The Residents (Small Group RP)


Untapped Potential
Hollipop submitted a new role play.

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Samantha Montgomery – The Trust Fund Baby – 22 – FC: Hayden Panettiere – Played By: @Lori Williams

Story: She grew up in Beverly Hills. Her father was a plastic surgeon and her mother was his biggest advertisement. Samantha grew up literally living the 90210 life. She attended the famous Beverly Hills High School and then went on to UCLA to study business. One problem—the California princess wasn't doing much studying. She ended up joining a sorority and finding a boyfriend in her first week of school. He encouraged her to neglect her studies and she got kicked out of school at the end of freshman year. She went home and continued her life of luxury until recently when her parents decided to cut her off. The Princess is now living in the Landon Building and trying to keep a job long enough to pay her rent.

Personality Traits: Spoiled, Entitled, Materialistic, Insecure, Alluring, Judgmental, Stylish, Proud

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Jason Fletcher – The Country Boy – 24 – FC: Dave Franco – Played By: @lostonearth

Story: His father owns the largest and most successful auto repair shop in the deep south. Jason knew early on in his life that his destiny was to go into the family business. When he was a boy, he didn't mind it so much but as he grew older he discovered that he'd rather act than balance tires. When he was seventeen, he asked his father if he could attend Columbia College in Hollywood. He had secretly sent in an acting tape and an application and they had offered him a hearty scholarship. Mr. Fletcher had begrudgingly agreed and let his son take four years to study on the west coast as long as he came home after graduation. Well, Jason fell in love with Hollywood and by the end of his senior year of college he knew that he wanted to stay. His father was not pleased, but he decided to help Jason find an apartment and pay his security deposit. Jason has been living in the Landon Building for about a year and works as an intern on the set of a soap opera. To him, the one-hour daily commute from Laguna Beach to LA is well worth it if he gets to follow his dreams.

Personality Traits: Hopeful, Creative, Ambitious, Intense, Socially Awkward, Observant, Thoughtful

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Jacqueline DeMarco – The Wild Child – 21 – FC: Nina Dobrev – Played By: @Hollipop

Story: Jack is an East LA native. She was raised here by her single mother, since her dad left when she was just a baby. Growing up, she was independent from a young age. Her mom had to work three jobs to make ends meet, and when Jack turned sixteen she began her first job as a barista at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. She enjoyed working because it was something to do, but she didn't let it keep her out of trouble. Jack had a thirst for danger, for wild nights that didn't end until sunrise. Her mother knew that there was nothing she could do to control her daughter, and had to count on the fact that Jack had superb street smarts and could always get herself out of trouble. While all of her classmates went of to college, Jack took her savings and ran off to Italy for two years. She continued her party-hard lifestyle there until she knew it was time to return to her old stomping grounds. Unfortunately, Ms. DeMarco was not pleased with the fact that her daughter had gone MIA for 24 months and she received the boot. She's been living in the Landon Building for about six months and although she and her mother are on good terms again she has no desire to alter her wild ways.

Personality Traits: Cultured, Party Animal, Impulsive, Flirtatious, Devil-May-Care, Reckless, Bold

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Benjamin Lovett-Edwards – The Former Athlete – 25 – FC: Kellan Lutz – Played By:

Story: From a young age, it was clear that Ben was gifted. He excelled in every little league sport he played, especially football. His mother and father were extremely pleased with their son and encouraged him to always push himself to be the best he could be. That was exactly what he did. He became the star of the football team in high school and carried that legacy on to college at Boulder until one fateful day. He was a junior and after a game a man pulled him aside, asking if he would like to play for the San Diego Chargers. Naturally, Ben thought it was a scam but the man insisted that it was legit. Of course he agreed, and soon enough the young athlete dropped out of college and began to play in the NFL. He had the dream life—sports, girls, a mansion in Beverly Hills—until one day two years ago. He became severally injured during a game, to the point where he was taken off the team. After some physical therapy Ben was good as new, but it was too late. He had been replaced, and it looked like his football career was over. He lost his mansion and has been living in the Landon Building for a year and a half. He has a job as a waiter at a sports bar and frequently gets recognized. He is easily depressed, but he wants to play football again more than anything in the world.

Personality Traits: Athletic, Positive, Influential, Talented, Lost, Easily Angered, Confused

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Hazel Rhodes – The Hippie Chick – 23 – FC: Jessica Stroup – Played By: @Crank

Story: She had a fairly relaxed upbringing. Hazel was the love child of her parents, the result of a teen pregnancy. Still, her mom and dad loved her very much, even when they brought a baby into the world a full sixteen years after Hazel's birth. Somewhere along the way, her bohemian parents turned into yuppies, leaving a teenaged Hazel confused about her identity. She chose to stick to the lifestyle she had adapted to, and found a love for painting along the way. Her parents eagerly shoved her into one of the most prestigious art schools in California after her high school graduation. Hazel despised the pretentious people there, but she loved being able to paint to her heart's content. After college the last thing she wanted to do was return home and be a live-in babysitter to her little sister, so she found the Landon Building in Laguna. She's been living there for three short months and is making a living by selling her paintings and working at an art store right near her apartment for just above minimum wage. Hazel remains positive regardless of the struggling artist life, and hopes to have her paintings in galleries all over the world one day.

Personality Traits: Happy, Relaxed, Mellow, Artistic, Passionate, Loner, Unrealistic, Calm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/tumblr_static_tumblr_mlrlnrkvkp1rtx3n1o1_500.gif.fe62d5f8cfaa9fd3ec95ad2981c26b4e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/tumblr_static_tumblr_mlrlnrkvkp1rtx3n1o1_500.gif.fe62d5f8cfaa9fd3ec95ad2981c26b4e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Devon O'Connell – The Musician – 24 – FC: Nolan Funk – Played By:

Story: Devon didn't always want to be a musician. In fact, up until a few short years ago he was convinced that he was going to become one of the top lawyers in the country. The idea of being a lawyer fascinated Devon. The fact that somebody's life could be altered by just a sentence gave him a huge rush that he didn't think that anything else could compete with. However, all of that changed when he was 22. It was his senior year of college and things were great. He had been accepted into the school of law at NYU and was enjoying what was left of his west coast life to the fullest. One night he was dragged to a karaoke bar with his suite-mates and was forced to go sing on stage for the first time. Turns out that ambitious Devon O'Connell had quite the set of pipes. That rush that he got when thinking about law was nothing compared to how he felt drunkenly leaning into that mike in front of hundreds of people. The next day, he bought a guitar and withdrew his NYU acceptance. It was the most impulsive thing that he had ever done, but he knew he would never look back. He's been living in the Landon building for a little over a year and is a pizza delivery guy. However, he makes most of his money in tips from playing small gigs in the park or coffee shops.

Personality: Virtuoso, Mesmerizing, Down-to-Earth, Go-Getter, Over-Thinker, Friendly, Enthusiastic


Character Skelly:

Name: (See above)

Role: (See above)

Apartment Number: (Landon has 4 floors, each floor has 10-20 rooms)

Sexual Orientation:

Relationship Status:

Love Interest: (Optional)

Wheels: (Optional)

Job: (If not listed above, you get to choose)

FC: (Corresponding to your role)

Appearance: (Post a picture of them)



My Character:


Jacqueline "Jack" DeMarco


The Wild Child

Apartment Number:

402 (floor 4, apartment 2)

Sexual Orientation:


Relationship Status:


Love Interest:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/2014-Harley-Davidson-Sportster-Iron-883-Purple.jpg.6db0fe669b270cfefc39f80cfaaa74a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/2014-Harley-Davidson-Sportster-Iron-883-Purple.jpg.6db0fe669b270cfefc39f80cfaaa74a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Barista at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf


Nina Dobrev


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She has a pug named Button.



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Hazel Rhodes


The Hippie Chick

Apartment Number:

4-10 {Floor 4, Apartment 10}

Sexual Orientation:


Relationship Status:


Love Interest:

Come get her, sweeties.




Artist/employee at that one art shop a little ways down the block.


Jessica Stroup




California Dreaming.

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I'll have Samantha! 
Name: Samantha Montgomery

Role: The Trust Fund baby

Apartment Number: 207

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Single

Love Interest: ...>~<...

Wheels: ...>~<...

Job: Helper at a little bakery (
:P )

FC: Hayden Panettiere


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be841093f_HaydenPanettiere01.png.3040ff8c7242381b1d994a60b835c85a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10727" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be841093f_HaydenPanettiere01.png.3040ff8c7242381b1d994a60b835c85a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

California Dreaming..



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Name: Jason Fletcher California Dreaming

Role: The country boy

Apartment Number: 304

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual(Dominant)

Relationship Status: Single

Love Interest: Devon



Job: Intern for OPERA ( aspiring actor)

FC: Dave Franco


Other:Also does a little bit of Modeling on the side. Has a German Shepard named Zeno. Jasons' sadistic, he jst doesn't know it yet. also, very possesive. ;)
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Name: Devon O'Connell

Role: The Musician

Apartment: 215

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.

Relationship Status: Currently Single

Love Interest: No one at the the moment


Job: Pizza Delivery Guy

FC: Nolan Funk



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