The Remnants of Starship Elleium


New Member


1) @Oreo Panda : Candi Demric

4) @Arianna Philocuri : Arianna Philocuri


1) @Jhames Lloyd : Ezekiel Markov

2) @killgor911 : Nathan Garvey

4) @CaptainLeviAckerman : Michael Price

5) @TheWizard : B.E.N.

7) @Vudukudu : Karbuun Entellus

Character Sheet:


Age: (Between 16-19)


Description of Race: (Or Appearance if human)





Read more about this role play... 

So I'll start off with mine!

Name: Blythe Geradine

Age: 18

Race: Human



Personality: Blythe is extremely outgoing, and is quick to befriend anyone who she thinks is nice. She doesn't have much of a filter, and as such is incredibly blunt and terrible at keeping secrets. Blythe adores technology, everything from the most advanced computer systems to simple toasters. She likes to take things apart and see how they tick. This fascination applies to people as well, thus loving to see people in the raw. She'll never judge you for being overly emotional or letting your guard down, since she believes that the only way to ever truly know and trust someone is to know how they work, even on their worst days.

History/Background: Blythe was raised by her mother on New Earth. Her mother sold tickets for the hover-train, and would often bring a young Blythe with her. Blythe became fascinated by the machines and how they worked, and more importantly how they were made. When Blythe was 14, she applied to the military in order to learn mechanics and engineering, specializing in spaceship maintenance. She was, as fate would have it, assigned to Starship Elleium.

Advantages: Great with tools and finding uses for seemingly random pieces of metal; Works well under pressure

Weaknesses: Has the subtlety of an ox; Has no idea how to perform manual labor that doesn't involve machines

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Name: Jacqueline Crawford (Was originally labeled as Unit 0)

Age: 18

Race: Cyborg

Description of Race: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/robogirl.jpg.c3516bcb650e9e0efdcde5958e760282.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/robogirl.jpg.c3516bcb650e9e0efdcde5958e760282.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> capable of camouflaging her robotics with "skin" she was designed with

Personality: Unit 0 is very curious and impressionable. She hasn't had a lot of human contact so she either relies on what she can pick up or what data she has already stored in her drive core. She attempts to help out where she can but can sometimes end up being a bigger liability than help. Naive when it comes to certain subjects and a very quick learner in other aspects.

History/Background: Her "father" Dr. Crawford created from scratch with the looks of his lost daughter and treated her as such. He had told her that she was a revolutionary piece of machinery and unlike any other AI that had been designed, she was able move and think independently of any engineered shackles that would limit her uses or abilities. She was the first "free system" of her kind and was Dr. Crawford's most prized possession. Although he had managed to make a free functioning cybernetic clone of his daughter, he was unable to imprint on to her everything that made his daughter who she was. Attempts at implanting memories had failed for she only recognized them as picture or video files and had no emotional connection to them. He had decided that even though he had been teaching her things and making sure she was made with the most state of the art equipment, most of which he had made and some of which no one had yet since she was made as a special project, that he needed to get her around more people and allow her to gain some personal experiences of her own. He had stowed her away on a ship, the Starship Elleium, by way of a favor that a friend had owed him, as a student with the others

Advantages: Able to quickly analyze and absorb data visually, map terrain, access threat levels, and stronger, faster, and more capable and durable than your average human

Weaknesses: Her naivety to the human condition makes her seem cold as she pities their fragility. Tends to speak matter-of-fact like when asked a question she can answer which she has seen generates negative emotions and facial expression from those around her. Is still naive to all of her operational functions since her "father" rasied her like a daughter as best he could, and never really emphasized all of the functions she was capable of since he never contemplated a scenario in which she would really need to use all of them (He was planning on presenting her before his peers and superiors upon he return and showing how capable and safe a "free system" could be). A major weakness of hers is human emotion...because she was made to mirror humans those emotions can sometimes get out of hand and become dangerous due to her abnormal strength (I'd hate to be on the receiving end of a slap from her, jumping "Jupiter!") Also has an override system that allows for her to be rebooted or shut down if necessary (it's a verbal command "Code name, Jack Crawford" but she doesn't know that that's in place)



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Name: Ezekiel Markov

Age: 17

Race: Human

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/4d0f1c29e73c115bebaf62e4d4b7f440.jpg.f33e784217a413fd55101a1e97768c4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/4d0f1c29e73c115bebaf62e4d4b7f440.jpg.f33e784217a413fd55101a1e97768c4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cocky and hair-trigger tempered, sarcastic,rude, and a little nice when you reeeeaaallly get to know him. Doesn't like people to much due to his attitude. Very confident and has a high self-esteem but also is comfortable with the way he is and doesn't care what anyone else thinks, nor does it matter to him. He also despises all people from JUPITER who are snotty and uptight.

History/Background: Has had a regular boring child hood with parents that want to give him the world and hope that he aspires to be something great. Yet he fights against their hopes and dreams. He himself doesn't know what he wants to be, he's not a genius, he doesn't have any great skills when it comes to school, all he has is violence. From the moment he was born he was violent, in school he was in and out of fights, and suspended left and right. So before he knew it he saw an opportunity in the army to harness his violent tendencies to do something exciting and crazy. He never backs down from a fight and he never gives up. No matter what the challenge is he finds a way to clear the hurdle, no matter the cost.

Advantages: Great in hand-to-hand combat, and both using and making weapons

Weaknesses: Not very good with survival tactics or making important tools like tents, living facilities, or gathering important items. Not that smart...



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Name: Xobic Green


Race:earth aigins

Description of Race: (Or Appearance if human)looks like a human being but has green skin and leave hair, normally stands around 6 foot tall their eyes are completely black

Personality: Xobic is a very upbeat, who seemingly is as eccentric as just about everyone. . He is rash, impulsive, and determined to do everything his way, whether for good or bad, In battle, Xobic either comes off as his ordinary crazy and unpredictable personality, or his more serious, cold and steely side, and as an intimidating scene. Xobic is a self-proclaimed genius and is very proud of himself, in particular his fighting abilities.

History/Background:from his planet wanting to know how to build ships and go to dead planets and make them alive again like the planet Jupiter or other ones

Advantages:can start to grow plant life in any place

Weaknesses:the lower the oxygen level is the harder it is to grow plant life
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Name: Candi Demric

Age: 17

Race: Human

Description of race:

Personality: Cocky in some situations, but is mostly sweet. Manipulative over people. Flirty with the ones she liked or 'eye candy' she would call it. Sensitive in some cases, example is if she gets stepped on she would freak out. Charming, knows how to get her way. Loud, when she gets mad she will she will scream at the top of her lungs. Slightly judgmental, when she meets people, she will sometimes try to pick out they're flaws. Rude, says wrong things at wrong times. Hated on a lot, when she tries her giddy-on ways, she ends up getting scolded.

History/Background: She came from a very poor, non-living home, living only with her brother; who was very overprotective. Her father and mother abandoned them one day at the park, so she became more and more rude and a person you couldn't walk up to. Her brother started doing drugs at the age of 19 and forced her to try. They lived in an abandoned house under a tower, trying to make way to not be noticed. All she lived on leftover food from nearby restaurants and hid from police when she got caught.

Advantages: Can pick up heavy objects. Runs fast than most other people. Had been taught to fight at a very young age.

Weaknesses: Will sometimes give up on short notice. Doesn't stand a chance against Robotic things or people. Will faint at any time if exposed of her own flaws.

Other: Candi ended up on Starship Ellium, because of her brother. He ended up getting taken away and before that he signed her up. Knowing that he couldn't take care of her anymore. 
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Name: Elisenda "Ellis" Brown

Age: 16


Description of Race:

sorry for large image

Personality: Feisty and fierce are the two words that would best describe. She hates having to sit down and wait for things to happen. She's a go-getter but this makes her likely to be capricious about her decisions. She always feels the need to show people her strengths and weaknesses and she's a completely open book. This makes her vulnerable. She's sentimental and will collect trinkets here and there to remind her of the story of her life. She's deeply loyal and extremely sensitive.

History/Background:She grew up on Earth in Oregon. She lived in woods all her life and was taught how to shoot her first gun not long after she learned to walk by her older sister. Her mother left the sisters in the woods to work in Portland and sent money back every month but for the most part, they've had to survive on their own. Her sister always got angry when the money came in, mainly because they don't use it much anyway. They use it when they go into town but that was only once a month, to buy clothes and shoes. Her sister, Terryl, always said that it would have been better is their mother just kept the money or, even better, come back home. But her mother never came back. Eventually, Ellis and Terryl fell into an argument where Ellis was trying to convince her sister to let her go to Portland. Her sister wanted her to stay but eventually, she let her go. Originally, she went to go to college but instead she joined the military, seeking a life of glory and adventure. She hasn't talked to her sister in months. She was assigned to Ellieum as her first starship and this was her first chance to experience the universe.

Advantages:She's a sharp-shooter and quick on her feet. She's tough and a fighter.

Weaknesses:She's an open book and isn't very intelligent. She's finicky but she always finds herself hurt by her own actions. She often goes into moments of regret.

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Name: Arianna Philocuri

Age: 16

Race: human

Personality: Sarcastic, Out-going, and adventurous. A little cocky, but she's a good friend in various situations. She likes to help others and joke around while working to ease the mood. She likes to show people her good side, and only some have ever seen her bad one. Arianna is very loyal and trustworthy, and she would risk her lives for the people she loves. She is not easily persuaded and is a bit (okay a lot) stubborn. Though she doesn't seem like it, Arianna has a soft-spot for romance and wants to have a relationship.

History/Background: She was born in San Francisco, on Earth. She was abandoned by an unknown family and taken into foster care by someone named Maya. She had somewhat of a normal life and she is often scolded by others because of her adventurous and sarcastic behavior. When she was 5, she took lessons on archery, gun usage, and other various types of weaponry. In Maya's care, Ari is trained to fight, despite her frail and fragile looking appearance. After she was adopted by Maya, the two moved to a wealthy estate, where they like to test one another's battle skills. She goes to a high school that featured a test drive on the Ellieum. But fate occurred and the test-drive backfired, causing Ari to be where she is today.

Advantages: Her battle skill makes her a dangerous opponent, and her small build allows her to get in places many cannot. She's very quick and stealthy, and is able to distract the opponent with her wit. Her intelligence also helps in the matter.

Weaknesses: When one wounds her emotionally, she acts recklessly, making mostly bad decisions. She would risk her life for a loved or cared one, often causing her to act mindlessly.

JUPITER (Jupiter)
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Name: Nathan Garvey

Age: 17

Race: Human

Personality: Quiet, collected, and intelligent. He likes to slack off because he has a sense of knowledge about everything he does. He is slow to acquire a friend or ally, but loyal to the end. He despises many people, most of which are liars and arrogant people. He tends to attempt to stay in the background of any situation, believing he is above most matters. He has a 'silver-tongue' and is extremely persuasive. His slacking is not a lost cause as he uses this time to meditate and practice controlling his emotions and focusing his ability to read people's emotions. His nonviolent attitude does not stop his extremely grim outlook towards sentient life. Against this outlook, he has a elegant way of words, and enjoys writing poetry about strong contrasting emotions, like love and despair.

History/Background: Nathan grew up in a broken home. His father left when he was young and his mother abused drugs as he grew up. His mother was in and out of the house constantly, leaving him to raise himself and his younger brother. In his early teenage years, he fell into a suicidal depression, ending in a failed suicide attempt. He then vowed to prevent any outward burst of emotion. At this age he began to meditate anytime he wasn't talking care of his brother. He would go days with meager amounts of food so that his brother could eat. He then began to work for money to raise his brother. Most of this was stolen by his mother to support her habbit. One day at work, he overheard a conversation about the military service. He then decided it would be best to commit himself in the military for his brother. He floated around until finally settling on Ellieum.

Advantages: Diplomatic, calm, and extremely steady in mind and with a gun. He was the most accurate fast-paced shooter in his class.

Weaknesses: Physically he is fairly weak, and has a soft spot for the opposite sex. He understands love very well and cannot help himself if the opportunity reveals itself.

Oh, yea.. Jupiter.
Name: Michael Price

Age: 19

Race: African American

Appearance (This isn't really me)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/bt.jpg.8a7a4f8a3e4a7ff07bce1755f9eeb6c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/bt.jpg.8a7a4f8a3e4a7ff07bce1755f9eeb6c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Michael Price was born in Memphis, Tennessee and unlike others, was taken in by his real parents. Throughout his childhood, his mother and father deeply spoiled Michael, which made him annoying towards others. During elementary school, Michael Price managed to make one friend, and she was spoiled like him. They stayed with each other until eighth grade, and she unfortunately had to leave. This left Michael lonely like he used to be and caused him to have confidence problems. However, one day, Michael's parents informed him that they were going to transfer him into a test-ship in exchange for money. This lowered Michael's self-esteem even more and he had no choice but to go to the test ship. Unfortunately, he was caught in the accident and sent into a foreign planet

Personality: Michael is very quiet and has self esteem problems. It is difficult for him to make friends and this is truly noticeable to others. His self esteem problems make it hard to get to know him and this puts him into the anti-social category. However, if you somehow manage to actually understand and get to know him, you'll come to find out that he is highly intelligent, almost to a genius level!

Advantages: When given space to himself, Michael is intelligent and knows how to solve problems. This is a great solution if there are alot of people who rely on him. He can outsmart almost any enemy and dominate them. There are rarely any enemies who can outsmart him

Weakness: Because of Michael's shyness, it is very hard to communicate with him. Often times, this leads people to insult him and once they do this, Michael's self esteem level drops so low that he can't even work anymore. This is a major drawback because it can lead a team into great danger. Also, it can lead teammates to underestimate him


leviackerman11 said:
Name: Michael Price
Age: 19

Race: African American

Appearance (This isn't really me)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/bt.jpg.8a7a4f8a3e4a7ff07bce1755f9eeb6c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/bt.jpg.8a7a4f8a3e4a7ff07bce1755f9eeb6c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Michael Price was born in Memphis, Tennessee and unlike others, was taken in by his real parents. Throughout his childhood, his mother and father deeply spoiled Michael, which made him annoying towards others. During elementary school, Michael Price managed to make one friend, and she was spoiled like him. They stayed with each other until eighth grade, and she unfortunately had to leave. This left Michael lonely like he used to be and caused him to have confidence problems. However, one day, Michael's parents informed him that they were going to transfer him into a test-ship in exchange for money. This lowered Michael's self-esteem even more and he had no choice but to go to the test ship. Unfortunately, he was caught in the accident and sent into a foreign planet

Personality: Michael is very quiet and has self esteem problems. It is difficult for him to make friends and this is truly noticeable to others. His self esteem problems make it hard to get to know him and this puts him into the anti-social category. However, if you somehow manage to actually understand and get to know him, you'll come to find out that he is highly intelligent, almost to a genius level!

Advantages: When given space to himself, Michael is intelligent and knows how to solve problems. This is a great solution if there are alot of people who rely on him. He can outsmart almost any enemy and dominate them. There are rarely any enemies who can outsmart him

Weakness: Because of Michael's shyness, it is very hard to communicate with him. Often times, this leads people to insult him and once they do this, Michael's self esteem level drops so low that he can't even work anymore. This is a major drawback because it can lead a team into great danger. Also, it can lead teammates to underestimate him

*cries* this is the happist moment of my life *cries* lol 
yes.. so we need one more person?? 
lol just sayin beforehand.... Michael may not like Ezekiel :P


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Name: Tyler Brooke.

Age: 16.

Race: Human, Caucasian.



Personality: Tyler is a very down to earth young man with a bright mind. He was recruited into the military at a young age which has further chiseled his cold, calculated mind to think only in terms of propabilities. Reasonably outgoing and showing leadership qualities, Tyler isn't afraid to make contact with his fellow students and tell them what to do. It's the latter part that sometimes upsets people. Not being as capable emotionally as he is physically or rationally, any complaints about his sometimes demanding attitude falls on deaf ears. Whilst Tyler isn't agressive, he won't walk away from a fight either, he isn't particularly strong but his stubborn nature often renders him the last man standing.


Tyler was born on New Earth in England. His life wasn't quite a normal one as he often changed school due to getting into trouble with the authorities. His classmates often thought of him as bossy and, being a boy, such insults resulted in several accidents one of which involved shoving the head of a classmate in the toilet and flushing it. After several expulsions and having driven his parents to desperation the solution came along. Tyler was recruited into the military at age 14 to be trained as an admiral or commander. His parents, relieved to see an opportunity for their son and tempted by the monetary gain of surrendering their son, temporarily, to this special education, agreed to have him sign up. Tyler has been aboard the Elleium ever since.


Knows how to lead, can pull the best out of people once he knows how to press their buttons. Physically and mentally fit and stable.


Can be quite unfeeling and cold. Quite convinced that he is always right about everything and will hate the guts of anyone who dares to disagree.

Name:B.E.N (Biomechanical Electronic Neohuman)

Age: 17

Race: Android

Description of Race: Synthetic based alloy with fiber line cabling B.E.N is designed to look like a human for easy communication and acceptance. A snow white exterior with semantically blue interior his eyes will flow colors but primarily stays a sea blue.


Personality: B.E.N has very little emotion but what was programmed into him. Both Calculative and Precise he seeks to understand the meaning to why humans and life forms work the way they are. This of course causes confrontations as like the infamous fairytale of Pinocchio his curiosity can lead to trouble.

History/Background: B.E.N was designed by the Pulsarkin a race of roach like features but with expanse cranials. Their purpose for his design was to solve why humans where as they are. The Pulsarkin did not understand emotion and communication between their species which made things difficult during the initial peace talks. Their hive based minds and totalitarian society conflicted with the understand of individualism and emotion beyond the need of survival. As such through research and human subjects that volunteered they created B.E.N. When first offered to the leading government it was difficult for B.E.N to be more then a translator. Serving only as a mediator for ten years he had come to understand the basics of human emotions and customs, but lacked the needed answer to his creator's greatest question. The Pulsarkin counsel ruled the project a failure ordering the dismantle of B.E.N for pursuits of finding another way. Earths government wanting to study the android had intervened hoping to gain insight of Pulsarkin tech. Not wanting to cause political issues and seeing the device as a failed experiment the counsel agreed to Earth's terms. Seven years later under the pretense as an observer B.E.N has now been assigned on the Ellieum. Where his future goes the android does not know nor grasp, its only fundamental goal to understand the human condition and fulfill its design.

Advantages: B.E.N's natural abilities exceed those of human design, with faster processing, calculative, athletic, and even strength. Due to his exoskeleton and alloy body he can resist most extreme heats and colds though as with any machinary this is subject to change. (Below freezing will result in frozen cell packs and joint lock up as well as decreased battery life as an example).

Weaknesses: B.E.N relies heavily on his power core which requires daily recharging. Due to the atmospheric conditions his ability to use solar power is severely diminished. Over use of any one ability could result in periodical shut down. Due to his nano based wiring he is also weak to bursts of electrical currents and magnetic disturbances. Not only in the hardware of weakness he is also privy to his lack of human behavior being too honest and trusting as lies are still a concept he has not fully grasped. However, per his programing he can not hurt himself or another less due to defense.

by the way did you know the biggest planet in our solar system is Jupiter?
Name: Karbuun Entellus

Age: 18

Race: Lytherian

Lytherians are well known for a few distinctive traits. In physical appearance, their body shape resembles that of a human. On average, they are taller and slightly slimmer, but that is where the similarities end. Lytherian skin tones lie in a range of greens and blues like those of an Earth forest or ocean, and the skin is rough and thick like tree bark. Their entire head is ringed by a membranous crown-shaped frill that pulses from clear to red.

Personality: Karbuun is loyal to to those who he thinks deserve his service. He is slow to anger, but is prone to putting himself in harms way for the sake of others. He is generally quiet and reserved, but only because he believes it is not his place to lead despite his ability to do so. Karbuun knows just enough to know he doesn't know everything, and will refrain from taking on a task he considers outside his range, even if others push him to do it.

Description: Karbuun was born into a Warrior family, destined to make war his life's work. He has had little time to develop emotionally, and covers it with his thick skin and quiet behaviors. He was often taunted and harassed for his single-minded dedication and seeming stupidity, as he almost never spoke or made an effort to meet people. He has mastered several different martial arts, and is familiar with almost every weapon. He found himself aboard the Elleium for further training after completing a training course on a station near Jupiter.

Advantages: Strong and disciplined in combat, with the capacity to fight against superior numbers. He is fit and asks little of his teammates, only that they direct him.

Disadvantages: Slow decision maker, as he weighs all options heavily. He can be incredibly stubborn and may hold grudges if someone makes a foolish mistake. In his short life, he has already witnessed death and war, which has left him suffering from PSTD-like symptoms. These episodes are triggered by watching those who cannot defend themselves be hurt, and small dark spaces.
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