The River Man Contract


Esoterically Discontented
Players (Max 3)


2. Shanay Marie Williams

3. Jason Arthur-Horn

The River Man Company

River Men are a sacred order tasked with helping souls pass to the under world however with the increase in population they have been racked with work and have given up their other duties as River Men, they used to be tasked with killing undead creatures who make it to the living world and destroying those who help in their summoning.

Soon after more undead began rising, the Order of Grim Reapers was made, they're made of incredibly skilled combatants with special gifts dedicated to the eradication of any and all undead and those who conspire with them, this has also made the jobs of River Men tricky for some Reapers go to extreme lengths even killing innocent spirits who've not been taken to the under world yet. There have been conflicts between River Men and Grim Reapers however the Reapers aren't capable of killing something that has no proper life to begin with, River Men are also gifted with amazing powers.

When the number of innocent spirits being killed began to rise the River Men took it in to their own hands to deal with the undead, they formed real world offices and would offer people who die early who had exceptional skill in combat a second chance at life, the process required a signing of a contract, this contract would keep the deceased in an undead state however their bodies would not rot as long as they followed the rules of the contract. The contract states that the signer is granted a power of their choosing and is to fulfill a quota of undead to earn money, this money can be saved to eventually allow the signer to buy their life back and exist as a human once more, those who sign the contract do not age and hold some of the benefits of being undead(Being able to re-attach limbs and survive being literally ripped apart.). The R.M. Company is at war with the Order of Grim Reapers however under the terms of the contract when an undead under the company is killed their soul is protected by River Men who will bring that member back to life but doubling the amount of money they need to pay to earn their life back.

You are a new member of the company doing what you can to fill your weekly quota and earn enough to buy back your life. Filling the quota is no easy task however, it's not for a lack of undead but finding them and not being killed by them or the Grim Reapers is your real Challenge. Your average weak, brainless undead isn't worth too much, you want the ones who commit serial murders, who hide among the public wearing fake skin and have gifts of their own. Good Luck.

Power & Abilities

Through the contract you're granted your own powers and abilities, you're welcome to be as creative as you want as long as it doesn't make you extremely powerful and nothing can stop you. The best idea to go with in this situation is something you can use and get better as using instead of something that requires little or no skill to use. But in the end it's up to you!


So what are 'artifacts' you may ask in the context of this story? Well they're a kind of 'level up' feature I am implementing it will still be quite awhile until we see or use these artifacts, but from a 'lore' perspective you eventually become so valuable to Lucius the River man that he offers you a new contract, the basis of this contract is that you agree to take on stronger opponents and you take on a larger region spanning the entire state you're in, and even at times the entire country if you're needed. Under the terms of this contract for the users they gain an Artifact of their choosing(Make it up yourselves, it can be based on something you like as well. Please don't make it too OP.) this presents the players to a new story arc as well gives them some character development in the way of skill diversity. When signing the new contract you're able to also change features of your current abilities, getting new ones entirely or fixing tweaks and issues you'd have with the last ones or even adding to it.

Depending on the value of the Artifact you may be able to get multiple artifacts, but try to limit it at three unless you have a design idea that requires more but isn't too over powered. Artifacts don't have to be combat based at all, they can also be utility based.


  • Follow the Forum rules obviously.
  • This RP is Rated M for Mature, on that note romance doesn't go past PG-13.
  • Swearing is ok but please restrict it for moments of great emotion, if you make it casual other NPC's and Characters are welcome to tell you to stop and/or advise your character to keep the language to a low.

The Contract: (
Please copy everything under this line and fill out your sheet before posting it.)


In Signing this contract you hereby submit yourself in to work for the R.M. Company and swear to secrecy of it's existence and location. Refusal to comply to the rules and terms of this contract can and will result in the loss of your humanity and coherent thought will be rendered impossible, your form stripped of it's health and your powers removed. You agree and accept that after the signing of this contract you are the property of the R.M. Company to do with you as they wish. You must not let anyone know that you are dead and must continue your lives as you did previously ensuring that you keep your work and personal life separate To finalize the signing of your contract all details must be filled out bellow.

Name: (Full name.)

Age: (Before your death.)

Status: (Are you alive or dead?)


Details of Death: (How did you die?)

History: (Information on your history.)

Photo: (Description is fine, just let us know what you look like.)


Ability/Power Request: (Use a bit of detail please, if you can explain how your power works you get extra points!)

What you do: (Please give the details of what your average week was like before you died.)

Sum Owed: (How much money you owe, this depends on how you died and who you are. The average price range is $500,000 - $650,000. If it is more, please give a reason(E.G. you did a lot of public damage before you died, or you killed someone.)

Other Details: (Anything you feel is worth mentioning goes here.)
Name: Yami

Age: 15

Status: Alive

Gender: Female

History: Yami was abandond when she was young with no one who would look after her, she grew up fending for herself, stealing food and clothes, getting into fights, no one knows her name, not even her anymore, she got the name Yami because of her dark hair, and dark clothes, and people would only ever see her at night. Everyone has always feared Yami, as well as the stealing and fighting, they also fear she's a demon or a beast of some sort due to her bright red eyes. Most people have always beat her up when they see her, so now she only every comes out late at night. Yami doesn't remember anything before being abandoned, it's just like a forgotten dream to her.

Photo: Yami looks like these pictures, her uniform is tattered though, and her skin is very pale. ^-^

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Personality: Yami is very shy and quiet, she has a fear of others, but she is also quiet hostile once someone shows the smallest bit of threat to her. Once she makes a friend she's most likely going to cling to that person and like to be near them to feel more secure.

Ability/Power Request:

What you do: Yami's life is a matter of wake up at about 10:30pm, find some food and then just walk around until 4am when she'll go back to hiding in abandoned buildings and such until the next night.

Other Details: Due to the constant running she did from police or people just out to hurt her, she is a lot faster then most people, she's also really good at climbing.

She is also able to see auras around people due to her red eyes, The aura is usually a light grey and very light red, the darker the aura, the closer to death people are.
Name: Kazekiel.

Age: 19

Status: Un-dead

Gender: Male

Details of Death: Pushed off a crane during work.

History: Quite a bland history. Nothing of merit happened. He only had a very large imagination because of his boredom

Photo: View attachment 11941

Personality: Extremely emotional. Quite prone to random outbursts of emotion.

Ability/Power Request: A set of gloves that act as magical output. These gloves are 4 fingered, and cut off the pinky. The gloves act the same as the hidden blades from Assassin Creed, where the pinky (Its the ring finger in AC) is taken off to use the object. These gloves are used for projectile magic and also creation magic. Every single finger has a different element or aspect. Going from left hand ring finger, to right hand ring finger; Posession, Water, Fire, Metal/Mineral, ~|~ Construction, Electricity/High Voltage, High Velocity Wind, Destruction.

Posession: The ability to possess others, using your will or mind to control them. Only works effectively on inanimate objects (Like controlling a person. Using this ability on an object grants telekinesis like ability.) or lower willed opponents.

Water: The general manipulation and creation of water.

Fire: The general manipulation and creation of fire.

Metal/Mineral: The use of this finger, can change the way a metal/mineral is. It can be drawn up from the ground, and heated with Fire to create weapons, armor, and any other object that the user desires.

Construction: This finger grants the user the ability to collect a soul from the dead, and create a minion to follow him around. As well as that, it can also create objects, and bond them together. Making a minion, the minion has a seperate personality. The soul can only be brought into the living world for up to 8 hours, then it will be completely drained up, and never used again.

Electricity/High Voltage: General manipulation and creation of Electricity.

High Velocity Wind: General manipulation and creation of Wind.

Destruction: This finger allows a user to completely break down what he wants. This can be speeding up the deterioration of a body, stopping projectiles, and other means. This can only be used in small moderation, and out of fights only, because of the extreme amount of mental focus needed.

"They glisten with ooze, as the river man pulls it from his cloak and hands the pair to Kazekiel. Slipping one on, there is a crash as a zombie bursts through the window. A strong feeling of pain rushes through the hand that hasn't been covered, as the glove is ripped from his grip and carried back out the window by the undead. Without a seconds hesitation, he is straight out the window after the fleeing 'Z'. After a seconds thought, Kazekiel remembers the glove encompasing his hand. Pointing his first finger at the un-dead's back, he fires a fireball straight at him. The intruder goes flying and starts to smoke, and burn. Grinning to himself, Kazekiel picks up the glove from where it had fallen, and slides his other hand into it. Flexing and feeling the fabric that the gloves are made of, he makes his way back to the room where everyone was waiting for him..."

What you do: Work, eat, sleep, game.

Sum Owed: 1.1 Million owed. This debt is because of the explosion caused from the drop off the crane.
In Signing this contract you hereby submit yourself in to work for the R.M. Company and swear to secrecy of it's existence and location. Refusal to comply to the rules and terms of this contract can and will result in the loss of your humanity and coherent thought will be rendered impossible, your form stripped of it's health and your powers removed. You agree and accept that after the signing of this contract you are the property of the R.M. Company to do with you as they wish. You must not let anyone know that you are dead and must continue your lives as you did previously ensuring that you keep your work and personal life separate To finalize the signing of your contract all details must be filled out bellow.

Name: Leigh Kuruyami

Age: 17

Status: Dead

Gender: Male

Details of Death: Leigh was coming to the rescue of a women who was going to be murdered, Leigh died but took the killer with him while the victim ran to call the police.

History: Leigh has lived most of his life Nocturnally often sleeping through his classes and usually walking around visiting him favorite parks at night. When he was young his mother died and his father showed very little sorrow, they had always been at each others throats and Leigh's father had made death threats to his mother several times. Leigh grew up most of his life sleeping at his favorite parks away from his abusive father, he would often get in to fights because the other kids picked on him, despite his sloth behavior during classes he is very bright in the field of computer science and engineering, a passionate hobby of his. At the age of 12 he made his own functioning computer from broken hard ware pieces, it ran a poorly coded OS of his own design with only 34kb of ram. After getting in to a fight with his father who was drunk at the time at the age of 16 that resulted in his father being hospitalized Leigh moved out in to a very run down but cheap apartment, he gets enough money to survive from the school who gets him to keep their computers functioning and networked as well as aids teachers by constructing presentable Powerpoint, Excel and Word documents for the students to use in their I.T. classes.

Photo: Leigh has long black hair, it's fuzzy and thick and he doesn't manage it very well. He has pale almost anemic skin and he stands at 6'4" tall, taller then most of his class mates. His face is average in look and wouldn't be considered to be overly unattractive, however it is always hidden behind his hair, he's gotten used to seeing through the slits of his hair. He's meaty and has muscular arms and legs, his stomach is on the verge of forming a six pack, he is commonly called the 'I.T. Tank' at his high school for his geeky nature yet intimidating appearance. He's commonly seen in a long sleeved hooded black jacket that seems two sized too large for him, he also wears long cargo black pants big enough to no limit his movement, around his waste is a belt with a silver buckle his mother brought for him, the buckle is in the shape of two skeleton hands holding each other, he never wears shoes and feels uncomfortable in then. (This always gets him in trouble at school but they take it easy on him due to the hardship he's experiencing.)

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Personality: Leigh is down to earth and can be really quite rude sometimes. He likes to joke around and has a good sense of humor(As well as a dark sense of humor.) and he's usually anti-social. He prefers to be alone and has never gotten close to another person. He isn't one to trust people easily and is always very clear about his intentions usually giving a single warning before resorting to violence or shouting.

Ability/Power Request: Leigh submitted a separate form with his contract on his powers, it involves what he calls 'Gates', tattoos that allow him to do different things when certain criteria are met. He has eighteen gates in total each with their own symbol. Their name, function and use are listed at the end of the contract.

What you do: Leigh's routine involves eating boxed sushi meals for breakfast and dinner, going to high school(Year 11) and strolling through the town at night. On the weekends he spends his entire days at his favorite park and helping younger kids with advice on situations their parents refuse to acknowledge. He often ensures that the kids who frequent his favorite parks make it home with out any issues. Some of the parents come to visit him as well, the majority of the town know of his family history, his father ensured it was very public through constant drunken rants in the streets and at pubs. On occasion he is approached for help involving computers and technology by people through the school, he usually earns a nice three figure sum for some of his jobs, but they rarely come his way.

Sum Owed: $675,000 ($500,000 as Resurrection fee, $75,000 to cover the witness(Extra than usual because of how involved she was.) and finally $100,000 for murdering someone else before he died.)

Other Details: Leigh enjoy's free running and playing on the children jungle gym and is quite flexible and agile. He's very good with controlling his balance and often climbs and walks along walls and fences. He has great concentration when under pressure and isn't able to understand or comprehend why people can't concentrate during certain situations, as such he can be quite rude and demanding to people who do feel pressure and cannot cope properly in certain situations that involve an important need for concentration.

The Eighteen Gates of Magitech

Leigh as designed what he calls the System of Magitech, his power involves having and producing magical energy within his body and using the sixteen gates to direct and use them.

The Gates:

Note: Placement of the Gates on Leigh's body are noted in some descriptions but a full list of their placement as at the bottom.

The Gates of Input and Output - These are two separate gates, input is on his left index finger and output is on his right index finger. He uses these to mark an input of magical power and an output of magical power, they need each other to work properly for an input helps direct and collect the power that the output produces.

The Gate of Flow - This is used to create an aura line that can be wiped away by only flesh. This works like a wire or 'bus' on a computer chip, it's only use is to carry magical power. Connecting a line of aura to an input and output allows for what ever goes in to the input to flow to the output. The Gate of Flow is one of the only three gates that can use electricity.

The Gate of Information - This records and presents information in a visual or audio setting, this gate is a module and requires a basic set up of power and memory to work. It's rather unique in the way it works; the user has to imagine it's function, however if it isn't able to do the desire function that module of the tech simply will not work. The Gate of Information uses a hologram like screen to show visual information, this screen either floats or is wrapped to a flat area of a device. Audio usually has static in the background, it isn't usually too loud.

The Gate of Memory - Works similar to RAM in a computer, it creates a component that is able to store information and power from another source.

The Gate of Holding - One of the most practical of his gates this allows him to force an object to be magically held to another object, depending on how much power depends on how hard it is to break the holding.

The Gate of Wave - This acts as a source that sends wireless signals, on his own devices can pick up and process the information coming from them. However to do it with another device requires Leigh to first change parts of that device.

The Gate of Node - This has many different uses but to explain it simply it is something that can accept energy and power from other gates and even stuff such as power points. It's required to pick up a Wave Gate signal, but can be used to collect electricity, however only three gates(Including this one.) know how to use electricity.

The Gate of Conversion - This gate takes in one type of power and turns it in to something else. It is the third gate that is able to accept electricity and the only gate that can turn external power sources in to magical power sources. It is also able to take in magical power of any kind and convert it in to the usable kind Leigh has, it's flaw is that it can only process the power at a steady rate and there for cannot be used defensively by itself.

The Gate of Storage -This is a special function gate that Leigh uses all over his body to store the bits and bobs he uses for his magitech, he has these gates all over his body. They are really unique and act as a gate between two different areas in only three dimensions. To be clear, he is able to reach in to these gates on his body and pull out an object from there, the object when in this gate experiences no transition of time when the gate is closed, it's in a plane of existence all on it's own where only the dimensions of length, width and height/depth exist. Although this may seem an over powered thing when used in certain ways it isn't able to close when any part of a human being is inside of it and when human interaction reaches this existence it gains all the dimensions of the real world(So time passes as well in that existence when the gate is opened.) the gates he makes with it aren't that big either maxing at the size of the top half of his torso.

The Gate of Sync - This gate allows for synchronization to a signal essentially allowing Leigh to pick up data produces from nearly anything that produces and transfers data from point A to point B, this allows him to do a large variety of different things as long as he has the technology that produces the results that the Data is presented in, this includes tapping in to phone calls and texts, 'borrowing' internet connection and viewing what people send from their computers to the internet and more.

The Gate of Reading - This gate works much like the gate of conversion but instead of using power sources it takes in data and changes it in a format that magitech can use. It is a very power demanding component and doesn't work by itself, it usually takes a long time to produce results which is halved when it is connected to a object that the data was designed for such as a computer or mobile depending on what data it's collected.

The Gate of Fusion - This gate is rather unique is special, it works as a function for other gates fusing existing gates to allow them to use one another, fusing gates demands a lot of concentration and the result is usually clunky and slow. Certain gates aren't able to fuse and an attempt to force a fusion usually results in a back fire of destructive energy.

The Gate of Eye - This gate is able to take in visual data in a way native to Magictech, when fused with a Memory Gate, Reading Gate and Information Gate(With the gates that connect them all and power them.) you can make a device that works like a photo camera of video camera.

The Gate of Sound - This gate works exactly like the Gate of Eye but with audio instead of video, it usually picks up small amounts of static but when near other technology when recording sound (Only a few feet away.) it picks up heavy static that can cloud the audio.

The Gate of Trigger - This gate sends out a small magical pulse when it is touched or pushed on, it functions primarily as a button or trigger system for Magictech.

The Gate of Properties - This is a special advanced gate that requires more space then the other gates which can be fitted to be only millimeters in length and width, it changes the properties of the magical energy that come in contact with it. This can change the magic from a calm flowing energy to a compressed slightly explosive ball and pretty much anything else as long as the energy is still energy and doesn't exceed the limitations of it's own power, e.g. if you're using a small device it wont be able to produce an explosive juggernaut orb of power.

The Gate of Source - This gate represents the energy storage area of a device, this is required in devices that aren't 'plugged in' to work. It stores a large amount of power from Leigh and requires a direct physical connection of the Gate of Source on Leigh's body to recharge, it usually leaves Leigh feeling a little bit sluggish after a single recharge but the effects don't last for more than two hours.

Energy Properties

All the energy used in the devices come from Leigh, unless someone willingly accepts a device to use themselves, in which case it causes the users body to mimic the magical power Leigh produces in a smaller scale and only for the use of that device. The energy is relatively a calm substance but it has many dangers; the majority of these dangers appear as explosions if a device isn't built properly, as excessive drain on the body(Causing the user drowsiness, weakness and fatigue.) and even over heating causing Magictech devices to become very hot and even melt.

Gate Placement & Use

To use the Gates the tattoo of them have to be pressed against something, then either a mimic of the tattoo will be printed or an aura will show up, this means a physical connection between the tattoo and the thing you want to give a function too needs to happen.

Gate of Input: Left Index Finger
Gate of Output: Right Index Finger

Gate of Information: Left Hand Middle Finger (Next to pinkie)

Gate of Memory: Right hand Middle Finger (Next to pinkie)

Gate of Trigger: Left Wrist

Gate of Flow: Right and Left Thumbs

Gate of Node: Right Wrist

Gate of Properties: Right hand Pinkie

Gate of Reading: Left Wrist (Under the Trigger Tattoo)

Gate of Eye: Right Eye Lid

Gate of Sound: Chin

Gate of Fusion: Right Wrist (Under the Node Tattoo)

Gate of Conversion: Left hand Middle Finger (Next to Index)

Gate of Sync: Forehead

Gate of Storage: Two on Chest opposite side of each other, one on stomach, One on back of each hand, Three on back, one each shoulder blade and on spine. One on each waste side, One on each thigh, knee and calf muscle.

Gate of Wave: Right hand Middle Finger (Next to Index)

Gate of Holding: Left hand Pinkie

Gate of Source: Center of Chest
ATTENTION PLAYERS: A new section has been added to the opening post detailing the accessibility to future rewards if he keep this RP going. With the rewards also comes new lore content, as we get closer to this new lore content I will add a section giving the fundamental understandings of creatures and how they work, to tantalize your creative taste buds I'll give you a hint; What do you imagine the result would be of Z, G and S(Spirits) rising and gathering power in a place that no living human knows about, being able to feast on wild life for large amounts of time and accumulate in power and growth? I'll let you guess for yourselves.

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