The Renegade


Boink Bean
Full Name:













***Refer to my chars if there is any confusion in the skelly***

Full Name: Alicia Taylor & Athena Taylor

Nickname: Alicia & Athena

19 years old & 19 years old

Female & Female

Alicia is slightly more dramatic then her twin sister Athena, Alicia is known for being a bratty, bitchy twin who will tell someone if they are being annoying or stupid. She doesn't take failure easily, and refuses to give up on things that matter to her. She only means the best for her and her sister. Alicia is sporty, and loves to climb trees.

Athena is the quieter twin, Athena is known for being the more loving, and gentle twin who will always help someone in need. She isn't one to try extremely hard on something, some call her lazy. Athena doesn't really like being outside, instead she likes to stay inside and read, or write. She loves to swim and finds comfort by wearing her mother's old shirt.


The twins were born to an Italian mother, their father had been french. Their mother was only seventeen when she birthed the twins, When the twins were around five, their father died after being hit by a drunk driver while driving home from work. The twins didn't understand, all they understood was that mommy was sad, and daddy was gone. When the girls were fifteen, their mother came to them frantic, this was around the time the government was being population control, and killing many random people. Their mother had been chosen to be executed. Their mother told them to pack their things, and they did. They then escaped the soon to be safe zone, They drove for a long time, many places were deserted. They found an abandoned cabin in the woods, and made their home there. It was a year or so later, The twins were out hunting for the dinner that night, when they returned, the spotted the flying-machine quickly zoom away form their home, frantic the twins busted inside, then then found the blood mess of their mother, her eyes still open and a bullet in her forehead. It took the twins two days to bury her body, her graze beside the rushing river, near a cluster of daisies. They often visit the area, and speak to her. They soon met Lone Wolf, who let them join the Renegade.



Alicia on the left, Athena on the right.

Details: Both of the girls are allergic to bees, Alicia loves strawberries, While Athena loves blue berries. Alicia has green eyes, Athena has blue.

Renegade: Yes


Single & Single

They are twins

Alicia's usual outfit;


Athena's usual outfit;


Full Name: Lone Wolf

Nickname: Wolf

20 years old


Personality: Wolf is very quiet, he tends to keep to himself. He pushes his Renegade hard, testing all their limits, and pushing them past their breaking point. He can be very stubborn and snap at his 'team mates' at times, he hates defiance, and people who cannot listen. He is very patient, and some see him as wise.

History: Unknown



Details: Wolf is very quiet, he has never told anyone of his past, or his 'real' name. He has a scar cutting across his chest, and a large bullet scar under his third rib..

He is the leader.




The Outfit he usually wears when he is out of the Renegade's stationed area.


Full Name: Ethan Donizetti

Nickname: E-man or Ethan

19 years old


Personality: Ethan is a very stubborn soul, He likes to stick with his opinion and doesn't enjoy having to change something about himself or his opinion for others. He can seem unlovable, and it can be a mass pain in the ass to like, due to his sarcastic and cocky attitude. Yet despite that he is gentle, and will protect those he loves no matter what, He would do anything for those who love, and protect him.

History: Hmmm...



Details: Ethan has a deep scar under right eye, as well as a tattoo of wolf on his left shoulder.

Renegade: Yes





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Full Name:

Violet Haven Davids

Nickname: Vi

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Normally sarcastic and rough, she can sometimes be caring and gentle. She is boastful of her skill and a lot of the time, self centered. She is mostly rude to newbies and is a troublemaker. She is careless and makes mistakes but she does it because she can. Usually she is quiet and reserved. But as I said, if she speaks, it's always something mean or careless that comes out of her mouth. She is inpatient and can get frustrated if she doesn't get something right the first few times but she is VERY determined so even if they aren't practicing the same thing, the next morning you might see her trying to get it right.

History: Her mother died minutes after giving birth to her. She was 21 when she died. Vi was a very mature child and she understood almost everything going on. Even the government and their 'crazy' ideals for a better world. Her father and her moved quickly to the safe zone, as they had lived on the border of it even before. They grew up poor and Vi did whatever she could to sustain them. Even if it meant stealing or killing. She doesn't speak about who or how she got her skills and where from. It is unknown and probably no one will ever find out. After the renegade formed, she joined and became a big role. Her father as of now, is missing and she doesn't talk about it. If you try to bring it up she will either be furious with you or just downright ignore you for a week.



Details: There is a tattoo of a wolf on her wrist and a scar running down the top of her left eye to the end of her nose. She has bright blue eyes.

Renegade: Yes

Crush: None, as of now.

Relationship: Single

Siblings: None

Other: N/A

Full Name: Cheyenne Morris Greer.


Nickname: Calypso, or Blue.

"That's for you to find out, sweety."

Age: 19

"I won't answer that.."

Gender: Female

"Can't you just look at me an tell?"


Cheyenne's personality varies from overly emotional to bluntly distant. She's generally passive aggressive, flirty (occasionally), gentle, kind, illusive, clever, and quiet. If she's having a good day, she's very upbeat and childish. A bit annoying, or a clown you could say? It's the exact opposite when she's upset. She's very aggressive, and irrationally violent. If she likes you of course she play mind games, or sarky remarks just to annoy you. When she is agitated/depressed, she tend to be quieter, jumpy, and paranoid. She always have been indecisive on whether to be a tomboy or feminine. In others words this chick can be unpredictable, and being incapable doesn't help you figure out her emotion puzzle. | Weaknesses: Short tempered and quick to give a sarky remark. She's very clumsy, and awkward around someone she likes dearly. She shield her insecurities from others by acting very defensive. However, it just makes them more obvious than they were before. Unlike many girls, she loathes to talk about her feelings. She could never feel comfortable discussing them if she did not find you as a close ally of her's. | Quirks: She tends to move around if she feeling intense emotions. Movement helps her calm down. She also easily distracted, and quite fidgety when feeling indifferent. Either tapping her finger or items against another, moving her feet, making funny face, etc.

"I think you'll find me as a rather lovely person. Don't you think?"

History: --

"How about we keep this unsaid?"

Appearance: Cheyenne has soft skin, and her skin color is a warm olive on the verge of being caramel with a few freckles on her knees, and elbows. Her head is quite small and oval-heart shaped, with delicate cheek bones, and small rounded ears. Her cheeks are generally softly rosy , along with her thin-snub nose. Cheyenne's lips are a peach-pink pigment , which are full, with a wide off-white smile. Her dainty dimples fits her face frame some how. Her eyes are a humble-looking faint blue with much more vibrant blue flecks inside the iris, and almond shaped. In addition, to her eye shape, her eyelashes, are thick, and long. Her eyebrows are simply trimmed neatly, but she has never really touched them. Cheyenne's ears are small with several ear piercings along her hearing appendages. They're mainly are tragus, helix, standard lobe, and upper lobe piercings. Her fingernails length is medium in length. As of her hands, they're small, yet well adapted for a good self defense, despite how feminine they honestly look. Her figure is vivaciously hour-glass shaped, slightly thick in size, and a bit bottom heavy. However, chest area is considerable medium size once compared to her broad hips. She has a tribal arm band tattoo along her left shoulder. Finally, her hair is honey light brown color, and its waist length. It is styled in loose waves that swirl around her face in a innocent looking way. She also weighs a 130 pounds.

"Can't you just look at me and tell what I look like? Don't be so ignorant."


This necklace of hers is a family heirloom, which her Great-grandmother has gifted her when she was ten years old. This is also her tattoo.

She also has a few bruises all around her body, due to the little scuffles with others. Mainly because of her violent and intolerant nature.

"I call these scars victory trophies!"

Renegade: Yes.

"Yes, I am... Are you undercover? I'll make sure you won't snitch if you are!"

Crush: None that she knows of.

"Uh, no..? Why are you in my love life?"

Relationship: Single.

"Again with the 'marital status.' questions.. Stay out of my business, you're not a love guru."

Siblings: She use to have two older brothers, but they were executed.

"Let's not get into that side of me yet.."

Other: Not much.

"I have a metal baseball bat, named, Babe Rae. I use it for extensive measures. Uh, I also enjoy singing.? However, I have sung in quite some time."
Action & Kinxus Koi You are both Accepted(: Should i possibly make another boy? And if anyone is willing to make a boy too, That would be appreciated. (Its not required, i just like everyone to possibly have a chance at romance.)
Well, I could if you wish me to do so. Cheyenne is actually heterosexual, with an opened mind. Thus, she's happy with any gender. If you insist I'll try.
Name: I literally do not know...

Nick-Name: Chimera (OR) The Chimera

Age: 14

Gender: Female/Feminine

Personality: Chimera is aloof. Very aloof, and stubborn as can be. She seems mysterious, though, in the way that she's unlikely to tell you much. Especially if you pressure her to, as that triggers her to be stubborn. The girl isn't necessarily friendly, most likely to ignore you and walk away if you come up and try to say 'Hi.' She is very mischievous, only interacting with other human beings to cause trouble. Thus, many consider her a pest rather than a menace. She is unlikely to talk to anyone unless she knows and trusts them... And of currently, she trusts no one. No one but her 'pets,' which are not really domesticated, but still-wild animals that seem close to her. Or, maybe they just want the food she sometimes gives them? She calls these 'pets,' 'Friends,' and loves them dearly. And seeing they act domestic towards her, follow her everywhere, are loyal and obviously willing to lay down their lives for her, most suspect they love her back. But usually, no one really sees these 'pets.' Chimera is clever, and shows great intelligence, but a bit of lack of logic and reasoning, and she's probably too courageous for her own good at times. The girl is often hyper and playful, wild and occasionally daring. Though, she is fiercely protective of loved-ones, and of a generally fiery personality. She's not completely against fleeing, and has learned to do so when needed. It's rare for her to actually strike out in attempt to kill anything except when hunting, but will steal things occasionally. Manage to get close to her, and she's much less aloof, instead more playful and caring, and possibly even talkative depending on one's closeness. But, she doesn't open up to people like that easily, and is more likely to continue keeping to herself and her 'pets.' In fact, as it is, she doesn't even like 'humans,' and possibly childish as it is, she doesn't necessarily look at herself as one. From her 'pets,' she learned to make growling, animalistic noises upon agitation, and other noises such as 'yips', 'yelps,' and 'snarls.' She seems to be optimistic, and naive to modern devices and technology. She also has a low vocabulary, strengthening her reluctance to speak. Yet, she can be artistic and creative if given the chance, and once she trusts you, she is loyal to the end. But then, befriending her is awfully difficult, so usually such loyalty and love is reserved for her 'pets.' She is, by all means, a 'tom-boy.'

History: Up until she was 5, Chimera lived on a farm... A farm, in practically the middle of 'nowhere,' but a forestry area. Thus, she learned to love nature, an animals as well due to both the forests and the farm animals. Her education as of writing and vocabulary was a bit limited, but she learned a bit on how to live on her own, for what her parents taught her at such a young age. Or, I should say 'parent,' because Chimera's mother had died giving birth to her... For one thing, they didn't have a hospital around, so Chimera was born, in, well... The bathtub. So, without all the fancy medical stuff at the hospitals, and limited knowledge on birthing, this is how Chimera's mother came to be deceased. So, she was taught these things of living by her father, whom cared for her very much. But, around when she turned 5, a fire started in the house (Gee, thanks accidents concerning gasoline stoves and cooking oil...), and quickly spread, as their limited technology having resulted in their lack of fire alarm. By the time it was noticed, it was much too late to save the house, and her father was by then trying to get the two out. He managed to help Chimera out one of the windows, as the doorknob was hot to the touch, but some of the ceiling collapsed down on her father before he could also climb out the window, and thus how he also died... Well, this left poor Chimera out in the middle of nowhere with no parents, at the age of 5. Thankfully, she knew a bit of how to tend the animals, and after rummaging through the house's charred remains for still-edible food, and with lots of bravery for a girl her age, she went on. Soon enough, though, she couldn't stay by the charred house any more, and made a home in an abandon wolf's den in the forest. By now, she hunts rather than tends to farm animals any more, as much of the livestock as either died of old age (Because she didn't really know much on breeding, nor were there much for sufficient breeding anyway), or ran off. Chimera is aloof and uncaring of what goes on with civilization, practically unaware of the government's status. Her vocabulary is low (As pre-mentioned) because she started living out on her own, with limited human contact and less reason to speak, at the age of 5, when her vocabulary was still developing.

Appearance: (I'm afraid I don't have a picture of her exactly, but I have some pictures of what she is wearing...) Chimera calls herself 'Chimera' because she wears clothing that represents three different animals, and a chimera is a mythical creature which is a mix of three different animals; snake, goat, and lion. But, Chimera seems to be 'Owl, Bear, and Fox' instead. She wears a mask that looks like a horned owl's face, made with leather, paint, and feathers. For her 'bear'ness, she has some leather gloves, which she has tipped with sharp steel shards she recovered from her childhood house's burned remains. These claws are her main weapon, though she does have a knife for various purposes. She also has a fox tail; no, not actually her tail, but a fox's tail from a fox she killed when she was younger, to defend her chickens. She kept the tail as a sort of trophy, for having managed to corner and kill the vulpine at the age of 9. She isn't necessarily proud of killing it in the way most people would be, as she doesn't like to kill animals, but she's proud for the fact that she felt it was quite a feat. She wears a fur cape, from the fur of some dead wolf she found. Her clothing is mostly leather or fur, which she sewed herself, to fashion a sort of pants and long loose shirt, with a leather belt. This set of clothing is to make tree-climbing efficient. As of her hair, it's a sort of 'dirty blonde' as some people call it, with slight red detectable.

Here is a picture of her mask.


And here is a picture of her fox tail.


Details: She's got scars from a flesh-wound on her right arm, from an attack from a stray dog. Chimera stands about 5'0" feet tall, and weighs about 104 lb. Her form is stocky, but still quite feminine.

Renegade: Nope!

Crush: No one currently, and it's awfully unlikely she'll ever come to like anyone easily.

Relationship: Single, and Chimera seems determined to stay that way...

Siblings: I don't think she has any, but older siblings are possible. She probably doesn't have any, though.

Other: Mischievous as she is, Chimera mainly seeks to cause trouble among the Renegade when she's feeling pesky, because they are the nearest. She has never really been in the 'safe zones' of civilization, nor does she know much about it, or what's going on... But then, she doesn't care too much either. She's most likely to try to steal the Renegade's food, or other items. She also sets up traps for animals... Not that she likes killing them, but she has to eat, after all. Sometimes, people also step in these traps, which annoys her because then she has to stop what she's doing, and come over and free them. Most of her food is sun-dried meats, nuts, and berries, with the occasional egg or fish. She has a fear of fire since her house burned down, and Chimera has a talent in tree-climbing and stealth. She is often flexible, agile, and sometimes even acrobatic to a minor degree. Her attacks are brief and swift, and she doesn't stay to fight for long. She lacks physical strength and attack, and if cornered where she has to fight to defend herself, she isn't all too likely to succeed.

Oh, and here's her 'pets':

Yauna, the barn owl.


Yauna often brings small hares and such to Chimera, and is sorta trained like a hunting hawk by the girl... Accept, Yauna is not a hawk. She prefers to hunt at night, because she is of course, an owl, but doesn't just grab small hares and rodents; Yauna will retrieve just about anything Chimera points out, that she can fly with, and that she recognizes as the objective. She was raised by Chimera from when she was an owlet, thus why she still sticks around,

Raftche, the wolf


Raftche is a big white wolf, who tends to act serious and quite protective. He is also willing to help Chimera hunt, and is extremely loyal to the girl, like a dog. But, he doesn't necessarily consider her human, as Chimera childishly will deny her humanity as well, and thus he doesn't like people making contact with her. Like Yauna, he is almost always by Chimera's side.

(Well, I think I've finished Chimera. I wrote a lot, but... I'm proud of her design. I can edit it as needed, just request and I shall.)
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Full name: Andrew Dane Koch

Nickname: Doesn't have one(yet)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Seems innocent and happy on the outside but inside he is obsessed with brutality and death. He doesn't show it to many people though but he does let it slip out every now and again. He's friendly to everyone until they piss him off, but is willing to make amends.

History: Andrew had a pretty normal life, granted he was bullied a lot. He taught himself slowly throughout the years how to fight and escape his pursuers in the confines of his room and in hidden spots throughout the safe zone(Parkour), but never put it to use. His mother and father were distant but not coldly. Just...there. Andrew had had a crush on a girl for a while, her name was Nadine. After talking to her a few times she told him to meet her behind the school one day. But it turned out she was just like the others. When he went he was met by 5 other guys that would beat the crap out of him almost daily. They chased after Andrew when he ran and after running for a while he decided the best way to get out of this alive would be to leave the safe zone, they wouldn't follow him there. Not his smartest decision. After he felt he was safe he took a moment and thought about what he did. He cried for hours but then came to terms with the fact that he wasn't going home. He ended up feeling better out in the woods. No bullies, no distant parents, no hurt. Just him and his thoughts. He's roaming the woods right now. He can finally let his real self out as long as it's just him.

Appearance: andrew.jpg

Details: Nothing unusual

Renegade: Will see soon

Relationship: Single

Siblings: None

Other: Loves firearms like none other<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/andrew.jpg.c8edff9cdbc051b8eb9917704374f907.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/andrew.jpg.c8edff9cdbc051b8eb9917704374f907.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • andrew.jpg
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Full Name: Reuben Jackson

Nickname: King, Sandwich man

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Saint and sinner all in one. A dark and sadistic side and a happy and upbeat one. Seen many things yet always puts a smile on. Cute and innocent yet can cause chaos with no shame.

History: N/A



And a scar on his upper shoulder.

Renegade: Yes


Relationship: N/A

Siblings: Sister (dead)

Other: Adores animals with antlers
Who is Rueben talking to? Im confused, wasnt he in his house or did I miss something? Just curious.

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