The River Man Contract [RP]


Esoterically Discontented
"I'll state this very clearly; What I offer you is the life stolen from you so easily before it's intended time and in return you repay a debt, I'll generously give you the means to pay me back in full and guarantee the safety of your life while on any job. However there are rules you must follow and your life, until you buy it back anyway, is not yours. This world is on the edge of a sword right now and the weakest wind will blow it in to a chaotic mess of violence and more importantly; a stack of work for me. To repay your dept you must kill Zombies, beings brought back to life who range from mindless weak pathetic training dummies to intelligent criminal master minds bent on feeding their urges in secrecy while hiding under fake skin. Ghouls, who range from the reanimation of a vicious deceased dog to raging bundles of corpses molded in to a hideous creature of great strength. Ghosts and Spirits, from simple 'hide your keys' tricksters to aggressive possession masters bent on spreading their rage. Finally there are the Grim Reapers, trained combatants interested in the same work you'll be taking on, however their goal is different, they hate the undead and kill any and all they can find("That's you" he notes softly.), these are the most terrible creatures of all for at their very core they're human. All these things you will be killing with out hesitation to earn back the life stolen from you, so do you sign the contract and become another number under the R.M. Company? The choice is yours."

In this painful world there are those bent on chaos and destruction, you're merely a tool to prevent that chaos and destruction, do you job well and do it quietly, this is the creed of your employer and must be complied too if you fear a more... empty death.

Somewhere in a busy city two unfortunate souls new to the business of the River Men are going to have their game stolen and their existence at threat of being erased.


Leigh could smell the stench of rotting flesh from a mile away, he made his way to a cemetery where four Z were just beginning to stretch their legs. "You don't look very lively, I'm sure I'd only get forty dollars. I guess you guys are paying for dinner then." Leigh yawned while scratching his head. Leigh slides his hand under his shirt to the gate of storage on his back, tapping it once then sliding his finger tips in to his own back, the skin ripples as if it were liquid. From the tattoo gate Leigh draws a long makeshift copper magitech katana he designed. A yellow electricity buzzed up and down the two flow gate lines on the swords blade that had been enforced with a properties gate, the blade drew magical energy from his very body producing the yellow electricity sparking from the blade. The Z's decaying ears managed to pick up on Leigh's voice and slowly they began their march towards their (unlikely)meal.

A shadow zooms between the Z with great speed and revealed itself as a cloaked figure, from the cloak came a large Scythe and a second later the Z's bodies broke in to two before turning to dust and being carried away on the wind. After a moment Leigh finally realized his game was just stolen. "This is annoying, I hope you're going to buy me dinner now." Leigh replies thinking that the figure were another R.M. Employee. The figure darted at Leigh with great speed and took a heavy swing with their scythe, Leigh's katana collides with the blade of the scythe sending the blade spinning in to the air before landing a great distance away, if Leigh were a fraction of a second late he'd have been cut in two. Leigh quickly leaps back making a large amount of distance between himself and the blood thirsty figure. "That wasn't nice, allow me to give you a warning; do that one more time and your end wi-" Leigh is broken mid sentence by the sound of the figures cloak meeting wind resistance as they dart at Leigh. Leigh watches the scythe closely managing to jump over it's swing, it slams in to the ground, Leigh's feet barely touch the ground when his chest is slammed with a large amount of force from the figures fist. Leigh slides and rolls back making distance between the two, Leigh gets up holding his chest, the hit burned and stung; the blow was infused with small amounts of magic. Leigh quickly slid his jacket and shirt off revealing several tattooed gates on his body, quickly in a swift and smooth motion Leigh pressed his thumbs together activating his flow gates then pressed them on his chest, he drew lines of red aura connecting at his heart along his arms until his thumbs each made it to the tips of the middle and index fingers on each hand.

Leigh took his martial arts stance he had been practicing with the two fingers from each hand sticking out. "Ok, I'm ready now." He muttered in a dead serious tone. The figure gazed at their hand before pulling the scythe out of the ground and rushing at Leigh again, Leigh watched the blade once more this time ducking close to the ground under it, the figure shot a punch down at Leigh who managed to send his left hand fingers up to meet the blow head on, the figure who appeared to be a women from up close shone a smile. Leigh looked back up sharing the smile before sending his right hand fingers for the women's stomach, the sound of an electrical buzz was heard, then a loud thunder clap resonated from Leigh's fingers as he redirected the force and power of her blow in to her stomach, she flew back in to the air landing on her back. Leigh breathed a sigh of relief, it had been the first time he used his martial arts style with the gates and he was glad it worked. He shook of the excess energy sparking form his right hand before taking his stance once more, the figure coughed and got back up, she glared at Leigh and a fusion of confusion and anger could be seen in her eyes. The figure turned her back and she disappeared just as quickly as she had shown up. Leigh put his clothes back on pondering what just happened.
A sharp twang of metal on metal could be herd from across the cemetery, but there was not alot of time to be able to think about that. The group of Z that were rushing in at me were within throwing distance when simultaneously, all of their heads were cut in perfect lines. "Oh ****. You have to be kidding me right? I needed those man." I say as the Robed figure turns around. Seeing his face, I start to sigh. The look in his eyes told me I disturbed his feasting. "You really shouldn't of talked to me. You really shouldn't of been here. I was just going to-" A large thunderclap erupts from the other side of the courtyard, he turns his gaze towards the direction of the sound. In the split second, I rush at him. Fist connecting with his face, he bowls over and hits his head on a tombstone 15 feet away. Surprised at my strength, I start to laugh. Groaning and groggy, he hops to his feet. Anger washes over his whole body.

"Thats it you little shit." He says as he strips completely. "So... you are kind of lacking in a certain department, huh." I say, cracking my knuckles and getting into a general boxing stance. The first time I blink, his weapon is drawn. The long, glistening scythe dragging along the ground behind him. Startled, I nervously laugh. I quickly blink and he disappears.

A whistling noise echoes behind me, and I turn to face it. Using the back of my hand, I slap the flat of his weapon into the ground and go for another punch. With lightning quick reflexes he slips the curved blade behind my foot and pulls back. Hitting the ground hard, I instinctively roll onto my stomach as a split-second later, the blade rips into the ground where my body was. Remembering the contract that I had signed with the River-man, I push off with my hands, activating the index finger on my left hand, and forcing fire out, pushing me with alot more force than intended. our bodies connect, as we go rocketing into a crypt. As quick as I can, I shove my middle finger into his mouth and start shooting water into his stomach. Surprised, he pushes me forward, and I turn to face him. As quick as I can, I place both hands on his stomach, and he freezes.

"Now. What you are about to feel, you will remember for as long as you live."(3.487 seconds). First, lightning connecting with the water, causing him to start to shake and his muscles contract. Heating up my finger, it moved like butter through the skin and starts to boil the water inside his body. Lastly, the water in every single cell of his body starts to expand. When he reaches the point of no return, he explodes all over my newly acquired clothes. "Well that was both cool and disgusting" I say to myself, wiping the blood from my clothes.
Leigh begins his walk towards the R.M.C. (River Man Company) office to bring up his current events with his Employer, not long in to his walk he hears the sound of what he can only describe as a huge balloon bursting off in the distance, a curios urge to check it out bit at him but he had more pressing matters. Is it possible that women was from the Order of Grim Reapers? She had the style to suit it in Leigh's mind. Leigh pushes through the double doors and begins the long march up the four story building, he lazily drags his bare feet over to a door with a golden slab drilled in to it titled "River Man Lucius" printed on it. Leigh knocks on the door which flies open by itself almost instantly, Leigh approaches a finely crafted desk, sitting behind it is a short male with white skin free of any imperfections, snow white silky hair that sat just above his shoulders. The man shone a friendly smile at Leigh and looked at the dirt covering his clothes through his square glasses.

"Leigh, how are the powers treating you?" Lucius mutters with a grin. The detail Leigh had worked in his powers sheet were unique and interesting to the River Man who had lived countless years.

"They're great, actually I just got to put them to work. I believe I encountered a Reaper on my last mission, she stole my kills and attacked me. I managed to land a direct hit on her and she fled, she cost me at least 30 thousand too!" Leigh said slyly. Lucius broke in to a laugh, "Four mindless drones are hardly worth 30G but nice try. The news you bring me is certainly troubling, until now they never had a presence in this area. Give me a moment to think this over, please take a seat." Lucius replies as the smile fades from his face. A young women dressed in a black nurses outfit walks in and places some files on Lucius's desk before offering Leigh some tea, he gladly accepts and sips and slurps at his tea as he waits for Lucius to come up with a reply, who is nose deep in to the files he had just gotten, the attractive female dressed in black stands silently at his side.
Bustling in, Kazekiel slumps in his chair. The woman standing beside the pasty white fellow offers him a drink. Contemplating, he says yes. She moves over to the cabinet on the wall, and starts to pour a Coke. Slightly aroused by the look of her, he stares at her round behind. Once she is done, the nurse brings back the drink, and returns to her place beside the River Man. still staring, he clears his throat to get Lucius's attention.
Leigh watches the fellow entering the room and laughs to himself when he notices his gaze lock on to the nurses behind. The man manages to pull Lucius form his papers, the look on Lucius's face wasn't too pleasing. Leigh was unsure what he was un-pleased about though; This stranger or the contents of the papers. Lucius look at Leigh than asked him to approach the desk, Leigh complied taking quiet shoe-less steps and standing next to the new man in the room.

"This report I have details the events of your battles against the Reapers. Kazekiel, you did pretty well, but you were also very lucky, these battles don't usually go like the way yours played out. I'll be adding $500 to your total fee's because of the mess you made, Leigh you used your powers better then I expected but it was also very reckless, had you stuffed up your flow gate even the tiniest bit you'd be paying and extra $500,000 in Resurrection fees. Ok, from now on you two will form a team, your dept is merged and so is your earnings." Lucius states sternly. "Ok, what is our joined debt?" Leigh asks from curiosity. "1.775Million" Lucius replied. Leigh's jaw drops at the figure, though he isn't entirely disappointed, Leigh's aim hasn't nor will be to ever live once more.

Leigh turns to his new partner in crime, "Hey, I'm Leigh. Magitech expert, I guess we should exchange numbers." Leigh quick rights down his number and hands it to Kazekiel. "Since we're partners, it's fair to seal this with an exchange. Got any money?" Leigh asks in an attempt to get himself some cash for his favorite boxed sushi meal.
Still staring at the woman's ass, he hears the sum amount that they owe. "Oh shit" Kazekiel mutters under his breath. His new partner turns to him. "Hey, I'm Leigh. Magitech expert, I guess we should exchange numbers." Grunting in acknowledgement, He listens to Leigh talk abit more, before handing him his number, just as Leigh did, and a $20 note.

"Sorry about that, thats all I have on me, but at least its something. Also, names Kazekiel, I guess i'll be the guy that is your test dummy?" He says with a little smirk.
"Why thank you, I'll make you something nice... Maybe some x-ray goggles." Leigh winks slyly at Kazekiel. He was laughing inside that his con man way of getting money worked quite well but he intended to reply the man anyway. Leigh turns back to Lucius sharing a fair well and thanking the Nurse for the tea, "Give me a call when you need a hand. I'm off to get some dinner." Leigh states before giving a wave and making his way down the building stair way.

He strolls across the street and follows the path until he makes it to his favorite little asain deli, he buys the usual and begins his slow stroll to his favorite park. Leigh flipped out his phone to check out the time, it was 11:35PM. Leigh was still getting used to the idea that he didn't have to sleep, eat or drink though he enjoyed the flavors and seen no reason to give them up.
"X-ray goggles, I like that idea" Kazekiel thinks to himself, as Leigh strolls out the door. Smiling to Lucius, he says his goodbyes. "Just remember, that your partner is there for you, and you both will need to work together for the bigger tasks." the River Man comments, before Kazekiel leaves the room.

Quickly remembering the thought of her ass, he quickly walks back to the doorway. "Oh, and beautiful, if you ever feel like a cuppa, please don't hesitate to call." "Oh, but I don't have your number" she states, looking him up and down before blushing slightly. K thinks to himself for a little while before grinning broadly. Pointing at the tray she was holding in her hands, he quickly burns his number into the bottom, with a little hiss. "I guess you are going to add that on our tab, but it was totally worth it." He says as he leaves the room. She grins to herself slightly, then regains her posture immediately.

As Kazekiel exits the building, he focuses on what he needs to do, and heads straight for the nearest building. Drawing a very small amount of metal from the structure, he makes a small disk in his hand, and pockets it. "Now," He thinks to himself "I need to find a place to get more money..."
Leigh makes it to his favorite park, a cold wind blows pushing the swings and turning the roundabout, it lets out a loud whining as the rust on rust metal slides along. Leigh takes a seat with his boxed meal and opens it taking small bites every few minutes while he ponders something, he was sure he had forgotten something but he couldn't remember what it was. He trails away from the idea to think of magitech he can make that might provide more use in a battle against a Reaper. Ideas flow through Leigh's mind and he's begins constructing mental blue prints for a few of his ideas. He also needed to train in piecing together certain tech fast enough, nearly all of his storage gates were packed with items so he didn't have much space for storing weapons.

Leigh finished his meal then pulled up shirt reaching his hand in to a storage gate on his stomach, he pulls out a copper pipe only a half a foot long and begins throwing it in the air, he watches the movement of the pipe as it goes up and then back down doing his best to throw it in such a way that the likely fall pattern will always be the same. He wanted to become a genius with his technology and a showy one at that. A good hour passes of him repeating this when he decides to add to the motion, he throws the pipe up then quickly presses his thumbs against each other activating his flow gates, swiftly he send both fists out with the thumbs sticking out, his right thumb hits the pipe and it rolls a few feet away. Disappointed Leigh tries again attempting to draw perfect flow lines on the pipe mid-air, it was no simple task and would likely take him days, even weeks to become good at it.
Remembering the ATM was close by, Kazekiel starts a slow jog to the location. Remembering that his gloves could be used however he wanted, he remembers all the fingers of the gloves and all the cool ideas he had as a child. Remembering the surfers he so adored in his childhood, he starts to craft a board out of air. After many practices he gives up, continuing his jog toward the ATM. "Why did you pick air, Kazekiel, Of all things, why air? it is going to be useless" he thinks to himself scowling.

Getting to the ATM, he gets an idea. Standing 3 feet away from the ATM, he tries to get money out, with just his air. After a couple of attempts, he succeeds. Pocketing his card, he strolls down the street toward the shopping district, counting his money, to make sure he got all he was ment too.
"What the **** are you doing in my house!?" A stern male voice shouts out. Yami grabbed what she could from the fridge then bolted out the window dropping things as she ran. She heard a door slam and foot steps chasing her as she ran down the street towards a park that she always goes to. As she got about a block from the park she felt a strong force against her back and she fell face first onto the road. She lifted her head and saw a young athletic man who looked about 23. "Thought you could get away from me huh!?" He yelled as he sent his foot into the side of her ribs. "This'll teach you to break into my house you piece of shit!" As he said as he kicked her in the face.

After about ten minutes the man went home, Yami slowly pulled herself off the road, her clothes were torn and stained with blood. Once she was up she walked slowly to the park and sat on the swing rocking back and forth as she used her sleeve to wipe her face.

She had hardly been there for five minutes when she heard foot steps heading towards the park, since she didn't want to deal with anyone else tonight she got off the swing and ran behind a tree. She watched as a handsome man walked into the park with messy black hair. She gasped and covered her mouth with fear as she noticed his aura was different to everyone elses, most auras are pretty much white slightly red and they get darker the closer to death they are, this mans was pitch black and maroon, that of the dead.

She stayed where she was, watching him as he pulled out a pipe from no where. "What is he?" She whispered to herself.
Leigh opened the seals on his left and right knee, right calf and left side chest pulling out copper metals from each all shaped differently, in his arms he had a small copper cylinder block(4cm high, 3cm wide), a foot long solid copper bar(2cm thick), a 'T' shaped copper pipe(6cm tall, 10cm top bar vertical length) and a small solid copper square block (4x4cm). Leigh takes his original copper pipe and places it in to the center of the flat part of the cylinder block using a gate of holding, he then fits the copper bar to the side of the cylinder block with another holding gate, the square block at the other end of the bar, finally he attaches the 'T' pipe to the opposite side of the cylinder block then the bar, Leigh then digs a small hole and buries the square part of the object he's just created in to the ground making sure it wont fall over by itself. Leigh gazed at the object, he knew what kind of interface he wanted on his device and he began piecing together the implement of said interface in his head. The tech maniac produced a source gate on the square block at the bottom, then a flow gate leading up the bar, to the cylinder and a out under the small copper pipe attached to the cylinders flat center, he then created a trigger gate at the end of the pipe then formed the cylinder section itself in to a properties gate that would turn energy in to a flame based energy, from there he lined a flow gate along the top of the pipe from the trigger to the cylinder, one more flow gate going from the cylinder up the 'T' pipe and along both sides of the horizontal line of the 'T', finally Leigh places two node gates at the ends of the horizontal line of the 'T'. The finished product of the gates shows a faint white glow from the trigger, a green line from the 'source' to the trigger and a grey line from the separate flow gate that goes from the trigger to cylinder along with same colored line going along the 'T' pipe.

Leigh pushes his finger in to the trigger, instantly the line leading from the trigger on the top of the pipe turns green like it's brother under the pipe, the cylinder section takes on a faint orange glow, the flow gate line along the 'T' pipe lights up as an orange and at the nodes each side of the pipe's top light up in a small ball of flame hovering a center meter away from the pipes themselves. The knee high device acts as a lamp lighting up the area around Leigh making it easier for him to see, a large grin grows on his face. "It worked, first go too!" He stated to himself as he often does. "I should be rewarded!". The teenage male quickly looked around for a means to entertain himself as his 'reward', the light from the flames on his device shines bright enough for him to notice the girl hiding behind a tree not too far off. Instantly Leigh's mood changes, but to what? He wasn't sure if he was being spied on by the Reapers or if a stranger had stumbled along quietly. Refusing to take any chances Leigh quickly reaches for the storage gate on his upper spine, sliding his hand under his shirt then sliding his fingers in, he grasps for his katana only to find nothing. "Shit!" He muttered to himself in anger, that was what he forgot, he was in such a rush to tell Lucius of what happened he forgot all about his katana.

Leigh threw his jacket in to the air, the sound of wind against fabric could be heard loudly, Leigh slid his shirt off and placed his thumbs on each other with his hands out in front of him, his left palm facing forward and his right palm facing towards his own body. "I warn you, any movement and I will not hesitate to destroy you. Who are you?" Leigh stated clearly. He takes a quick look around being sure to not move his eyes away from his target for more than a second to see if there were any more, none.
Yami sat there watching the young man as he pulled pipes from his body and constructed the lamp, as it lit up she noticed this boy looked like the one that she'd see at the park almost every night. "But that aura, those poles, how could this be?" whispered to herself completely distracted now.

The next moment the young man jumped up and quickly slid his shirt off. Yami was stunned by the tattoos covering him, and how handsome the young man actually was. "I warn you, any movement and I will not hesitate to destroy you. Who are you?" The young man stated clearly. "I-I-I-I'm Yami please don't hurt me." She said with a shy, scared tone as she felt the blood starting to dry on her face and her face began to swell up. "I just like to spend time in this park when no one is around" she said in a sad tone as she slowly lifted herself up off the ground and moved out from the tree taking a step closer to the young man. She looked up at him with her large red eyes, he was really tall, at least a foot taller then her she thought. "You look like the boy that usually comes here. Exactly like him, only..." She line of thought trailed off, she hadn't even noticed she had said that out loud. 'That aura, the aura of the dead, I'm sure it's him but how? How can this be? There's no doubt that it's him, but...' Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted as she fell to the ground, Her knees collapased under her, she looked at the boy to see if it was him but he had kept his distance still. "That bastard damaged my knee." She said softly as she looked to see the gash on her leg and the swelling from where he kicked it. Yami laid her head down and tears started to roll from her eyes. "Go ahead and destroy me if you like. It's probably for the best." She said quietly as she cried.
Leigh looked at the girl and lowered his arms, he retrieved his shirt and jacket and put them back on. Leigh triggered the device turning it off then picked it out of the ground, he turned to walk off the girls attitude to life made him sick to his stomach. "You don't tell anyone about me unless you want to get hurt, this isn't a threat because I won't be the one hurting you. No one will believe someone like you and those who will believe you are likely to slice you in half for what you know." Leigh muttered. He walked out of the park not looking back, he couldn't stand people like that, who had such a low self worth and thought their existence would be better off abused and turned to nothing. Leigh takes quick and long strides going down streets and allies until he reached the cemetery, he looked for a good hour before finding his katana, he weakened the holding gates on the beacon he made and used the blade of his sword as a chisel to separate the stiff pieces, making sure to remove any gates on them first he placed all the pieces back in to their respective storage gates. "I'd be able to make much cooler looking stuff if I had some tools." Leigh sighed.

He began a stroll through the cemetery keeping his katana out and tapping it on his shoulder, it had an eerie feel to it but now that Leigh himself was dead he could no longer understand the scare factor of graveyards. Leigh enters the pet section of the cemetery, after a few minutes he begins to hear a faint growling, he turns to his right to find two weak ghouls, that's when the smell hit him. The stench was terrible the ghouls had taken the dead bodies of dogs, to his left three more ghouls approached. This certainly was odd, even Lucius himself said that the chance encounter of Z or G in a cemetery was low, maybe something was willingly bringing them back to life, it could explain the presence of the Reapers in this town.

Leigh smirked with excitement this presented the chance to use a move he was thinking about, the imaginative character had thought of a name for the move and all, he even intended to shout out the attack as he was doing it, Leigh surely was a pillar of lame. "F*ck!" Leigh spouted in distress. There was one fatal flaw to his plan, he hadn't yet thought of a name for the move, how could he hope to fulfill the superhero image in his head with out an awesome name to yell out as he did the attack. One of the ghouls to the right leaped at Leigh who easily evaded the attack, he tightened his grip on his katana, sending a stream of yellow electricity up and down his blade, in a swift and quick movement Leigh sliced it through the ghoul forcing it's body apart before it faded to a black dust, this time two ghouls attacked him, the last one on the right and one form the left. Leigh easily dodge the sluggish and weak creatures grabbing his sword with both hands then bringing it down like a guillotine lopping the head off of one ghoul, then changing the direction of the blade and swinging it out with only his right arm until his arm was straight out to his side, his blade in the air. The two decapitated ghouls fell in to a dust like their brother. All the while Leigh was thinking for a good title to his move, "I have it!" Leigh shouted to himself before leaping back making distance between himself and the ghouls, he stylishly removed his jacket and shirt then drew a flow gate from his heart down to his right finger tips only. The simple minded ghouls charged at Leigh sticking next to each other for a united attack, Leigh places his left index and middle finger on his chest right where the flow gate started and evaded to the right, with the ghouls inline right in front of him he plunged the sword forward before letting go of it then pushing the bottom of the hilt of it with his right index and middle finger, his left hand fingers collected and surged his magical essence along the flow gate to his right fingers with send all that power in to the sword which in turn converted it in to a magical form of electricity, "LIGHTNING LANCE!" Leigh yelled as the blade cut through their flesh like a knife through warm butter. Electricity engulfed the skewered ghouls and they turned to dust. Leigh proudly sheathed his katana in to his back storage gate and re-dressed refusing to acknowledge how lame he would of seemed. He began his stroll back to his apartment taking in the scenery on the way, he had just made himself $25 and he was happy to end the night on that.
After the young man walked off Yami picked herself up and brushed herself off. She walked to the public pool about three blocks away, climbed over the fence and headed into the change room to have a quick shower washing the blood off herself.

After she was done she let out a sigh realizing it's been at least two days since she last ate, she left the pool and headed down to the 24 hours shop just down from the pool, headed in looked around until she found some food, shoved it under her jacket and walked off.

"At least I didn't get caught this time. My night seems to be getting better." She started heading to the graveyard, she enjoys how eerie it is, and how no one goes there of a night so it's peaceful. She opened up a packet of dry noodles, nibbling at them as she walked towards the graveyard looking down at her noodles. Suddenly she bumped into something and fell onto her butt, she looked up to see it was the guy from before. "I'm not following you, don't worry." she said quietly. "I'm sorry about before it's usually unlike me, I just wasn't having the best of luck tonight." She said as she let out a slight nervous laugh.
Leigh gazed up at the bright moon, there were no stars, it was hard to see them form in town. Leigh had only ever seen the stars twice, once when his mother took him while he was young and again after the fight he had with his dad, he walked two miles out of town and slept in an open grassy field for the night with the stars. He imagined how many there were in the sky and wondered if he could see them again if he destroyed some of the many flickering street lamps. Suddenly he bumped in to someone, with out looking he stated his apologies then he took a took down to notice it was the girl from earlier. He listened to her apologies and looked her over, her clothes were bordering homeless people rags. "It's alright I suppose." Leigh stated being one who doesn't move from first impressions easily. "Where are you heading? It's dangerous to be out at this time of night." Leigh asked using a grown up tone.
"I'm heading to the graveyard for the night." She said quietly while picking herself up. She looked at him and let out a slight smile "It's okay, I'm tough!" She said quietly but with an enthusiastic tone. Then she looked down "It's far more dangerous of a day for me." she whispered.

She looked at her dry noodles that fell out of the packet onto the dirty road, she picked them up and put them back in the bag and continued to eat them. "I'm Yami." She said shyly. 'He seems kind of nice, but what is his aura? I've never seen one so dark, It's like, he's past death...' She thought to herself while eating her noodles.
The activity in the cemetery lately was far too dangerous at the night time, Lucius usually got on sealing these areas off pretty quickly but it took a day or two on average, Leigh couldn't let her go there to die and possibly become another enemy in the form of a corpse. "How about I treat you to some dinner?" Leigh asked noticing that she probably didn't eat much. Doh! Leigh forgot to take in to account the social protocol for these types of things, you can't just ask a stranger out for dinner, more importantly he didn't want to be sending the wrong messages, he didn't even know this girl beyond her name. "I mean because it's pretty cold out, I'm famished too and I pocketed some extra cash (Hehehe, thanks Kazekiel.) and you look hungry." Leigh muttered. With out waiting for a response he grabbed the girls wrist and dragged her to a sushi restaurant close by, pulling her in and sitting her down. Leigh was ecstatic it was the closest place, he loved sushi. Leigh pulled out his wallet looking at the contents, $12.50 left over from what Kazekiel gave him and another $25(give or take.) should be on his card from Lucius who seemed to have eyes and ears everywhere when it came to killing the undead.
Before she could resist she had already been dragged to the place. She looked up at the guy "It's okay, really." She said quietly, Yami then had a quick glance and realized there was nobody in site. "Uh, I want to ask you about something, but, I don't want you to think I'm crazy okay?" She said quietly with a scared tone. "I-I see auras around people, Th-that show how long they have to live, but yours, yours is the way it is for those who, are no longer with us. It's been bothering me since I saw you at the park, so I'd like you to explain it to me." She said sinking lower into her seat scared that he was going to lash out at her.
Leigh was shocked, she could tell who was and who wasn't dead? Why hadn't Leigh heard of people like this before? "So you know I'm not alive..." Leigh stated. He was about to urge her to keep it quiet and never talk to him again when he realized what kind of resource he just stumbled upon, with the aid of this girl high level Z would be far easier to find. "After this meal there is someone I want you to meet, but I'll give you a basic gist over sushi." Leigh stated noticing a waitress walking towards their table, Leigh ordered half a roll of California roll and half of the teriyaki chicken roll, a big order for a big gut, sometimes Leigh though his stomach was endless when it came to Sushi. His order came to $12 with a vanilla coke added, quite expensive in his opinion for a meal that is mostly rice and seaweed. "What do you want?" Leigh asked Yami.
Yami stared at the young man with an empty expression and thought to herself 'I can't reject an offer like this, if I don't eat now, who knows the next time i'll be able to? And no one can pass up fresh sushi.' She looked over at the waitress, "would I be able to get a teriyaki roll please?" She asked quietly. After the waitress walked off Yami stared at the young man again, then suddenly her eyes started to go a brighter red and she got a bad feeling, she spun around defensively and looked outside the shop. "There's more?" She said with a quiet puzzled tone as she stared outside at a man wearing police clothes with the same aura as the young man in front of her. She looked back at the young man, "Are you the same as him?" she asked softly.
Alarm bells rang as soon as he heard that question, Leigh took a deep breath in the hope it might be Kazekiel or another R.M.E., he looked to where the girl was mentioning to see a male dressed as a police officer, it wasn't an R.M.E. they're forced to give up work that takes up too much of their time or work that involves the government(It's rumored the Order of Grim Reapers has ties to the government.) under the claim of a 'better job'. Leigh would play innocent in his approach just in case her powers weren't exactly accurate, he didn't know her after all. "Do you know how to fight?" Leigh asked the girl in front of him, he intended to let her use his katana if things got sticky.
Yami looked at the boy with fearful eyes and nodded slowly as she reached into her bra grabbing out two fold out cut-throat razors. "Is it bad?" She said in a worried tone. She looked back at the man outside then back at the boy. "Your aura, it's exactly the same. What's going on?" She said blankly. The 'man' opened the door and walked inside. As the 'man' walked in Yami jumped off her chair and sat next to the young man. "What do we do? This Is bad isn't it?" She whispered softly.
Rounding the corner, Kazekiel saw a man run straight into the store he was planning on heading into. Uncertainly, he wanders up to the shop window and peers inside. Kazekiel Sees Leigh with another girl, they seem quite close. "Odd, I didn't think that he was anything like that type of person!" Kazekiel Thought. Returning his gaze back to the man, he flexes his fingers, ready to help his friend at the slightest bit of trouble.
Leigh feared the worse, it wasn't uncommon for Z to clear out small stores like this one, he pushed past the girl "When I walk out he will follow me, You follow him with a bit of distance, we need to get him away from the public. I haven't got time to explain this very moment, just be on guard." Leigh whispered. He got up and rushed over to the officer, "Hey officer, I just came back from the cemetery, I had seen a group of vandals hanging out there and damaging the tomb stones." Leigh said faking innocence. The officer turned with a crazed look in his eye, besides his eyes his face looked relatively normal, "How many of them are there?" The officer asked in what seemed like an excited tone. "At least eight, I'll come with you to show you where they were." Leigh said slyly throwing out a lure he couldn't resist. Eight victims would certainly be worth the wait rather then the four(at best) in the nearly empty restaurant. To his surprised he noticed Kazekiel and flashed a grin, he flashed a wink and nodded forward in the directions of the cemetery down the street.

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