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Pax Pardus Hale

The Ink Shop
Death happens to everyone no matter who you are. Some deaths, however, are more unfair than others. So many good souls kept dying so young. That's when the Queen of Hell opened the Restart Rehab: a place for a second chance. It was a secure facility in the underworld the Queen had built. Three years the chosen souls would go there and learn how to be a worthy and good soul, a soul capable of Reincarnation or Nirvana. Memories of their lives are erased to give the souls a fresh start, however the souls could earn the memories back. Every young soul from every world was eligible for this opportunity.

This story follows the new group of souls joining the rehab. Friends, enemies, siblings, or strangers; no matter what they were in their life was completely erased. Everyone is a stranger to everyone.

**This is a closed Roleplay between friends, thanks for taking an interest though!
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Some woman, at least she appeared female, told Marisol she was dead.


That didn't make sense right? Here she was walking around and talking to the person, BREATHING. Dead people didn't breathe. Though she had to admit everything felt strange but true. There were no real memories of her life before this point but she somehow knew her name and her personality. The woman explained this was temporary and that dependent on her performace at this "rehab" that she could earn her memories back. Marisol stood with a group of about 50 others. It was a mix of others who looked human and ones that were clearly some form of monster... it made her skin crawl a bit.

"Hello!" A tall man in a long black cloak stood facing the group of murmuring souls. "As you've all been told, you are in the Restart Rehab and you have all died." Marisol rolled her eyes; a bit curt no? "You all have a chance to regain your memories and either reach nirvana or be reincarnated. Though this depends on your efforts and strides you make here. So lets get you split into your groups shall we."

Marisol yawned and twirled at her yellow hair as the man droned on and on until she finally looked back up with bored eyes when she heard her own name. "Marisol Evans, Viola, Delphina Kaliani, Raven Oori, Ootori Yuu, Castor, Everest and Nora Magnolia .. please meet inside with your supervisor in room A. Thank you!" Supervisor? Marisol rolled her eyes once more and trudged in the direction the man pointed to, finding the room with A plastered on the door and stepping inside. The room was plain, hospital like almost. It held eight chairs in a circle in the middle. What was this fucking group therapy?
Dead huh? "Nice! How'd I die? Please tell me I went out like the total badass that I am!" Yuu flexed his arms at the woman explaining the situation to him only to be met with a face of pure horror. "What? Oh I get it never seen a man this attractive huh? Stunned you into silence?" The woman simply huffed and shooed him out of the room and out to where people were gathering. Guess she didn't appreciate his banter. Though he supposed a lot of people didn't react well to dying.

The kistune looked around at the group and crossed his arms across his robe clad chest. It seemed like most of the spirits here were monsters of various kinds and humans were few and far in between. Good. They were disgusting groveling little things anyways. He paused for a moment and shook the thoughts from his head. That was overly angry... though he did mean it.

After a little while his name was announced and Yuu blew a kiss at the man reading off names before following the movements of a yellow haired human into the room listed as A.

"Ack... they want us to reflect and become better to move onto a better afterlife but they put us in a group setting as if talking is the way to come to some form of resolution. No sober conversation is ever honest anyways! We should be doing this shit in a bar!"

Raven simply nodded and took in all the information he was given, for some reason none of it really surprised him, it almost felt as if it was information that he already knew about or suspected in the past. Despite having no memories of anything emotional, it was like there was still quite a bit of logical and factual information stored in his head. After he was told the reality of what was going on around him, Raven stood, his wings tucked neatly behind him and moved onto the next step of the journey.

The idea of Nirvana enticed him deeply. He couldn't remember his life but something told him that reaching Nirvana in pursuit of knowledge was where he was meant to end up.

As his name was called Raven pushed a hand through his dark brown hair and let out a low hum before entering the room he was assigned. Two others were already there. An angry looking human and a loud kistune. "I've read somewhere that Kitsunes are loud maniacs but I presumed that was drama filled rumor. You have taken all of thirty seconds to prove the rumors true." The 6'4 male moved across the room gracefully and fell into one of the chairs before crossing his legs at the knee and staring off at one of the walls.

They would be taught their duty here and how the rehabilitation process worked but he couldn't help but wonder they system. Points? Achievements? Tasks? All of the above. His brain got quickly stuck in a loop of trying to determine the inner workings of the system that he had only been a part of for an hour at most.

The entire concept of being dead was bothering her completely, something felt incomplete and ruined and wrong. It was a feeling that made her chest hurt and her stomach fall into her feet. "Reincarnation?" The word brought hope into the 23 year old faeries heart and caused her to crack a smile smile on her pale angular face. That was calming, it felt as if it would be an answer to her unease. "Right... right..." Viola nodded and listened as the situation was explained simply. She was reassured the entire system would be explained in more detail shortly but for now they just wanted to know if she was okay. With steely reserve she looked the monster in the face and gave a curt nod. Was she okay? no. She was dead. But being not okay wouldn't help anyone or anything.

Soon they were being broken into smaller groups and she found herself being sent to room A... This place was interesting. Much more mortal world than Viola would have thought the afterlife was like. She couldn't remember where she came from but all of these metal things felt cold and strange. The room was large and held no feeling in its walls... all it held was the echos of the loud male. Another male scolded him and Viola simply took a seat, her irradescent wings tucked neatly behind her as she took a pale hand and pushed back her long white hair. "I do think we should all simply sit and wait... we're dead and I for one would like to get this done so I can figure out my next step to get back to my life."

Delphina Kaliani. Mermaid. Dead. It was still so weird to think about. Mermaids lived for hundreds of years, why did Delphina die so early? However the lady in front of her explained the rehab and the purpose of it. If Delphina completed three years of the rehab then she could reach her Nirvana.

That's how she ended up in the large group of 50 or so other souls. Her bright green eyes looked from beyond her long lashes to assess the souls around her. There were so many monsters and yokai, there were even humans. This rehab wasn't very selective, was it? Delphina's thin fingers played with her pastel pink hair, biting at her lip as she looked down at her legs. It felt so weird to be upright, she was just swimming around not too long ago. "Oh." Before she knew it her name was being called to class A. "Right." Quickly she made her way to the designated room and stepped inside to see a few others already there. "Hey guys." Delphina gave a sweet smile to everyone as she looked around.

Delphina stood at a full 5'6" and wore a pink sundress with a small black sash around her waist. Along her arms and legs were an occasional pink opalescent glow, her scales shining through her human form. She moved across the hospital like room and sat down in one of the chairs, giving a small awkward smile to everyone. "I hope we can all be friends, maybe it'll make the years go by faster."

Dead? Why didn't that send a chill down her spine? She knew that it should have. She knew that she should have felt something. But it was like the girl was numb. The lady said that happened to some people. Trauma the lady called it. The death was so tragic that the soul is shaken to its core. It would take time for Nora to come out of it.

The 5'3" girl stood in the group and zoned out. Her chocolate curly brown locks fell down her shoulders as she looked down to the floor and got lost in her thoughts. Being in a crowd made her sweat. She took some deep calming breaths. Her name was eventually called and told to meet in room A. Right. Quickly Nora made her through the crowd and took an anxious breath once she was out. Why did it make her so anxious being in there? "Come on. Stop." Silently she scolded herself before forcing herself to enter the room.

Nora froze when her eyes landed on the yellow hair of one of the girls. Her heart skipped a beat. Why? Were they connected? Steely blue eyes quickly looked down and took a seat in one of the chairs, her pale hands smoothing out her black jeans anxiously. 3 years. It would go by quickly. Right?

Something about the thought of Castor dying put a bitter taste in his mouth. Why? He deserved better. He deserved to be a dragon. He didn't remember his past life but he would work hard to achieve his goal. He will become a dragon no matter what it took. Three years was nothing. "Right. Rehab. Thanks." Castor thanked the lady before going to the designated area. His hand smoothed through his short raven black hair and over his curled, spiked black horns, his dark brown eyes looking around. The 6 foot 4 man moved across the room as he was directed to room A, letting a small sigh. This was going to be a long 3 years.

With a small eye roll Castor walked into the room and looked around at everyone. An interesting group. No real terrifying monsters. "Well, your hair color is interesting girly. Yellow, hm? Bright. Expressive." He gave a small chuckle and sat down in one of the two available chairs. Castor felt awkward moving around in this form. Castor was a sea serpent and from the awkward feeling the human form felt he assumed he was usually in his serpent form. He looked up at the clock on the wall and let out another sigh.

Something about the thought of his death made Everest extremely sad. Not hateful, not spiteful, just sad. The 6'6" man couldn't understand why, though. He had no clue about his death, no recollection of how it happened. However, the thought of Nirvana gave him hope. Like his death wouldn't have been a waste. He'd go from sea serpent to dragon like he was always meant to be. That thought was going to get him through this time.

Everest stood tucked in the backside of the room. His long white hair fell past his shoulders, her weaved together crown-like horns standing tall and proud like Everest stood. The names were called and Everest stayed where he stood for a moment to watch everyone walk into the room. They seemed like a curious bunch, but the sight of the last one that entered made his chest hurt. It was only for a second, but he felt something familiar. With a deep breath Everest made his way into the room and gave a small smile to everyone before taking his seat right across from the other horned fellow.

Marisol let out a grumble as others filed into the room and got louder and louder. Her posture was terrible as she sat on the chair, her 5'7 body slumped over as she picked at the flaky black nail polish on her nails. Everyone in this room looked like they were from completely different walks of life, men in robes with wings and fox ears and a girl with wings and a girl with scales. Marisol herself was eccentric looking, pale skin with freckles and bright yellow hair that reached her mid back. The clothes she wore screamed with angst; leather jacket with a black crop top and jeans so shredded they were basically strings. When another walked in the energy in the room changed and she looked up to see what appeared to be a human. A boring one. But for some reason looking at the mousy girl with brown hair made her scowl and made her stomach turn uncomfortably. It was almost like a feeling of regret? Quickly Marisol pulled her eyes from the girl and back down to her chipped nails.

Her attention was brought back up to eye level when a male sat next to her and made mention of her hair. Marisol's tongue was ready to lash at the guy but when her eyes fell on him she stammered for a moment. Horns? Was he some sort of demon? What types of monsters and ghouls were actually even real? If they were here then did hell exist.... "Fuck." Marisol shook the thought away and gave an eye roll to the male with black horns. "I don't know if you should be making comments about my hair when you have those things coming out of your skull goat boy." Across the room another male with horns sat down and Marisol let out a small sigh. More and more weirdos.

Suddenly a voice rang out, the same one that belonged to the man that placed them in this group. Though she couldn't tell from where. It almost felt like it surrounded her...

"Now that you're all in your groups for the year, make some friends! Open up to each other and make some introductions. This is your first chance to prove that you deserve a chance to reincarnate or achieve Nirvana! When we think you've made enough progress, you'll be rewarded!"

Marisol glared at the air a bit. "What was this fucking grade school. Is this the ice breaker then we all get nap time on the rug as a reward." Her arms crossed across her chest as she complained and she let out a loud sigh. "Hi I'm Marisol Evans. Human. I'm twenty years old.... I was twenty years old. Uhm." She paused and bit at her bottom lip a bit. They had no real memories and they were supposed to share? This was cruel. "I like the color yellow? Does that suffice?"

Yuu let the few complaints about his behavior roll off his back, they didn't bother him in the slightest. All he ever wanted to do was live an enjoyable existence, why bog yourself down with duty and responsibility that gave your life no extra meaning? His meaning lied in his own enjoyment. Even in the afterlife he knew this. So if joking around and having a laugh was his way to brighten his own day so be it. Although he wasn't joking about the alcohol. Would there be alcohol here? The thought worried him for a moment but soon the room was full of people and he was back to his sly and frivolous attitude.

The kitsune took a seat next to a positively terrified looking human girl and leaned over a bit for his gemstone blue eyes to peer into hers for a moment before giving her a fangy smile. "You look scared little one. The other human is handling this much calmer than you are. Are all the creepy monsters freaking you out?" He smirked and leaned back just as the voice rang out around them.

Marisol was the first to speak up. Rude little thing wasn't she? After she was done everyone simply blinked and Yuu let out a hum, "I am Ootori Yuu. I am a Yama Kitsune and I am 24 years old." He tapped his long nails against the snow pale skin on his chin as he thought of another tidbit of information, "I like a good drink and having a good time." He bowed dramatically in his chair and shot a toothy grin at the room before nudging the other human. "Here's your chance to speak little one. Or does the cat got your tongue?"

Viola couldn't help but admit the idle chatter made her heart feel a little more at ease. It felt more warm and less... dead.

The others began introducing themselves and she couldn't help but clear her throat after Yuu spoke. "Excuse my judgement here but do you two really think when they said to share they meant that? We're given a chance to prove our worth for reincarnation and instead you two bring up meaningless fun facts?" Viola sat up straight and pushed back her wavy white blonde hair, her pink lips pursing into a small frown before she spoke once again. "For instance. My name is Viola... just Viola. Faeries don't do last names. I am 24 years old. I...." She paused for a moment, her chest filling with a bit of familiar fire and passion as she spoke. "I want to be reincarnated. I know a lot of the other creatures and yokai want to find Nirvana but I would feel like something is missing if I completed my life here."

Speaking that little bit of truth out loud made something in her fill with calm, like it was dying to be realized. "That is what they want when they asked us to share. Not your silly little childlike information." Viola had always been serious but this chance was something she would do anything for and she wasn't going to let anyone else in this group get in the way of that.

The others introduced themselves and once Viola was done Raven spoke up himself. "She is right you know, I mean I for one don't want to mess up to chance to choose and be damned to eternal suffering or be forced to stay here as staff." He looked around the room and shrugged a bit, the structure of his large black wings moving as he did. "I mean sure it's not bad here but they also don't want to keep around trouble making kitsunes or useless humans. So I would place my bets on the both of you being completely screwed without taking this chance." Raven didnt mean for it to be harsh but he was just a matter of fact type of person.

"Oh, right." He had almost forgotten to practice what he preached. "I am Raven Oori, 22 and I am a Kutkh clearly." He gestured to the wings before his eyes fell on the two humans and he let out a sign. "I'm a raven yokai, we deal a lot with wisdom I guess if you wanted to put some lore behind it. And I want to reach Nirvana... I want to learn as much as I can about the world we live in and its inhabitants. I think that the best way for that would be Nirvana."

Delphina couldn't help but giggle quietly at the way the yellow haired girl--err, Marisol and the horned boy argued. "You guys are funny." It was like they were different from the rest of the group. Though she supposed she didn't fit in either. She was happy despite their situation. Yeah sure they were dead but they were getting a second chance! How lucky were they? She couldn't help but smile as everyone introduced themselves. There was the fox, Yuu, who liked to drink. He seemed like trouble. The fairy, Viola, she wanted to be reincarnated. It seemed a little odd for someone of their nature to want that. Then there was the raven named Raven. His wings were pretty. "Oh!" Delphina jumped to her pink sneaker clad feet and giggled quietly.

"I'm Delphina Kaliana, nice to meet you guys. I'm a mermaid. This is my first time having legs." Oh, right. That was off topic. "I chose Nirvana. When a mermaid achieves Nirvana we become part of the ocean to forever watch over the ocean and all of its creatures." She twirled a long piece of her pastel hair as she sat back down. "To be honest I've never been around so many creatures before. At least, I don't think I have. I'm really looking forward to this year with you guys!" Her cheeks turned pink as she smiled cheerfully, her fingers smoothing out her sun dress once more.

Fairies, Ravens, Kitsunes, Mermaids. There were so many creatures she had never seen before, she should have honestly been scared or at least on edge. But she was still trying to make sense of the whole thing. It was like a bad accident that left her rattled. She should have at least felt comforted when she seen the other human girl Marisol. For some reason though, she felt nauseous from fear when she looked at her. "Huh?" Her long lashes bat when she noticed the fox boy staring into her eyes. Scared? "N-No I'm not scared at all..." Nora gave a nervous smile. "I'm not scared of you guys at all." It was Marisol. Nora wasn't a judgmental person at all, she had no clue why she was judging this complete stranger.

When Yuu introduced himself she found her eyes watching him curiously. Were all foxes so handsome? Her cheeks flushed at that thought. It was an honest question though! Mermaids and fairies too, were they all pretty like Viola and Delphina? All Ravens so dark and brooding looking?

She was drawn out of her trance once more when Yuu nudged her. Oh, right, she had to go. When it came to her turn she gave a small awkward smile at the group. "I'm Nora Magnolia, I'm 20 years old and I come from Houston, Texas." Her voice had a southern accent as she spoke. "I am currently undecided on what I want, but I was told most humans choose reincarnation. So I think that's the path I'm on right now." They said that she would figure it out eventually but it was going to take some time for her to come out of this funk. Hopefully it was soon. Nora gave a smile and a small shrug. "So uh, yeah. That's me."

"Excuse me?" Goat boy? Please, tell him he heard wrong. "Listen here you ignorant pest, these are sea serpent horns. I'll be a dragon while you're living in your weak human body." Castor practically growled at the yellow haired girl. What, she couldn't take a joke? She had to attack his horns? Every serpents horns were different. Just because Castor didn't have a laced together crown-like horn like the serpent across the room didn't mean he would just sit there and be insulted.

Castor kicked back and listened to everyone rant and ramble. "Castor. Sea dragon. Nirvana. Dragon." Weren't they just listening? He already went through all this. Apparently having his memory erased didn't cure him of his attitude problem. His dark eyes looked over at the quiet white haired crown boy. He did not like him for some reason. Maybe knowing a little about him would bring back a memory or something?

Everyone took their turn and Everest sat back quietly so he could listen, to try to get to know his group. They had a fairy named Viola, she seemed much more mature than most. Raven the raven yokai, he seemed mature too. They had Yuu the kitsune, he seemed rather vain, though he supposed most of his kind was. The mermaid was bright and happy as most of them were. The two humans appeared to be opposites. And then there was the other sea serpent, the one with curled horns. Even after his soul lost his memories he was still angry. At what though, that was the question. And why did Everest feel like he knew him?

"Hello, my name is Everest. I'm 24 years old and my goal is Nirvana." He didn't go into detail on what he was or what his dream was, he didn't want to be in competition with the other sea serpent. He saw this group as his team, not something to compete with.

As soon as he was done speaking a door appeared on the wall opposite of the entrance. "Congratulations, you've made the first step into your long journey here at this program. Please proceed through the door and await further instruction."

Everest stood and shone a gentle smile at everyone before walking through the door. There they entered what appeared to be a living space. There was a large plush couch, a long table enough for everyone to sit at, and a kitchen off to the corner. In front of them were balls of red, knotted yarn. Some were much bigger than others. "This will be your living quarters, become acquainted with them because you'll be here the next year. As to the balls of yarn? Bring these with you to room A in the morning. Be there by 8." Everest picked up the yarn with his name on it. It was a medium ball of twisted yarn but it didn't look too hard to untangle.


Marisol couldn't help but let out a smirk at the boy's reaction, "Touchy subject I see." She sat back in her seat as the others introduced themselves, only tensing when Nora began speaking. There was a familiarity to her voice for some reason and it turned Marisol's stomach into knots. Nora was from Houston... Marisol was from.... Portland? That felt right. The two places were literally on opposite ends of their country. It wouldn't make sense for them to know each other. Though something deep in her gut told her that they did.

The other serpent spoke up and Marisol took the opportunity to elbow Castor slightly in the ribs and lean over with a whisper. "Now I see why it's so touchy for you. Your other serpent friends have much cooler horns then huh?" She snickered and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees as they finished up. Honestly she thought Castors horns were pretty badass looking but picking on him make her head feel a bit lighter.

Suddenly a door appeared and Marisol went wide eyed. It was going to take a while to get used to the weird things that happened around this place. As she stood and went through the walkway she heard the voice again. "Wait we're all living here together?" The idea of sharing her space with Nora all day every day for the next three years made her head hurt. She pressed her fingers to her temples and let out a sigh. "Man even when we're dead we can get headaches? Bullshit." She followed Everest to the yarn balls and looked at them all. They were all vastly different. Hers was... a fucking mess. Knotted, scraggly, mess. "Man what the fuck?"

Yuu sat back and gave a small giggle, "What do you want to know my dreams and aspirations? I wasn't lying when I said I like to drink. I simply want to have a fun time with the soul I reside in." He waved away Viola's scoldings and listened to the others. They all seemed rather noble in their own ways. Nora was honest, the two serpents wanted to become dragons as most do, Raven was a bore but a logical bore and Delphina stuck to the typical mermaid response. Boring. It was all he could do to keep from yawning.

Nora said she wasn't scared and that made Yuu give a curt laugh. "Humans." He grumbled and rolled his eyes. The two girls would quickly learn they were no longer among the weak. Everyone in this room had heightened abilities and senses. Yuu himself could SMELL her discontent. Foxes were clever and sly by nature. They could read emotions and play to them well. Nora was scared, nervous. As was the Marisol but hers came with more anger. Castor was pure anger. The mermaid girl was basically bubblegum despite the fact that they were dead and the other two were white pages of paper.

"This will be an interesting time..." Yuu let out a quiet note to himself as they stood and entered the new room.

"At least it seems nice." Yuu took the time too look around and poke and prod at a few things before he finally grabbed his yarn and dropped down onto the floor and examined it. It was fairly simple. A few knots and a tangle or two but for the most part it was pretty cleanly wrapped up. "What the fuck do you think these things are for?"

Raven held the bridge of his nose as the others spoke. He didn't enjoy the social aspect of this journey. Couldn't he serve his time as three years in quiet reflection like some sort of monk. That would be so much better. Yuu was too loud and the yellow haired human and Castor were clearly going to be trouble. Nora, Everest and Viola seemed fine was well! Meredith was interesting... she seemed talkative and cheery which seemed like a trait that typically bothered him but she seemed to genuinely be happy with their situation. Well, maybe not happy per say but content and handling it well.

Raven followed quietly as they entered the new shared living space and watched as a few of the others grabbed their balls of yarn. He took in each one slowly and methodically before grabbing his own. It was wound perfectly straight but he could tell by gently squishing it it had a large knot in the center. He thought for a few moments and let out a scowl at Yuu's questioning. "Well since I highly doubt they want us to make them sweaters for letting us be here, I will bet it is one of those challenges we were told about genius." It took a few moments of thinking to realize what it was and Raven had very little patience for questions that require nothing but simple thought. He would discuss complex theories and history until he went blue in the face but that was like asking what a door knob was for.

With the ball in his hands he began walking around the apartment and taking it all in. Everything in this kitchen was foreign to him which gave him some insight to his old life. That a place like this wasn't part of it.

Honestly Viola was shocked that, that was an acceptable answer from all of them. It was all so superficial and surface level. Wasn't this about bettering themselves to prove their worth? Was she already taking this too seriously. No! There was no way to take this TOO seriously. "Well excuse me for thinking that we need to prove our worth. You can't just skate through life having fun. You need to be of use to yourself and your people." She almost growled the last part at the group. It bothered her. Despite her memories she could tell that she was a serious and righteous person, maybe for good or for bad.

"I just don't get it." Viola rubbed her forehead and pushed her hair back and out of her face. The others moved to the room and she stood in an almost regal manner. It was her species and bone structure. Being a faerie made her short, sitting at about 5'2 but she was thin and angular which made her seem tall.

Inside the new living quarters she found herself looking at a bunch of ... yarn? Was this arts and crafts?! The damn thing actually made her go red in the face, a curse of the faerie life. They were very emotional and VERY expressive.

Delphina couldn't help but smile ear to ear. This was such a lively group! Her sparkling eyes watched Everest as he introduced himself. He had an elegant air about him that soothed her. He was a fellow sea creature too, right? Same with Castor? Their horns were very different from one another. "Oh!" Her eyes widened when a door appeared. "Cool!" She smiled and walked through the door with everyone else.

The living are was much different than living areas she grew up with. She couldn't remember anything, but it was just a feeling. Before she could run off and explore she listened to the man talk about the living situation and the yarn balls in front of them. Delphina's eyes found hers and her sun kissed colored thin fingers picked it up, turning it around to observe it. There were several small little knots throughout the largish ball of yarn, thankfully it didn't look to hard to unravel. "Think we'd get in trouble if we undid it?" Delphina took her ball and hopped onto the plush couch, her fingers mindlessly trying to unravel the yarn.


Delphina had no problem falling asleep when she got to her room. Her roommate was the fairy! How cool was that? Though she was slightly intimidating...nothing Delphina couldn't handle!

It was probably about 5 in the morning when Delphina woke up, having always been an early riser. She got ready for the day by brushing her hair and putting on a cute baby blue sundress she found in the dresses. Slowly she tiptoed out of the bedroom and headed downstairs for a drink of water. Cup, water in cup, mouth. It went pretty good at first! Well, until she dropped the cup and spilled the water on herself.

"Oof!" Delphina groaned quietly as her legs gave out from under her. She fell to the floor and smacked against the tile. "What the heck..." Her eyes widened as she looked down at her legs. Well, where her legs should have been. Her pink shimmering scaled fin was right in front of her. "Great. Awesome. I'm stuck down here." She laid her head back on the tile with a long sigh. Guess she'd have to wait until she dried off?
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Nora smiled when Everest finished up with the introductions. At least she had a couple other non crazy souls in the group. When the door appeared she listened to the voice instruct them on the next step. With a small sigh she stood to her feet and ran a hand through her long wavy hair, her black flats tapping against the floor as she made her way into the room.

Honestly, Nora didn't know what to expect. She certainly didn't expect to be standing in a nice looking apartment, and definitely didn't expect the red balls of yarn. Gently Nora took hers as instructed and observed the ball. It was so clean, nearly perfect save for the one knot inside that held the two ends of the yarn together. If she undid it would completely fall out of the ball. Her eyes darted from ball to ball and seen that several were much more knotted and much larger. What were these for?

Then she noticed Viola's red face and Nora gave her a gentle smile. "I'm sure this is some sort of test. Maybe...maybe the yarn represents our life? I don't know how they would... but there's got to be some logical explanation. Right?"


Nora really didn't sleep that night. She was on edge the whole time because of Marisol being her roommate. She just made her uncomfortable, she really had nothing to say to her. At some point she had talked herself into trying to be friendly to her. They'd get over this awkwardness and be friends. "Marisol are your clothes rather plain too?" Nora skimmed through the outfits in her drawer and settled on a pair of black pants and a red t-shirt that hugged her feminine frame. She brushed through her wavy brown and slipped on her shoes before she grabbed her nearly knot free ball of red yarn. She held the ball of yarn and looked back at her yellow haired roommate.

The sight of her still made her uneasy but she swallowed the feeling and smiled. "Well, let's not be late." Nora stepped out of one of the four rooms upstairs of their living quarters. Was anyone awake yet? They still had a half hour before their meeting time, she just wanted them all to be on time. "Good morning everyone. Is everyone up?" Nora knocked twice on each of the door before she headed down the stairs. Hopefully that would wake up the sleeping ones.

Let's just say that Castor's ball of yarn was not neat in the slightest. To be honest, the thing was a mess. There was no making sense of it whatsoever. Trust me, he worked all night on it in the living room. It wasn't like he was going to sleep at all that night, not with who he was bunking with. Surely there was someone he could talk to. See if he could be switched groups or something...anything to get away from the yellow haired girl and the other sea serpent. One was a party, two was a crowd.

At some point he clocked out on the couch. He was an extremely heavy sleeper so Delphina's slip in the kitchen didn't phase him. He continued to snore and toss and turn on the couch uncomfortably. When Nora started to yell he let out a quiet groan. "Quiet you nag!" He rolled his eyes and sat up slowly. Why was he up so early? ...Oh. Right. He was dead and he had to do this group bullshit with a dumb piece of yarn. Yeah, that made sense.

Castor stood up and stretched out his cramped up body. The couch wasn't big enough for him to lay there comfortably. "Yeah yeah yeah I'm up." Castor headed to the kitchen and blinked a few times when he noticed Delphina laying on the floor. The girl was asleep. "Hey, what the hell are you doing on the floor? You have a room. With a BED. You sleep there." He nudged her arm with his foot to wake her up. "I didn't realize mermaids such heavy sleepers. Damn."

For some reason Castor didn't want to room with Everest. Did he smell? He thought he smelled rather fresh. Kind of like an ocean breeze. Maybe he reminded the young sea serpent of someone. He certainly reminded him of someone, though he couldn't put his finger on it. Still they were both sea serpents, they should be friendly with their own kind. That's how he felt at least.

Everest looked over at the door as Nora knocked on his door. "I'll be down in a minute." He looked back into the mirror and finished brushing his white hair. He adjusted the collar of the white button down shirt, smoothing out the black jeans. He hoped it looked right together, he wasn't used to these types of clothing. "Right." He grabbed his barely tangled yarn and held on to it as he walked out of his room. He walked down the stairs and noticed Castor in the kitchen talking to someone.

"Who are you-" His eyes widened slightly as he noticed a sleeping Delphina and an empty cup on the floor. Quickly he knelt down and assessed her condition. "She looks fine, no wounds." He gently helped her to her feet and glanced back at Castor. "Don't get wet in front of anyone, okay?" It was just a theory but if he was right then both Everest and Castor could pose a possible danger to the group.

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