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Fantasy The Rise Of Heirs CS - Closed for Now


Grade A Bitch
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check


    Picture Goes Here

    : (Their true name)
    Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
    Age: (Biological age. How long have you been there?)
    Gender: (Male, Female, Genderless, or Hermaphrodite depending on Race)
    Race: (Most Fantasy races like humans, elves, dwarves, etc. You may also create your own race)
    Heir To: (There are no more available Heirs)
    Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: (You can leave this blank for now if you want to or man you're own place to add to the lore page)
    Appearance Detail: (Height, weight, things we don't see or can't tell from your picture. This includes birthmarks for the Heirs)

    : (Feel free to make your own, however, the basic, recommended list can be found here: Fantasy Character Classes - TV Tropes )
    Sexuality: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
    Character Alignment: (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaos Good, Chaos Neutral, or Chaos Evil)
    Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character)
    Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
    Personality: (At least 3 lines. Make sure the character has its strengths and flaws.)
    Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)

    : (A weapon, piece of jewlery, or something else to mark your heritage. This is a reqquirment for Heirs, but optional for everyone else)
    Equipment: (what are their practical items?)
    Items & Personal Belongings: (Anyother items that the character has, or belong to them)
    Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket)
    Spells & Magic: (Magical. Spells and magical abilities that the character has)
    Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities,inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character)

    Hobbies: (What does this dude like to do)
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Name: Aurelia Zinovia

Aliases: Lunar Leonhardt, Harbringer

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Heir To: Leyeborn Keep

Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: The Kingdom of Leyeborn, obviously

Birthmark: Aurelia has a small, crescent moon shaped birth mark on the left side of her collar bone.

Appearance Detail: Standing at five feet, five inches tall, Aurelia holds an hourglass figure. She weighs 134 pounds. Also, She has scars littered all over her body, small and insignificant, the one that cuts through her right eyebrow is the only one people really notice.

Class: Sentinal - Gifted in Magic, and the ways of both the warrior and the rouge, and sometimes Diplomacy, Sentinal's are trained to succeed in various situations.

Sexuality: Demi-Sexual

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Relatives: All of them are probably dead. Even her adoptive father.


  • Merchant's Guild - The Merchants guild centered in Caerhayes is a wonderful thing to be a part of. It gives you status, a regular income with the jobs you have, and even can give you certain perks in different fields. Aurelia is a caravan guard and smuggler associated with the guild.
  • Titan Guard - A warriors guild that people go to with request that they want done. Jobs range from simple guard duty to slaying all types of beast; from wolves and spiders, to Titians and Dragons.
  • Zinovia Family - The true ruler of Leyeborn Keep, and it's massive land holdings, Aurelia has connections high places, friends willing to look the other way.
Personality: A strong willed young woman, Aurelia gives off an intense aura that many don't see with the women of Faylen. She's a silent, but deadly warrior, choosing to let her actions speak for her. Though, when she does speak, you find an intelligent northern woman who is a little more wise beyond her years. Many people don't see her friendly side, but once you earn her trust, you see a talkative, friendly young woman who's very protective of her loved ones.

Backstory: 24 years ago, in the middle of Spring, people living in the northern hold of Leyeborn rejoiced as finally, their King Cornelius and Queen Genevieve announced that they had finally been blessed with a healthy baby girl. Aurelia, a bright bundle of joy to the new parents, was taken from them only a few short months later as they and the inhabitants of Leyeborn Keep were slaughtered. A lone swordsman, Jasper Leonhardt, braved the mountain climb and th gruesome scene to rescue the small babe, and return her to Alderwoods. There, She would spend her first year of life in the care of Jasper and his younger sister Merida, before the Imperium sent soldiers to ransack the town. People died, buildings burned, and Jasper escaped the masacure with the small Aurelia.

With time, the nation wide man hunt for the Heirs died down, but the Imperium was still vigilant, which caused Jasper to change Aurelia's name, and hide the items that signified her birth. So, Aurelia Zinovia became Lunar Leonhardt. Jasper decided he would raise her in the capital, a stupid yet wise choice, because who would hide someone as important as her in the city where everyone wanted her dead? They lived in a two story townhouse in the heart if the city, Jasper getting work at the local warriors guild.

When she turned five, Aurelia began going to school, where it was all boys who would tease her; until of course, she proved that she was smarter than them. Excelling in her basic school life, She would catch the eye of a private tutor who, coincidentally, was and old friend of Jasper. He knew her true identity, so along with math, literature, and writing, Ryan taught her diplomacy, grace, and more about the kingdom's than a normal child should learn. He even taught her different languages.

At the age of 12, Jasper felt she was old enough to know the truth. He told her everything, about who she was, her birthright, everything. So she decided early on in her life that she wanted to take back her throne. Jasper also told her about the other heirs, which made her more intrigued with the other kingdoms. Yet for now, She could only read about them in books and look at the old maps. This was also the age she discovered her magical abbilites. If a heavy northern accent thanks to Jasper wasn't enough to set her apart, having magic would defiantly do it.

At 15, she started training with Titan Guard, the sams Guild Jasper was employed by. Be was a high ranking member by the time she was able to start ber application process, so she was not only able to train with him, but with many of the other warriors, rouges, and mages. There's only so far you can go on your own after all. Anyway, her training would last two years, until she was able to become a full fledged member at the age of 17. Every new member gets to chose a class, so she chose the Sentinal, a class that only made a small group of five including her.

At the age of 19, she would finally finish her schooling, and began to travel with a caravan as a guard to see the other kingdoms, and all that Faylen has to offer. Unfortunately, She had to return earlier than planned, because just of last year, Jasper fell sick, leaving her the only one to take care of him. He told her more details about her heritage, and where her artifacts lay before he lost the ability to speak. Just a few months ago, he passed on. At the age of 24, Aurelia lost the only man she even knew to be family, and with new determination, she's ready to fight to take her throne.

An intricate circlet that Jasper retrieved while leading a search party in Leyeborn Keep. Aurelia keeps it on her person, rarely wearing it.

Gods Bane: A one handed, steel long sword forged with a golden hilt and a sapphire pomell. Once wielded by her father, she now uses it to bring the battle to the Imperium.

Mother's Ring: She has a silver ring with a centered ruby and two diamonds on her right hand. Not many people know it use to belong to her mother.


  • Armor: Aurelia has a standard looking set suit of armor, made of a speical steel, silver, and albumin alloy that prevents freezing. However, She doesn't have the shoulder plate like you see in the picture. Underneath she has a silky purple tunic, with silver trim. Unknowingly, those are her house colors. She also wears a pair of black leather pants and boots. When there's a job she needs to sneak on, she wears her cloak, which is heavy and black, with a small silver trim around the hood.
  • Weapons:
    • God's Bane, a one handed steel long sword
    • Jarper's Blade, a silver Broadsword
    • Twin Daggers, Ebony and Ivory
    • Garrot
  • Other:
    • A pouch of ball bearings
    • Small Explosives
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Extra Clothes
  • Small Journal
  • Three small books
  • A house. She doesn't bring this isn't her obviously, but she owns a house
  • Sharping Stones
Skills & Abilities:
  • Sword Play
  • Lock Picking
  • Stealth
  • Diplomacy
  • Cooking
  • Singing
  • Other stuff
Spells & Magic:
  • Ice Magic: Aurelia is able to perform a legendary form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells and feats through ice, as well as manipulate it. A flexable form of magic, good for defense, offense, and some times even torture. Often, since she doesn't see the point in actively owning one, Aurelia makes a shield from ice. A downside is that she doesn't have a full control over it, and when her negative emotions flare, She can cause anything she's touching to freeze over.
  • Water Magic: The user is able to perform a form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells and feats through water. Purely offensive in nature, Aurelia is also able to preform a variation of it, which allows her to heal a wide range of injuries. Though, the worse the injury, the more energy it takes our of her. Large injuries can even cause her to use so much energy, she's unable to do anything for a few hours.
  • Void Walk: An inherited abbilty from her father's side, which comes in handy with her sneaky missions. Aurelia is able to, the normal eye, teleport. In fact, she enters what's basically a shadow relam, where she has a small window of time to get where she need to be before she's ripped out of the shadow realm.
  • Valkyrie's Blessing: Another inherited abbilty from her mother which increases her speed and strength for a short time. Aurelia is only able to call upon this ability once a day.
  • Trust Issues: As to be expected when leading a life of secrecy in order to protect your life, She has problems when it comes to trusting people.
  • Grieving: With the recent lose of her adoptive father, She still in mourning. Expect her to be a little down.
  • Fire Magic: Her main source of magic are both weak to fire and heat magic.
Hobbies: Aurelia likes to read, draw, and sing on occasion. She also likes to train whether if be magical or with weaponry.

Quotes: "Are you sure that's the best idea?"
"I assure you, it's as bad as it looks."
"Please stop that. You're being stupid."
"If dare underestimate me, I will show you just how bad of an idea that is."

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Name: Gerard Ronar

Aliases: Richard Stormwind

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Heir To: Kalder

Birthmark: His birthmark is shaped like a heart and is located on his right bicep on the left side of his right arm.

Appearance Detail: Gerard stands at 5’11, and weighs 180 pounds.


Sexuality: Straight

Character Alignment: Neutral Good

Relatives: His entire family was thought to have been slaughtered in the attack on Kalder Keep

Organizations\Affiliations: The Adventurers’ Guild of Kalder: a guild within the city of Brightstone. To apply, one must first demonstrate upstanding behavior, be vouched for by 4 individuals, and be 17 years old.

Personality: Gerard is a direct and committed person and will work to achieve what he believes in. A friend to those in need he does not boast about his own accomplishments, but will not refuse praise if given it. However, he is sometimes too trusting in certain situations and it sometimes burns him. With that though, it takes a good deal to earn his complete trust.

Gerard was born to King Hugo and Queen Cecilia 27 years ago on a stormy night. Unfortunately, Gerard doesn’t remember much of his childhood in the Kalder Castle when he was 2 years old. He does know that Sir Morgan, one of the king’s most trusted knights spirited him away as the attack began. They safely made it to Brightstone, and he was raised lovingly by Morgan and his wife Beatrix. The two sudden parents were a little surprised at their new supposed son, but raised him as if he was their own. Soon, however, Beatrix became pregnant with a baby boy when Gerard was 5 and it seemed all was well when Adam, Gerard’s younger stepbrother was born.

Growing up, Gerard felt compelled to look out for his younger brother as he thought he was. It was noticed that Gerard was often standing guard over Adam since Morgan had taken up smithing as a way to make money. Gerard had no idea that he was in fact the one being guarded since Morgan had not told him. When he turned 13, Gerard decided that he wanted to be a knight much like how Morgan was and the later obliged teaching him all that he knew. It was also around this time he took up fishing and woodcarving and brought along Adam as well leading to a strong bond between the two of them. Gerard also took the time to help out those in the community mostly because he wanted to help, but also wanted to join the adventurer’s guild when he turned 17.

Gerard got his wish when he turned 17 as his “Father” and 3 other members of the community vouched for his entry into the adventurer’s guild. Morgan had forged Gerard some armor for him to look the part as well as act the part of a knight; despite the fact that he was simply a squire at this point. All of his adventures went well save for a few scary encounters. When Gerard was 20, he and his party had been dispatched to kill a rather troublesome band of bandits that had been encroaching onto the outskirts of the city. Prior to this, Gerard had been simply tasked with guard duty or killing wild animals. The bandits had actually managed to ambush them causing Gerard to freeze in panic. However, Gerard managed to remember his training and instead of killing the bandit leader like the job entailed, he simply disarmed, toppled him over, and demanded him to stop attacking Brightstone.

Now 25 and a good adventurer known as Richard Stormwind, son of Morgan and Beatrix Stormwind, Morgan and Beatrix decided to tell Gerard the truth. They informed him of the night that Morgan spirited him away to safety in order to save his life. Morgan also informed Gerard of three artifacts that could help his claim: Wayfinder, The Circlet of Wisdom, and a ring that held Gerard’s family crest. Adam, 20, was also present and was a little shocked at first but grew to accept this unusual situation. Now 27 and a veteran of the Adventurer’s Guild, it was time for Gerard to attempt to reclaim his birthright.


A silver ring with an emerald that possesses the royal family’s crest on it’s face. For the moment, he simply wears this on a chain around his neck, hidden out of sight.

Wayfinder: A steel bastard sword with sapphires on either side of the guard with a topaz at the base of the hilt. The blade faintly glows when it is welded by one of the Kalder bloodline. As of right now, it was thought to have been lost in the battle over Kalder keep or was destroyed. It possesses the ability to have someone tell the truth and makes it increasingly difficult for someone to lie to the wielder.

The Circlet of Wisdom: Another artifact that was seemingly lost in the fight at the keep. The main difference between this and Wayfinder is that anyone with royal blood can use it; it is not limited to the Kalder bloodline. The circlet grants its’ wielder clarity of thought and the wisdom of past rulers. However, it is best advised to only use it in short periods of time and infrequently as too much usage can leave mental damage to the wielder.

Equipment: A steel breastplate, steel boots, and steel gauntlets. Under this armor he wears a green tunic with blue leggings. He also possesses a steel longsword, and an iron dagger.

Items & Personal Belongings: A sturdy fishing pole and tackle, fletching knives, rations, and a notebook

Skills & Abilities: Cooking, Foraging, Smithing, Fishing, Sketching, Woodcarving, Sword Fighting, Shields, Daggers

Spells & Magic: Gift of Vision: At random, Gerard can sometimes experience a vision with an unclear connotation. People, objects, items, can all appear as a distant relative to its’ intended comparison. Almost all of the time, Gerard cannot identify certain meanings except for one thing in the vision. This leads him to be on guard after he experiences a vision due to its’ uncertainty. Most of the time, he also does not realize the meaning of the vision except when either it is too late, or just before the circumstance it was showing happens. (at the GM's discretion)

Weaknesses: Gerard is afraid of magic that he doesn’t understand, his own gift as well. He is also a little shy and relishes any time he gets to be alone with his thoughts. However, this doesn’t mean that he is reclusive and introverted it just means that he can only take so much of spending time in large groups of people. He isn’t as skilled with shields as any one else who has the same training as him.

Extra: Really enjoys sweets and alcohol

Hobbies: Woodcarving, Fishing, Sketching, Sword Training, Meditating.

Quotes: “Um, I’d like to help you if I could” “Anyone who takes advantage of someone’s help in a cruel manner should not be shown mercy”

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Name: Lance Highwind

Aliases: Dragoon, Dragon Emperor of Faylen, Son of the High Dragon of Faylen

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon Human

Town/City/Kingdom Of Origin: The Dragonlands, a region dominated by dragons and dragon related creatures. It's terrain varies due to the various types of dragons and their various elemental capabilities.

Appearance Detail:
  • 6'0
  • 195 lbs
  • Muscle toned body
  • Golden irises

: Dragon Knight

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Character Alignment: Neutral Godd

  • The High Dragon of Faylen, in other words the Queen and mother of many of the Dragons in Faylen. That makes him related to many of the dragons native to Faylen.

Organizations\Affiliations: TBR

Personality: Lance was pretty much raised among Dragons which are more intelligent then they seem, they just don't like to show the lesser races anything other than ferocity like the other races are mostly nothing but pests to be squashed. Lance sort of shares this view on the other sentient races, he holds those who are unproven to him as below him by default. That contempt for the races doesn't stop him from endulging his urges making him a very flirtatious person when attractive females are involved. Getting to his true inner feelings is as hard as piercing a dragon scales, nearly impossible for most but with the right tools and the right people it's possible.

Backstory: Lance only has theories on his father, he believes either the High Dragon transformed into a humanoid form,or his father was of a dragon coexisting vocation like a dragon tamer, rider, or lord. Whatever the case he is the son of the High Dragon of Faylen and was raised as such. He grew up alongside dragons in the Dragonlands. He only interaction with other humanoids were with the communities in the Dragonslands that coexist with the Dragons. His mother the High Dragon Tirnoch taught him many things of the world of the lesser races.

His mother also taught him how to be a warrior, his mother knew all there was to know about how humanoids fight because enough humanoids have challenged dragons in battle. Around the time Lance started his training, he also began to manifest some of his dragon abilities such as enhanced physical capabilities, supernatural senses, and elemental breaths. Lance would grow into a good swordsman but an even better spearman eventually dual spearman. His weapons he forged with fire breath from raw rare ores he collected within the Dragonlands.

Even with the Imperium the Dragonlands have remained more or less as they normally have. However, Lance as he got older took trips into Imperium occupied Faylen and saw how the people yearned to be free and to have their rightful monarchs back. Lance also saw this as a way for the Dragonlands to earn a place in the Council of Kings. Besides, who knows how long it will be before the Imperium finds a way to oppose Dragon kind.

Enhanced Condition

Artifact(s): His dagger is forged from the pieces of the High Dragon's talons which chips off from time to time and then regrow.

  • Two spears(a long one and short one) made from a rare ore found in the High Dragon's Nest capable to piercing a dragon's scales and capable of nullifying magic.
  • Two swords of equal length made from a metal known as dragonsteel, besides being high quality and strong they don't have any special properties.
  • His leather armor made from the shed skin of the High Dragon herself.

Items & Personal Belongings: None

Skills & Abilities:
Supernatural Swordsmanship
Enhanced Polearm Proficiency
Spells & Magic:
  • Can generate, breathe, manipulate, and devour fire as well as lightning
  • Can transform into a humanoid dragon like form. He can also do partial transformations such as reinforcing his skin with dragon scales, summoning dragon claws, and dragon wings.
  • He can tame dragons and dragon related creatures that are lesser than him or that he is able to subjugate or earn the trust of.

  • Attractive Females
  • Dragon slaying poisons
  • Weapons imbued with the dragon slaying attribute


  • Dragon Riding
  • Hunting
  • Free running

Quotes: "Dragons aren't monsters, gods, animals, or anything else, they are just dragons. They sit outside of the order of all other races."

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Name: Talion Nazgûl
Aliases: The Dark Ranger, Gravewalker
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Heir To: N/A
Town/City/Kingdom Of Origin: Blackgate, Gondor
Appearance Detail: 6'2" and 210 lbs. Black hair, baby blue eyes, a blue-glowing scar on his left hand, bulky-muscle.

: Ranger
Sexuality: Pansexual
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Relatives: Ioreth (wife--deceased), Dirhael (son--deceased)
Organizations\Affiliations: None for now
Personality: Talion is rather humble individual and as the captain of the Black Gate was respected by the men under his command. As a knight, he has a sense of honour upon the battlefield. After the death of his family and subsequently revived by Celebrimbor, Talion became stricken with grief, and set out to kill those responsible for his wife and son's deaths.
Backstory: Despite being lowborn, Talion gained the love of a noble lady named Ioreth, much to her father's ire. When he accidentally killed a noble of Gondor trying to assault his wife, he was branded a criminal. Only the sudden discovery of Ioreth's pregnancy causes his father-in-law to intervene and send Talion off into exile rather then be tried and executed. Thanks to his father-in law, Talion would assume a vacant post among the Rangers of Gondor stationed at the Black Gate, the gateway into the lands of Gondor. Talion lived at the outpost with his wife and son.

When the outpost was attacked by Uruks [powerful Orcs] Talion's family is slain by one such servant, known as the Black Hand. Talion expects to soon meet his family in the afterlife. However, Talion is resurrected and joined with a Wraith known as Celebrimbor (however he is unaware of his identity), presenting him with a unique opportunity for revenge on those who have wronged him. Celebrimbor is an individual with personal motives, but Talion chooses still to cooperate with him on his journey.

: N/A
~ Azkâr:
Due to the bow previously belonging to Celebrimbor, when he was alive, Talion is only capable of using the bow when he's in Wraith World.


~ Acharn: A sword that originally belonged to his son, the shape of Acharn has now been utilized as a dagger, in both melee and stealth purposes.

~ Urfael: The sword has served Talion in his life as a Ranger of Gondor, as a Captain of the Watch upon the Black Gate. Now, even in death, the sword serves Talion still, in his quest of vengeance and redemption. When enough blood is spilled upon the sword, it will ignite a blue flame

(the smaller "sword" is Acharn)
Items & Personal Belongings: His armor, a few throwing knives, and some medicinal, as well as some poisonous, herbs
Skills & Abilities: As a Ranger, Talion exhibits great strength, speed and resilience. His past experience has provided him with a reasonable degree of stealth capability. This allows him to utilize small walls, corners, and the foliage of thick bushes to silently and swiftly eliminate his enemies without being detected. He is a skilled swordsman after many years of training, and he has honed his skill in the use of swords and daggers. He is able to wield his weapons with great dexterity, and is capable of performing various finishers, including stealth and aerial take-downs. He possesses great skill in open combat and can easily engage multiple opponents in battle with incredible force and brutality. He has proven to be a skilled freerunner, able to sprint and vault across the remnants of Gondor with great agility and maneuverability. This ability allow him to quickly scale large buildings and cross beams
Spells & Magic: After being revived by the Wraith of the legendary Celebrimbor, Talion is granted supernatural powers which augment his abilities, increasing his strength, speed, stealth, and freerunning abilities. Aside from his physical armaments, Celebrimbor grants Talion a host of additional powers which he can use to his advantage. While in the wraith world, Talion is capable of using shadow strike, an attack which allows him to teleport to his enemies' location, opening opportunities for a surprise attack or to navigate over difficult terrain. Talion is also capable of binding his enemies' feet to the earth with arrows and slowing down time in combat with focus. The most important of Talion's abilities is his power to dominate the weak [both physically and mentally], allowing him to make them his minions. These enemies will then perform tasks such as gathering intel, spreading dissent, or attempting to assassinate their peers, underlings, or commanders. Celebrimbor also shares his natural gift of archery with Talion--but he must be in Wraith world in order for it to take effect. As a Wraith, Celebrimbor does not use arrows of conventional physical materials, but instead conjures insubstantial glowing blue arrows of Wraith-magic. These arrows can be magically set aflame by Celebrimbor, or used to pin his enemies' legs to the ground. As well as being skilled with a bow, Celebrimbor is seen to be skillful with a sword, being able to cut through swarms of Uruks with little effort.
  • Mentioning the death of his family
  • If you rip the Wraith from him, he'll die. You need the Ring of Power in order to do so, though, or you could be highly skilled/powerful with magic
  • Celebrimbor. Two minds in one body? Please, that would distract anyone
  • Celebrimbor can only conjugate five arrows every hour
  • Talion can enter Wraith World, but in terms of using 'his' bow, he has access to it for a minute, at most
~ Celebrimbor's Wraith:




Hobbies: (What does this dude like to do)
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Name: Jin Mizuki
Aliases: The Three Step Duelist, The Fake Priest, Brother Jin
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Heir To: The Mizuki Style
Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: Brigands' Monastery of the Eastern Plains
Appearance Detail: 6'1", 175 lbs, Russet Hair, Brown Eyes, Wiry Build

: Duelist
Sexuality: Heterosexual, but Celibate
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relatives: The other Brigand Priests of the Monastery, especially his adopted mother, Sister Mizuki
Organizations\Affiliations: The Brigands Monastery and Religious Order

Personality: Jin is a pious practitioner of his religion and follows its rules to a T, as such he can come off as strict, stern, and a general pain to be around. Beyond his beliefs he is a generally kind, polite, and agreeable person, and is quick to apologize where he is wrong. He throws down duel challenges as if they mean nothing at all, fighting and violence are the same as diplomacy and romance in his eyes. He adores teaching and can easily come across as a know-it-all.

Backstory: The world is never an easy place for abandoned children. Bandits will often pick them up for their own use. Though monasteries will never turn one away, of course. Jin faced both the latter and the former fate. Situated in the hot, rocky, inhospitable hills where desert meets sea, there is a towering monastery built from hewn sandstone blocks. Within these walls the priests spend each day studying and practicing the teachings of their founder. Each brother and sister wakes up each morning seeking the great enlightenment, which can only be found in the heat of battle. The missionaries from this place are dreaded by both bandits and noble warriors alike, as they hunger for duels like starved animals. These are the Brigand Monks of the foothills and valleys, founded by an unkillable duelist who claimed to see the whole universe in a single sword stroke.

It was into this questionable company that Jin was brought as a mere babe, found by one such traveling missionary, abandoned on the side of the road. The Sister, Mizuki, immediately returned to the monastery with the wailing child, where the ones familiar with nursing wounds learned how to rear a child. His first name was decided by a grand tournament, as all things were in the monastery, while his last name was given by the Sister who found him. So it was that a fortress full of duel-hungry, belligerent, monks and nuns raised a child.

From the moment he could walk, his new family set him on the warrior's path. Throughout it all, he and Sister Mizuki, his adopted mother, were inseparable. Though she had been barely old enough to be a mother when she found him, she took to the maternal role well. Every religious value, every technique, every legend and fable she knew she drilled into Jin. As her sword style matured, Jin followed along. He was her first apprentice, and as her teaching and mastery was recognized and canonized by the monastery, he was her first disciple.

Years passed under the tutelage of Sister Mizuki and the other monks and nuns, until Jin felt that restless stirring in his chest, the lust for true combat. As was tradition for all young practitioners, Jin was promoted to a missionary and sent into the world to seek out enlightenment. The Mizuki sword style won him many duels and he was recognized many times as a capable fighter by myriad guilds and organizations. Jin was still seeking enlightenment when the three kingdoms' castles were found burned and ruined. It was to his great misfortune that he didn't find his enlightening match in one of those battles. He has since been wandering the land, still on his mission, fighting anyone who will accept his challenge.

Monk's Rosary: A small bracelet of iron beads worn by all members of the Brigand Monk's faith, said to confer luck, skill, protection from harm, good health, and a variety of other boons. All claims are unsubstantiated.

Equipment: He has two sets of missionary robes, which he can wash, wear, and repair interchangeably. One set of sandals, one set of furred boots. A pair of thick woolen pants for riding and cold weather, as well as a cloak. A wide, conical wicker hat. He carries with him two straight single-edged swords of different lengths, as well as a short bow and quiver of arrows.

Items & Personal Belongings: Carries with him a small blessed charm with Mizuki and his names carved into it, for luck and a hope to return to the monastery enlightened.

Skills & Abilities: Calligraphy, Poetry, Singing, Dancing, Whittling, Silent Footsteps, Sewing, Practiced Teacher, Meditator, Quick Reflexes, can officiate weddings

Spells & Magic: Priestly Blessings which bolster confidence, balance, strength and coordination, Exorcising Chants,

Weaknesses: Beliefs forbid many things such as consumption of beer, liquors, and certain meats, Cannot engage in sexual relationships, blunt and undiplomatic, not accustomed to working with others or being democratic, not bound to a code of loyalty or service, not allowed to wear armor, afraid of water

Extra: Attracts stray animals such as dogs, cats, and birds when he meditates
Hobbies: When not training or otherwise observing his religion, Jin enjoys writing poetry, which he often sends via messenger to Sister Mizuki.
Quotes: "I know it's rather forward, us having just met and all, but would you please... Fight Me?" "Sister Mizuki always said..."
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Name: Talion Nazgûl
Aliases: The Dark Ranger, Gravewalker
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Heir To: N/A
Town/City/Kingdom Of Origin: Blackgate, Gondor
Appearance Detail: 6'2" and 210 lbs. Black hair, baby blue eyes, a blue-glowing scar on his left hand, bulky-muscle.

: Ranger
Sexuality: Pansexual
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Relatives: Ioreth (wife--deceased), Dirhael (son--deceased)
Organizations\Affiliations: None for now
Personality: Talion is rather humble individual and as the captain of the Black Gate was respected by the men under his command. As a knight, he has a sense of honour upon the battlefield. After the death of his family and subsequently revived by Celebrimbor, Talion became stricken with grief, and set out to kill those responsible for his wife and son's deaths.
Backstory: Despite being lowborn, Talion gained the love of a noble lady named Ioreth, much to her father's ire. When he accidentally killed a noble of Gondor trying to assault his wife, he was branded a criminal. Only the sudden discovery of Ioreth's pregnancy causes his father-in-law to intervene and send Talion off into exile rather then be tried and executed. Thanks to his father-in law, Talion would assume a vacant post among the Rangers of Gondor stationed at the Black Gate, the gateway into the lands of Gondor. Talion lived at the outpost with his wife and son.

When the outpost was attacked by Uruks [powerful Orcs] Talion's family is slain by one such servant, known as the Black Hand. Talion expects to soon meet his family in the afterlife. However, Talion is resurrected and joined with a Wraith known as Celebrimbor (however he is unaware of his identity), presenting him with a unique opportunity for revenge on those who have wronged him. Celebrimbor is an individual with personal motives, but Talion chooses still to cooperate with him on his journey.

: N/A
~ Azkâr:
Due to the bow previously belonging to Celebrimbor, when he was alive, Talion is only capable of using the bow when he's in Wraith World.


~ Acharn: A sword that originally belonged to his son, the shape of Acharn has now been utilized as a dagger, in both melee and stealth purposes.

~ Urfael: The sword has served Talion in his life as a Ranger of Gondor, as a Captain of the Watch upon the Black Gate. Now, even in death, the sword serves Talion still, in his quest of vengeance and redemption. When enough blood is spilled upon the sword, it will ignite a blue flame

(the smaller "sword" is Acharn)
Items & Personal Belongings: His armor, a few throwing knives, and some medicinal, as well as some poisonous, herbs
Skills & Abilities: As a Ranger, Talion exhibits great strength, speed and resilience. His past experience has provided him with a reasonable degree of stealth capability. This allows him to utilize small walls, corners, and the foliage of thick bushes to silently and swiftly eliminate his enemies without being detected. He is a skilled swordsman after many years of training, and he has honed his skill in the use of swords and daggers. He is able to wield his weapons with great dexterity, and is capable of performing various finishers, including stealth and aerial take-downs. He possesses great skill in open combat and can easily engage multiple opponents in battle with incredible force and brutality. He has proven to be a skilled freerunner, able to sprint and vault across the remnants of Gondor with great agility and maneuverability. This ability allow him to quickly scale large buildings and cross beams
Spells & Magic: After being revived by the Wraith of the legendary Celebrimbor, Talion is granted supernatural powers which augment his abilities, increasing his strength, speed, stealth, and freerunning abilities. Aside from his physical armaments, Celebrimbor grants Talion a host of additional powers which he can use to his advantage. While in the wraith world, Talion is capable of using shadow strike, an attack which allows him to teleport to his enemies' location, opening opportunities for a surprise attack or to navigate over difficult terrain. Talion is also capable of binding his enemies' feet to the earth with arrows and slowing down time in combat with focus. The most important of Talion's abilities is his power to dominate the weak [both physically and mentally], allowing him to make them his minions. These enemies will then perform tasks such as gathering intel, spreading dissent, or attempting to assassinate their peers, underlings, or commanders. Celebrimbor also shares his natural gift of archery with Talion--but he must be in Wraith world in order for it to take effect.
As a Wraith, Celebrimbor does not use arrows of conventional physical materials, but instead conjures insubstantial glowing blue arrows of Wraith-magic. These arrows can be magically set aflame by Celebrimbor, or used to pin his enemies' legs to the ground. As well as being skilled with a bow, Celebrimbor is seen to be skillful with a sword, being able to cut through swarms of Uruks with little effort.
  • Mentioning the death of his family
  • If you rip the Wraith from him, he'll die. You need the Ring of Power in order to do so, though, or you could be highly skilled/powerful with magic
  • Celebrimbor. Two minds in one body? Please, that would distract anyone

~ Celebrimbor's Wraith:




Hobbies: (What does this dude like to do)

I would like for you to add some limitations to your powers. While they can work, they do seem a little over powered.

Basic Information
Name: Geneva Rotelia Altara
Aliases: The Margravine of the Schwarz Meer (Black Sea), The Red Blur (given to her by the Imperium), Rot (the name she uses in the Guild)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Heir To: The Altara Margraviate of the Schwarz Meer
Town/City/Kingdom Of Origin: Port City of Sterna at the Coast of the Black Sea
Appearance Detail: Geneva is of average height, having a lean build most appropriate for her line of job. Without the help of healing magic, the red line on her face would’ve turned into an ugly scar courtesy of the Lady Verra’s flames. When out on the town, she usually wears a bland tunic and riding breeches tucked into worn, but comfortable boots. She always has something pointy with her wherever she goes.

Class: Rogue - Assassin
Sexuality: Homosexual
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Lord Jura (Father) - Deceased; killed by Imperium assassins
Lady Treya (Mother) - Deceased; killed by Imperium assassins
Fidel (Older Brother) - Deceased; killed by Imperium assassins
Gutti (Younger Sister) - Missing; twin of Gut; presumed dead by Geneva
Gut (Younger Brother) - Missing; twin of Gutti; presumed dead by Geneva
Lady Verra - Second cousin; sided with the Imperium to amass power, now Margravine of the Black Sea
Lord Preigaf - Husband of Verra; allied with the Imperium, now Margrave of the Black Sea
Organizations/Affiliations: Ungluck -- Assassin’s Guild.
Personality: First and foremost, Geneva is a loyal citizen of Khora, eternally loyal to her Kings and Queens just like her ancestors before her; and, secondly, she’s a loving sister that devotes most of her time into showing her affections by playing with her younger siblings or by immersing herself with the most dreadful paperwork alongside her older brother. Unfortunately, with the death of her family, her missing siblings, and destroyed home, loyalty and love had to take a backseat to be replaced with hate. Whenever news or gossip enter her ears about the state of the Schwarz Meer’s Margraviate, her patience sizzles out of inexistence, only to be replaced by blinding rage. If a target has anything to do with the Imperium, she’ll be the first to answer the call, making it easy for people to goad or trap her into doing something suicidally reckless.

Backstory: Geneva is the second daughter of Jura and Treya, second-in-line in succeeding the Margraviate of the Schwarz Meer. According to her family’s history, the Altara line never betrayed the Kings and Queens of Khora throughout the noble family’s reign, always fighting alongside them through thick and thin. It’s why most of the citizens of the margraviate are endlessly loyal to the throne.

That fairy-tale like existence came to an end when the Imperium came knocking on their borders in the form of her distant cousin, Lady Verra, and her husband, Lord Preigaf. Kalder Keep had already fallen at this point and the Kingdom of Khora is in a state of chaos due to the power vacuum. Her parents were simply building up their forces in preparation for the heir to resurface and to take back the throne. The Lady and the Lord discussed with the Margrave and Margravine about the prospects of partnership with the Imperium, tempting them with gold and prestige. Disgusted by the blatant betrayal, Jura and Treya banished the two away from the Altara Margraviate forever.

Not even a week later, Imperium forces marched into the land by force, slowed by the loyal citizens of the margraviate. The citizens failed, the offensive arsenal brought by the Imperium simply outnumbering them. Lady Verra, accompanied by a band of soldiers led by her husband, advanced in the castle, killing the servants and guests indiscriminately. They hunted and killed, Lady Verra calling upon the might of fire and burning them all into ashes.

Geneva barely managed to escape the hellish inferno, horrified eyes turning into hateful ones as she swore to every Gods and Goddesses that she’d bring the demise that had befallen her family and repay it tenfold. And, with that promise, fate led her to an assassin’s guild, enacting her promise one life at a time.

Equipment: Two daggers; throwing knives; thin wire; her armor depends on what kind of missions she’s in, but she usually has an enchanted light leather armor for mobility; if she’s tasked in ceremonial Ungluck death, she adorns a cloak and a black mask in addition to her usual ensemble
Items & Personal Belongings: A silver ring stylized in the talons of a crow signifying the sigil of the Altara Margraviate (usually hidden under gloves when on a mission, or worn as a necklace when out to town)
Skills & Abilities: Pickpocketing, lockpicking, stealth, parkour, poison-detection, trap-detection, trap-making, poison-making, assassination, diplomacy, court manners, tracking, cooking, espionage, ciphering (amateur), sailing (passable)
Spells & Magic: Geneva has a temporary fire-resistant, cold-resistant, invisibility, dampening enchantments that take the form of tattoos (if they are fading, it means that the enchantments are weakening and has to be reapplied as soon as possible).
Magic -- while Geneva can handle enchantments just fine considering she uses them, magic and magic users unnerve her greatly, having fear of them because of her encounter with it when she was eighteen
Fire -- large fiery fire both controlled and uncontrolled makes her hesitate in her path. Fire, for her, was a source of destruction that took her family from her. If the warmth of fire was not needed in day-to-day life, she’d avoid using it as much as possible

Extra: Geneva likes to swim and cliff jump. She dislikes alcohol since it lowers her guard. Geneva doesn’t have a bounty on her head since Verra assumed she was dead, burnt into a crisp alongside her family. She doesn’t know that, however, and still continues to be wary and paranoid.
Hobbies: Geneva likes to tend to her plants seeing as it’s cheaper to procure her own ingredients rather than buying them in the guild. She likes to paint as well, the simple strokes of the brush having a calming effect on her, making her remember the good times of her childhood.
“All will pay their debts, one way or another.”
“I don’t know how to say this politely, but you can make a living killing people if you keep serving them food like this.”
“I understand the plant’s pretty, but you really shouldn’t touch that because it will kill you.”
Theme: She Shines
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Voice || Theme

: Arovin Merrandis
Full Title, should he be crowned: Arovin I Merrandis, by the Grace of the Gods, King of Nera, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, and Highlord of House Merrandis
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Heir To: Nera
Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: Aneor, Kingdom of Nera
Birthmark: A set of Old Nerish glyphs tattooed on his left shoulder at birth. Myrr aan Deisse, they read, which translates to "Dawn's Beauty" in modern speech. Historically, it was an epithet used to describe High Queen Setymis, first monarch of a united Nera and founder of House Merrandis. (Design)
Appearance Detail: Arovin is not an outwardly imposing man by any means, standing at a mere five feet five inches. He has a lean figure, not nearly as muscular as your average adventurer, but not skin and bones either. His hair, a gingery shade of brown, is kept meticulously short, never allowed to grow past his ears. He's inherited his father's hazel eyes, though they're often accompanied with dark fatigued circles due to his habit of reading late into the night. Aside from the glyphmarks on his left shoulder, he bears the customary Nerish brand of adulthood on his left hand. His right shoulder is marked with the glyph for Maege, or mage, with eight thin stripes wrapping around the bottom of his forearm.

: Mage
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- King Valiar IIX Merrandis || Father || Human || Deceased || Age 34 at death
- Queen Sorelya Merrandis ( neè Lothelle ) || Mother || Human || Deceased || Age 32 at death
- Princess Lisia Merrandis || Older Sister || Human || Deceased || Age 5 at death
- Prince Rhion Merrandis || Older Brother || Human || Deceased || Age 10 at death
- Prince Theradin Merrandis || Older Brother || Human || Deceased || Age 13 at death

- Aitar ap Yrveran ("Uncle Aitar") || Surrogate Father || Elf || Alive || Age 426

- The Synod (Nerish chapter)
- House Merrandis
Personality: For better or for worse, Arovin presents himself as a well-humored, carefree individual. He enjoys bouts of daring mischief and doesn't seem to take anything too seriously. He's usually ready with a sarcastic quip for any situation, which has often resulted with both figurative and literal feet in his mouth. His teachers and friends would call him reckless for behaving as though he's stronger than he really is. However, Arovin is still a good man at his core, steadfast and true, and always willing to lend a compassionate hand to those who need it. He's still quite new to life outside the Synod, which means he's a tad bit naive. His heart is worn on his sleeve, and he's very quick to love and trust others. He is an intensely loyal friend, devoting and trustful, but because of this, he is easy to hurt and manipulate. Arovin is under no delusions of grandeur regarding his birthright. He knows he is only in his position because of unfortunate circumstances in his life, and while he has no idea how competent of a king he will be, he's resolved to be a just and fair ruler to all who live in Nera

Backstory: Prince Arovin Merrandis, youngest son of King Valiar and Queen Sorelya, was born in the midst of a thunderstorm, just six months prior to the Sacking of Aneor. Even as an infant, the boy was doted upon endlessly, especially by his father. They were a warm family, exemplifying the true meaning of the word noble. It was a cold evening when the assassins came to the palace, clad in dark robes and sleek weapons. They murdered the king first as he tried to fight them off despite his lack of a sword. Then they advanced on Sorelya, who died trying to protect her three oldest children. Yet before the assassins could lay their hands on the baby, the queen had him escape in the arms of Valiar's court mage, Aitar. The elf had lost his own son decades ago, and he believed that raising his best friend's son might help fill the emotional void left by his loss.

Aitar rode north with plans of taking Arovin to a Synod chapterhouse, where he could raise him safely as a mage. The Synod, one of Faylen's ruling councils of mages, dedicated themselves to the collection and preservation of arcane knowledge. As academics, they cloistered together and tinkered, rarely allowing those from the outside world to simply walk into their conclaves. In other words, it was the perfect place to hide. Aitar was allowed to enter the conclave on account of his extensive background in healing and medicine, and because he'd been a former student years ago.

For a time, Arovin was raised under the Synod's rigid training regimen without much incident. He excelled in most of his studies with a particular affinity for healing and elemental magic. He'd grown up believing he was the bastard son of a high lord and his serving maid, and his status as royalty remained unknown to him. Arovin asked frequently about his real parents, though Aitar only met him with vague platitudes or scoldings. He always wondered what the Nerish tattoos on his arms meant, and why all the adults seemed so uneasy whenever he brought them up. As he grew older, Arovin only grew more rebellious. His sheltered lifestyle did not sit with him well, and during his higher moods he sought ways to escape, but they always got shut down by his professors in the end. It wasn't until after his seventh escape attempt when Aitar sat him down and explained his heritage to him.

The initial shock took a momentary toll on him.

A mixture of emotions swam around his head, surprise, dread . . . anger. Aitar and his mentors had lied to him his entire life, forbidding him from the outside world and coddling him to no end as the rest of Faylen writhed under the grip of the Imperium. Arovin did not consider himself a leader type; he had no experience in statecraft or court politics, or even the faintest desire to sit the throne, but dammit it was his by right and duty. The last Merrandis would not spend the rest of his days trapped inside a sterile bubble.

At the age of 24, with his family's scepter Silence in hand, Arovin made his first foray into an unfamiliar world to claim a birthright he never wanted.

- Silence: A red steel staff with a dragon's head on top, an immaculate scepter used for channeling magic and as the occasional bludgeoning tool.

Equipment: Aside from Silence, he carries a pocket knife, although he uses it more as a practical tool than an actual weapon. He has a medical kit containing splints, salves, sutures, bandages, antiseptics, among other things. He has a backpack containing money, a spare change of clothes, Mana potions, rations, and a bedroll. When he's not in his mage's robes, he tends to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes.

Items & Personal Belongings: He keeps a sketchbook with pencils and charcoals handy most of the time. It's currently filled with detailed drawings of people and buildings. He also carries three books in his backpack, one on biology, one on history. He'll occasionally pick up a reading book along the way too.

Skills & Abilities:
- Languages: Arovin's native language is Common, and he can read both Standard and Nerish scripts. He has no trouble understanding the Old Nerish language either. He can speak conversational Elvish with passable literacy, and can make himself understood in High Imperial, though he cannot read it.

- Medicine: Arovin is a skilled physician with a detailed knowledge of humanoid anatomy. Even without the aid of magic, he can set a bone, splint a wound, do sutures, and even deliver babies. He still prefers to use his magic, however.

- Herbalism: Along with his medical skills, Arovin has a decent knowledge of botany and alchemy, and can identify herbs and substances that have medicinal properties.

- Art: Arovin is a talented artist, able to sketch images from his memory with a good degree of accuracy. He carries a sketchbook and charcoal with him most of the time.

Spells & Magic: Arovin is a powerful spellcaster in more ways than one. He is, and always has been, a powerful healer, able to mend wounds and cure diseases that may have killed if left alone. He is able to wield the four elements with equal proficiency, and has favorable skills in battle.

- Naive
- Reckless
- Physically weak
- Sensitive

- Reading
- Art
- Studying wildlife
- Writing
- Learning languages
- Book collecting

Calling somebody wacky is demeaning, dismissive, and doesn't give the validation that a wacky person might crave.
Arovin Merrandis
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: Dent Roclight
Aliases: N/A
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Human Half-Dwarf
Heir To: N/A
Town/City/Kingdom Of Origin: Obscure village in the Nera kingdom
Appearance Detail: Ironically, despite being half-dwarf, Dent stands quite tall at 6'6 and weighing in at 210lbs. He has a rather muscular, bulky build; and if he doesn't shave every week or so, he will have a magnificent beard.

: Villager
Sexuality: Whoever catches his fancy
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relatives: Lannington Roclight~Father~59~Human
Gretchen Roclight~Mother~60~Dwarf (deceased)
Organizations\Affiliations: N/A
Personality: Dent can be characterized by his indomitable pride and poor decision-making skills. Unlike most half-bloods, Dent does not suffer from the insecurities of not belonging, probably because he looks nothing like a dwarf and humans were high in numbers. Instead, Roclight has great pride for humans and dwarves to the point he would get into brawls when disrespected. On top of that, he cannot stand being pitied or felt sorry for; he considers pity a sign of superiority from the giver and refuses to accept it.
The other defining characteristic can be explained through various examples such as when he poked a bear with a stick, tried to fish in whitewater rapids by hand, or let his beard near that furnace. Safe to say, he has a tendency not to think things through.

: As far back as Dent could remember, he only had faint memories of his mother. Her memory was always associated with gray, stone walls and the smell of burning coal. Despite not knowing what those symbols represented, he would remember, as best as he could, fondly. Still, most of his childhood and dearest memories would be spent in his small hometown. He was raised mainly by his father and knew very little about his mother; since his father would get silent went Dent asked about her, he set it aside to discover for himself later.

As he reached the age of 16, he set off from the small town he grew up in to make a name for himself. The young man had grown to be well over 6 feet, strangely relieving his father, and abnormally strong. The first thing he did was an attempt to find a teacher in magic; his father had never let him near the magic users in the town. He surprisingly succeeded quite quickly after saving a random passerby from a broken bridge. But, Dent quickly found that to be the easy part as he struggled and failed to cast even the simplest of spells. So his teacher tried to enhance his abilities through, and teach him, enchantments, he had an inherent resistance to them which made it difficult for him to use and be used on him. Frustrated but not one to leave a debt unpaid, the teacher asked Dent if there was any other way for him to repay him.

And so, it was through that offer Dent, at the age of 18, learned he was of dwarvish descent. Honestly, he found it quite hard to believe considering his size, but his inability to cast magic and his adeptness at engineering would be explained. The young man decided to believe him and quickly parted ways, thanking him for all of his efforts. So, with a new goal in mind, he set his sights on finding a dwarven city... Of course, he didn't find her. It had been more than a decade since he last saw her, there were thousands of dwarves out there, and he wasn't exactly welcome inside of their underground cities. But along his travels, Dent found many misfits, wanderers, and exiles who he discovered a kinship with. By the end of his travels, at the age of 22, he had gathered quite a following of halflings, dwarves who didn't follow the social hierarchy, and a myriad of others who did not quite fit in with their species' cultures.

So, Dent and his people decided to construct their own village to live in. It was a simple process that only took 2 years to accomplish. But once again, Dent had not thought everything through. Once his people had established themselves and had become self-sufficient, the Imperium strolled in and established their regimen. The Imperials implemented harsh taxes and treated them like scum. The villagers, who were no strangers to rebellion, were gung-ho about murdering and expelling the unwanted visitors, but Dent, in a rare show of wisdom, convinced them not to. And in a more common show, Roclight decided that he would overthrow the Imperials and make a reform that fit everyone's needs with the assistance of the heirs, whom he only heard rumors about and did not know the identities of. Luckily, his kin were equally as unwise as he was and let him go through with it. At the age of 26, Dent went out to take down the Imperials.

: N/A
Equipment: He carries two compact crossbows, arrows, and a small knife as weapons. And for armor or clothing, he wears a sleeveless, white tunic with a brown cloak, baggy gray pants, black leather boots, leather arm guards, and fingerless gloves.
Items & Personal Belongings:
-A small burlap sack
-Extra clothing
-Some money
-Silver chain necklace, placed in between his arm guards for good luck
Skills & Abilities:
-Card Games
-Hand to Hand Combat
-Slight Resistance to Manipulation Magic
Spells & Magic: Dent's dwarf blood makes him unable to use magic or spells.
Weaknesses: He's wary of magic users due to his inability to counter or defend himself from them. Despite being with his crafts, he's rather clumsy with his feet and poor at running. In addition, psychologically, he is afraid of all types of undead and ethereal beings.

Hobbies: Dent enjoys a good game of cards from time to time, tinker with metal, and chatting.
Quotes: "I'm here to represent the common folk."
"Man, I really need to get some fresh heir, eh, eh, no? Okay, then."
Theme: X
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Name: Sir Carrow of Leyeborn
Aliases: Carrow the Hunted, Rern Plan'Om, Carrow Sure-Sight, Spriggan Man, Dryad Lover, Tree Prince of Eazim
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Race: Enchanted Half-Fey Human
Heir To: Eazim Forest
Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: Leyeborn/Eazim Forest
Appearance Detail: 6'8", 224 lbs, Has dozens of scars across his body, about the width of the average arrow head, as well as dozens of other scars


Class: Magic/Druidic Ranger
Sexuality: Straight, Married
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral
Relatives: All are dead. All but the Forest. And my Love.
Organizations\Affiliations: Leyeborn Keep(Ex-Knight), The Spirits of the Eazim Forest(Prince)
Personality: A rather grim and serious sounding man, Carrow is quite adept at both keeping this perception up, or completely breaking it with a well timed joke. Often, he can seem close and yet far, metaphorically speaking, due to his only truly human contact for the last twenty years or so being open war with Imperium hired bounty hunters and soldiers hoping to kill him. In many ways, he is the enigmatic father figure, divulging many things, but keeping even more close to his chest.
Backstory: Once a famed knight of Leyeborn, Carrow found hinself without real purpose or meaning to his life after his regents death, and so, decided to leave Leyborn to travel the land. It had only been a short time later in Caerhayes when the Righteous Imperium appeared, taking over the land, and quickly proclaiming him an outlaw, placing a bounty of some 20,000 gold pieces on his head, forcing flee from civilization into hiding within Eazim Forest.

A few short years later, he would reappear a changed man, litterally and figuratively, as his flesh is now a light hue of purple, and he no longer needs to eat, sleep, or fear exposure. Besides this, he has also begun to wield druidic magic he never knew before, and has now begun a personal war against the Righteous Imperium, obtaining a new bounty of 500,000 gold pieces, though it is still far below that of the heirs.


Yanhani - A magical bow that requires no string and allows him to channel his druidic powers through it, Yanhani was crafted by the fey of Eazim Forest for Carrow, to aid him in his war.
Nihayat - A living quiver made from various plants that is able to produce a near infinite amount of arrows, with only a little bit of soil and water in the container. These arrows are able to do various things, from creating vine traps to producing a cloud of toxic gas, and can be further augmented by Carrows druidic magic.
Sayf - An enchanted blade that allows Carrow to channel his druidic powers through it, it was, like Yanhani, crafted by the fey to aid him in his war.
Aldifae - A set of magic armor made from living plants and an unknown metal, it stalwart suit that is both light and strong.
Equipment: A few daggers, a warhorn, and few other nicknacks. He never uses a flint and steel.
Items & Personal Belongings: Needing no food or sleep, the only thing Carrow needs is water, which he carries in a large waterskin.
Skills & Abilities: A skilled archer and swordsman, Carrow had been something like a legend for the people of Leyborn before the king and queens death, and would often be given some of the most dangerous missions. Now, he has also become a master in the art of stealth, and a skilled trapper of man, becoming rather infamous for all the terrible traps he has made for Imperium soldiers and bounty hunters to stumble into.
Spells & Magic: He is able to do many things with his druidic powers, such as(but not limited to): Increased plant growth, magic poison, animal speech, etc.
Weaknesses: Carrow is very susceptible to dehydration, and needs a constant suplly of water or he will die in but a few days. His druidic powers can offer some relief, but if stuck in the middle of the desert with an empty waterskin, he is as sure as dead. He is highly susceptible to fire, with much of his equipment and even himself being easily flammable. Because of this, he has an innate fear of fire and lightning, brought on by the fey magic in him. He is exceptionally weakened by iron, due to the fey magic in him.


Hobbies: Meditation, Killing Imperium Soldiers, Setting Traps, etc
Quotes: "You back a big cat into a corner and somebody is going to get bloody."
"Somebody who doesn't care if they live or die is the most dangerous human being on earth."
Interesting Fact(s): Voiced by Ron Perlman
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Abendrot Abendrot While I won't have you change it, it's unknown who the royal families, infact, all inhabitants of the castles were slaughtered. It's okay if he thinks it's assassin's, but during the rp, it will be revealed how they actually died.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Add the locations you've made to the lore page. He looks fine though. Also, he sounds like Hellboy? Cool. (Though it's there's no a in Perlman.) Alan's one more thinh, it's not Leyborn, it's Leyeborn. There's a second 'e'

The Hero The Hero Field Marshall Field Marshall Abendrot Abendrot again, If like for you to finish your characters as soon as a possible please.
Abendrot Abendrot While I won't have you change it, it's unknown who the royal families, infact, all inhabitants of the castles were slaughtered. It's okay if he thinks it's assassin's, but during the rp, it will be revealed how they actually died.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Add the locations you've made to the lore page. He looks fine though. Also, he sounds like Hellboy? Cool. (Though it's there's no a in Perlman.) Alan's one more thinh, it's not Leyborn, it's Leyeborn. There's a second 'e'

The Hero The Hero Field Marshall Field Marshall Abendrot Abendrot again, If like for you to finish your characters as soon as a possible please.
Abendrot Abendrot While I won't have you change it, it's unknown who the royal families, infact, all inhabitants of the castles were slaughtered. It's okay if he thinks it's assassin's, but during the rp, it will be revealed how they actually died.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Add the locations you've made to the lore page. He looks fine though. Also, he sounds like Hellboy? Cool. (Though it's there's no a in Perlman.) Alan's one more thinh, it's not Leyborn, it's Leyeborn. There's a second 'e'

The Hero The Hero Field Marshall Field Marshall Abendrot Abendrot again, If like for you to finish your characters as soon as a possible please.
Aiming to have it done sometime tomorrow
Abendrot Abendrot While I won't have you change it, it's unknown who the royal families, infact, all inhabitants of the castles were slaughtered. It's okay if he thinks it's assassin's, but during the rp, it will be revealed how they actually died.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Add the locations you've made to the lore page. He looks fine though. Also, he sounds like Hellboy? Cool. (Though it's there's no a in Perlman.) Alan's one more thinh, it's not Leyborn, it's Leyeborn. There's a second 'e'

The Hero The Hero Field Marshall Field Marshall Abendrot Abendrot again, If like for you to finish your characters as soon as a possible please.
Currently at around 70% completion as we speak.
Abendrot Abendrot While I won't have you change it, it's unknown who the royal families, infact, all inhabitants of the castles were slaughtered. It's okay if he thinks it's assassin's, but during the rp, it will be revealed how they actually died.

Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Add the locations you've made to the lore page. He looks fine though. Also, he sounds like Hellboy? Cool. (Though it's there's no a in Perlman.) Alan's one more thinh, it's not Leyborn, it's Leyeborn. There's a second 'e'

The Hero The Hero Field Marshall Field Marshall Abendrot Abendrot again, If like for you to finish your characters as soon as a possible please.
I was tired. Gimme a minute.

Basic Information;
: Luciana Bell
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: 23
Nymphs are like fairies in that they were unpredictable, a little scary. For one thing, the nymphs are all women. This is definitely significant in the way they were scary. nymphs are the size of humans. A nymph can also never be a male. The role of nymphs is always taken by very beautiful, adolescent females. Nymphs can be found in natural environments such as the water, the forest, the mountain, and the trees. So if you happen to see a young lady with magical powers in the woods, she may be a nymph protecting that area.
Nymphs have five classifications. They are: water nymphs, land nymphs, celestial nymphs, plant nymphs, and underworld nymphs. They are young and beautiful maidens who always love to sing and dance. If you are inside a forest, you may even hear them singing. Among the favorite dwelling places of nymphs are the springs, rivers, valleys, mountains, trees, groves, and grottoes.
Nymphs cannot die with old age and illness, but they can die from other causes.
Heir To: N/A
Town/City/Kingdom Of Origin: N/A
Appearance Detail:
Luciana is figure isn't that of a strong individual, standing at 5'4" and weighs about 100 pounds. By design she looks none threatening, with her unusually white hair that reaches mid waist. Her body looks as though it was painted with silver designs, a thing Nymphs do to entertain themselves.
Diamond faced Luciana's rose lips and small nose make up most of her face besides the bright grey shines from her almond eyes.


  • The Dancer: A rare variation of the Bard, who tend to get the same jokes made, but for dancing instead of music. They tend to do the same things as Bards, too, so perhaps they deserve it. A variant is The Whirling Dervish, who looks to the casual observer like an ordinary dancer but is actually a spinning buzz-saw of slice-and-dice death; she'll give new meaning to Aram Khachaturian's Sabre Dance and have way too much fun doing it.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Character Alignment: True Neutral
Relatives: N/A (TBR)
Organizations\Affiliations: (TBR)
Judging a book by its cover, it's a natural habit that we are all guilty of, for Georgie's case it tends to occur a lot. One glance and it seems that she'll fall for all your tricks. Cunning and clever Georgie has a very strong personality, she acts on what she thinks is right although she is known for her kindness weak is not a trait she is associated with. Not afraid to do what most people dare not to do, brave Georgie will fight even if she knows the outcome. She would have rather tried instead of giving up. At times Georgie can be quite annoying and tends to cause people to get quite angry or annoyed.

She has a tendency to treat people on their character and not much their image, to blind to notice whether the person she's talking to is an elf or a dwarf.
Once this female's made up her mind about something it's hard to change it, very stubborn when it comes to what she believes in. Although clever she is oblivious to those who are less fortunate or hurt. One thing Gorgie tends to enjoy is being carefree she loves putting her walls down and almost always has a smile on her face. Georgie tends to be very confident she has her own way of doing things she speaks her mind like it's the most natural thing in the world. She doesn't take many people seriously, Georgie knows how to read people peeling their many layers, like a fruit.


Artifact(s): (A weapon, piece of jewelry, or something else to mark your heritage. This is a requirement for Heirs, but optional for everyone else)
Equipment: Black cloak, Dagger,
Items & Personal Belongings: Mirror and brush

Skills & Abilities: Dancing, swordsmanship, stealth, flexible, Agility, quick on her feet, telling stories, Singing, Manipulation.
Spells & Magic: Telekinesis: User can influence/manipulate/move objects/matter with their mind.Telekinesis is one of the bases of many superpowers that are based on "controlling/manipulating", and may evolve to the point that a Telekinetic can control anything at a subatomic, particle and universal level.
Superhuman Dancing: The user can perform the most elegant dance moves but on a superhuman level that no other can match or compare. The user possesses the best superhuman qualities of balance, flexibility, posture, movement and body language.
The users of this power may also use it for combat using a special manner of dance to dodge attacks with incredible agility.
Animal Manipulation: The user can control animals, they can set stampedes onto attackers, get animals to fetch things. Users may be able to call forth hoards of rats or insects to wipe out a crop or to encourage bees to replant it. (ie: Animal Empathy - to understand/feel animal emotions. Animal Scrying - to perceive through animal senses. Mind Control- to control animals. Mind Link - to have a bond with animals. Taming - to tame animals. Zoolingualism - to allow verbal communication.)
Plant Manipulation: Users can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits, and flowers. The user can cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants.
They can use their power for defense and support by growing plants from the ground and make them sprout seeds/fruits/berries, or even to possibly use plant chemicals to heal people or objects or manipulate their properties for a wide range of effects.
Though less commonly activated by passive users, the ability may deal a series of offensive techniques on a target. Using the plants as weapons enable users to grasp and strike continuously with vines and roots, project thorns at a distance, and quickly regenerate the withering weapons at the user’s will. They can make vines grow and climb around a target's neck, causing choking, or even strike with plants. A more subtle technique is to release damaging toxins and pheromones, affecting targets in which conditions should be treated quickly with ailments.
The User may also control plants in their altered forms, i.e. concentrated forms, such as cotton clothing/fabric, paper, etc.
Weaknesses: Fire- reacts to even the smallest flames in a bad way and will immediately freak out. The dark- Although she afraid of the element fire she's thankful for the light it gives off. Cold weather- This Nymph doesn't mix with the cold weather and tends to bundle her self up, not being able to function physically in cold weather. She doesn't do well in hot places either tending to drink a lot of water.

Hobbies: Dancing; Wandering around.
Quotes: "What I did was justice, not murder." "The world is a cruel place and it's cruelest to the weak."


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