The Reclamation

I'm definately going on Cecylnian for my GSP, but every time I read her Oh-Crap-Did-I-Just-Wish-For-That? Charms, I keep imagining Ursula from the Little Mermaid as a bizare desert creature.
Gryffon said:
I'm definately going on Cecylnian for my GSP, but every time I read her Oh-Crap-Did-I-Just-Wish-For-That? Charms, I keep imagining Ursula from the Little Mermaid as a bizare desert creature.
I'm still trying to decide which charms to go for, myself... since I'm playing a social manipulator, it'll probably be a mix of Cecylinian and Ebon Dragon.
LOL. Maybe I should make something like that? One of the third circle souls of Cecylinian.

By the way, there is now an OOC thread up if you all want to head over that way.
I'm not so sure about Akuma, but I've got quite a few ideas for GSPs to go around. I'll work on them tomorrow.
Lochar said:
If you play a Sidereal akuma, you are known to be an akuma with the Five Score Fellowship.
And they will want their exaltation back.

Just FYI, WhiteKnight.
Thaaat sorta kills my idea...I don't think I can deal with Ketchup Carjack and all his friends. Maybe the akuma could be a Lunar of Malfeas...lots of fun world-consuming behemoth imagery there.
So long as you don't stick you head out too far by using Blasphemous Fate alterations, you're not going to automatically be targeted.

Akuma are removed from Fate, after all.

And head over to the Game, TD1.
Well finally got a chance to follow the link, and like I said back at Gitp, I'm looking at either a Slayer or Defiler. Anything further will be over at the game forum.
I sort of fell out of Exalted for a while, was in a few games here that I don't play anymore, but I'm itching to play Infernals. If you've got a space left, I've got a character statted out... a Malefactor, specifically. Akuma-wise I haven't got anything yet, but I can come up with something.

You'll get the biggest hug...
Haku said:
I would love to play in this... but I am stretched rather thin... :cry:
I am so stretched right now that the time space continuum means nothnig to me anymore. :|
You can both play Cecelyne's Infernal/Akuma then. She is the Endless desert, after all.
You're welcome to post a character. I have yet to make selection, or even hit the whole 5 of the group yet.
I JUST got the book after realizing it was out. Yes, I have been that busy to miss its release.

I'd be interested in playing. It requires less organization or book keeping then running a game so I could manage. I am still just looking through the book and not know what is what, but I could easily see following the Ebon Dragon due to his specific Urge. (That's as far as I have gotten in the book so far)
I couldn't play this. There's no way I wouldn't be madly violating Malfeas' demands so that I could set off his RageVirus!Punishment for shits, and also giggles.

Right in the middle of Great Forks!
I have a Malefactor and a Changing Moon akuma of the Ebon Dragon done up, but I can't post them in the forum yet... can you add me to the group for posting? Thanks.
Thanks. It's been so long since I posted here I've forgotten how to do half this stuff ^^;

i'll put them up now.

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