The rest of our lives ( Alexile and Caspen)


Junior Member
It didn't seem like a long time ago when they had told him that he had the rest of his life ahead of him. He didn't believe them then, but it was all he could think about now. And they were right, he had the rest of his life ahead of him.

Andrew "Andy" Hunter






Andy's mother was the quiet girl, more of a nerd than anything. When she was 15 she fell in love with a man she met through her father's work. He was 23 years old, but promised to take her away from the small town where she saw no future for herself. The two of them were not careful enough though and were caught one night by her father. He killed the man and went off to prison while Andy's mother found out she was three months pregnant. She tried to kill herself several times, but had the baby anyways. All she could see in him was his dead father, and didn't even want to look at him. She handed Andy off to her mother to take care of, but then her mother died when Andy was two years old. The state found the mother unfit after three years of him living with her and being in the ER almost weekly.

So, from the age of five until 15 Andy was bounced from one foster home to the next, never feeling safe and generally being abused. There was one good home through the whole process though. They adopted him when he was 14 and loved him. They were the first people in Andy's life to ever be kind to him. They were an older couple with a tiny dog. By the time they got Andy, he was already drinking and smoking, out late nights at parties. They tried to help him, but he was just out of reach. One night he was out at a party and someone broke into the house. They stole anything they could carry and then killed his parents. He found them on the floor like that, and didn't leave their side until the cops pulled him from their bodies. After that, he packed his bags and ran away. He ended up in a small town in the middle of nowhere, working at the bar. He had a small apartment a bunny. He worked their for a while before he met Sylus, and still works their.


Andy is a very caring person. He is nice to almost everyone and sees the best in people. Although he generally pretends to be okay, he is very sensitive and most the times scared. He has lived most of his life in fear, and he still hasn't gotten over his past. He has awful nightmares and drinks to forget about his past, but it only makes things worse. It's not surprising, but he hates most everything about himself and had no confidence, he is just pretending. He has incredible guilt over the loss of his only real parents. Despite his flaws, he is loyal. He would do anything for the people he loves, even if it would hurt him. He is one of the most dedicated people.




He sings and plays guitar. He also is a great painter, but doesn't really paint anymore.

Name: Sylus Black

Age: 27



Personality: Being severely abused his entire childhood has deeply affected Sylus personality, making him generally pessimistic and apathetic. Due to his drug use he has some anger issues, often leading him into fights. But even if he sometimes comes off as just dark and damaged, he has another side too; often surfaced in his writing. He can be very protective of the people he loves, and is not afraid to do anything to keep them safe.

Background: Sylus was an only child and grew up in a rich neighborhood with his parents. His father was a highly paid lawyer and his mother was a classic house wife. On the outside everything looked perfect, but that was far from the truth. Beneath the fancy walls both him and his mother was suppressed by his abusive father. At a very young age he turned to drugs and sex to numb the pain, addictions that still play a huge role in his life.

Sylus rarely talks about his father’s abuse and sarcastically refers his many scars as “battle wounds”. When he turned 18 he finally got his chance to leave his father’s prison by moving to Europe and taking writing classes. After he published his first book at age 23 he returned home, learning that his mother is dying in cancer. After her death he moved away to a small town where he eventually met Andy.


As he shoved the final articles of clothing left to pack in his bag, Andy checked his phone for any updates from Sylus on the move. Today was the day they had planned for, they were moving in with each other. He had fears of course, that maybe this wasn't the right thing to do or what if he screwed everything up? But everything was outweighed by the fact that he really wanted to be with him, and he felt safe around this man. A few more things had to be put in the bag before he was ready to move, so Andy went to the bathroom and packed them in the bag, checking everything a couple more times. The apartment was not that big, but it took a while to check every inch of the place. Andy didn't even know why he was checking everything so much, he just felt the need to make sure everything was in its place.

(( Sorry, I wasn't sure what you wanted to start with.... ))

It hadn’t taken Sylus long to pack, and in the end he was just stuck with one large military bag and his laptop. Even though he had lived in this loft for 2½ years he barely had any stuff, mostly because he never allowed himself to think that anything possibly could last. And that was what this town originally was to him; temporary. Then he met Andy. Many had doubted Sylus ability to commit, Sylus himself the most cynical of them all. And yeah, there had been a few slips along the road and even though he’s incapable of actually articulate the three little magic words, he had grown to deeply care for this guy.

With his black leather jacket and dark brown army boots already on and all the necessary calls made, Sylus took his laptop, lifted his bag to his shoulder and left without looking back; leaving the keys under the doormat for the next poor bastard to move in.

As he turned his keys in his jeep, he finally got a chance to actually process it all.

“What the hell am I doing” he mumbled to himself, but with an almost happy smile on his lips. He took a moment to pick up his phone and sent a text to Andy, and then drove away.

On my way to pick up the keys. Want me to pick you up later?



Feeling the soft buzz of his cell phone in his pocket, Andy pulled it out, seeing the text from Sylus. A faint smile crossed his lips just seeing a text from him. Quickly, he typed his message and sent it quickly, "Walking down to the coffee shop for some breakfast, you can pick me up when you are ready.

:) " He wanted to say something more than that, but he wasn't sure how. He wanted to tell Sylus how happy he was, how excited, and maybe even how scared he was. Shaking his head, Andy slung the backpack over his shoulder and picked up his other bag before heading out the door. The coffee shop was only a few minutes from his place, but he still walked through the woods to get there. As he passed through a particularly pretty part of the woods, he stopped for a little. His hand went to the bracelet his foster parents had given him when he lived with them and took a deep breath, feeling a little less nervous. They would not be too proud of him, Andy knew; he smoked and drank and worked at a bar after all. None of that mattered anyway, they were gone and that was then. Grabbing his things and headed to the shop.
With the keys to their new apartment in his hand, Sylus walked back to his car with slow heavy steps. Sighing, he leaned against his black jeep, pulling a cigarette and a lighter from his jeans pocket. He flicked the lighter on; just watching the flame for a while, thinking over and over that he wasn’t ready for this. As the flame faded, reality rushed back to him and he quickly lit the cigarette and inhaled. The nicotine made him instantly calmer, now he just had to focus on getting to Andy.

It was a 20 minute ride to get to the coffee shop and focusing on driving was as always a good way to calm his nerves. It was his way to cool off when things got too intense; he could drive around for hours just to keep his mind off things and at the same time it soothed him.

Before he got out of the car he drove his fingers through his hair, checking it out through the rear view mirror. His sides were newly shaved and felt prickly on his palms, and his thick black hair down the center of his head was nicely pulled back with hair gel; leaving his fingertips slightly oily. A final glance in the mirror to check that he looked ok, and then he jumped out of his car and started walking to the entrance, knowing he’d be at ease once he saw Andy.

He got a few glances, sitting in a coffee shop with bags, but Andy didn't really mind too much. He got what he always got from the coffee shop; black coffee with three creams and two packets of sugar. It was because of his sleeping habits that he had started drinking coffee to begin with. Andy struggled to fall asleep most nights and would barely be able to stay awake all day. Ever since then, Andy drank at least a cup a day. After a few minutes, Andy went outside to have a smoke.

Soon, Andy saw Sylus's jeep round the corner, making a smile tug on his lips. He finished the cigarette, putting it out and smiling over at Sylus. Andy felt better when he saw Sylus, not feeling so worried about all the things he had been thinking about earlier in the day.

Sylus didn’t have to walk for long before he saw Andy’s familiar face. It felt really good to see him again, even if it hadn’t been so long. He really wished that he could express how he felt about him, but every time he was close to he just brushed it off with sarcasm or got distant. Sitting alone in a dark corner writing was his thing, not actually saying the words to the person that mattered the most. Today was no different.

He stopped a few meters from Andy and pulled out the apartment keys he had put in his pocket. He let them dangle from his hand and let his tongue out flirtatiously.

“Look what I’ve got” Sylus said, starting to slowly walk forward. He didn’t stop until his face was just an inch from Andy’s and lift the keys over Andy’s head, staring right into his eyes saying;

“Want them?”

When Sylus moved over to him and dangled the keys, Andy smiled widely, excited for the move. Reaching up, Andy tried to grabbed them, but didn't, chuckling. It had been a little while since he had last been around Sylus, and was just very excited to be around the man again. Andy was reminded of why he missed Sylus so much when Sylus played with him, it was his personality that Andy adored.

Feeling the buzz in his pocket once more, Andy pulled out his cell phone, it was the bar manager, saying that they had changed his shift to eleven P.M. until two A.M. He sighed slightly and looked over at Sylus, "Hey, they changed my shift to start at eleven for tonight, instead of twelve tonight." He wished he didn't need to work on the day they moved in together, but it was what it was.


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