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Fantasy The Rise Of Heirs CS - Closed for Now



: Iris Hearthstone
Aliases: Iris
Age: 20
Race: Human
Heir To: The King of Qoania
Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: Qoania
Appearance Detail: 6ft, 112lbs, blue eyes, black hair

: Soldier
Sexuality: Straight
Character Alignment:Chaos Good
Personality: Iris is a strong warrior but can be responsible when it is needed. She is cunning and very intelligent and is very good at analyzing situations and characters. She can also be caring when she wants to be and is a very loyal ally to those who are loyal to her.
Backstory: When Iris was a child, her mother was her hero. She taught Iris to be kind and humble, so that when she was the heir of the throne she would be a loving leader. Unfortunately, after the kingdom was ambushed her mother was killed. Ever since her mothers tragic death she had been determined to avenge her mother by seeking out the people who killed her. She is no longer interested in her royal status and is now interested in war and fighting.

Abilities: She is an amazing swordfighter.
: Her fathers sword, her mothers necklace.
Equipment: Sword, Shield, Compass
Items & Personal Belongings: Her armor and hunting boots
Skills & Abilities: She is a strong warrior and knows how to fight exceptionally well
Spells & Magic:
Weaknesses: The loss of her mother has deeply effected her, making her cold hearted to those that she does not trust
Hobbies: Hunting, Drinking, Fighting


: Iris Hearthstone
Aliases: Iris
Age: 20
Race: Human
Heir To: The King of Qoania
Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: Qoania
Appearance Detail: 6ft, 112lbs, blue eyes, black hair

: Soldier
Sexuality: Straight
Character Alignment:Chaos Good
Personality: Iris is a strong warrior but can be responsible when it is needed. She is cunning and very intelligent and is very good at analyzing situations and characters. She can also be caring when she wants to be and is a very loyal ally to those who are loyal to her.
Backstory: When Iris was a child, her mother was her hero. She taught Iris to be kind and humble, so that when she was the heir of the throne she would be a loving leader. Unfortunately, after the kingdom was ambushed her mother was killed. Ever since her mothers tragic death she had been determined to avenge her mother by seeking out the people who killed her. She is no longer interested in her royal status and is now interested in war and fighting.

Abilities: She is an amazing swordfighter.
: Her fathers sword, her mothers necklace.
Equipment: Sword, Shield, Compass
Items & Personal Belongings: Her armor and hunting boots
Skills & Abilities: She is a strong warrior and knows how to fight exceptionally well
Spells & Magic:
Weaknesses: The loss of her mother has deeply effected her, making her cold hearted to those that she does not trust
Hobbies: Hunting, Drinking, Fighting
I'm not allowing any more heirs for any kingdoms. However, if you would like to make Qoania your characters place of origin, that's fine. You'll jist need to add it to the lore page. You will also need to add more backstory.

(Under hood)

: Issac Solamyre
Aliases: Perhaps his family was once noble, but his name and title has died out
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Heir To: (There are no more available Heirs)
Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: Palanthas, Erathia
Appearance Detail: 6'2, 215lbs, very built but it isn't too shown under the robes

: Cleric, Inquisitor
Sexuality: Hetero
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Relatives: He unfortunately has no living important relatives
Organizations\Affiliations: Order of Paladine
Personality: With the death of his family at a young age, Issac had nothing to do but join the Order of Paladine, though the choice may not have been his own. Regardless, he has gained a zealous sense of loyalty to what cause he serves, as well as a deep passion for anyone. While he dresses with armor, he has great regrets about killing, and his zealous beliefs sometimes bring him to do foolish things. Despite being very shy, when he gets to know people he will start talking a lot more, and come out of his shell. Betraying his trust is the only way to make Issac really hate someone.
Backstory: The current Arch Bishop of the Order of Paladine rescued him from his burning home, a site that only he was able to escape from. With nowhere to go, he joined the Order (with much persuasion from the Bishop), and began to learn the clerical arts of Paladine. He spent 16 long years here, training only with the church and getting to know nobody else outside the monastery walls. At age 17, he was sent to Palanthas to complete his training-and there, at the age of 20, was proclaimed a Cleric of Paladine, and sent off into the world to complete a quest that would deem him truly worthy.

Because of this upbringing, he is quick to follow rules and obey apparent leaders without much thought of what he is doing. He has a very deep sense of trust that he gives out a bit too quickly, and serves whoever happens to be in charge with whatever he can. Sadly for him, his Order has suffered quite a bit of ridicule, and is no longer near as popular or even known as it used to be. Still, Issac retains an extreme amount of pride for his Order, and looks to restore the former glory that they once had.

: A staff given to him as a sign of his devotion to his Order. He claims that it has been blessed by Paladine during a dream of his.
Equipment: Rations, Sacrificial Daggers, Rope, Skin, belt pouches,
Items & Personal Belongings: Prayer beads, Gold Holy Symbols, Incense sticks
Skills & Abilities: As far as raw talent goes, he is pretty normal. He relies on his God and his faith, so that his magic can do what he needs. Despite detesting physical violence, he is quite the martial fighter.
Spells & Magic: He is a healer, above all else, healing disease, wounds, and poison. However, against infernal, undead, or unholy beings he thrives in offensive magic that helps destroy the enemies of the light. He can call down blasts of light from his God, and can use his staff as a shield to absorb most of any hostile magic (though there is a limit to how much it can hold).
Weaknesses: Besides his general lack of offense against non evil creatures, Issac is almost doubly effected by negative magics, unholy or hellfire magic. If it does get past his defenses, he will suffer greatly. He also has little defense against magical wounds that go beyond just flesh-and while he can cure others, he would need someone else to perform rituals on him that don't involve simple flesh wounds.

Hobbies: Anything that serves the church. His life has been far too devoted and busy for hobbies.
Quotes: "Hope's flame still burns, lighting the darkness until the coming of dawn."
Theme: Light will always prevail in the end, for the light's purpose is to thrive and live off the earth, to serve our purpose. The Dark can only destroy, and their entire creation is based on harming the Light, and therefore can never achieve true victory.

FireMaiden FireMaiden
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Name: Aurelia Zinovia

Aliases: Lunar Leonhardt, Harbringer

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Heir To: Leyeborn Keep

Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: The Kingdom of Leyeborn, obviously

Birthmark: Aurelia has a small, crescent moon shaped birth mark on the left side of her collar bone.

Appearance Detail: Standing at five feet, five inches tall, Aurelia holds an hourglass figure. She weighs 134 pounds. Also, She has scars littered all over her body, small and insignificant, the one that cuts through her right eyebrow is the only one people really notice.

Class: Sentinal - Gifted in Magic, and the ways of both the warrior and the rouge, and sometimes Diplomacy, Sentinal's are trained to succeed in various situations.

Sexuality: Demi-Sexual

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Relatives: All of them are probably dead. Even her adoptive father.


  • Merchant's Guild - The Merchants guild centered in Caerhayes is a wonderful thing to be a part of. It gives you status, a regular income with the jobs you have, and even can give you certain perks in different fields. Aurelia is a caravan guard and smuggler associated with the guild.
  • Titan Guard - A warriors guild that people go to with request that they want done. Jobs range from simple guard duty to slaying all types of beast; from wolves and spiders, to Titians and Dragons.
  • Zinovia Family - The true ruler of Leyeborn Keep, and it's massive land holdings, Aurelia has connections high places, friends willing to look the other way.
Personality: A strong willed young woman, Aurelia gives off an intense aura that many don't see with the women of Faylen. She's a silent, but deadly warrior, choosing to let her actions speak for her. Though, when she does speak, you find an intelligent northern woman who is a little more wise beyond her years. Many people don't see her friendly side, but once you earn her trust, you see a talkative, friendly young woman who's very protective of her loved ones.

Backstory: 24 years ago, in the middle of Spring, people living in the northern hold of Leyeborn rejoiced as finally, their King Cornelius and Queen Genevieve announced that they had finally been blessed with a healthy baby girl. Aurelia, a bright bundle of joy to the new parents, was taken from them only a few short months later as they and the inhabitants of Leyeborn Keep were slaughtered. A lone swordsman, Jasper Leonhardt, braved the mountain climb and th gruesome scene to rescue the small babe, and return her to Alderwoods. There, She would spend her first year of life in the care of Jasper and his younger sister Merida, before the Imperium sent soldiers to ransack the town. People died, buildings burned, and Jasper escaped the masacure with the small Aurelia.

With time, the nation wide man hunt for the Heirs died down, but the Imperium was still vigilant, which caused Jasper to change Aurelia's name, and hide the items that signified her birth. So, Aurelia Zinovia became Lunar Leonhardt. Jasper decided he would raise her in the capital, a stupid yet wise choice, because who would hide someone as important as her in the city where everyone wanted her dead? They lived in a two story townhouse in the heart if the city, Jasper getting work at the local warriors guild.

When she turned five, Aurelia began going to school, where it was all boys who would tease her; until of course, she proved that she was smarter than them. Excelling in her basic school life, She would catch the eye of a private tutor who, coincidentally, was and old friend of Jasper. He knew her true identity, so along with math, literature, and writing, Ryan taught her diplomacy, grace, and more about the kingdom's than a normal child should learn. He even taught her different languages.

At the age of 12, Jasper felt she was old enough to know the truth. He told her everything, about who she was, her birthright, everything. So she decided early on in her life that she wanted to take back her throne. Jasper also told her about the other heirs, which made her more intrigued with the other kingdoms. Yet for now, She could only read about them in books and look at the old maps. This was also the age she discovered her magical abbilites. If a heavy northern accent thanks to Jasper wasn't enough to set her apart, having magic would defiantly do it.

At 15, she started training with Titan Guard, the sams Guild Jasper was employed by. Be was a high ranking member by the time she was able to start ber application process, so she was not only able to train with him, but with many of the other warriors, rouges, and mages. There's only so far you can go on your own after all. Anyway, her training would last two years, until she was able to become a full fledged member at the age of 17. Every new member gets to chose a class, so she chose the Sentinal, a class that only made a small group of five including her.

At the age of 19, she would finally finish her schooling, and began to travel with a caravan as a guard to see the other kingdoms, and all that Faylen has to offer. Unfortunately, She had to return earlier than planned, because just of last year, Jasper fell sick, leaving her the only one to take care of him. He told her more details about her heritage, and where her artifacts lay before he lost the ability to speak. Just a few months ago, he passed on. At the age of 24, Aurelia lost the only man she even knew to be family, and with new determination, she's ready to fight to take her throne.

An intricate circlet that Jasper retrieved while leading a search party in Leyeborn Keep. Aurelia keeps it on her person, rarely wearing it.

Gods Bane: A one handed, steel long sword forged with a golden hilt and a sapphire pomell. Once wielded by her father, she now uses it to bring the battle to the Imperium.

Mother's Ring: She has a silver ring with a centered ruby and two diamonds on her right hand. Not many people know it use to belong to her mother.


  • Armor: Aurelia has a standard looking set suit of armor, made of a speical steel, silver, and albumin alloy that prevents freezing. However, She doesn't have the shoulder plate like you see in the picture. Underneath she has a silky purple tunic, with silver trim. Unknowingly, those are her house colors. She also wears a pair of black leather pants and boots. When there's a job she needs to sneak on, she wears her cloak, which is heavy and black, with a small silver trim around the hood.
  • Weapons:
    • God's Bane, a one handed steel long sword
    • Jarper's Blade, a silver Broadsword
    • Twin Daggers, Ebony and Ivory
    • Garrot
  • Other:
    • A pouch of ball bearings
    • Small Explosives
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Extra Clothes
  • Small Journal
  • Three small books
  • A house. She doesn't bring this isn't her obviously, but she owns a house
  • Sharping Stones
Skills & Abilities:
  • Sword Play
  • Lock Picking
  • Stealth
  • Diplomacy
  • Cooking
  • Singing
  • Other stuff
Spells & Magic:
  • Ice Magic: Aurelia is able to perform a legendary form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells and feats through ice, as well as manipulate it. A flexable form of magic, good for defense, offense, and some times even torture. Often, since she doesn't see the point in actively owning one, Aurelia makes a shield from ice. A downside is that she doesn't have a full control over it, and when her negative emotions flare, She can cause anything she's touching to freeze over.
  • Water Magic: The user is able to perform a form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells and feats through water. Purely offensive in nature, Aurelia is also able to preform a variation of it, which allows her to heal a wide range of injuries. Though, the worse the injury, the more energy it takes our of her. Large injuries can even cause her to use so much energy, she's unable to do anything for a few hours.
  • Void Walk: An inherited abbilty from her father's side, which comes in handy with her sneaky missions. Aurelia is able to, the normal eye, teleport. In fact, she enters what's basically a shadow relam, where she has a small window of time to get where she need to be before she's ripped out of the shadow realm.
  • Valkyrie's Blessing: Another inherited abbilty from her mother which increases her speed and strength for a short time. Aurelia is only able to call upon this ability once a day.
  • Trust Issues: As to be expected when leading a life of secrecy in order to protect your life, She has problems when it comes to trusting people.
  • Grieving: With the recent lose of her adoptive father, She still in mourning. Expect her to be a little down.
  • Fire Magic: Her main source of magic are both weak to fire and heat magic.
Hobbies: Aurelia likes to read, draw, and sing on occasion. She also likes to train whether if be magical or with weaponry.

Quotes: "Are you sure that's the best idea?"
"I assure you, it's as bad as it looks."
"Please stop that. You're being stupid."
"If dare underestimate me, I will show you just how bad of an idea that is."


Not trying to be snide but perhaps a spell check is in order. :P
Picture Goes Here

: Kal Lance
Aliases: Avenger.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Heir To: None
Town/City/Kingdom Of Orgin: (You can leave this blank for now if you want to or man you're own place to add to the lore page)
Appearance Detail: Height: 5'10
Weight: 155 lbs.
A red flame is imprinted on his chest.
: Avenging knight.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: None known relatives.
Personality: A man who can be known to be rash in his decision making. Also known to be possessive and analytical of any situation involving his equipment. Which he has grown deeply attached to. Any breaks in the armor giving the same effect as if he lost something importance. As he is also extremely serious failing to understand most jokes and not noticing any hints that aren't blatantly obvious. Though he is working on that.
Backstory: Once a warrior of an old kingdom which slowly crumbled and broke apart. He was left for dead in the aftermath of the war which destroyed his kingdom. When he fell defending the front line, his body aching against him as he felt the flames slowly burn themselves into himself. Before gasping as he stood seeing the destruction though being truthfully weakened. Running off as he realized the way the battle went. His previous land now destroyed as he looks for a new force/group to fight for and with.

Abilities: He can tap into an ancient magic of the soul.
Artifact(s): None.
A relic of a shield which was said to be blessed by one of the many gods themselves to give enhanced durability to resist a fair amount of blows which would normally punch through a shield of it's caliber.

(Can't find a picture for it. But) A spear made of celestial bronze. Having the durability of steel and the weight of the copper counterpart. Reaching out a length of three feet. Can withstand most impacts against shields and armor though is known to end up slipping from his grip with the force of his attack should the equipment resist his attack.
Items & Personal Belongings: (Anyother items that the character has, or belong to them)
Skills & Abilities: A smooth talker. Fast learner.
Spells & Magic: Last stand: Once in a life or death situation. Should he be struck with a fatal blow. The flames on his body glow a dark crimson as the wound heals. His armor shifting until It forms what appears to be an opaque suit of red armor around him. Which is highly resistant to damage. His strength multiplying in this period of time. Though upon the encounter finishing with either the opponent running away or falling his strength quickly begins to fade as he loses the reason he was still around. Being forced to run and hide as he reverts back to his normal form. Needing to rest and gain his strength back for a fair while to be able to enter the form once more.
Weaknesses: "You left your brothers to die in the field." As he still regrets never running back to the front lines and ambushing the invaders of his previous land.
Your worthless. (Be careful with this one...Should he be in his last stand form it could motivate him. Word it very carefully.)
Taunts of how a battle 'will' end
Hobbies: Read, train with his weaponry and work at his reflexes.
Quotes: "As long as you believe in yourself you can do anything."
Theme: (Sorry bringing back undertale trash and it's player theme style .-.)
Adventuring theme:
Normal combat theme:
Last stand theme:

FireMaiden FireMaiden
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: Raynar Thenhyron
Aliases: Son of Penance, Archon of Regret, Twice Born
Age: 127 Human years
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf
Heir To: (There are no more available Heirs)
Town/City/Kingdom Of Origin: Velendar
Appearance Detail: Raynar stands roughly at six foot five inches, a common height among his people. He weighs just under one-ninety, and is rather lanky and thin compared to others. He has a large scar running across his entire chest, from just below his left shoulder to above his right hip.

: Assassin
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
Relatives: Lana Thenhyron, Renagon Thenhyron
Organizations\Affiliations: Kingdom of Velendar, Order of the Black Cloaks
Personality: Raynar is a cold and heartless individual. He has few friends, and even they are kept at a distance from Raynar himself. He has no issues with taking the lives of others, and will not shed a tear for the plights of others. To him, all life is simply a thing of chance, and he is not going to go out of his way to try and help those who got a worse off chance than he did. The laws of all nations are nothing but words to Raynar, and only follows a code that he decided upon years ago.
Backstory: Raynar was born in the Kingdom of Velendar, a small Kingdom ruled and populated by Dark Elves. His family was locked within the lowest caste of Velendar, destined to remain servants and menials for those of higher casts. From his earliest memories, these things were taught to Raynar endlessly. He was destined to serve those of better station than his, and through his hard work the Kingdom would prosper. He always questioned his parents reasoning, but they had long since surrendered to their positions in life, and hoped Raynar wouldn't resist the system.

One day, Raynar was approached by a cloaked individual, who offered Raynar a second option in life. A chance to be something other than a slave to those above him, if he was willing to make a sacrifice to achieve it. Barely a teenager by his species standards at the time, Raynar was eager to accept the mans offer, and went with him, abandoning his family. He spent many years training under the cloaked stranger, whom he never learned the name of. He was taught how to use numerous types of weapons, how to evade notice and steal, and most importantly, how to kill. After nearly two decades of training, Raynar was deemed ready by the cloaked man. To finally become free of his old life, and ascend to a new position in life, Raynar had to cut all ties. By this time, Raynar understood what he asked of him, and he held no issues with it. He returned to his home, walking in the front door as if he hadn't ever left. His parents were ecstatic to see him, until he drew a blade and attacked them. He returned to the cloaked man with his families blood still staining his hands, and was accepted into the Order of the Black Cloaks.

As a member of the Black Cloaks, Raynar became an assassin for the highest bidder within Velendar. Many lives were taken by his hand, including a few members of the ruling classes. Raynar ascended the ranks of the Order quickly, with several of his rivals vanishing without a trace. In time, he eventually ascended to the rank Archon, and earning the title Regret to accompany his name, as all Archon's received a new title. His name became well known in the neighboring lands, as the Archon of Regret began taking contracts against other races.

: Raynar's primary weapon is the Blade of Penance, which has lended itself to forging one of his names. It is a blade of pure obsidian, finely engraved and with a decorative hilt of twisting black steel. It can cut through most metal without issue, and wounds created by it will never heal unless helped by magic. Set into the hilt is a Black Ruby, a rare magical item from his homeland that offers its support to him when needed.
Equipment: Raynar carries a full brace of knives of all sizes and characteristics. Numerous throwing knives, dueling knives, and even food knives are hidden across his cloak, providing him with a plethora of offensive and defensive options. On his left wrist is a miniature crossbow, designed by the Order of the Black Cloaks to be concealed easily and used at a moments notice. It is loaded with bolt coated in dozens of the deadliest poisons Raynar can acquire, leading to the quick, agonizing death of any soul unfortunate enough to get hit with them.
Items & Personal Belongings: Raynar wears numerous jewelry items across his person, though they are usually removed or covered when he is on a mission. Each one represents the life of a noble or royal he has killed, a kind of score and tally he keeps to show that he is no longer subservient to them alone.
Skills & Abilities: Raynar is an excellent close range melee combat fighter, whether it be with swords or knives. He is a master at moving unseen when he needs to, able to slip from shadow to shadow and move without a sound when called upon.
Spells & Magic: Raynar is able to cast a cloak of darkness, enhancing his already well practiced stealth abilities, allowing him to dissapear out in the open for short periods of time. He can also cast a illusion charm, causing a target to hallucinate and see the things which they fear most as if they were real.
Weaknesses: It is in Raynar's nature to work alone, as he does not trust others to complete their parts of any given goal. This often forces him to take on more than he can handle, with cases of failure in the past marking this bad trait. Despite having some basic grasps of magic, Raynar himself doesn't have much talent for the craft itself. Instead, most of his magic abilities come from the Rubies he wears on his person at all times, enchanted with certain spells ready to be unleashed if channeled properly.
Hobbies: Raynar only has one real hobby, which is to read books.
Quotes: "Allies are a...interesting subject. They are a useful commodity to have, if you know how to use them. But, you should never grow too attached to them, for like a good hunting dog, they are the first things to be sacrificed to take the big game."

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Kallo Kallo I would like some more detail. A bit more backstory, maybe a kingdom name, and he last stand ability will truly have to be last resort kinda deal if I'm going to let it slide.
Grammatic Grammatic Even though he's still a wip, I'm going to accept him. Just make sure to add his weaknesses. However, a tale of caution now, he is not allowed to use the Blade of Pennace on another character unless the wounded party agrees to it. I would also like you to add Velendar to the lore page incase the party happens upon it


Name: Sahndrah Bylks
Age: Biological age. How long have you been there?)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Town/City/Kingdom Of Origin: Leyeborn
Appearance Detail: (Height, weight, things we don't see or can't tell from your picture. This includes birthmarks for the Heirs)

Class(s): Armsmaiden - Trained in both the ways of the Handmaiden and the Armsman Armsmaidens are trained in a variety of support skills, as well as skills to protect their Liege. Amongst Armsmaidens Sahndrah is an excellent Marksman.
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character)

  • Titan Guard - A warrior's guild that people go to with request that they want done. Jobs range from simple guard duty to slaying all types of beasts; from wolves and spiders, to Titans and Dragons.

  • Gunsmith’s Guild - An artisan’s guild dedicated to creating and improving firearms. If you want a firearm made the Gunsmith's guild is the place to go. Though not a member of the guild Sahndrah could be considered a frequent patron, with connections to several smiths.

Personality: Sahndrah is fiercely loyal and protective. Despite resenting some of the duties involved in being Aurelia’s handmaiden, her sense of duty and dedication stops her from openly speaking her mind on the matter. More often than naught she will over exert herself, or keep concerns and fears to herself rather than voice them, even to her closest friends.


  • Firearms

  • Reading Stories

  • Sweets

  • Training

  • Poetry

  • Sewing (Though she’ll never admit it)


  • A Lot of the Duties associated with the Handmaiden part of her job

  • Formal Occasions

  • Dresses

  • Aurelia going out on her own

Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)


Watchdog & Protector


Watchdog & Protector are twin double barreled flintlock pistols that were given to Sahndrah as a gift. For most women the .55 Caliber Pistols would be too much, for Sahndrah who has trained and fought with them for most of her time shooting; anything lighter would feel off. Despite their seemingly simple make, Watchdog & Protector are very high quality pieces and they are by far Sahndrah’s most prized possession.


  • Armor: Sahndrah wears relatively light armour consisting of a metal breastplate and leather garments underneath to give her the best mobility while protecting her vitals. The breastplate she wears is simple darkened steel capable of resisting most trusting weapons or projectile weapons, though this provides little protection from the firearms that are starting to become more common in the imperium or magic. Around her waist she wears a simple leather gun belt that holds her pistols against the small of her back. For footwear she has a pair of knee-high Cavalry boots.

  • Weapons:

    • Watchdog & Protector

    • Hand Grenades

    • A Dagger with a Jitte like guard

    • A small Derringer
  • Other:

    • Bullet Mold

    • Cleaning Kit

    • Sewing Kit

    • Backpack

    • Spyglass

    • Interrogation Kit

    • Medical Kit

    • Ammunition Satchel

Items & Personal Belongings:

  • Extra Clothing

  • Various Makeup & Beauty Items

  • Cooking Set

  • Trapping Set

  • Nightwake Herbs (Think of it as concentrated Caffeine)

Skills & Abilities:

  • Marksmanship

  • Cooking

  • Sewing

  • Healing

  • Cleaning

  • Dance

  • Decoration

  • Interrogation

  • Intimidation

  • Charm

  • Repair

  • Trap Detection

Spells & Magic:

  • Animate Flesh: By imbuing dead flesh with negative energy Sahndrah can reanimate it similar to how Necromancers can reanimate corpses. This can seemingly heal limbs and wounds in the blink of an eye, in reality it is only a thin resemblance of life. Eventually wounds or limbs heal with this ability will begin to rot away, and even immediately after being healed feel cold and numb. Like most necromantic arts Reanimate Flesh channels negative energy and can corrupt it’s user. This ability can be used to reattach amputated limbs, Sahndrah learned of this use while defending Aurelia. She took a blow to her right forearm that was deep enough to nearly amputate it, a fact that she keeps secret from everyone. She used this ability to reattach the wounded limb and now has to regularly imbue the arm with negative energy to keep it from degrading.

  • Life Transfer: A gift Sahndrah discovered as a child, she is able to transfer her own life force into other beings as well as being able to take the lifeforce of others into herself. To most this ability would appear to be healing magic, the kind normally associated with Clerics and Healers. But to those with more training and more knowledge the true nature of this spell is shown. Life Transfer in actuality is a necromantic ability, though not necessarily powerful it is a rare ability among those who practice necromancy. The limits to this magic are simple, if Sahndrah transfers too much life force from herself she will become weak and sickly, in theory she could end up killing herself though she would probably go into a coma first. She also cannot absorb more energy than her body can support, if she does this it can result in the negative energy involved in the magic to corrupt her body.

  • Ghost Vision: When her eye was damaged she attempted to heal it similarly to how she healed her arm. It had an unexpected effect, Ghost Vision. With this ability she is able to see things other people can't, this allows her to see weapons that people may have concealed, and through simpler magic. This ability also generally increases her perception and awareness of her surroundings. She keeps this ability secret from Aurelia in order to keep a guise of infallibility, though this ability does not make her all seeing or all knowing. She is also able to see into the Shadow Realm using this ability.


  • Sahndrah is generally overly protective of Aurelia. Though this is a good trait of an Armswoman it generally comes out not just in her professional sense but in her emotions as well.

  • Though proficient enough to fight in Melee combat, Sahndrah is not particularly adept at it. This causes her to rely mainly on her pistols in a fight.

  • Sahndrah has picked up the habit long ago to mask her emotions and keep them bottled up. She doesn't share her inner feelings often, and this can lead to undue stress on her part.

  • Though she’ll never complain openly about it, Sahndrah resents her duties as a Handmaiden deeply.

Hobbies: As both a Handmaiden and Armswoman Sahndrah doesn't get much free time. What little free time she gets is usually spent practicing with her weapons or maintaining her equipment. She’ll also experiment with her magic, though due to the nature of it she doesn't get too many opportunities.

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