• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Return of ☾ℒℯtℴ☽


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

Things to take in account before making character sheet

O Remember to read everything (DEAD SERIOUS I WILL KNOW)

O There is no limit to characters, but there is a limit to how many you can handle

O If I like it then it is good to go

O If you have a certain character species you want and it is not on the list ask me and I may add it.

O The first person to make a certain species gets dibs on making the lore and village/cities and such. If you want to do this check overview.

O Remember with the code you can not use the easy way to bold and such. You must manually type it in since you are using so much code.

O If you are a bbcode master you are welcome to make your own code

O You can add stuff to the character sheet, but keep everything I say to keep

O Make Pictures anime/ realistic art, but photographs are not really my thing. The only way they are allowed is if the person looks fantasy like. (real people freak me out lol)

O Any Questions feel free to ask.

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Character Sheet

no slide
no slide
Without Code


Name here


Just has to be 14 or above


Check the list

Gender; Biological:

Male or Female

Gender Identity:

Maybe they don’t feel like what they are


Straight, Homo, Demi, Pan, etc

Companions (animals):

You are allowed to start with two companions and you can add more as we go. Idc if you want to turn into a beast master or something.


If any are around or you know their names. You can put a brief explanation of them here too.


Name here as well as what they are to you mentor/best friend/idol etc


Name here as well as just rivals, worst enemy etc


Name here

Significant Other:

Name here or put open or close can be different than crush


describe length, color, etc


Name color and anything distinct


Height,weight (if you want) anything that you find important.


What they would normally have on so you do not have to keep going through the clothes scene unless you want to

Unique Attributes

Scars, markings, etc


+ (At least three no more than five)




- (At least Three no more than five)



Personality Traits:

+ One positive (check here
http://ideonomy.mit.edu/essays/traits.html for suggestions for all fields)

+ Two Positive

+ Three Positive

O 1 Neutral

O 2 Neutral

- One Negative

- Two Negative

- Three Negative

Overall Personality:

(You do not have to do this if you don’t want, but it is putting all those traits into an explanation which you might do in history anyways)

O List these with a brief description

O These will be elemental, magical and overall not natural abilities that cannot be trained to just anyone


O These will be the abilities that can be trained without any starting prerequisite



O Some people need them and that is all right. You can make up material as well just add it to overview (I will explain in another area)


+ (As little or as many as you want just counter them if they start to sound op)


- (If your powers are pretty op remember to put a weakness for it here. You don’t have to die per say, but you have to be able to be subdued and put in a position where you are unable to do anything)


You can put these all together if you want. This will be years 0-10

Young Teen:

This would be years 11-15 (if you are in this age you will not need to write the next part

Years After:

Anything after these other two. If you add anything dealing with your culture, where you grew up and such please post it in overview so we can add it to our history of leto.

What does your character want in the future:

Put here what your character is looking for or what they want their final goal to be

What do you want to happen to your Character:

Same as before except what you want me as the gm and other players to acknowledge. You don’t have to put anything in either of these as of yet. Please inform us if you update this.

Code is messed up so it has been removed

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Naumon Wolfsword





Gender; Biological:


Gender Identity:




Companions (animals):

"The Nightmare Courser"





None yet.


None yet.


None yet.

Significant Other:

None yet.


A clean shaven face with full hair and a ponytail at the back




Muscular. Height: 6 ft 2 inches, Weight: 234 lbs.



Unique Attributes

Lots of scars across his face, a lot of other scars scattered throughout his body. He has a
tattoo, which also increases his power of magic.


+ Fighting

+ Weapons

+ Merriment/Partying

+ Sex


- Being disrespected

- When someone gets away with something when they did something wrong

- Were animals

Personality Traits:

+ Strategic

+ Brave

+ Positive

O Honorable

O Anger Issued

- Rude

- Dirty mouthed

- Reckless

O List these with a brief description


O Hunting

O Swordplay

O Magic


O Two swords (uses one at a time. Steel for humans, silver for monsters)


+ Strategic

+ Skilled with weaponry

+ Magic


- Can get egoistic/cocky

- Is often reckless and often never thinks things through

- Often falls for attractive women, and he can't think straight.

Childhood: Naumon grew up in his clan of Vampires known as the Midnight Exiles. They got their name for often stealing things from the other races and nearly always at midnight. They lived away from people. Growing up, Naumon was very close to a girl named Chashos (she was apart of a different clan), it didn't take long to become friends. Eventually lovers, despite both of them being at the young age of ten. Although, the Midnight Exiles didn't approve of this relationship, thus they had to meet in secret.

Young Teen: Eventually, the Midnight Exiles found out about their relationship. Ergo, Naumon was kicked out of the clan along with Chashos. They traveled the world together. As they continued traveling, they were ambushed by a group of werewolves. Both of the vampires put up a fight but eventually they lost, it was inevitable. They killed Chashos off and Naumon managed to escape the wrath of the werewolves.

Years After: Through out Naumon's teenager years, he was very depressed after the death of Chashos. Naumon evaded the werewolves as best as possible until he eventually made it out of the country. He settled upon a town and he was hated by the other races. Throughout the years, the hatred became worse as there was a plague spreading throughout the town. As excepted, the other races blamed Naumon for the plague. He was captured and was tortured, he was given many scars. The worst form of torture resulted in a magic tattoo that harms him in day light. Although, Naumon figured out a way to increase his magic with the tattoo.

(Rest of his history to be revealed through dialogue.)

What does your character want in the future:

Avenge Chashos's death. Join the Midnight Exiles again.

What do you want to happen to your Character:

So far, just a new mate for Naumon.
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Kerra of house Lare


  • Race: Human/Air Elemental Hybrid

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Nationality: Streywood (East)

    A Brief History of Streywood and House Lare:


    Streywood is essentially a very small city, too big to be a village, but not large enough to be considered a kingdom. The city is known to be composed of almost solely humans and relatively independent; possessing all of the required resources to sustain itself. Food, lumber, metals, fuels, a river.. Truly, it is a most fortunate place to build a settlement. The seasons in the area are very balanced, with short but cold winters and long, moderate summers that allow for the harvesting of the plentiful resources in the area. Because of this abundance of things, the small settlement quickly found itself full of large buildings and infrastructures, as well as people. People from all over that come to the east where it is located to visit this growing haven and invest before it becomes too large to do so. They sell things, offer services, and many who followed this path soon found themselves becoming residents after a few years. One could call the place flourishing, if it were not for the quality of the people who lived there.

    Once the struggle to settle in survive in Streywood had ended, the people started competing with one another for land, riches, influence, and so on. Two groups came out on top of this mess after many years of sabotage, bribes, assassinations, and even one or two full out battles that had happened for the ‘right to rule.’ These groups are known as House Lorent and House Puire. They are both named after their first leaders, who founded their house and raised it to glory. While house Lorent serves as the ‘official political rulers and law enforcement’ of the land, House Puire managed to secure enough market control in the dispute before it was over that removing them would be equivalent to suicide for the war-torn village. As such, they agreed on a truce, though the two still compete in more subtle ways to this day. Four generations had passed with these factions in power, and all seemed well. The village grew into the city it is, and the two houses found a common interest in fending off the shadow attacks.

    Naturally, once these attacks grew worse the city called in the few allies it happened to have. A small village of Elementals that the city had a good history of trading with was soon incorporated into the society, but not without receiving prejudices from the local people. It became the norm for them to be drafted as soldiers, using their unique powers to fight off the darkness while the humans lived peacefully within. It was through this situation that the third and final noble house was created. House Lare.

    ..When the princess who was next in line to ascend house Laurent as Duchess had an affair with one of such elementals, the first of these human-elemental hybrids were created. For the most part they appeared human, aside from an unmistakable mark of their element on their backs and minor affinities for air manipulation. It allowed them to boost things like jump height, cause small storms and knock things over when they wanted to - But it was enough to cause the dispute between noble houses to erupt again. This time, there were those who believed the child of this new line - One was was being called the Wind Laurents - Were the true rulers, as the succession should continue as normal while others insisted on having a completely human ruler. The name of this house was shortened to Lair during the event, and eventually changed to Lare thereafter. Unfortunately, hose Lare was defeated and the succession was passed to a human. House Lare was stripped of all official status, and only barely held on to their rights to stay in the city. They still own a fair bit of land though, and an unusually high sum of money for ones who were supposed to be removed from status..

    Two generations have passed since then, which leads into the present; and it becomes clearer by the day that House Lare intends to take back their position as the rulers of Streywood.

    Kerra’s Life:

    Kerra is the daughter of Trelond and Laserie of house Lare. Her father had inherited wind powers from his father, who was the first to receive them and fight for his right to be the ruler of Streywood.This makes her the granddaughter of who she has been raised to believe is the true ruler. She has a single older brother named Edgar, and the pressure has always been on the two of them to carry the legacy of their house onwards after their mother died while giving birth to Kerra. During her youth, she received a decent amount of private education, physical training, and a solid understanding of how shadow organizations work. After they had both undergone their basic schooling, her brother had started training on how to run the noble house, with various lessons on economy and politics while she was.. ‘Removed’ for a while.

    The shadow organization that her father had been working with were known as the ‘Knights of Shadow.’ They are something akin to ninja that were once loyal to the Laurents, but swore service instead to house Lare after the crisis since they were supposedly the true rulers of Streywood. Knowing that even if the house did somehow come into power, that it would be her brother and not her to rule, they took an interest in Kerra’s abilities. Unlike her father, grandfather or even her brother, Kerra could not control the wind for the life of her. Every time she tried, all traces of wind would vanish. This frustrated her greatly for the longest time, until she learned she could use the absence of air to her advantage.

    For without wind, there is silence; because there is nothing to carry sound. By using her abilities, Kerra is able to obtain perfect silence in her movements - Making her ideal for the knights of shadow. They recruited her around her teen years, where she completed her training and obtained the talents of an assassin. She used her this training to aid her house.. Removing inconvenient people, bringing down small treats and even defending in some of the shadow attacks. However, despite all her fortune and skills Kerra has lead a life of solitude. Her amount of friends has been few, and her time for them even fewer.

    As of the start of the roleplay, Kerra is a member of the knights of shadow with the intention of finding a way to permanently remove these shadow attacks once and for all.

    Character Goals:

    Kerra desires not only to become the house in power, but also to be the individual in power. Though she is often in the shadow of her older brother, once the ability to rule is within reach, she would remove him.. Somehow.

    Kerra also desires to rid the world of these terrible shadow creatures that plague the land. There will be nothing to rule over if these attacks continue, and as such she wishes that they would all just disappear. Naturally, she’s willing to lend her blade to make that happen.

    Becoming better in most ways is something Kerra has practiced her whole life. In most things she has improved vastly over the years, but the one thing she can’t seem to increase is her elemental abilities.. If she even found a way to push an apple across a table with these powers she would be content.

    Desired Fate:

    For starters, Kerra does not need to become the ruler. If it does happen though, that would be neat.

    Kerra should learn to make relationships, hopefully with player characters.

    These relationships should be torn from her in cruel fashions such as deaths or betrayals… Because hey, what’s a story without drama?

    Kerra should help the rest of the group fight back against the darkness, assuming this is the objective of the roleplay.


Banner of House Lare

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Darth Gangsta] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15110-demonkitten/ said:
@DemonKitten[/URL] Accepted?
Zayuz said:

Kerra of house Lare


  • Race: Human/Air Elemental Hybrid

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Nationality: Streywood (East)

    A Brief History of Streywood and House Lare:


    Streywood is essentially a very small city, too big to be a village, but not large enough to be considered a kingdom. The city is known to be composed of almost solely humans and relatively independent; possessing all of the required resources to sustain itself. Food, lumber, metals, fuels, a river.. Truly, it is a most fortunate place to build a settlement. The seasons in the area are very balanced, with short but cold winters and long, moderate summers that allow for the harvesting of the plentiful resources in the area. Because of this abundance of things, the small settlement quickly found itself full of large buildings and infrastructures, as well as people. People from all over that come to the east where it is located to visit this growing haven and invest before it becomes too large to do so. They sell things, offer services, and many who followed this path soon found themselves becoming residents after a few years. One could call the place flourishing, if it were not for the quality of the people who lived there.

    Once the struggle to settle in survive in Streywood had ended, the people started competing with one another for land, riches, influence, and so on. Two groups came out on top of this mess after many years of sabotage, bribes, assassinations, and even one or two full out battles that had happened for the ‘right to rule.’ These groups are known as House Lorent and House Puire. They are both named after their first leaders, who founded their house and raised it to glory. While house Lorent serves as the ‘official political rulers and law enforcement’ of the land, House Puire managed to secure enough market control in the dispute before it was over that removing them would be equivalent to suicide for the war-torn village. As such, they agreed on a truce, though the two still compete in more subtle ways to this day. Four generations had passed with these factions in power, and all seemed well. The village grew into the city it is, and the two houses found a common interest in fending off the shadow attacks.

    Naturally, once these attacks grew worse the city called in the few allies it happened to have. A small village of Elementals that the city had a good history of trading with was soon incorporated into the society, but not without receiving prejudices from the local people. It became the norm for them to be drafted as soldiers, using their unique powers to fight off the darkness while the humans lived peacefully within. It was through this situation that the third and final noble house was created. House Lare.

    ..When the princess who was next in line to ascend house Laurent as Duchess had an affair with one of such elementals, the first of these human-elemental hybrids were created. For the most part they appeared human, aside from an unmistakable mark of their element on their backs and minor affinities for air manipulation. It allowed them to boost things like jump height, cause small storms and knock things over when they wanted to - But it was enough to cause the dispute between noble houses to erupt again. This time, there were those who believed the child of this new line - One was was being called the Wind Laurents - Were the true rulers, as the succession should continue as normal while others insisted on having a completely human ruler. The name of this house was shortened to Lair during the event, and eventually changed to Lare thereafter. Unfortunately, hose Lare was defeated and the succession was passed to a human. House Lare was stripped of all official status, and only barely held on to their rights to stay in the city. They still own a fair bit of land though, and an unusually high sum of money for ones who were supposed to be removed from status..

    Two generations have passed since then, which leads into the present; and it becomes clearer by the day that House Lare intends to take back their position as the rulers of Streywood.

    Kerra’s Life:

    Kerra is the daughter of Trelond and Laserie of house Lare. Her father had inherited wind powers from his father, who was the first to receive them and fight for his right to be the ruler of Streywood.This makes her the granddaughter of who she has been raised to believe is the true ruler. She has a single older brother named Edgar, and the pressure has always been on the two of them to carry the legacy of their house onwards after their mother died while giving birth to Kerra. During her youth, she received a decent amount of private education, physical training, and a solid understanding of how shadow organizations work. After they had both undergone their basic schooling, her brother had started training on how to run the noble house, with various lessons on economy and politics while she was.. ‘Removed’ for a while.

    The shadow organization that her father had been working with were known as the ‘Knights of Shadow.’ They are something akin to ninja that were once loyal to the Laurents, but swore service instead to house Lare after the crisis since they were supposedly the true rulers of Streywood. Knowing that even if the house did somehow come into power, that it would be her brother and not her to rule, they took an interest in Kerra’s abilities. Unlike her father, grandfather or even her brother, Kerra could not control the wind for the life of her. Every time she tried, all traces of wind would vanish. This frustrated her greatly for the longest time, until she learned she could use the absence of air to her advantage.

    For without wind, there is silence; because there is nothing to carry sound. By using her abilities, Kerra is able to obtain perfect silence in her movements - Making her ideal for the knights of shadow. They recruited her around her teen years, where she completed her training and obtained the talents of an assassin. She used her this training to aid her house.. Removing inconvenient people, bringing down small treats and even defending in some of the shadow attacks. However, despite all her fortune and skills Kerra has lead a life of solitude. Her amount of friends has been few, and her time for them even fewer.

    As of the start of the roleplay, Kerra is a member of the knights of shadow with the intention of finding a way to permanently remove these shadow attacks once and for all.

    Character Goals:

    Kerra desires not only to become the house in power, but also to be the individual in power. Though she is often in the shadow of her older brother, once the ability to rule is within reach, she would remove him.. Somehow.

    Kerra also desires to rid the world of these terrible shadow creatures that plague the land. There will be nothing to rule over if these attacks continue, and as such she wishes that they would all just disappear. Naturally, she’s willing to lend her blade to make that happen.

    Becoming better in most ways is something Kerra has practiced her whole life. In most things she has improved vastly over the years, but the one thing she can’t seem to increase is her elemental abilities.. If she even found a way to push an apple across a table with these powers she would be content.

    Desired Fate:

    For starters, Kerra does not need to become the ruler. If it does happen though, that would be neat.

    Kerra should learn to make relationships, hopefully with player characters.

    These relationships should be torn from her in cruel fashions such as deaths or betrayals… Because hey, what’s a story without drama?

    Kerra should help the rest of the group fight back against the darkness, assuming this is the objective of the roleplay.


Banner of House Lare

they are both accepted. I will work on the overview today after I clean house and also some settings. If you want I can incorporate Yalls characters origins or y'all can make one yourself in settings/location



(Ignore the helmet, he only wears it when Hollowed. The above pic is what his face looks like)


  • Name/Nickname:

    Draconus (a.k.a Emily when as a female)





    Gender; Biological:

    Male (born as a male)

    Gender Identity:

    Male & female

    (has a ring that when worn changes his entire body and genetics to that of a female. Has the same hair, body type and all just looks more feminine and has girl parts.)


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Appearance: (Couldn't find a suitable picture)

A hideous mix of a draik and a daemon. Da'Os stands in humanoid form, but his ash daemon skin is covered in slimy malformed scales. The deformities become worse higher up; his wings are abnormally small, and don't move except for an occasional twitch. His face resembles that of a drake, but with countless spikes of a daemon emerging from every direction. One large spike blocks his left eye, making him blind on that side. On his cheek and below his chin are gaping holes that his skin failed to cover. All in all, a monstrous looking deformity.


Da'Os Vakir




Daemon/Drake Hybrid

Gender; Biological:


Gender Identity:




Companions (animals):





An doll of a daemon, resembling his mother. He keeps it close to him at all times, though hidden.


Everything, profuse hatred for pure blooded drakes


Secretly, his mother. All other demons as well

Significant Other:



No hair, except for grey spikes coming from his skull


Greyish Green


Abnormally thin, some parts of his arm are literally just muscle on bone


Black ragged robes trimmed with cheaply gold fabric. Looks very grand from far away but very cheap and poor up close

Unique Attributes

Holes emerging from his jaw and cheek, several deformed scars across his forehead, one of his eyes is covered by an overgrown spike


+ Demons

+ Undead

+ Black Magic

+ Fishing

+ Water


- Flowers

- Fire

- Draiks

Personality Traits:

+ Ambitious (check here http://ideonomy.mit.edu/essays/traits.html for suggestions for all fields)

+ Passionate

+ Perseverant

O 1 Enigmatic

O 2 Experimental

- Monstrous

- Malicious

- Demented

Overall Personality:

Very malformed individual, both inside and out. A traumatic childhood caused him to develop a profuse hatred for many things, the most of them being Draiks. Tends to keep his magical secrets to himself, in order to surprise his enemies. Not afraid to break the laws of magic to create unholy abominations. Once he sees something he wants, not much can stop him, he will be fully devoted to that until he either changes interest or it fades.

O List these with a brief description

O These will be elemental, magical and overall not natural abilities that cannot be trained to just anyone


O Cursed Fire: Summon a pitch black flare to scorch the soul of enemies. It guides itself to its target, seeking full and pure souls

O Unholy Feast: Channels the spirit of whoever Da'Os touches and feasts upon it slowly, strengthening him temporarily and harming his target

O Raise sleepers: Using some of his life energy mixed with magic, Da'Os calls to the dead in an area, forcing them to his will

O Avatar of the Old One: A very new type of magic that Da'Os studies in, opens the void to a dark dimension and summons an abomination


O Sacrificial dagger: A rusty iron blade curved in wicked angles. Although seemingly benign, it only takes a drop of blood for Da'Os to begin his magic

O Thorned straight sword: More of a torture tool than an outright weapon, a sturdy vine lined with countless thorns and laced with a paralyzing poison. The brittleness of the vine keeps it away from actual combat.


+ Twisted dark magic

+ Tolerates eating almost anything, even daemons and drakes

+ His slimy black skin lets him blend into dark, muddy environments


- Unable to shift between human and draik, stuck in a horrifying mix of the two

- Very weak physically, his deformities prevent him from growing any significant muscle

-Reduced senses, nearly blind, relies mostly on magic to detect the living

-Can not fly, his wings are not fully developed and never will be


Da'Os was born as the child between a draik father and a daemon mother. His father abandoned him once he saw his hideous deformities, while his mother stayed to care for him. By some unholy miracle, he survived. At this stage, his mother began teaching him to be wary of the world, as it will not accept his hideous deformities.

Young Teen:

This is when Da'Os' training in black magic began. His mother helped him slowly morph his wariness of the world into hatred, which helped speed his mastery over vile magic

Years After:

Eventually, his mother used him to take revenge on his father and the other Draiks who persecuted him. Standing no chance against both of their black magics, the Draiks all perished to Da'Os and his demon mother. Soon after though, his mother mysteriously left leaving Da'Os alone. With a confused mind and mixed emotions of hatred and guilt, he pressed on.

What does your character want in the future: To become royalty or King, hopes that he will finally garner respect and love as a ruler through fear.

What do you want to happen to your Character: I'd like for Da'Os to be sort of the villain, sometimes allying with the "good" characters but ultimately to pursue his goal of royalty.
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Heide Knight sword[/URL] that does lightning damage and has been enhanced with Titanite. A Drangleic shield that is usually around his left forearm and carries a Royal Swordsman sword




+ Good with lightning magic

+Is almost around Adept level with Hexes

+Practically an expert swordsman with pretty much any one handed sword

+His undeath curse where he becomes Hollowed everytime he is killed


- Becoming a Hollow

+Having his physical health and flexibility weakened when as a Hollow





Young Teen:


Years After:




What does your character want in the future:

To defeat Artorias and become a world wide master in Swordsmanship

What do you want to happen to your Character:

Not for people to judge him when he is a lady or Hollowed




I do not mind the whole having to have whole body destroyed, but I believe he is a little too strong compared to weaknesses. Maybe add a couple more weaknesses. Also, remember to click the bb code editor to edit anything
Zayuz said:

Kerra of house Lare


  • Race: Human/Air Elemental Hybrid

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Nationality: Streywood (East)

    A Brief History of Streywood and House Lare:


    Streywood is essentially a very small city, too big to be a village, but not large enough to be considered a kingdom. The city is known to be composed of almost solely humans and relatively independent; possessing all of the required resources to sustain itself. Food, lumber, metals, fuels, a river.. Truly, it is a most fortunate place to build a settlement. The seasons in the area are very balanced, with short but cold winters and long, moderate summers that allow for the harvesting of the plentiful resources in the area. Because of this abundance of things, the small settlement quickly found itself full of large buildings and infrastructures, as well as people. People from all over that come to the east where it is located to visit this growing haven and invest before it becomes too large to do so. They sell things, offer services, and many who followed this path soon found themselves becoming residents after a few years. One could call the place flourishing, if it were not for the quality of the people who lived there.

    Once the struggle to settle in survive in Streywood had ended, the people started competing with one another for land, riches, influence, and so on. Two groups came out on top of this mess after many years of sabotage, bribes, assassinations, and even one or two full out battles that had happened for the ‘right to rule.’ These groups are known as House Lorent and House Puire. They are both named after their first leaders, who founded their house and raised it to glory. While house Lorent serves as the ‘official political rulers and law enforcement’ of the land, House Puire managed to secure enough market control in the dispute before it was over that removing them would be equivalent to suicide for the war-torn village. As such, they agreed on a truce, though the two still compete in more subtle ways to this day. Four generations had passed with these factions in power, and all seemed well. The village grew into the city it is, and the two houses found a common interest in fending off the shadow attacks.

    Naturally, once these attacks grew worse the city called in the few allies it happened to have. A small village of Elementals that the city had a good history of trading with was soon incorporated into the society, but not without receiving prejudices from the local people. It became the norm for them to be drafted as soldiers, using their unique powers to fight off the darkness while the humans lived peacefully within. It was through this situation that the third and final noble house was created. House Lare.

    ..When the princess who was next in line to ascend house Laurent as Duchess had an affair with one of such elementals, the first of these human-elemental hybrids were created. For the most part they appeared human, aside from an unmistakable mark of their element on their backs and minor affinities for air manipulation. It allowed them to boost things like jump height, cause small storms and knock things over when they wanted to - But it was enough to cause the dispute between noble houses to erupt again. This time, there were those who believed the child of this new line - One was was being called the Wind Laurents - Were the true rulers, as the succession should continue as normal while others insisted on having a completely human ruler. The name of this house was shortened to Lair during the event, and eventually changed to Lare thereafter. Unfortunately, hose Lare was defeated and the succession was passed to a human. House Lare was stripped of all official status, and only barely held on to their rights to stay in the city. They still own a fair bit of land though, and an unusually high sum of money for ones who were supposed to be removed from status..

    Two generations have passed since then, which leads into the present; and it becomes clearer by the day that House Lare intends to take back their position as the rulers of Streywood.

    Kerra’s Life:

    Kerra is the daughter of Trelond and Laserie of house Lare. Her father had inherited wind powers from his father, who was the first to receive them and fight for his right to be the ruler of Streywood.This makes her the granddaughter of who she has been raised to believe is the true ruler. She has a single older brother named Edgar, and the pressure has always been on the two of them to carry the legacy of their house onwards after their mother died while giving birth to Kerra. During her youth, she received a decent amount of private education, physical training, and a solid understanding of how shadow organizations work. After they had both undergone their basic schooling, her brother had started training on how to run the noble house, with various lessons on economy and politics while she was.. ‘Removed’ for a while.

    The shadow organization that her father had been working with were known as the ‘Knights of Shadow.’ They are something akin to ninja that were once loyal to the Laurents, but swore service instead to house Lare after the crisis since they were supposedly the true rulers of Streywood. Knowing that even if the house did somehow come into power, that it would be her brother and not her to rule, they took an interest in Kerra’s abilities. Unlike her father, grandfather or even her brother, Kerra could not control the wind for the life of her. Every time she tried, all traces of wind would vanish. This frustrated her greatly for the longest time, until she learned she could use the absence of air to her advantage.

    For without wind, there is silence; because there is nothing to carry sound. By using her abilities, Kerra is able to obtain perfect silence in her movements - Making her ideal for the knights of shadow. They recruited her around her teen years, where she completed her training and obtained the talents of an assassin. She used her this training to aid her house.. Removing inconvenient people, bringing down small treats and even defending in some of the shadow attacks. However, despite all her fortune and skills Kerra has lead a life of solitude. Her amount of friends has been few, and her time for them even fewer.

    As of the start of the roleplay, Kerra is a member of the knights of shadow with the intention of finding a way to permanently remove these shadow attacks once and for all.

    Character Goals:

    Kerra desires not only to become the house in power, but also to be the individual in power. Though she is often in the shadow of her older brother, once the ability to rule is within reach, she would remove him.. Somehow.

    Kerra also desires to rid the world of these terrible shadow creatures that plague the land. There will be nothing to rule over if these attacks continue, and as such she wishes that they would all just disappear. Naturally, she’s willing to lend her blade to make that happen.

    Becoming better in most ways is something Kerra has practiced her whole life. In most things she has improved vastly over the years, but the one thing she can’t seem to increase is her elemental abilities.. If she even found a way to push an apple across a table with these powers she would be content.

    Desired Fate:

    For starters, Kerra does not need to become the ruler. If it does happen though, that would be neat.

    Kerra should learn to make relationships, hopefully with player characters.

    These relationships should be torn from her in cruel fashions such as deaths or betrayals… Because hey, what’s a story without drama?

    Kerra should help the rest of the group fight back against the darkness, assuming this is the objective of the roleplay.


Banner of House Lare

I just noticed that weaknesses and strengths are not added. If you could add those
DemonKitten said:
I do not mind the whole having to have whole body destroyed, but I believe he is a little too strong compared to weaknesses. Maybe add a couple more weaknesses. Also, remember to click the bb code editor to edit anything
Well fire and soul magic are some of his weakness's. I could say that when he is a hollow he is greatly affected by fire? And does this mean I'm accepted?
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Well fire and soul magic are some of his weakness's. I could say that when he is a hollow he is greatly affected by fire? And does this mean I'm accepted?

DemonKitten said:
I just noticed that weaknesses and strengths are not added. If you could add those
Edited into Abilities and items; sorry for not having them in - I assumed they only applied to beings with unnatural powers.

Connor McKinley


  • Name/Nickname:

    Connor McKinley




    Witch. Or in his case, warlock since he's a male

    Gender; Biological:


    Gender Identity:




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  • Name/Nickname:

    "Tipsy" Tealy





    Gender; Biological:


    Gender; Identity:






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Addua: The Nymph


  • Name/Nickname:

    Addua Th'Na Ulsana



    Appears to be in her late teens to early twenties, but is actually centuries old.


    Leimoniad, Nymph of the meadows and grasslands.


    Gender; Biological:


    Gender Identity:





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Swakphkel, tree

Gender; Biological:


Gender Identity:

None, agender, uses they/their pronoun



Companions (animals):

The Amaranth Spiders


Born and raised together, Nutwig and the Amaranth Spiders share everything. They commune together and through the existence of each one, they are able to survive.


Kala- the Golden Forest Stag. Met Nutwig and the Spiders while in a Wildcat's cave. Nutwig rescued him and they became friends. Sometimes when Nutwig is tired, Kala allows them to ride for short distances.


Nutwig does not have any enemies except for stray creatures that venture into their forest and begin to destroy it.



Significant Other:



Green, long and wavy. It runs past their ears down to their shoulders.


Green. With only a fleeting look, they appear to be "normal" human eyes. Yet, their eyes are hexagonal and almost appear to be spiderlike upon further appraisal.


5"0, weighs about 100 lbs. They are very small and slight. Their bones are hollow to house the spiders inside of them so they are very fragile.


Usually doesn't wear clothing because they live in a place where it is not necessary. They are unfamiliar with the concept of clothes anyway since they are protected by the Spiders. Usually a fine layer of spiderweb dusts their skin.

Unique Attributes

Their left hand has been broken off and their arm ends in a stump. This happened when they were attacked by humans in the woods. In the ensuing fight, Nutwig lost their arm. When it becomes necessary, the Spiders will craft them a new one out of spiderweb but since it is sticky and hard to maneuver, they don't really like it.


+ Naps in the sun

+ Quiet

+ Meditation with the Spiders an Kala


- Creatures who attack the woods

- Fire

- Hunting bows

Personality Traits:

+ Clever. Living in nature for all of their life has made them able to adapt to changing situations and think up solutions. They are quick on their feet and can come up with new ideas easily.

+ Gentle. Nutwig has a respect for all life in their forest and would give up anything to protect it. They are almost one with the forest and its inhabitants.

+ Fun loving. Nutwig loves nothing more than spending time with the Spiders and Kala doing meditation which is what they consider a great time.

O Quiet. Does not really like to talk to other creatures. Where they live, it is not necessary to speak out loud so they simply avoid it.

O Observant. Due to their natural upbringing, it is innate to be observant of their surroundings.

- Dogmatic. Has an ideal of peaceful, undisturbed living in the forest and is unwilling to acknowledge the outside world until things affect them.

- Hostile. Can be violent to those who do not belong in their forest.

- Naive. Thinks that they can live alone in a world that is convulsing through war with the shadows. They think that they are removed from conflict, with disastrous results.

O Ability to control the spiders. They can use the venom as a poison and can shoot web out of their fingertips. The web can vary in strength. Most of the time it is a light web that is used to capture things in a sticky grip. If necessary, they can form it into a rock solid weapon that is almost swordlike. They also have increased night vision and can climb objects with their claws.


O Very good at camouflage and is not easily detected. Can hide up in trees and pounce down on victims from above.


O Web sword. A sword that is made out of rock hard web.


+ Poison bite

+ Web sword

+ Communication with the Spiders

+ Ability to climb with claws


- Web sword is heavy and draining for the Spiders. If they make it, it takes a couple hours to form and it disintegrates in a couple of days. The spiders cannot make a new sword within a week.

- Cannot climb trees when wet. Is not good at climbing slippery, metallic surfaces.


Born out of a Symbiosis with a tree and Magic Spiders, Nutwig has been in existence for 14 years. They live in a small, secluded temperate forest that has no name. They grew up with the Spiders who taught them their knowledge of Magic and allowed them to survive. When they were seven years of age, they were exploring and they saw a Stag caught in the trap of a Wildcat. They freed the Stag and he introduced himself as Kala. He communicated the same way as the Spiders, through telepathy.

Kala told them of the world outside and the struggles it was facing. Nutwig did not care at all and dismissed it. Kala warned them that soon other beasts would venture into the forest and attack. Kala had heard of humans migrating into the marshes and the forest because they had no place to go. Nutwig replied that they were not welcome in their forest and if they caught any of these humans or other creatures, they would attack.

Just as Kala predicted, humans soon came wandering into the forest and Nutwig dealt with them brutally. Yet, no matter how many humans or other trespassers they killed more would simply come. They asked Kala what to do and he said that he would pray to the Gods for a rumor to be spread among the trespassers that a demon lived in the forest that would kill them if they strayed too deep. However, in return Nutwig would have to be eternally bound to the forest and eke out their entire existence as its guardian They would experience all the pain that the forest felt and would have to live with that burden for life. Nutwig agreed and was bound to the forest. Slowly, the number of trespassers decreased. Nutwig had sold their soul to the forest.

Young Teen:

The trespassers decreased but Kala told them of some disturbing rumors in towns to the north. He said that the humans were growing angry at the forest and wanted it destroyed. Nutwig scoffed at the idea of humans being able to destroy an entire forest and shrugged off Kala's attempt to help. For two years until Nutwig was in their thirteenth year, they saw no trace of humans except for one small one that Nutwig killed. However, on the summer solstice of their fourteenth year, Kala arrived with news of an angry mob of villagers were coming down to the forest to burn it down in revenge for the little human girl that Nutwig killed. Nutwig once again shrugged off the possibility that humans were even smart enough to wage war against and entire forest, but they were dead wrong.

The humans arrived and began to burn the forest to the ground. Nutwig was overcome with pain and could barely move as burns covered their body. In a battle that lasted almost three days, Nutwig fought off the humans until they had killed them all or they ran off. After the battle was over, Nutwig collapsed in pain and sickness. They lost their left hand to burns. It took them months to recover an Nutwig emerged hardened and angry at the world. Kala told them that more humans would come as the Shadows attacked so Nutwig took it upon themself to stop the conflict and return to the forest when everything is peaceful.

What does your character want in the future:

The humans to stop coming into their forest. They want to live the rest of their life with the Spiders, Kala and the forest. They also want revenge on humans for the forest fire that they started.

What do you want to happen to your Character:

(to be added)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/fabdacdb4e09d65732e05e6a03f3ae26.jpg.37ba02360fe57c03a1d2853eb8083a54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/fabdacdb4e09d65732e05e6a03f3ae26.jpg.37ba02360fe57c03a1d2853eb8083a54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/font][/font][/color][/font][/color][/font][/color]

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Looks like a bunch of forest characters! Wouldn't it be interesting if some of you started in the same forest coexisting?

Brook Risque(WIP)


  • Name/Nickname:

    Brook Risque




    Witch/Demon Hybrid thinks she is only a black witch

    Gender; Biological:




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Gender; Biological:


Gender Identity:

Genderless – While is has many meanings, everyone can define it in their own way. Inmento defines his gender identity as he doesn’t wish to change his gender but he also doesn’t identify with the gender he was born with.


Polyamorous – Short explanation is having many partners, but not all of them are sexual partners.

Pansexual – How Inmento defines Pansexuality is that he can love any and all genders, or any and all lack of genders, and his feelings are not based upon looks, but rather personality.

Companions (animals):

No companions at this current time.


No kin.


Haruta – A fellow vampire who is Inmento’s best friend. She always was a little hot-headed but she was strong. Inmento had become smitten with her, until one day she left the nest and was never seen or heard from again.


Victoria Crowe – Inmento and Vicky never got along as they were always fighting over prey and people they were turning. One day whilst Inmento was on a hunt he was just finished feeding when Vicky showed up, turns out she wanted to cause some trouble for the new vampire. After a few minutes of verbal insults and blocking Inmento’s path back home, Vicky decided to take out some anger on Inmento. Inmento blames Vicky for the disappearance and rumoured death of Haruta and vowed to get vengeance.



Significant Other:



Medium Length Silver hair that in darker light can appear as a light purple


The eyes are pale blue but when feeding sometimes a small sliver of green near the middle left of the eye can be seen.


Inmento stands at 5’6” and weighs about 128 lbs. Inmento is usually walking around with his head down, not down as in sad but just angled downwards slightly.


Inmento was always a weird one. He wears a black cloak without a hood, his shoes are grey runner type shoes with a red streak through the middle. Sometimes wears a blindfold in order to enhance/rely solely on his instincts. Near the neck area of the cloak seems to be a necklace that is circular and silver. It's meaning is to remind him what he fights for as it was given to him by its previous owner Haruta, he wears it to remember his overall goal.

Unique Attributes

On his right hand is a small mark that loosely resembles a key. Before he was turned he was burned by a poker on his right hand while he was playing around with it like it was a sword. (Those long metal rods used to stir the fire when the wood either doesn’t burn or needs to be moved in order to burn)


+ Night-time: Mostly because he finds the pale moon light to be beautiful

+ Other species/races except shifters, angelics and demonics: He has always been intrigued by the other species/races and how they came into being. He also just sometimes likes what they can do. The reason he doesn’t like Shifters, Angelics and Demonics is because he’s never seen them.

+ Necks: He finds necks are the easiest starting points for turning and/or feeding.


- Victoria

- Animals with teeth – They always fight back and Inmento usually wonders why they have such strong teeth and sometimes the teeth length can bug him, for no real reason other than they are too long.

- The cries of children – Crying is the worst, but a child’s cry is the loudest most painful thing Inmento has ever heard.

Personality Traits:

+ Attractive (But doesn’t believe it as stated by his second neutral trait)

+ Efficient (Mostly for tracking his prey and hunting)

+ Freethinking

O 1 Deceptive (Usually keeps his true intentions hidden)

O 2 Self-conscious (usually about his looks and about himself in general)

- Blunt (Always speaks his mind, even it hurts others)

- Dependent (Inmento as a dependent person usually requires emotional support, and support for shelter, and even mental support)

- Easily Discouraged (If he has ideas, he will usually shoot them down himself before others can and is also not good with criticism)

Overall Personality:

(You do not have to do this if you don’t want, but it is putting all those traits into an explanation which you might do in history anyways)

O Erebokinesis (Darkness manipulation/control) The user can manipulate and control darkness usually by making a small area, or an entire city, dark enough to need torches to see just the area around you, like lighting a very dark cave and only being able to see 5 feet or so in front of you all the times. Taught to Inmento when he was first turned as a way of being able to hunt more efficiently.


O Vampiric transformation – Able to turn any being, mostly humans are preferred, into a vampire.

O Heightened senses – With the heightened senses of a Vampire they can see better, especially in dim lit places, can hear very well and up to 40-60 yards away depending on if there is background noises, can smell blood from 30 yards away.


O Inmento carries around a small knife like dagger, usually used for survival in cold areas, to create fires, as a way to waste time by whittling sticks, and even to create traps out of the environment if/when he is being hunted.

O Vampire Fangs – Usually used for feeding and/or turning other beings into vampires

O Vampire Claws – Some vampires have sharper fingernails, that look claw-like, and are used for wounding their prey.


+ Precognition – Able to see events before they happen.

+ Spiritual Possession - Able to control a user’s body totally and completely.

+ Telepathy – Able to read the thoughts of a person as well as mentally talk to them.


- Precognition Weakness - Inmento has not fully developed this skill and cannot control it to the best of his intentions, usually resulting in him seeing random events at random times.

- Spiritual Possession Weakness – If the possessed person is strong willed or siphons off enough mental energy they can regain control of their body again, leaving Inmento in a weakened state for a few minutes. Inmento is not strong enough to regain control of a person who has expelled him for several hours due to him rarely using this skill.

- Telepathy Weakness – If there is a lot of mental noise, such as the subject playing a song in their head or other forms of distractions, it makes it a lot more difficult for Inmento to read their mind or even talk to them.

-Erebokinesis Weakness – Inmento hasn’t fully honed his ability to control darkness meaning that if someone was to overpower the area with enough light or overpower Inmento himself, they could make the darkness dissipate.


Inmento doesn’t remember much of his childhood. He is only aware of the fact he was raised in an orphanage before being turned and kidnapped by a vampire.

Young Teen:

Inmento is now trying to hone his skills and live his new life as a somewhat immortal being that must feed. He usually zones out and lets his own instincts take over, meaning he has little memories about what he has done or whom he has met.

Years After:

Anything after these other two. If you add anything dealing with your culture, where you grew up and such please post it in overview so we can add it to our history of leto.

What does your character want in the future:

Inmento’s final goal is to find and kill Victoria because he believes she is the reason his best friend disappeared and was presumed dead.

Inmento’s goals for right now are to just survive and make some friends, as he knows he cannot achieve his final goal alone.

What do you want to happen to your Character:

For the moment, what I want to happen to Inmento is for him to adapt and become more aware of the world he exists in, as well as become strong in his skills. I also wish for him to achieve friendship.

(I’m sorry for the lack of details in a lot of these…Still not used to character sheets and am also really tired, working night shifts has broken my pretty mind)




Haviarn Iriswor

(haav-ee-ar-n) (er-ehss-worh)


806 (looks around 23)



Gender; Biological:


Gender Identity:






{ drawing-http://tatchit.deviantart.com/art/Hmph-440614616 }

Mgelliak(Mee-gel-ee-ak), a beloved wolf that has followed him around for a long while, deemed a "pet" by now.

Mge (Meg), as he calls her, enjoys vegetation instead of meat.


Friends have long passed.


Enemies have long passed.


White hair, and a single orange streak.

Usually, the streak is braided.

His hair is around waist length, maybe a bit longer.


Light, light blue.


6'4, 160 lbs








Unique Attributes:

A long scar down his arm.


soft music, nature, knowledge, books, respect, a good laugh, the cold, sunrise, sunset, bugs, animals.


other beings, really warm weather, large gatherings, demonics, alchohol

Personality Traits:

Independent, and level-headed. He is calm and quiet, usually, but he is very interesting if you actually talk to him. Thoughtful, and ingenious.

+ || Level-headed

+ || Thoughtful

+ || Ingenious

O || won't fight until he has to

- || Overwhelming power, though he doesn't ever tap into it.

- || if past friends are mentioned, he is immediately disheveled.


amazing healing skills, good natural rune skills; generates high damage.

Though his true skill comes when he is angered... time bending abilities.




+ superior magic abilities

+ a good judgement

+ intelligent

+ considerate


If time magic is used, he is unable to move for 3+ minutes


Grew up in Caelum. He was a loud upbeat child in earlier years, and calmed at around 8 or 9. His mother, Selva, and father, Calipur, died when he was around 20. They were 109 and 130.

Young Teen:

This is when he learned magic. After he learned magic, he became more separated, from his parents and his old friends. He regrets those choices to this day.

Years After:

Continued to study magic. When his parents died, he stopped for a while, and visited Gelus.

100 years later, he encountered a spirit, who guided him in learning time magic.

Haviarn journeyed for a couple of centuries, and made many friends.

Before now, he has been heartbroken by any and every death of his friends.

Currently, he is attached to a wolf, Mge.

What does your character want in the future:

Knowledge, friends that stay, a good life, successful offspring.

What do you want to happen to your Character:

Someone that doesn't leave him, something that doesn't die until he does. I also want him to lose a limb or powers or something. Just make him sacrifice something for someone who stays.



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