The River Man Contract [RP]

Yami followed the boy and the, thing, out the door a little bit behind, as she walked out she noticed another young man, and let out a quiet scream then covered her mouth. "More?" She said in a normal tone, she noticed the boy had paid no attention to him, but she flicked her wrists revealing her blades just in case, she followed the boy and the 'police' to the cemetery, looking back to see the other young man following them, she quickly ducked off and hid close by, keeping an eye on all three of them to see what would happen.
Seeing Leigh grinning at me, I quickly duck into the gap between the buildings, and sealing it behind me. After I hear 2 sets of footprints go off, I break the wall and come back out (With me material finger), gazing in the direction they headed. All of a sudden, I see the girl that Leigh was sitting beside, come out of the building and look after Leigh and the police man.
Leigh lead the officer in to the cemetery then turned to face him, picking up on something the officer's face filled with anger. As Leigh took his jacket and shirt off then connecting his fingers with flow gates and pulling his katana out he readied himself for battle. During this the Z was doing the same, he began gagging, saliva flowed out of his mouth in a rush with a mixture of blood as the handles of two blades slid out of his mouth and throat, he grabbed them revealing two long and sharp blades made of bone, the glowed with a deep grey aura.

Leigh looked past the Z, the others weren't too far off. Their best bet to kill this thing would involve Leigh distracting him until Kazekiel got there. Leigh pressed his hand in to a storage gate, at that moment the monster rushed at him, Leigh dodged two furious swings leaping back making as much distance as he can. He quickly pulls out four pipes and places node gates on each tapping one end of the pipes to the tattoo on his wrist each, he then quickly places a wave gate on the end of his blade using his right hand middle finger. Just as the Z charged at him Leigh used his added undead strength to leap several feet in to the air over the Z, the Z replied by aiming both his swords up, Leigh quickly threw the four pipes forming the corners of a square in the ground around the Z. the pipes stuck in place by being forced in to the soil, Leigh came down with his Katana directly in to the creatures head pushing it as deep as he can, he wasn't able to dodge the blades however, one sends a gash along his cheek and eyebrow just missing his eye but an inch, the other impales his left arm nearly hitting his Gate of Reading tattoo, Leigh draws out the impaled blade and as quickly as he can he back flips off the creature just as the wave gate in his sword activates sending electricity from the blade to each of the nodes and holding the current causing the Z to be continuously electrocuted stopping the creature with paralyze the energy stored in his blade wouldn't last for more than a minute and the damage done would barely faze the Z, with blood dripping from his face and arm Leigh waits for the other two.
Yami arrived just as Leigh was leaping over the creature, she prepared herself to attack, staying about five meters away from the creature. "What's going on?" Yami demanded getting frustrated with the situation. "How many are there like you? Who was that other one back at the sushi place?" She said raising her voice a bit with a stressed tone. "Are you different to him?" She asked with with a slightly calmer voice then before.
"My only difference is the abilities I hold and that I don't thirst for human flesh like he does. He's an undead, like me however he's not the good kind. I, and others have been chosen to be able to buy our lives back that was taken from us before our time. In return we help a powerful being by doing his dirty work, we kill ghosts, ghouls and zombies for money so that we can buy our old existence back." Leigh explained. "This one is a Zombie who skins people and wears their flesh using magic to seal and imperfections. He is really strong and worth at least $1,400." Leigh added. Leigh gazes at his wound and notices that the flesh around it has decayed slightly and turned grey. Leigh sighs imagining what his face must look like, "Don't get hit by his blades if you can avoid it, they're empowered to melt the flesh of what every they touch, my skin is enchanted by my employer and yet it's taken so much damage from this creatures powers, He'd be worth at least double my earlier sum because of his powers.".
Yami took a few steps further back staring at the ground shocked. "Did someone bring this one back too? Is there a chance you could end up craving human flesh like this one? Who was that other man back at the sushi place?" she asked quietly as she looked up at the young man, She let out a gasp "Your face! Are you okay?" she said in a stressed tone after seeing the large cut on his face with the skin starting to decay and turn gray. "Is, Is there any way I can help?" She said shyly.
"Right now? Yeah, but dropping the questions and getting on your guard." Leigh replied to her question. She was getting annoying, but it was understandable, she didn't fully understand the danger they were in right now. Leigh quickly pulled a cylinder block and pipe from his storage gates, he placed four gates of source on to the block causing it to start heating up, then a gate of holding connected connecting the pipe to the flat center of the block, then he placed a node gate just within the pipe and a trigger gate at the bottom of the pipe. Along the pipe he drew four flow gates from the block to the trigger, then a flow gate going around the pipe connecting all of the glow gates through a line in the center, finally he used his properties gate to on the block to give the energy the properties of an explosive light. The source gates drain the young man quite a lot causing his knees to buckle, he quickly regained his stance, now was no time to be weak. The device was ready, it's purpose: blinding the target and very light explosive damage. The moment his electricity wore off he was going to use it then attack, hopefully leaving an opening for Kazekiel, he just hoped that Kazekiel would take his chance as soon as Leigh presents it.
Climbing up the tree, Kazekiel signals to Leigh where he is. Using his Wind finger, he whips the improvised flash bomb up to himself, and yells "Look away". Not knowing what was happening, the high level Z looks up the the perch where he was standing, as Kazekiel set it off.

After the bang, the Z was completely disorientated. With a whip of the wind, he jumps down on top of the Z, fist connecting to his face, and slamming his head powerfully into the ground.

"Sup" Kazekiel Says, gazing back at his partner, and this young woman he saw before.
Leigh ignored the question for more serious matters, the Z was rising again swinging it's blades. He thought about what he should do, however the Z hadn't seen Leigh's full power in use yet, which meant he wouldn't be protecting from the type of pinpoint force Leigh was best at. The creature got up angry and annoyed, it drew Leigh's Katana from the top of it's skull then cracked it's neck, the Z looked at the blade then at Leigh before throwing the blade at him full force, Leigh took a step forward and caught the blade by it's handle with his left arm, the amount of force packed in to the throw resonated in to Leigh's hand most of it being accidentally forced in to his conversion gate then drawn in to his body through the input gate, this caused electricity to vibrate in the air over Leigh's hand and blade. "Be careful, this is a high ranking Z, you'll need to be serious in this fight." Leigh noted. The Z looked to the nearest victim, Kazekiel and got in to a stance of attack with his two aura infused bone blades.
Yami moved backwards further away from the fight, and got herself into a defensive stance. She was scared, she hadn't felt so scared for a few years now, but this is something she knew she couldn't take on. She watched Leigh closely hoping he wouldn't get hurt and really wanting to do her best to help him, no one has ever been nice to her before and she always wanted a friend. She really wanted to help in the fight, but what could a small girl with two small blades do to help against something like this? She tried to think of a plan but nothing came to her, she felt hopeless.

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