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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot) - Settings/Locations

Astaroth Suzumiya

Puppet Master

The forest ruins of Seitouki




"Gather at the forest ruins of Seitouki. It will serve as your headquarters."

That was the last message of King Meliodas to "The Revolution".

The forest ruins of Seitouki used to be the kingdom of Illea but the kingdom grew and so it was abandoned and when Illea had been established to its new kingdom, a forest grew and covered Seitouki letting it crumble to pieces as the time passed but with the use of King Meliodas' power, he reverted the time of the Seitouki restoring only half of it.​
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First mission:



Graciar, the second largest village of Arias Isla. It hasn't changed that much but the streets are roaming with chaos and evil lurking in the darkness. The mission of the Revolution is to eliminate a group from the Imperial army. It had been rumored that a fatal disease was spreading throughout the Graciar and the infection was contagious. But as expected it was only a false accusation made up so Graciar could be erased upon the map of Arias Isla, resulting another calamity; executing the innocent. It was a mission that Queen Yami had sent forth wit the use of her third trusted servant, Chi.



Name: Chi

Race: Unspecified

Age: Unspecified

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 156 lbs


"Blood Destruction" - Chi sends daggers, targeting enemies and is able to deal physical damage or death to opponents that get cut with her daggers through the use of bloodstreams.

"Red line" - Chi is able to catch under magic circles she hides whenever in a battle.

"Bloodline" - Chi is able to manipulate enemies when they are caught in her Red line spell with the use of strings.​
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