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Fantasy The Rogue Escape Lounge

Damian looked only slightly disgusted.

"You are blowing our story if you keep popping facts like that", he whispered, his lips touching Minuet's skin lightly as he spoke.
"So, can we leave that as something we only talk about at home, hm?" he leaned back and continued with a normal voice, causing Noah to chuckle as it did seem like Minuet had said something suggestive and Damian had just been his normal self.

"Wait..?! You guys live together!" Noah exclaimed after a moment, after registering the words.

Damian looked at Minuet in disbelief, had he really just said it out loud. Deciding not to depend on the demon's version of the story, Dami opened his mouth.

"Yeah, Mint's having a little rough spot at home, so I asked him to stay with me."

A genuine nickname, Damian realized, but it seemed to convince Noah, who was nodding understandingly.
Minuet barely suppressed rolling his eyes. He knew well enough what human ears were able to hear and what not, and the part he had whispered by far had been too silent for anyone but Damian to hear. God that guy really needed to relax...
"Dami. That's why I whispered", he chuckled with a teasing smile, hiding that underneath his facade he was annoyed. One thing he couldn't deal with was someone acting like he was stupid and that just kinda hit exactly that button. Did the guy really think he needed to tell him what to keep to himself? He just took a deep breath and made it look like he was sighing happily.

The Nickname however surprised him and made him smile faintly. Last time someone had given him an actual Nickname-...

"Why so tense, hun?", he his a teasing smirk behind a calming smile.
"Worried that your friends and I won't get along? I think they're all really great."
He flashed the sunniest smile at Noah, as if to reassure him of his words.
He already realized that it wouldn't be all that easy with Damian... The guy seemed to have walls thicker than the devil's castle and even twice as high, and while he could play the loving boyfriend easily it would most likely cause some problems back at home, sooner or later. Especially combined with Minuet's tendency to be an emotional volcano.

Turning to Noah he mustered an excited smile once again.
"So how can I help around here? Can't just stand around uselessly all day, after all."
As Noah began to explain that Minuet surely needed only to watch and admire Damian at work, the mentioned man seemed to get lost in his thoughts. Why had Minuet been annoyed with him? Of course, he hadn't meant that Noah could hear what Minuet said, it was just that Dami didn't want to think of zombie juice when putting up an act of a loving boyfriend. That stuff made him sick. The zombies, not being a loving boyfriend. Or maybe both, just a little... after all. The reality sickness hit Damian in the face hard and for a moment his gaze wandered lost along the walls as the information about demons, summonings, zombies, and hell raced through his mind, trying to find an empty spot to settle in as a new version of his reality. He really needed to stop going to the library, or at least remind himself of changing the genre. This stuff messed with his head and even though Minuet was a fluffy-looking guy, Damian wasn't sure at the moment he could handle it all. Yet handle he had to as there was no way to do the reverse-summoning, nor send the catboy home.

Damian ran his fingers through his hair and was greeted with Noah's questioning look. He had no idea if he had been asked something or if they just waited for him to respond to something. With an uncertain nod and a mumble, he looked at Noah, who didn't seem convinced.

"Kate's birthday! I invited Minuet, too", Noah repeated.

"Yeah... sure, we'll both be there."

Damian wasn't much of an event planner. He trusted that Noah and the other guys dealt with parties and left him and Alice, in most cases, to sit back and watch. Damian didn't even know what to get Kate for her birthday. If it was Alice, Damian would get away with the thickest cross-word puzzle book available, but what Kate liked - Damian had no idea. Maybe the guys would buy him a bottle again, and Damian could just sneak his name in the card as well. Birthdays in general mainly just made Damian depressed and he didn't see much of a reason to celebrate that you got a year older again.

Damian turned at Minuet.

"I'm sure you'll like Kate. She's...", Dami tried to think of a word. "She's the total opposite of me."

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