The Rise of the Dark One

That depends on their maturity.. I would say maybe.. But I would ask the Owner first..
No problem! <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/4716500c16d770ef8bfd8659ba404163_480.jpg.38842aef734c96213d876c498714304c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/4716500c16d770ef8bfd8659ba404163_480.jpg.38842aef734c96213d876c498714304c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hey i say its completely fine just make sure that your character has he capacity for blood and wont be some what of a brat but other than that i don't have a problem with the age. In the world of this rp you cant control when destiny reincarnates the seven
Name: Alora Loral

Age: 14, almost 15

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/blondes-green-eyes-anime-shorts-hoshii-miki-anime-girls-idolmaster-HD-Wallpapers_zps6ae8de51.jpg.2fa09a12b64456fa82731c267ad82727.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/blondes-green-eyes-anime-shorts-hoshii-miki-anime-girls-idolmaster-HD-Wallpapers_zps6ae8de51.jpg.2fa09a12b64456fa82731c267ad82727.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alora is 4' 8'. She has waist length blonde hair and emerald eyes. She likes to wear nice autumn colors. She always wears her favorite brown boots.

History: Alora is a young teenager who has a problem getting kicked out of schools. She lost her parents to a car crash when she was 7. She now lives with her uncle who is mainly out drinking. When her uncle is out, Alora goes and explores the town to find some sort of adventure. Though she is a very beautiful girl she has a hard time making friends. When she was 10 she had a boyfriend named Troy, one day they got into a fight and when Alora pushed him up against the wall he was frozen solid. That is when she realized she had magic.

Personality: Alora can be very kind and understanding but if you get on her bad side you are in a heap of trouble. Alora likes to be called Lora for short but only by her really close friends, though she really doesn't have a lot of them. Alora used to take Karate lessons by her old friend, Rotiz, when she was a kid. She has a very good voice but she refuses to sing in front of people because she gets embarrassed.

Magic: She can control ice, water, snow, and really any sort of liquid. She can use this power to create weapons out of ice, though she has trouble making them. Because of this power she doesn't get cold.

Likes/ Dislikes: Alora loves to find a very thick book and sit down to read it, books are like a portal to another world to her. She also loves to watch the stars at night. She dislikes people with big egos of themselves, people who disrespect kids (mainly girl kids), and for some reason she hates the smell and taste of pickles.

Hobbies: Watching the stars, reading, and singing songs to herself.

Crush: She hasn't had a crush since what she did to Troy.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/titus_stately_nadez__teenager_by_zoidsfan507-d4qiryo.png.0e366e23b05dcf479adf3da9009d857b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/titus_stately_nadez__teenager_by_zoidsfan507-d4qiryo.png.0e366e23b05dcf479adf3da9009d857b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Anime-Boy.jpg.b20a6d0c7a38e44fd6276684c565753e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43035" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Anime-Boy.jpg.b20a6d0c7a38e44fd6276684c565753e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~Alora's Uncle:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Screen-shot-2010-10-22-at-8.31.46-PM-640x400.jpg.fee6766ab489523ebb4ef3aefe4f27d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Screen-shot-2010-10-22-at-8.31.46-PM-640x400.jpg.fee6766ab489523ebb4ef3aefe4f27d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • blondes-green-eyes-anime-shorts-hoshii-miki-anime-girls-idolmaster-HD-Wallpapers_zps6ae8de51.jpg
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Wait so.. If she touches someone.. They'll get frozen to death? Is it the same for Objects? And do you have your own will against it, like touching something and it does not freeze. Or you touch something and it gets frozen solid? I'm making this too complicated.. And why does everybody like watching the Stars?!
To answer your first question, she froze him because she was angry. Now that she is older and mature she can control her power better.

Now your second question, I just realized other characters like watching the stars too. I guess a lot of people think the stars are beautiful and interesting like I do.
| Nicknames |

Bia, Anca, Bian, Willi, Will. She loves being

called Bia, but only by her friends.

| Gender |



no one

| Face Claim |

Natsume Asako



| Age |

Twenty One

? Birdwatching || Bia is obsessed with birds, and she loves watching them. She finds peace and her creativity through watching nature. Birdwatching is one of her favorite ways to watch nature.

? Birds || Once again... hardcore obsessed with birds.

? Autumn || She loves the different colors; red especially. She's always had a fondness for maple trees.

? Watching birds in Autumn || Her two favorite things, combined. How is it not spectacular?

? Reading

? Sunny days

? Hot chocolate

? Pastries || One of Bianca's favorite things to do is to experiment with deserts. She absolutely adores pastries and it's not rare that you see her stuffing her face with a cannoli. ...Some people wonder why she's still skinny.

? Painting || She's actually an astounding painter, though she never shows anyone her paintings. She likes to paint pictures of the birds she's seen, and nature in general.

? Photography || Another one of Bia's hobbies is photographing. She likes to take pictures of nature (and birds!) all of the time. She's used to being still and silent when she watches birds, so she doesn't shake much when she's taking photos. This goes for painting as well.

| Strengths |

? Optimism || Bianca's cheerful tendencies allow her to pull through many hardships. She's hard to break and at times, her optimism inspires others as well.

? Creativity || Her inventive and creative mind allows her to come up with clever and unusual solutions to many things. She's good at making plans and loves to challenge herself.

? Observant || 50% due to her interest in nature and birds, and the other 50% due to her being the Essence of Sight, Bia is very observant. It isn't even intentional; her enhanced sight causes her to see things others wouldn't.

? Prepared || Bianca has always been ready for action. She works well under pressure, and due to her creativity, plans are a breeze. As long as the execution is perfect, her plans (almost) always work.

? Naive || Though her naive nature can lead her into disaster at times, it can also count as a blessing. For there are some things in the world that may appear beautiful at first, but have a darker meaning. Since she's naive, she rarely sees the darker meanings, but is blinded by the false beauty. This beauty, though false, tends to make her happier and inspired at times.

| Dislikes |

? Winter || Bia hates the cold, and she hates snow. To her, snow is wet, cold, and annoying.

? Sadness || Bianca absolutely hates it when anyone she cares about it upset. She always does anything in her power to make them feel better and feels she is responsible for her friends' happiness. She will stop at nothing to please a friend.

? Animal Abuse || She highly despises any kind of animal abuse and even works at an animal rescue center. If you have a pet (bird, especially) she will instantly like you. Though, if she disliked you before you told her about your pet, it won't change anything. Probably.

? Silence || Never has Bia liked complete silence. She's so used to hearing, if not herself talking, nature, that she feels... uncomfortable when it's silent. If quiet for a prolonged period of time, it will start to unnerve her. She'll start to feel alone, and will start to panic.

? Rain || Bianca doesn't appreciate rain as much as others do. She hates getting wet, and rain stops her from going outside and watching the birds.

| Fears |

? Acrophobia || Fear of heights.

? Sedatephobia || Fear of silence.

? Claustrophobia || Fear of confined spaces.

? Pnigophobia || Fear of choking; of being smothered.

| Weaknesses |

? Clumsy || If Bia is anything, it is not graceful. She often trips over air and bumps into things, and her balance is a joke. Call her agile and you obviously have no idea who Bianca is.

? Gullible/Naive || Due to her personality, she trusts people too easily, which makes her rather susceptible to pranks and tricks. Even when scorned, her trust is easily recoverable. The first few times, that is.

? Stubborn || As charismatic as you may be, you'll find it a challenge to change Bianca's mind. Once she's set on something, let's just say it's not a walk through the park to change her opinion.

? Easily Distracted || It's very easy to lose Bia's attention, whether it be because of the birds or a lack of interest. In fact, it's very often that she frustrates people because of her lack of attention.

| Power |

Bianca is the Essence of Sight. She can see in much more detail than most people. For example, if something were extremely far away (a bird's nest, for example), and even partly hidden, she would be able to see it. She has no trouble making out objects or words from a distance, nor does she have trouble reading things close up. Her sight is perfect. Things with similar colors don't throw her off, either. If there was a green caterpillar on a green leaf a mile away, she would be able to see it. She can also see fine in the dark and in very bright places.

But if you go deeper into her power, you'll find she can do much more than birdwatch without binoculars. Sometimes, what you see isn't real. It's just a figment of your imagination; it's nothing to worry about. Bia can make you worry about it, for with the power of Sight, she can make it seem authentic. With sight comes the power to mess with people's sight and create massive illusions. Though, the illusions she creates you cannot touch, smell, taste or hear. Only see. But with the others' help, she can create such an illusion-- just not by herself. And with the power of sight, she can also blind people. She can't take away sight, but she can make it so all a person sees is darkness, or maybe a blinding white light.

Speaking of light, her illusions work best in very bright environments or extremely dark environments. This is based on the fact that when you're in the dark, it's very easy to think that something's there, when in reality, it isn't. It's also easy to forget something's there, when in fact, it is still there. She can hide things from people's sight, as well. In a sense, she can become invisible, and she can make other people/objects invisible. Her powers are also stronger when it's very bright. When you stare at a bright light for a prolonged period of time, you tend to see spots that aren't really there. This helps Bia when she's creating an illusion, for there's already something that isn't there, she just has to add to it. On a normal day, she'd have to conjure up the illusion all on her own.

But of course, right now she has no idea that she posses these powers. The only way she'd be able to create an illusion is if she were being emotional. And of course, her imagination is also a huge factor. If she were to imagine something, there's
Illusions! I'm scared now.. But is there a way to cancel out the Illusion? Like knowing if it's a illusion? Also.. Is there a requirement for making the Illusions? So many questions, many answers needed.
And how does that stop the Illusions? I thought that you just had to know it was a Illusion. I mean like how does the person whose having the Illusions stop it?
And how does that stop the Illusions? I thought that you just had to know it was a Illusion. I mean like how does the person whose having the Illusions stop it?

And how does that stop the Illusions? I thought that you just had to know it was a Illusion. I mean like how does the person whose having the Illusions stop it?
No crap! 75% of this Website is populated by Girls! Than there's 24% of Males, than there's unidentified people 1% .(That's me!)

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