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Fantasy The Reveal of Magic

joeymicl said:
We don't necessarily have to get into action yet. I just don't think we need to detail every step to learn how to cast spells. Also if every person on Earth, that wants to, can use magic now then we would probably have to learn pretty quickly.
Well we first need to finish the introduction before we get ro anything.

But my idea is that the first school to teach magic (led by Peters group) would focus on teaching professional teachers magic to kick off some kind of teaching chain reaction. That school would also be conveniently close so that the players end up there in the same class and would afterwards join the same group once the war starts.
for quick reference REGARDING THE COLOR OF AURAS









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It's beautiful...

Just kidding, just kidding... Please don't hurt me. :(
Sorry I responded so late everybody! The holidays have been a little hectic. I also need to watch this thread so I don't miss anything, because it appears I have missed a lot of information!
Mitchs98 said:
Is this still accepting?
Of course. Post your character and jump right in. Just say you where at the meeting the whole time or you could have stayed at home watching the whole thing over the tv.

Good to have you on boards
it also appears that the notification system has become sentient and decided to screw us over as hard as possible.

seriously everyone, please check if you are following at least the ic and ooc tab.
Mitchs98 said:
What if I told you...most of it?
well ... crap. ;D

let's start with an overview and we'll try to work our way from there.

What is magic?

Magic is what allows us to alter our reality by forcing parts of another dimension to briefly cross over. This is mostly visualized as stuff appearing out of thin air. We then force that stuff to follow a set of instructions that we call a spell. We put anergy into the spell and it in turn alters reality in the way it is supposed to.

What energy?

That energy i am still hesitant to just call Mana could be described as the energy of the soul. It stems from all living things and usually harmlessly dissipates into the air. We can learn to subconsously manipulate that energy to move it around in our body. Many martial arts have done so without knowing for centuries.

How to spell?

We first prepare a spell by writing a bunch of magic words and symbols on a surface. We usually use paper as it is convenient to transport. Those magic words describe the things the spell is supposed to do later. You could compare it to a programming code.

We then use that subconsous movement thing to put energy into the spell. We usually achieve that by saying the name we designated for that spell. We also need to have physical contact to the surface we put the words on.

who can do it?

Anyone can write and then cast a spell. The words are just somewhat complicated so we never stumbled upon them and thus need someone to teach us (we have yet to rach that part in-story). The only rule is that you have to write your own spells as you can't use the spells of someone else. You can totally copy someones spell and put your own name on it though.

what are enchantments?

enchantments are pretty much spells written on some kind of weapon or tool. They have a bunch of stuff added that allows them to be used by anyone and they can also run on the Mana of Plants and stuff in case you are not that powerful.

what is the deal with the Guardians?

Those guys follow the same rules as everyone else. They just happen to have way, WAY more Mana than any human should ever have.
Gaaron01234 said:
well ... crap. ;D
let's start with an overview and we'll try to work our way from there.

What is magic?

Magic is what allows us to alter our reality by forcing parts of another dimension to briefly cross over. This is mostly visualized as stuff appearing out of thin air. We then force that stuff to follow a set of instructions that we call a spell. We put anergy into the spell and it in turn alters reality in the way it is supposed to.

What energy?

That energy i am still hesitant to just call Mana could be described as the energy of the soul. It stems from all living things and usually harmlessly dissipates into the air. We can learn to subconsously manipulate that energy to move it around in our body. Many martial arts have done so without knowing for centuries.

How to spell?

We first prepare a spell by writing a bunch of magic words and symbols on a surface. We usually use paper as it is convenient to transport. Those magic words describe the things the spell is supposed to do later. You could compare it to a programming code.

We then use that subconsous movement thing to put energy into the spell. We usually achieve that by saying the name we designated for that spell. We also need to have physical contact to the surface we put the words on.

who can do it?

Anyone can write and then cast a spell. The words are just somewhat complicated so we never stumbled upon them and thus need someone to teach us (we have yet to rach that part in-story). The only rule is that you have to write your own spells as you can't use the spells of someone else. You can totally copy someones spell and put your own name on it though.

what are enchantments?

enchantments are pretty much spells written on some kind of weapon or tool. They have a bunch of stuff added that allows them to be used by anyone and they can also run on the Mana of Plants and stuff in case you are not that powerful.

what is the deal with the Guardians?

Those guys follow the same rules as everyone else. They just happen to have way, WAY more Mana than any human should ever have.
What about the magic types in particular? That was the most confusing for me :P
Mitchs98 said:
What about the magic types in particular? That was the most confusing for me :P
most magic effects the players could learn during the course of the war would be pretty basic.

there are seven elements that can be summoned as part of your spell. Two can be combined but it takes considerable effort and some just don't mix at all.

those elements are Ice Fire Water Earth Wind Light and Darkness

The shape those elements take is determined by what Type word you use in your spell.

I'm still working on writing up all the different words and their effects but the basic ones are

<Projectile> Fires a projectile that can have any shape

<Beam> Fires a continous stram in a straight line (might require some creativity)

<Blast> Creates a small explosion. It can be focused into a cone if wanted

<Aura> An area of your body becomes surrounded by that element. The surface covered is variably

The effect can then further be changed by adding more words.

<Size> increases the size of your spell. the exact effect depends on the type

<Delay> would cause the the spell to hover in place for a while before firing

<teleport> causes the spell to fire not from your hand but from someplace within five feet of you. you can freely designate the exact place.

<levitate> would cause the paper to float in your general vicinity until you decide to fire

<Silence> allows you to cast the spell without having to say the name

There will probably be more as i keep working on them and i'm also open for input.

A bunch of creativity is also possible. How about a Earth Projectile that causes an Fire Blast on Impact is very well doable.

Just keep in mind that a spell gets harder to cast as you add more words to it.

I will also release a number of "Public spells". those will have more complex effects but will still be somewhat easy to cast. That has to do with the way miracles work and i don't really know yet how i want miracles to work.

One of those spells would be <voice of the titans>, the spell Peter was constantly using to broadcast his voice across the island.

the last thing would be free magic. That is the stuff martial artists are doing but souped up a bit. Jumping halfway across the island to land inside the water would be an expample for that. Learning that particular stuff is the hardest of them all though.
@Mitchs98 The magic shouldn't influence your character to much, unless you want your character to have an affinity for a certain element, but most of us created our characters without the knowledge of magic, just the concept in mind, or at least I did.

@Gaaron01234 OK, since my character is a celebrity of sorts, what would her magic be? Would it be light and air, since she is always under the flashing lights of paparazzi/stage lights and she is always in the air flying across the country for different things.
@Mitchs98 what jailbird said. You can also pick an affinity if you think your personality fits that element. The character tropes I picked are more guidelines than rules.

@Jailbird angels personality is pretty much air as far as I have seen so strong air or air/light would both work.

Right I forgot to mention.

People with strong affinity have a stronger glow and normal affinity looks a bit grayish as the still have some neutral in them.

Normal or strong, the bonus for spellcasting is miniscule and the only other difference is cosmetic.

I would like to have some input here.

Puzzderhero had the idea that the governments probably wouldn't want anything to do with all that magic stuff unless we show them how strong the enemy will be. Monsters attacking the island would just get squished without a thought so an attack on some populated city would be neccesary.

I certainly like the idea but i have trouble fitting it in the story.

Espacially since that whole sequence would have very little player interaction.

I don't really want to draw out the conference more than neccesary and placing it somewhere during the time skip would just feel weird.
Gaaron01234 said:
I would like to have some input here.

Puzzderhero had the idea that the governments probably wouldn't want anything to do with all that magic stuff unless we show them how strong the enemy will be. Monsters attacking the island would just get squished without a thought so an attack on some populated city would be neccesary.

I certainly like the idea but i have trouble fitting it in the story.

Espacially since that whole sequence would have very little player interaction.

I don't really want to draw out the conference more than neccesary and placing it somewhere during the time skip would just feel weird.
Ah see this is where the "impulse magic"/miracle would come in. Although Peter would probably be doing most of the fighting. It would aslo show more proof of magic seeing our characters shooting random magic. As well as many of the people at the conference dying even with magic becuase they are untrained.
I have an idea. How about we place after the time skip and the guardians send the new recruits out to test their skill.
Jailbird said:
I have an idea. How about we place after the time skip and the guardians send the new recruits out to test their skill.
That would work too, however, that means only our characters and volunteers would be fighting. Which is fine, we would need them to see how desperate the fights would be otherwise.
Jailbird said:
I have an idea. How about we place after the time skip and the guardians send the new recruits out to test their skill.
I guess that would be the best aproach.

and sice we are aproaching the timeskip anyways. Who would feel the need to have something happen during the school part. That would be the best moment for miracle people to discover their special talent and maybe have some less formal interaction between characters. I want at least one scene since everyone could also get one item of their choice enchanted and i want to give some information on the structure of our magic army during that segment.

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