE="Just Eria]i know some might say she seems "perfect" but i wasnt so sure how to do a fashionista as a cs. But i wanted to try something knew with my character's

:) It's alright and you didn't add in the name of the bunny. Sorry if I'm nitpicking on small things.
Myla said:
:) It's alright and you didn't add in the name of the bunny. Sorry if I'm nitpicking on small things.
It's totally fine it just shows you care and how organized you want this to be.
eclipsehowls said:
May I reserve a male spot and if you could mention how to use the BBC Code it would be appreciated.
Sure :) and this one is the temp to how I did mine:

[h]Character's Name[/h]
[imagefloat=right]Insert Realistic Image Here[/imagefloat]

[imagefloat=right]Insert Realistic Image Here[/imagefloat]
Name:{Full Name}
How long your character has been at the Estates renting or state if you are a new resident:

[Tab=Deeper in Life]

[Tab=Personality and Life]

[Tab=Likes/Dislikes & Habits/Quirks]

[Tab=Personal Life]
Best friends:
Ex Boy/Girlfriend:

Any other info I missed that we want to know about.
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"I would like to rent here."

Makoto Caleb Dawson

  • russell-wong.jpg

    Name: Makoto Caleb Dawson

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    How long your character has been at the Estates renting or state if you are a new resident: He is a new resident.

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"I'd like to rent here..?"

Myles Fenwick

  • Wall-Street-2-Money-Never-Sleeps-Photoshoot-shia-labeouf-15150251-336-450.jpg

    Name Myles Fenwick

    Age 24

    Gender Male

    Sexuality Heterosexual

    How long your character has been at the Estates renting 3 years and 9 months

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eclipsehowls said:

"I would like to rent here."

Makoto Caleb Dawson

  • russell-wong.jpg

    Name: Makoto Caleb Dawson

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    How long your character has been at the Estates renting or state if you are a new resident: He is a new resident.

Love the Bio!

Spencer Staton
At a Galance
"I'd like to rent here. Do you have room for the both of us...?"

Nickname: Spence

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Relationship Status: Single

Job: Graphic Designer

Side Job: Freelance Comic Artist

Residency: Living in Estates for a Year


"Before I tell you my life story, I need you to promise me something... I need you to promise me that you'll never take pity on me because I've have a hard time handling some issues in high school.

I used to be a kid who had it all. The first 10-12 years of my life didn't have any real baggage that came with it. My worries consisted of how much the next Avengers comic would cost and what Mom was cooking for dinner that night. Back then, I had a strong bond with most of everyone outside my immediate family and for 12 of the 16 years that I lived in Los Angeles, California, the bond I had with my uncle was the strongest.

When you have a Hollywood director as your uncle, life tends to be pretty exciting. I could go on for hours about the miscellaneous adventures I've had dorking around movie sets, getting to know award winning movie stars, and shamelessly hitting on actresses with my friends. For a while, it seemed like I had it all. But one day, trying pass pick-up lines at women -or really any girl- didn't make sense to me.

So I guess that brings me to the point in my life where I had lost most of my friends and when my uncle stopped speaking to me. Besides a little bit of teasing and losing some great relationships, coming out the closet wasn't really hard for me.

I try not to talk much about high school. Don't expect me to talk about much here. I'd had my turn with a few rough relationships and I've didn't learn how to handle them properly until college. My horrible coping mechanisms resulted in either a suicide attempt or drug abuse. So, no, I'm not a model citizen but I've really gotten my life together since then.

As for the kid I have with me? Yes, he's mine. That's all you need to know."

  • Personality


    For about 14 years, everyone had known that just about anything could put a sparkle in Spencer's eyes and stir up a smile. He refused to let a negative emotion sit on his heart for too long because he had made up that only the positive should be embraced. Spencer allowed his laughter fill the room and his joy to spread to others because he believed that the world can't possibly be any better and everyone deserved to believe in the same thing. He was known to be an optimist and to this day, he still tries to look on the bright side though it's proven to be very hard sometimes.

    If there's one thing Spencer loves, it's to share his happiness with everyone around him. He finds joy in being around others and being nice to others. For the longest time, Spencer had hope in society; he just knew that some needed more compassion than others. He sought to reach out to those who mocked him for reading and collecting comics and try to understand their cruelty instead of fighting back. Spencer had perseverance and willpower; he refused to let the hate from others slow him down.

    He hates to admit it but after being beat-up with misfortune after misfortune, Spencer's optimistic promises to himself began to fall through. Of course like any person, Spencer had his fears, his own problems, and his darkest secrets. Soon these thing began to pileup with new baggage for Spencer to deal with. Though he knows how to handle people, it's the abstract problems that Spencer tries to run from. He always finds himself backed up against a wall in tears, crippled with fear, and left with his darkest thoughts there to finish him off.

    People usually don't question why Spencer doesn't smile as often because on most days he does an amazing job making sure his smile masks his pain. His actions action around others have always reflected how happy he was before things got hard. But when he's left alone, sometimes he's unsure how to control his pain and chooses to find fix quick temporary fixes. Though his "quick fixes" are usually harmful, Spencer sometimes does find solstice in reading comics but even then he can't help but ask himself, "What happened to time in my life where I was happy?"

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Name: Linus Barthanian, Jr.

A Brooklyn native, he moved to the Estates to get away from foreign trash, and trash his own room with his own trash instead. He is appalled by most, but underneath that layer of sloppiness is another layer of pretentiousness. But he has some good in him. He once saved his least favorite animal, a cat, from a bus, and broke his leg in the process. He normally just stays in his room, but will occasionally go out to eat or see a movie. He is pretty funny at times, if you can stand his humor, and he does chores if he deems them necessary.

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c34797bc6_Screenshot2015-07-07at12.10.59PM.png.a76a262d0264170bdb4b8a33f6ccb4fa.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c34797bc6_Screenshot2015-07-07at12.10.59PM.png.a76a262d0264170bdb4b8a33f6ccb4fa.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3479fe00_Screenshot2015-07-09at11.14.34PM.png.1eff30b8acd26dbd1b82cc6800dd55e3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61405" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3479fe00_Screenshot2015-07-09at11.14.34PM.png.1eff30b8acd26dbd1b82cc6800dd55e3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> His room/workplace (except with movei and anime posters instead of those pictures.
  • Realistic character picture for appearance
  • Age: 30
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Slobbish, Lazy, Creative
  • Likes: Video Games, Anime, Movies, TV, Art, Criticisms
  • Dislikes: Cats, Dogs, The Outside World, Popcorn, Cocky People, The Rich, The Poor, Cleansliness
  • Quirks: Slobbish, Peckish, Picky, Snobby, Loud
  • Job: Online Critic
  • Pet: A Goldfish
  • Family: Mother, Father, Aunt, Two Brothers



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