The Roommates.


The nerd with the books
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

PLEASE NOTE: It is first come, first served for the spots. Some characters may not be accepted, usually most are accepted. If they are not accepted I will PM you. If they are, I will "like" your post. Multiple characters are allowed, three characters per person is the maximum. Please don't be afraid to message me or talk to me in the OOC if you have any questions. :)

Male Resident: (5/6)

Oliver Queen (@AshleyBergie\)

Cameron (@Sonny )

Joseph Kim-Dawson (@Lazy Rocktime )

Makoto Caleb Dawson (@eclipsehowls )

Spencer Staton, Matthew Staton (@Dandelion Princess )

Myles Fenwick (@No4hx )

Female Resident: (6/6)

Emiline "Emi" Mesi (@Myla )

Shane Marie Carpenter (@Mobius )

Lacey Moira Coleman (@Before The Sun Sets )

Octavia Maria Backstead (@Taelore Keyana)

Lucille Williams (@Gigi )

Faith Morgan Brown (@Just Eria )

Building Renter: (0/1)


PLEASE NOTE: That this character could live in the apartment and could be between the ages of 25 to 35.


  • You may use any CS skeleton (Although I will say the more bbcodes and tabs you used, the better, but it's not required. It just makes everything organized, but that's totally up to you), but please be sure to include the following:
    Realistic character picture for appearance
  • Age (23-30)
  • Sexuality
  • Gender
  • Personality
  • Likes/Dislikes
  • Habits and Quirks
  • Bio (3 lines minimum.)
  • Job
  • Pets (Not required to have a pet.) ( Realistic picture)
  • Room (realistic picture only)
  • How long your character has been at the Estates renting or state if you are a new resident.
  • Friends, Best friends, Family, Enemies, crushes, Boyfriend/girlfriends and so forth. (If your character has none that point, then you may put N/A, none yet, PM to discuss, and so forth.)
    PLEASE NOTE: If you use another person character too fill in this spot before the RP starts, you MUST ask permission from the creator of the character to do so.
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Could I reserve a girl named Shane Carpenter please?I will try my hardest to post her tomorrow,but this week is busy for me.
Mobius said:
Could I reserve a girl named Shane Carpenter please?I will try my hardest to post her tomorrow,but this week is busy for me.
Sure, just don't forget to post it tomorrow! :)
Mobius said:
I'll try my hardest and let you know if for some reason I won't be able to!Thanks so much!

You're welcome.
:) And Alright, but in the future if you have a question or need somethin please message me instead or go onto the OOC. I am a bit OCD about that. :/


Emiline "Emi" Mesi



  • 968full-katarina-pudar.jpg


    Emiline Mesi









    Have been living at Summer Estates for:

    • 6 months.

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Oliver Queen

  • tumblr_npdqmeeHtE1tc43ygo5_250.gif

  • Age: 25
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Oliver is someone who's very outgoing. He stands out mainly cause he likes attentions. Sure he flashes his body a lot but he's also someone who's sweet. He will end up being a teddy bear once you get past the jock like attitude of his.
  • Likes: Lifting,Parting,exercise, action movies,eating, fires
  • Dislikes: Stupid drama, reading, wannabes, sushi, romance movies
  • Habits and Quirks: Strips off his shirt a lot, Flashes his muscles a lot, flirts a lot
  • Bio: Since he was little Oliver loved to exercise. He was always doing pull ups in gym and push ups out of no where. His parents got him into a gym once we was 16. His dad mainly went with him just to make sure nothing went wrong but ever since then he's always gone to the gym atleast three to five days a week.
  • Job: Body Lifter/ Trainer
  • Friends, Best friends, Family, Enemies, crushes, Boyfriend/girlfriends and so forth: N/A
  • Car:

  • Room:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.284055d2df3e3666de948961068186b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.284055d2df3e3666de948961068186b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (On the other side there's more exercise machines)
  • Been renting for: 7 months
  • I would like to rent here



  • image.jpg
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  • I would like to rent here
    Realistic character picture for appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/rp.png.88413eee47f6bdce549330312fa9c1aa.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/rp.png.88413eee47f6bdce549330312fa9c1aa.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
  • Age (23-30):23
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Gender:Male
  • Personality: Cameron's very naive, and polite. He's always very courteous and open-minded to meeting anyone. Obnoxious, rambunctious and loud people tend to rub him the wrong way but he's still kind all the same. He loves sarcastic, witty humor and thinks of himself as one of the funniest people he knows. He's extremely intelligent and would spout out random facts to anyone who's willing to listen. He's confident, yet humble.
  • Likes/Dislikes: He loves junk food, but also bike-riding so it balances out. He loves reading books on physics and loves watching nature t.v shows. He hates when people are blatantly disrespectful to others. He loves thunderstorms, and hates being outside when it's too hot. He loves the night time, and wondering about the possibilities of the universe. He's terrified of riding airplanes.
  • Habits and Quirks: Telling random facts, jokes, and quotes, even at seemingly inappropriate times. He reads Wikipedia articles for fun, and enjoys listening to his favorite band, The Strokes.
  • Bio (3 lines minimum.): Cameron is from your average everyday family, so it seems. He's lived a privileged life and after attending college he's ready for change. He's determined to get himself out of the everyday routine he feels he's stuck in so he quit his job and spontaneously relocated. There are days when he highly doubts the decision he's made but ultimately knows it's what's best.
  • Job: Unemployed but searching for a job in the field of physics.
  • Room:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/room.jpg.a209acf7ad1e093f9d32c2d044729364.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/room.jpg.a209acf7ad1e093f9d32c2d044729364.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
  • How long your character has been at the Estates renting or state if you are a new resident. Just arrived
  • Friends, Best friends, Family, Enemies, crushes, Boyfriend/girlfriends and so forth: He has a best friend Kelli from his hometown, and his brother Rylan.



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Octavia Maria Backstead

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Myla said:
Sure, and female or male character? c:

Or did you you want the renter character?


Did you read the rules? There was something you were supposed to do. (>_>)
My pregnancy got the best of me! I'll add it in (:
[QUOTE="Taelore Keyana]My pregnancy got the best of me! I'll add it in (:

Alright, thank you. :)
Room Application

Faith Morgan Brown

"I'd like to Rent here!"

  • Name: Faith Morgan Brown


    Nickname: Brownie, Faith , Morg

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: heterosexual

    " I'm new here.."

  • Bio: Well about my life? You see my life was basically in and out of trouble in my teenage years. I'm gonna be honest here, Don't i look like the typical bad girl? But i figured there wouldn't be such a question on here, but oh well. Umm.. my parents were the typical ideal couple. My dad is a hardcore jail bird while my mom is a tattoo artist. My parents were always free with me and pretty much very open. It was my grandparents that payed for all the school books and extra classes or tests. They kept me in school and made sure I graduated on top and with honors. Weird, huh? A girl that looks about worth anything is smart as a whip. Well yep I was valedictorian, number one not number two. Because of my grandparents I considered college and graduated with a major in General Business. Then I continued for two more years for my Associates degree in fashion. I finally finished school at the age of 22 going on 23.But me having all the tattoos made it hard to find a job, but eventually when I turned 23 my grandparents awarded me with my own store. Since i enjoyed selling and shopping so much. So now I have my very own store actually two stores. In hopes to expand and create more stores.


    - Trustworthy

    - Fun

    - Serious most of the time

    - very flirtatious

    - Selfish

    - Strong minded woman with her very own opinion

    - workaholic




    - Fashion

    - Being crazy

    - Bunnies

    - Chocolate!

    - watermelon

    - My work

    - partying every now and then

    - wine or a nice wine cooler

    - Hot spicy food

    - babies



    - party poopers

    - judgmental people

    - milk

    - peanut butter

    - stinky smells


    I have a habit of working to much without giving myself any free time. But i have my days to were i just need to get out.

    Umm.. Also when i'm around guys I have this thing to wear I cant stop fidgeting. I have to twirl my hair or tap my fingers on my cheeks.


    Probably would have to be that I can't hold a conversation with someone half of the time or when i show off my tattoos to much.

    But the worst one would probably be when I like walking around in my granddads huge t-shirt just to feel his comfort once more. I also run every morning to get my mind off things and figure out my daily plan for the day.

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[QUOTE="Just Eria]

Room Application

Faith Morgan Brown

"I'd like to Rent here!"

  • Name: Faith Morgan Brown

    Nickname: Brownie, Faith , Morg

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: heterosexual

    " I'm new here.."


  • Bio: Well about my life? You see my life was basically in and out of trouble in my teenage years. I'm gonna be honest here, Don't i look like the typical bad girl? But i figured there wouldn't be such a question on here, but oh well. Umm.. my parents were the typical ideal couple. My dad is a hardcore jail bird while my mom is a tattoo artist. My parents were always free with me and pretty much very open. It was my grandparents that payed for all the school books and extra classes or tests. They kept me in school and made sure I graduated on top and with honors. Weird, huh? A girl that looks about worth anything is smart as a whip. Well yep I was valedictorian, number one not number two. Because of my grandparents I considered college and graduated with a major in General Business. Then I continued for two more years for my Associates degree in fashion. I finally finished school at the age of 23.But me having all the tattoos made it hard to find a job, but eventually when I turned 23 my grandparents awarded me with my own store. Since i enjoyed selling and shopping so much. So now I have my very own store actually two stores. In hopes to expand and create more stores.


    - Trustworthy

    - Fun

    - Serious most of the time

    - very flirtatious

    - Selfish

    - Strong minded woman with her very own opinion

    - workaholic


    - Fashion

    - Being crazy

    - Bunnies

    - Chocolate!

    - watermelon

    - My work

    - partying every now and then

    - wine or a nice wine cooler

    - Hot spicy food

    - babies


    - party poopers

    - judgmental people

    - milk

    - peanut butter

    - stinky smells


    I have a habit of working to much without giving myself any free time. But i have my days to were i just need to get out.

    Umm.. Also when i'm around guys I have this thing to wear I cant stop fidgeting. I have to twirl my hair or tap my fingers on my cheeks.


    Probably would have to be that I can't hold a conversation with someone half of the time or when i show off my tattoos to much.

    But the worst one would probably be when I like walking around in my granddads huge t-shirt just to feel his comfort once more. I also run every morning to get my mind off things and figure out my daily plan for the day.


ill finish it later i promise... i have to go

Alright, but you have all the information I was looking for but one or two things. :)

Send New Email
New Email Received

I'd like to Rent at Summer Estates!

Good Morning! I'm Lacey Coleman and I'd like to rent a room here! I'm currently training to be a culinary chef and I'm minoring in Business in hopes that one day I'll open my own Restaurant where I'll be a wonderful chef! But in the meanwhile Ill keep working hard at achieving my dreams and I'll prove my efforts through my current job as a chef and waitress at that nice restaurant up the block from where this Estates place is! I would be a good renter here because I can be rather friendly and I'm well.... good at cooking and looking after people. Please contact me soon at (456) 347-2456 or at my email LaceeMoiCole @Before The Sun Sets .com!


Lacey Moira Coleman!

P.S. Attached to this email is a thorough Background Check on me, because I know everyone must know who I am and what I'm like prior to deciding on whether or not I can rent there. Additionally Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send me this email. Bye bye!



no slide
no slide
Nice to meet you...I'm Lacey Coleman



Lacey Moira Coleman


Lace, kiddo, or just about anything someone comes up with








A part of who I am




Caucasian (Irish, French, German)


New York, New York (Manhattan)


English, Irish Gaelic, Scottish, French, German



Mom - Gisselle Jane Coleman (Age : 49)


Older Brother - Vitaly King Coleman (Age : 29)



Champ (Scottish Terrier)



Lassie (Red Siberian Husky)



This is me



Lacey is a typical red haired woman who is sugar and spice and almost everything nice. She's typically called a saint or is told that she's just like a little kid due to her having a baby-face and a rather energetic glow within her pale blue eyes, and that simply is one of the things that brings out the inner flame that sparks within her golden heart and unleashes the boiling rage hidden somewhere beneath her innocent looks. Lacey is rather short-tempered and can have a rather razor sharp yet dirty mouth like most people from her Irish side of the family. Some of the things that leave her mouth are anywhere but innocent. When not in a ill-tempered mood, Lacey is a bubbly and bright energetic pocket of joy, who's always making a new friend who hopefully doesn't mind the fact that she's always straightforward and well a bit childish. She's always up for trying something new and tackling a challenge in the kitchen. Yes, the clumsy Irish lass excels in cooking or making a drink. Her love for the kitchen also tends to make her turn into the devil when someone fails in cleaning up behind themselves after they cook or eat. She hates a dirty work space!

Surprisingly the young fair skinned lass is also skilled in different areas of business, meaning she's good at making a hefty profit. Lacey is also rather persistent she can't find herself giving up, of she fails once she'll try again. The childish airhead can be many things but most often than not, Lacey is rather kind-hearted. Despite her imperfections and despite her sometimes appearing bipolar, Lacey always helps those who are in need or those who are hurt. Her mother raised her well!



Lacey was born into a small family that had once consisted of her mother, her father, her older brother, and herself. Lacey had loved her father to death as he did the same right back at her, he was always so soft and gentle with his short sandy colored hair and his two chocolate brown eyes. He'd do anything for his family especially his little girl...and he'd boldly proven that by giving up his life for her. She was only 5 when he passed away from saving her from a fire at the hotel they were staying in for their family vacation that was tragically cut short only to be their last. The memory still haunts her in her frozen dreams, and every time she never fails in crying out for her father. She misses him dearly, and knowing that her daddy wasn't there to protect her from the monsters beneath her bed anymore, left a hole in her heart that stung like a poisoned bullet piercing and ripping through her veins slowly eating her from the inside out...but it isn't only her who feels that way but her mother and brother as well. Soon after her fathers passing her grandparents from his side of the family came to stay with her incomplete and broken family in their shattered home, in order to help Gisselle with the kids. Her grandmother is the kind of woman who shared many personality traits with her dearly beloved son, with her soft spirt and kind face she had always been a tender and giving soul. Her eyes were two different colors, her left one a light grey and her right one that same chocolate brown that her brother and fathers eyes held. Her hair was long and wavy and framed the French woman's delicate features with a simple grace. Meanwhile her grandfather was about as cold as he appeared with his gelid pale azure eyes and once blonde hair. He was always bitter and cold towards people especially the children. He would sit there and stare into nothingness only to bark at one of the kids in pure German if they even asked if he were alright in his native tongue.

The rest of her childhood was rather pleasant with quite a bit of turbulence with all of life's greatest obstacles. Her mother had recollected herself over the years and glued back together almost all the pieces of her life. Lacey discovered her dream, and everything else is simply left unwritten!


★ Cooking

★ Meeting New People

★ Sweets

★ Going to new places

★ A spontaneous Trip

★ Her friends

★ Her Job

★ Her Family

★ Her dogs and dogs in general


☆ A dirty kitchen

☆ Being called names

☆ Being short

☆ Arrogance

☆ Seeing animals or people hurt

☆ Snakes

☆ Most bugs and insects

☆ Being Clumsy

☆ Her Grandfather



▸ Staring off into space

▸ Biting her lip


▸ Asking Random Questions

▸ Changing up her hairstyle everyday

▸ Humming as she cooks and cleans

▸ Tripping...over thin air

Welcome to my world of Life




Career/Profession Major and Minor:

Majoring in Culinary

Minoring in Business


Currently working at a nice restaurant ,with a classy yet light atmosphere, with the name of Amoré.


She doesn't own a car yet but prefers public transportation anyway!




Place of Residence

Currently moving into Summer Estates



PM me!

Best friends:

PM me


PM me



PM me

Ex Boy/Girlfriend:

PM me

That's about it

Other:If she isn't in the kitchen she's most likely at the local pool or beach. Lacey loves swimming as a hobby


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Before The Sun Sets][mail=send][person]Mr.Realtor[/person] [subject] I'd like to Rent at Summer Estates![/subject] Good Morning! I'm Lacey Coleman and I'd like to rent a room here! I'm currently training to be a culinary chef and I'm minoring in Business in hopes that one day I'll open my own Restaurant where I'll be a wonderful chef! But in the meanwhile Ill keep working hard at achieving my dreams and I'll prove my efforts through my current job as a chef and waitress at that nice restaurant up the block from where this Estates place is! I would be a good renter here because I can be rather friendly and I'm well.... good at cooking and looking after people. Please contact me soon at (456) 347-2456 or at my email LaceeMoiCole [URL=" said:
@Before The Sun Sets[/URL] .com!


Lacey Moira Coleman!

P.S. Attached to this email is a thorough Background Check on me, because I know everyone must know who I am and what I'm like prior to deciding on whether or not I can rent there. Additionally Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send me this email. Bye bye!




no slide
no slide
Nice to meet you...I'm Lacey Coleman



Lacey Moira Coleman


Lace, kiddo, or just about anything someone comes up with








A part of who I am




Caucasian (Irish, French, German)


New York, New York (Manhattan)


English, Irish Gaelic, Scottish, French, German



Mom - Gisselle Jane Coleman (Age : 49)


Older Brother - Vitaly King Coleman (Age : 24)



Champ (Scottish Terrier)



Lassie (Red Siberian Husky)



This is me



Lacey is a typical red haired woman who is sugar and spice and almost everything nice. She's typically called a saint or is told that she's just like a little kid due to her having a baby-face and a rather energetic glow within her pale blue eyes, and that simply is one of the things that brings out the inner flame that sparks within her golden heart and unleashes the boiling rage hidden somewhere beneath her innocent looks. Lacey is rather short-tempered and can have a rather razor sharp yet dirty mouth like most people from her Irish side of the family. Some of the things that leave her mouth are anywhere but innocent. When not in a ill-tempered mood, Lacey is a bubbly and bright energetic pocket of joy, who's always making a new friend who hopefully doesn't mind the fact that she's always straightforward and well a bit childish. She's always up for trying something new and tackling a challenge in the kitchen. Yes, the clumsy Irish lass excels in cooking or making a drink. Her love for the kitchen also tends to make her turn into the devil when someone fails in cleaning up behind themselves after they cook or eat. She hates a dirty work space!

Surprisingly the young fair skinned lass is also skilled in different areas of business, meaning she's good at making a hefty profit. Lacey is also rather persistent she can't find herself giving up, of she fails once she'll try again. The childish airhead can be many things but most often than not, Lacey is rather kind-hearted. Despite her imperfections and despite her sometimes appearing bipolar, Lacey always helps those who are in need or those who are hurt. Her mother raised her well!



Work in progress...


★ Cooking

★ Meeting New People

★ Sweets

★ Going to new places

★ A spontaneous Trip

★ Her friends

★ Her Job

★ Her Family

★ Her dogs and dogs in general


☆ A dirty kitchen

☆ Being called names

☆ Being short

☆ Arrogance

☆ Seeing animals or people hurt

☆ Snakes

☆ Most bugs and insects

☆ Being Clumsy

☆ Her Grandfather



▸ Staring off into space

▸ Biting her lip


▸ Asking Random Questions

▸ Changing up her hairstyle everyday

▸ Humming as she cooks and cleans

▸ Tripping...over thin air

Welcome to my world of Life




Career/Profession Major and Minor:

Majoring in Culinary

Minoring in Business


Currently working at a nice restaurant ,with a classy yet light atmosphere, with the name of Amoré.


She doesn't own a car yet but prefers public transportation anyway!




Place of Residence

Currently moving into Summer Estates



PM me!

Best friends:

PM me


PM me



PM me

Ex Boy/Girlfriend:

PM me

That's about it

Other:If she isn't in the kitchen she's most likely at the local pool or beach. Lacey loves swimming as a hobby


Everything looks good, but all I need is the bio. :)
[QUOTE="Before The Sun Sets]Okie Dokie! The Bio should be done sometime tonight!

Alright. :)


Joseph Kim-Dawson

"Hey, nice to meet you, my name's Jo. I'd like to rent here."


Name: Joseph Kim-Dawson

Nickname: Jo, Dawson, Looker

Age: 27

Nationality: Korean-American

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Jo can be summed up as sweet, sassy and caring. He is quite the charming and witty person, a playful insult and a teasing flirt for anyone always at hand. He's also very considerate and while it may not be apparent, he does his best to look after his friends and acquaintances. Overall, he has great interpersonal skills and knows how to deal with people, as well as knowing Another thing of note is that it is really easy to make him smile, but just as easy to make him irritated. Truly, Jo is the older sister of the community, caring for everyone while poking fun at them whenever the opportunity presents itself.



[+]Peace and quiet




[+]Cold places



[-]Loud things



[-]People who bring up his wife in a conversation

Habits and Quirks:

-Likes to smile

-Snaps his fingers when bored

-Always has a breakfast consisting of waffles

Bio: Joseph was born in Anaheim, California, he grew up and lived a very run-of-the-mill life. He aspired to become a successful writer, so he went to college to major in linguistics. Somewhere along the line, he married a beautiful woman named Isabel. From her, he had two children, Philip and Sofia. Unfortunately, Isabel ran off with another man around three years ago. The split left a huge impression on him, but he remained strong. He got to keep Phil and Sofia but they had to be kept in the custody of his mother-in-law due to legal hoopla. Still, he wanted to be close and relocated into the Estates, a nearby apartment complex.With quite a lot of free time on his hands, he moved most of his time to taking care of his work and his children, who have just entered high school . Jo then took up teaching in their nearby school to increase his income.

Spoken Languages: English, Korean, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic

Occupation(s): Writer, English Teacher

Time Staying in the Estates So Far: 2 years

Pet(s): A red-tailed hawk named George


  • Maintains a healthy relationship with Faith (possible love interest? Possible)
  • He has two children, Philip and Sofia, staying closeby



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This is Shane Marie Carpenter and she would like to rent here.


Full Name: Shane Marie Carpenter

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Likes & Dislikes: Music,singing,playing the guitar,flowers,getting dirty (surprisingly),glamorous things,eating at fancy places,late nights,jokes and laughs ~|~ Being stuck inside for too long,anything overly greasy,traffic,bugs,rush hour

Habits & Quirks: She often chews on the inside of her mouth when she is worried or bored,she gets random bursts of energy and has a hard time talking right during them

Job: She teaches singing and guitar lessons at a nearby music school during the week and she does the school's book/computer/records work on Saturdays.

Time at the Estate: Four weeks;she recently acquired the job at the music school and she had to move for it (she was not commuting how many hours every day)

Boyfriend,Friends,& Others: None as of yet (we'll RP this one out)

Shane is a mix of a tomboy and a girly-girl.It's surprising,really,that a girl could like and dislike the kind of things that she does.She loves glitz,glamor,and anything covered in sparkles;but then she loves getting dirty,wearing black,and doing things that would risk destroying an outfit,destroying a bone/other body part,and destroy her makeup.She has an adrenaline rush like none other;she will try anything at least once.If it looks deadly,she'll attempt it.However,she is more than happy to take off the rubber boots and exchange them for stiletto heels and a ball gown...okay,poofy she could do without,but other than that,she will be all "gimme gimme".

Shane is sassy and sarcastic.In fact,she's more talented in the language of sarcasm than she is in English,or at least she thinks so.Rarely is she found without a cunning retort or a snarky remark.It can make some people not like her,but,in all honesty,she isn't vicious with it.She truly means it -usually!- in humor.She is one who loves a good laugh,even at her own expense.She even finds cheesy puns enjoyable!She really could get a chuckle out of anything and her laugh is one of those contagious ones.It's more of a giggle mixed with a laugh and it really is one to put a smile on the faces of others.

Shane absolutely loves music.Since she knew what a guitar was or found out she actually didn't sing that bad,she was making some kind of music (or noise,in the beginning).It's just her passion and she loves teaching others who have a passion like hers.While at first she didn't think she would be a good teacher,she quickly discovered that she loved it.It brings such a joy to her heart to watch a kid's happiness overflow when they finally strum an entire song or hit that tough note.While she would love to have a career in recording,maybe join a band,she is perfectly happy with what she has right now.

Shane's life got off to a rather depressing start.Her father left her mother after he found out she was pregnant,but that wasn't the rough part.A few months after she was born,her mother was driving to visit family when she was involved in an accident.Shane was in the car,but her side wasn't damaged in any way.However,her mother was killed.Her mother's sister,Liz,immediately stepped up to the plate and took on the job of raising her.Shane was a happy go lucky type of child.Her aunt taught guitar lessons and the moment the little girl could pick up a guitar,she was learning how to play one.That put a love of music into Shane's heart and she continued to pursue it.While she wasn't involved in band or anything like that at school,she did do concerts at her music school and was even in a local band for a brief amount of time.Once she graduated high school,she went on to pursue a degree in music,minoring in business management.That was a somewhat hard time because it was the first time she ever stayed away from home,but she eventually got used to it and it prepared her for moving away for the teaching job she got.

Now she has survived the first month of the rest of her life and she can't wait to see what else it will bring...

The Room:


The Rascal: a three year old male Yorkshire Terrier mix named,if you couldn't guess,Rascal



I'd like to rent here

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/39c5d04f01b2e6f384d06a37964fba04.jpg.cfd956b9fa3a56f7419b4abfc79a5b1f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/39c5d04f01b2e6f384d06a37964fba04.jpg.cfd956b9fa3a56f7419b4abfc79a5b1f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Full Name: Lucille Williams

    Nicknames: Lucy, Cici

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Ethnicity: Bahamian

    Nationality: American

    How long your character has been at the Estates renting or state if you are a new resident: 7 months



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Gigi said:
I'd like to rent here

  • View attachment 137297

    Full Name: Lucille Williams

    Nicknames: Lucy, Cici

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Ethnicity: Bahamian

    Nationality: American

    How long your character has been at the Estates renting or state if you are a new resident: 3 months

You character is mostly accepted, all I need is the quirks and habbits. :)

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