The Rise of the Dark One


The MasterOfDisaster
You can create your character here. Try to keep your magic powers different from everyone else. And your magic can't be to Over Powered from the start. You have to train or work your way up to be really powerful. Otherwise have fun with this and lets see what you can come up with. Please don't post till accepted.

Character sheet



Appearance(Anime pictures preferred):

History(tell us about your self):


Magic(keep it original):




Name: Charles Maddison

Age: 23

Appearance(Anime pictures preferred):


History(tell us about your self):


Charles was once known as one of the greatest warriors in Runeterra, His life was everything he could ever ask for, a lovely bride whom he loved very much, and a town who looked up to him, however, one day that all changed. Upon the arrival of one of the descendants of the great lord of Chaos. Charles and his companies had the miss fortune of meeting toe to toe with this mighty being. The descendant wiped out his entire squad, leaving no one but Charles. Upon his return to the village, he was blamed for the massacre of his men, Forcing Charles to retreat and leave everything he had, including his beloved wife. Now he wanders the land of Runeterra attempting to redeem his name and prove his innocents.



Regardless of the situation, Charles will always attempt to be level headed. He is a kind, gentle being who fights for Honor. living a life of pain and agony, but always has a smile on his face.

Magic(keep it original):


Charles was born with no magical properties, however, upon discovery of a raid that Charles once took part in, he discovered the Lance that could pierce anything. as the tip of the blade shinned bright red, there was nothing the blade could not cut through, No blade, no armor, not even magic itself. Charles would spend hours everyday training, so that one day, he could master this legendary blade he had uncovered.


What he likes, is an honest fight, Honor, and most of all he loves his wife who awaits for him in his birth town

He dislikes, Traitors, Liars, and most of all, those who fight with no honor



Charles would spend his days training, so that he could be the greatest lancer in the lands. He would gather then men in his town, so they could fend off any threats that traveled near. how ever, the days he did not spend in combat, he would spend his days attempting to spoil his beloved. he would take her to romantic locations and live the life they had always dreamt.



(I would hope his wife, or else he would make a terrible husband)

Name: December "Em" Locke

Age: 19

Appearance(Anime pictures preferred):


History(tell us about your self): Ember used to live in a small green forest a few miles outside of a city. She acted as the protective goddess of the forest, and only used her human form when absolutely necessary, if she had to make negotiations with the people of the town, or something like that. She was friends with all the animals and most frequently ran around in her winged wolf form. She was very happy. However, the city kept expanding and eventually the citizens destroyed the entire forest. Em saw all of her friends die, and as a punishment for not being able to protect her forest the dying forest spirits trapped her in her human form. Now, she can only partially change into her original form.

Personality: Ember is a recluse who constantly blames herself for not being able to save her forest. She misses the animals and blames her father and thinks that it is his fault the forest was destroyed, she believes he caused it somehow. When she sees the current destruction of nature that is happening all over Runeterra, she blames him for it as well. She is quiet and hard to trust people, and misses her wolf form very much.

Magic(keep it original): Can partially shape shift into a winged wolf. At her current ability she cannot shape shift all the way, but can partially change her body parts. For example, she can give herself the wings, or the claws, or the teeth, or ears of her wolf form, but not all at the same time. Used to be able to control the weather and lightning, but her powers are weaker now.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: animals, nature, fresh fruit, flying, the wind, stars, rain, storms, kind people, butterflies

Dislikes: loud noises, rude people, people who harm nature, extremely urban places, urban smells; large groups of people make her anxious

Hobbies: flying, climbing trees, singing (reminds her of howling), swimming, running

Crush(optional): none yet :3

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Character sheet

Damion Salvatore

Age: 26

Appearance(Anime pictures preferred):


(sometimes wears armor to better protect himself as well as to focus his magic toward some of the points on his fist and feet and back as well as using the magic to enhance his physical movements while in battle but will sometimes fight without his armor when he absolutely has to)

History(tell us about your self): Damion has been an orphan for as long as he remembered and was adopted by a very over overwhelmingly strange monk who trained him to control the winds. As the years went by he trained and molded his abilities until he figured out how to utilize the power of fire with his magic energy and chi. After his training was completed he left the temple and his mater at the age of 18 and went to join the strongest group of wizards alive. Unfortunate for him the group no longer exists and so his quest was ended. He decided then to gather his own strongest only little did he know he was only starting what destiny had in store for him and the others he sought.

Personality: Damion has always been a very out going. He will always throw himself in the way of trouble even if he has had nothing to do with the initial conflict. He will help out anyone he can when he has the opportunity because he has always believed that when someones in need someone should go out of their way to help them when they need it most. Damion will almost always do something crazy and stupid but for the right reason and he will never let anyone do anything for him. That is his number 1 rule in life. He must earn everything he wants for himself. He is actually very completely down to earth and won't belittle anyone for any reason even when he has one. He is also very good at judging a persons inner self and is able to tell when someone who looks mean or scary actually has a very kind heart on the inside. He can do this for either gender and can tell in the opposite as well. He likes to think of himself as a kind of free spirit and won't let others tell him he can't do something. If he believes he can do something he will do it or train hard till he can do it. He has always believed that hard work and determination are only two of many parts needed to become a truly compassionate and powerful wizard. Damion hates when people lie to each other about anything especially when those things are important and can always tell when someone is lying. He will not hesitate to call them out on their lies and will always ask for a direct response when he asks for the truth.

Magic(keep it original): Wind and Fire control(Uses his Jigen Haoh Ryu kenpo to better utilize the wind and fire he controls)

Likes/Dislikes: Likes booze, women, and taking some time to relax and watch the stars and or clouds

Hobbies: Martial arts(1st degree black), Training, Watching the stars

Crush(optional): N/A

Extra: He has no prior knowledge as to who his parents were or how he got to the family he was with but after 18 years he decided to join the Strongest guild in the country and is determined to become the best of the best.



both accepted

will start when other slots have been filled
Name: Noyeh 'Kagerou' Zhujiao


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tumblr_mijr5qFlhQ1s4gyw3o1_500.png.c519d963a020f746a523750b6aeac057.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tumblr_mijr5qFlhQ1s4gyw3o1_500.png.c519d963a020f746a523750b6aeac057.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noyeh was born into a Orphanage, after a few years he was adopted by 2 Strange People. He was exposed to many things, as the Married Parents were Mysticals, testing magical experiments on him. After many years of getting experimented on, he was exposed to a Green Orb. The Married Parents told him to touch it so the Pain would be relieved, but he was exposed to more Pain, as something manifested inside him. He soon after was turned into a Spirit, the Parents continued testing on him, having acquired the Clock Rift and the Astral Cloth. After more months of testing, his Eyes changed color as in his Right Eye turned Red and his Left Eye turning Yellow, showing a Clock, the Points showing his Life Span. After more Testing Noyeh acquired nothing, he soon killed his Parents after that. He soon just wandered the streets at 14, stealing money every time he needed it. Noyeh soon grew up as a Thief, stealing money and thieving jobs. Noyeh soon aged to 17, having his own Apartment and enough Money to buy Food to last him a good Year.

Noyeh is Timid and Unpredictable, and will do anything to get something out of it.


  • Zafkiel
  • First Bullet: Aleph [????????] (Accelerated Time, aka super speed power on target object or subject) Activated by pointing at 1 o'clock time on the clock.
  • Second Bullet: Bet [????????] (Slows down time on a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 2 o'clock time on the clock.
  • Third Bullet: Gimel
  • Fourth Bullet: Dalet [?????????] (Rewinds time on a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 4 o'clock time on the clock.
  • Fifth Bullet: Hei
  • Sixth Bullet: Vav
  • Seventh Bullet: Zayin [????????] (Temporarily freezes time on a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 7 o'clock time on the clock.
  • Eight Bullet: Het [????????] (Creates a clone of a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 8 o'clock time on the clock.
  • Ninth Bullet: Tet [????????] (allows Noyeh to share his sense with someone from different time dimension) Activated by pointing at the 9 o'clock time on the clock.
  • Tenth Bullet: Yud [?????????] (Peeks into the past of a target object or subject) Activated by pointing at the 10 o'clock time on the clock.
  • Eleventh Bullet: Yud Aleph
  • Twelfth Bullet: Yud Bet [?????????????] (Travels through time at the cost of a Spirit's power) Activated by pointing at the 12 o'clock time on the clock.



Forbidden Magic


Other Spirits


Being Alone




  • Watching Time



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/DateALive-10-1.png.472ad7948eacad5a36e483d639a2bde3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/DateALive-10-1.png.472ad7948eacad5a36e483d639a2bde3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> But Supposed to be a Male.. With a Blue Robe..

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/itsuka_shidou_possible_astral_clothes_my_version__by_itsuka_shin-d85d3al.png.jpg.35d3b44683eaffd2d39d32ddb52e53bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/itsuka_shidou_possible_astral_clothes_my_version__by_itsuka_shin-d85d3al.png.jpg.35d3b44683eaffd2d39d32ddb52e53bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> But supposed to have Black Hair. And without the Sword

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/giphy.gif.7b36a21a6bf25b9e064880f528f0e515.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42803" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/giphy.gif.7b36a21a6bf25b9e064880f528f0e515.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This is just fine.. His Left Eye will Change at Random Events, predicting the Future to calculate his Death.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/wip_kurumi_tokisaki_weapons_by_chrono_cosplay-d7232u4.jpg.74012f8b15bc4aa1b5e8693f2cae9c03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/wip_kurumi_tokisaki_weapons_by_chrono_cosplay-d7232u4.jpg.74012f8b15bc4aa1b5e8693f2cae9c03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This is Fine too..



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Thank god.. I'm feeling unlucky today.. So what timeline are we in? I'd love to know.
I've watched about 7 Episodes of Fairy Tail.. So basically Medieval Times... Or somewhere close to there.. Oh wait no! There's that Arcade place they went to.. So.. Modern..? Ugh! This is some kind of paradox.. Or something that's going in a Loop.
Just post when you can ill be doing the sane as well as the others

ill be going now i must be up at 6 please reply and ill get to it when i can in the morning
Name:Luna Crosby


Appearance(Anime pictures preferred):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c198e032f_images(46).jpg.675c9f355ca66eab00f7c72692871a4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c198e032f_images(46).jpg.675c9f355ca66eab00f7c72692871a4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History(tell us about your self):

Luna was known for hosting these really beautiful light shows, some would hire her for weddings, proposals, and birthdays party's. She was blamed for the death of a group, that had died from many beams of light shooting down upon them and burning them to the bone, this causing her to be forced to leave the city and state.

Personality:Luna is known for easily getting herself in danger, due to her innocent look she's usually the main target for muggers. She hates when people stop her from doing what's right and shell do anything to get them out of her way. She is also an easy learner.

Magic(keep it original): luna can control light if many colors, each would represent one kind if emotion.

Pink: Love





Silver: fear

If she has mixed emotions the light will have several colors.


Men,looking at stars, sleeping with a fan.

Hobbies:training to control light in different ways, being outside, and making small lights shows when upset and alone

Crush(optional): none yey



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The Light is strong enough to burn someone?! I'm scared to the Core if I'm gonna fight her.
My character had 3 years of training.. I believe he mastered almost all of his Abilities.. Except traveling through time.

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