The Rebuilding of the Glee Club

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Thank You! :)


1. The Head Cheerleader - Taken by

2. The Quarterback. - Taken by

3. The New Girl. Taken by Typist.

4. The Know-It-All. -Reserved by

5. The Sweetheart. Taken by

6. The Rebel. Taken by

7. The Dancer. Reserved by

8. The Diva. Taken by

9. The Bad Boy. Taken by

10. The Funny One. Taken by Typist.

Character Skeleton:


Include a middle name.


Not optional. I want to see creativity.






Which role did you apply for?


Include a IMG or GIF along with a brief description.






At least a paragraph of 7-10 sentences.

{Place of Origin}

Where were they born?

{Reason for joining Glee Club}

Why did they join exactly?

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Character Skeleton:


Amelia Claire Edgeworth


Amy or Ace (because of her initials but only by her family, she isn't a fan of it)








The Diva




Broadway Shows




Being the best



Most of the people in her school

Those who tell her "no"

Being unfairly judged

Getting dirty




Being Alone

Losing her voice


Being honest (sometimes a little too honest)

Biting her lip when nervous or scared

Biting her nails when stressed


Amelia's personality can be very contradicting sometimes. At a first glance, her usual facial expression can make her appear somewhat unapproachable but that's not the case. Amy will often mirror back how she is treated. If you're nice to her, she'll be nice to you. However, if you are mean or rude, expect to be treated badly right back and she'll probably do it 10x worse. Deep down she is kind, caring, and has a strong set of morals but rarely anybody will see these qualities. Many will only get to see her cold, divaful (I made it a word :P ), harsh surface. She isn't used to being told "no", and if that happens she may lash out. It won't be pretty. If her dreams are in question she will accomplish them by any means necessary. So don't get in her way.

{Place of Origin}

New York, NY

{Reason for joining Glee Club}

Amelia has always dreamed of being a Broadway star. She has always been singing or preforming and figured Glee Club was the perfect way to show off her talents.


Amy was born in Manhattan, or the Big Apple as some may like to call it. She is the youngest of 3, which gives her two older brothers (Luke and Derek). Her parents both used to be performers back in their prime, but are no longer. Her father took up a job at a talent agency in Cincinnati and her mother is a vocal and dance teacher locally. Show business has been Amelia's only interest, partly due to her parents but also at her own will. She moved to McKinley 2 years ago, sue to her father's company moving. Being used to the city life, Amy hasn't found her spot in the school yet and is hoping Glee Club could be her spot, and help her make some friends along the way.
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Leighton Quinn Tucker

otherwise know as

Leigh / L








The Rebel

Appearance: Leighton has fair skin, her hair is wavy dark brown with a few lighter brown streaks which ends to just about the middle of her back. Her wavy hair is paired with beautiful hazel eyes, her eye color may change from green to brown depending on the light in the room she's in. This Australian is quite tall for her age standing at about 5'10 and weighing just about 160lbs.



+ Long Walks

+ Graffiti

+ Smoking

+ Piercings


- School

- Horror Movies

- Her Parents

- Bossy People


Getting caught by the Police.

- Heights.

- Falling in love.


Bites and licks lips a lot.


Leighton has good and bad traits like every other human being in this whole world.She's blunt, if you want her to give you her opinion she will say it without hesitating. Another thing about this Australian is that she's daring. Always up for anything life has up for her. Leighton can also be quite stubborn though, doesn't mean she won't take on challenges or ask her opinion on something. She just won't listen always and will hold grudges for quite awhile. She has good aspects about her to she's loyal, trustworthy and can also be helpful when she wants to, which isn't always a lot.

Place of Origin:

Sydney, Australia

Reason for Joining:

To make her brother proud.


Leighton was born on August 29th, 1997 in Sydney Australia. She was born into a pretty normal family except that her parents never had anytime for her and her older brother, so most of the time he was taking care of his little sister while their parents were out working their butt's off. Soon enough her parents working had paid off and they had become pretty wealthy well-known lawyers in Sydney. Though even with Leighton getting every single thing she wanted she never got what she truly wanted. Which was attention from her parents.

As a kid in school, Leighton was quite well
bad. Always getting in trouble with teachers, because of this she never was good at making friends. She had usually scared them off, when Leighton had entered high school all her bad habits had gotten even worse. Instead of getting in trouble just with Teachers she also gotten in trouble with the police. Underage drinking, Graffiti, Public Intoxication and the list goes on.

Her parents had shamed and shunned her saying she was a disgrace to this family. But Leighton didn't care, yet when her brother had confronted her Leighton did care this time. Her brother didn't shame or shun her like their parents did but instead he was disappointed of her. So to make him proud they had made a deal. If Leighton stopped getting into trouble he wouldn't be disappointed in her anymore.

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Nice character as always. Accepted!


Hello there. Nice to meet you and welcome to my roleplay. I cannot find a single thing wrong with your character. Accepted!


"And who might be asking?"

Leon Brian Smith


"You can call me whatever you like."



"Old enough to Par-tay!"



"No the mascara doesn't make me a girl although I wouldn't object being one."



"Out and Proud"



"Oh come here, you!"

The Sweetheart


"But first, Let me take a selfie!"


Leon is a tall well built guy who takes pleasure in caring after his figure. He's nicely toned due to his daily workouts, but is far from being extremely ripped. He has light brown hair that complement his dark green eyes. Although he doesn't tan much, Leon has a light caramel complexion from his last trip to the beach. He's about 6' 4 (1.9 m) and weighs around 150 lbs (68 kg). Leon is a very eccentric person and it shows in his style of dressing. He dresses to impress and loves to spend hours shopping for new clothing. His style is colorful and sophisticated. His pair of Louis Vuitton shoes are his best friend.


"What can I say, I'm well rounded."

*Singing, Acting and Dancing

*Practicing Tai Chi


*Doing make up

*Attending Broadway Plays


"Let's just not, okay?"

*Being under pressure

*Narrow minded people

*Seeing people down in the dumps

*People who love to show off

*Stage Fright


"Just don't get it too close, okay."

*Bad hair days

*Being rejected for who he is



"Let's just not, okay?"

*Singing in the shower.

*Doing a small fashion runway before choosing an outfit

*Eating a cookie before every performance

*Getting a manipedi every month

*Get a complete wardrobe change every season.

(He donates his clothing before buying more)


"You really think so?"

+Optimistic, Caring, Vivacious, - Stubborn, Sensitive, Hot-headed

Leon is a happy go lucky guy. Even though coming out in high school left him emotionally scared, Leon has adopted a new style of life and decided to not let anything stop him. Leon is flamboyant and vivacious, although he isn't like a lot of gays who are bombastic and over dramatic. Leon likes to keep things simple, as long as it's not related to theater. He also enjoys a lot of 'regular' boy activities such as playing sports and video games. He has a very delicate heart that can be easily broken. Overall he is sweet and caring, but also sensitive and quiet.

Reason for joining?

"Well let's see, there's the boys...the boys...oh yeah the boys!"

After Leon came out he decided to dedicate his entire life to achieving his goal Winning an EGOT (Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony). Joining the school's Glee club can help him work to achieve his goal as well as grow to become a better person. He knew in Glee he wouldn't be judged and pushed around for being different. He's ready to step up his game and now that he didn't have the pressure of being bullied or made fun off there was nothing stopping him.


"Oh it's just little old me."

His love for show business began with his parents took him to watch his first Broadway play, Harvey. Leon grew fascinated with the acting, the theatrical make-up, the costumes, but most importantly the music. Leon began to practice his acting believing that one day he would be up on the stage shining under the spotlight. When he was a teenager, Leon began stealing his mother's make-up and creating theatrical masterpieces on himself. With a few years of practice, Leon was able transform himself from any monster or creature to a wrinkly old man.

That was also around the time when Leon began to question his sexuality. It was his freshmen year of high school when Leon began to have his first crush. His crush sat in front of him in Geometry class. His name was William Marks. William would constantly find himself turning back to Leon and asking him for help in the subject. William was the book definition of jock. He was the star basketball player and had girls lining up to date him. A guy like that would never notice Leon, but he actually became his biggest companion when he came out.

William and Leon had agreed to get together at Leon's house and study for the Geometry final exam. After several hours of studying Leon slammed his pencil on the table startling William. He then leaned over and kissed William. Leon has been waiting for William to push him off or even punch him, but he didn't William just stayed still until Leon finished. Humiliated and confused by William's reaction, Leon excused himself and ran up to his room. William waited for a moment and then followed him. He sat in Leon's room, told him that he already knew Leon had a crush on him, and although he wasn't into guys, he would still be his friend and help him come out. It was a great advantage to have the most popular boy in school on your side, when everyone categorized you as a freak.


*He love's singing in the shower

*He can burp the alphabet backwards.

*He has a cat named Butterscotch


Wow. Nice character. Accepted.

And I think him and my character will get along just fine because they're practically similar.

I will have her up sometime tonight after Glee! Haha.

Shiloh Michael Makenzie

A.K.A Shi (pronounced Shy) or Shi-town, as a reference to his hometown by his 'cooler', more 'gangster' friends.

18 years old



As the role of 'Bad Boy'


Shiloh stands at an average six foot with a decent weight of 158 pounds. Medium length dark curls and impressive blue eyes that you could notice from as far as across the street, it's no wonder there's a lot of marks on his bed post. Shi wears a lot of plain t-shirts or beaters, with an added leather jacket for colder times, and there's almost always something on his head, ranging from cool hats to beanies and hoods. He's naturally got rather fair, light skin, and his signature smirk rarely leaves his face.



Good Girls

Rap Music

Fast Cars









Being like everyone else


If hurting undeserving beautiful girls counts as a habit, his is huge.

Also rubbing the back of his neck when nervous

And smoking of course.


Shiloh wasn't exactly brought up the wrong way, per se. He just wasn't really brought up at all. To no fault of his single mother's. After all, his father planted and stuck around for the birth of five kids before going to prison. You would think being raised by a single mother he would have more respect for women, maybe be a gentleman. But that's far from the case. Shiloh's a hit and runner to put it lightly. He'll romance them for a night or two, make them think they're the girl that's finally changed his ways, but as soon as they climb out of his bed, he's on the search for someone more shiny and new. He's charming, sarcastic, and an occasional bully. Maybe there is a cliche heart of gold burried somewhere inside him, but there's a very slim chance anyone's ever going to find it.

{Place of Origin}

Chicago, Illinois

{Reason for joining Glee Club}

Shiloh's parole officer insists that he gets involved in school activities. Chicks go crazy for guys who sing and how much work could a Glee Club be? Voila.


Shiloh lived with his single mother until a few days after his fifteenth birthday, when he was released from his six months in juvenile detention, and the state insisted he get away from the crime-filled streets of the Chicago before they further ruined his future. They relocated him to live with his grandparents in Ohio, and he's been here for three years now.

Thank You so much! I'm super excited! And I'm also willing to double if it comes down to it and everyone's getting impatient to start eventually. I've never only played a male before, I just wanted to snag bad boy before I lost him, haha.
Name: Emily Harp

Nickname: Em

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Role: The Head Cheerleader


Likes: Cheerleading





Having Friends



The bullys at her school

Mean girls

Degrading because of gender



Being the boss

Personality: She is very kind to people she chooses to be kind to. Since she is the head cheerleader she does have a bossy side to her, but she will be as open to anyone as she can be. Especially the boys. She gets fustrated easily,

but will not forgive you if you abandon her. She will be mean if you insult her looks, or her leadership.

Place Of Origin: LA, Cali

Reason to join: To sing on stage and try to see if singing would work out.

History: She was born into a family of 2 sisters. She grew up with just her mom. She is the youngest. She has one sister in college, and the other one is still in elementry school. She found her love for acting when she used to preform

little plays at her old school. She had to sing in one role, and loved it. She then wanted to try her singing skills. She wants to be a rolemodel to her little sister.


Amanda Parks | 17 | The New Girl


Amanda Michelle Parks


Amanda use to hate nicknames until her friends came up with Mandy. It kind of stuck to her so she grew to love it and it is probably the only nickname she'll accept.








Amanda is a very petite girl, who stands at about five foot seven and weighs one-hundred and ten pounds. She is a brunette with long locks of hair that cascades down to her mid-back and she often keeps straighten than in any other hairstyle. She has emerald green color eyes and is accented by her tanned skin, due to hanging out at the beach all the time. Amanda's style is somewhat unusual to the Ohio's standards. She wears a little bit more revealing wear than anything else.


Broadway Musicals | Anything Barbra Streisand | Musicals | Singing(Especially in the shower) | Acting | Intellectual People | Meaningful Conversations | Dreaming


Jerks | Sarcastic Remarks | Thunderstorms | People Not Accepting Others | Boring Conversations | Bigots


Losing Her Voice | Her Voice Cracking During A Performance | Falling Off Stage | Commitment | Falling In Love


Biting Her Lip | Twirling The End Strands Of Her Hair | Humming | Singing A Song In Her Head


Amanda is a quiet and reserved type of person, when you meet her at first. But when she opens up, you'll see a much more bubbly side along with her mind, which is full of intelligence, imagination and her own aspirations. She is a very out spoken type of person and will speak her mind and express her opinion, which she is not afraid to do so. Overall, Amanda is a loyal type of person and if she befriends you then you better not turn on her because it will not be good for you anyway.

{Place of Origin}

San Diego, California.

{Reason For Joining Glee Club}

She is new to the McKinley High lifestyle so she needed a place to fit in and hopes that the Glee Club is that place.


Growing up on the sunny shores of San Diego, Amanda lived a fairly carefree type of lifestyle. She was born to two wonderful parents, Melissa and Nathan Parks. All the time, Amanda would be caught singing or dancing - even dressing up like actresses in movies. Her favorite actress, singer and song writer is Barbra Streisand. She'll never forget the first movie she saw of her, which Funny Girl. She learned every single song from that movie forwards and backwards then proceeded on to be a Barbra Streisand collector. She finished her collection at the age of thirteen. When Amanda joined high school, her freshmen year, she immediately signed up for Choir and made it. She was actually the first Freshmen member to ever be apart of the choir. But due to her parents getting a divorce, she moved with her Father to his old town of Lima, Ohio, where he insisted she'd go to his old high school, McKinley. He heavily expressed the idea of the Glee Club and she responded with we'll see what happens when I get there.

I am sorry but I cannot accept your character. It looks like you just words together to fill in a sentence. I don't mean to be rude but that is what it looks like, plus you did not even describe her appearance.


Haha. She'll probably still befriend Leigh anyway. Who knows though?

Lucas James Edgeworth



~Puke (this one time at football camp, but luckily it never stuck)






Straight...maybe? (He's Questioning but he swears he's straight)





Luke is often seen wearing his letterman jacket. His hair is always on point, he likes to think its his best feature, or his smile. He isn't one to put much effort into his outfits. He can always be seen wearing jeans and a t-shirt, long sleeves, or a mixture (like in the picture). Nothing too stylish.


Football, Guitar, music, singing (only when he's alone), girls (or so he thinks), and hanging out with the guys.


Attention, being judged, bullies (even though he's friends with them), and helmet hair




~Being Alone


~Laughing in awkward situations

~Pretending to text when he's alone and sees someone he knows so he doesn't look like a loser.


Lucas is physically strong, but not that emotionally strong. To put it simply, self-confidence must of skipped him. His older brother has it and so does his younger sister, but he is far from confident. He is mostly a follower than a leader. Sure, he quarterback and captain of the football team, but he usually just does what everyone else is doing. He cares way too much about what people think of him and compromises his morals and beliefs to keep his "friends". He dates girls because he thinks that's what he's "supposed" to do. He does enjoy dating girls, but he had found himself staring at a couple of guys as well. Luke never sings or plays guitar in front of anybody. Only his sister knows what he sounds like because she can hear through the wall that splits their bedrooms. Luke is quiet, caring, and sensitive. But rarely anyone will see that because he is too busy with his D-bag, quarterback facade.

{Place of Origin}

New York, NY

{Reason for joining Glee Club}

His sister signed him up, but he stayed because an extracurricular couldn't hurt on his resume.


Lucas was born in Manhattan. His parents both used to be performers back in their prime, but are no longer. Her father took up a job at a talent agency in Cincinnati and her mother is a vocal and dance teacher locally. He is the middle child of three. At a young age he was thrown into the world of sports, specifically football. However, his parents, being performers and all also threw him into the world of the arts. Luke had a decent voice and could play guitar but always chose sports of art due to the pressure from his football buddies. His parents had their hands full with his younger sister with all of her local stage appearances and vocal and acting lessons to even notice him. He was perfectly fine with that. At his old school in NY he participated in the occasional play if it interested him, but at his new school he vowed to only do sports. That was until his sister signed him up for glee club.
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(I hope you don't mind me making her nothing like Quinn. I feel like there's already a lot of pretty, uptight bossy-ish characters in this game and I wanted to do something different)

Elizabeth Hope Santoro


She goes by Hope, her middle name, and nothing else. Any form of her boring first name irks her






Hope doesn't see sexuality as something you should label. She loves who she loves, regardless of labels they were born with.


Head Cheerleader


When Hope isn't in the cheerleading uniform, which is rare, she leans more towards bohemian styled clothing. Long flowy skirts/dresses and crop tops with shawls and jackets. As well as, when her hair isn't in a ponytail, there's a flower in it or a beanie on it. She dresses very feminine under any circumstances, and is rarely caught in pants aside from the occasional shorts. She's a petite five foot three, weighing in at one hundred and fifteen pounds. She tends to heavily accessorize with bracelets and necklaces or scarves.









Losing the spotlight


Eating Meat


Being unloved

Gaining Weight

Gaining a bad reputation


Twirling hair around her finger

Trying too hard

Falling in love a lot


Hope takes pride in not being the usual High School cheer captain. While she knows she's pretty, and able to do cartwheels for days on end, she doesn't brag too much. Hope's obsessed with making herself look good, being seen as a good girl, and making people like her. So in a way, she is your typical cheerleader. She throws the best parties, has the best friends, and the seemingly perfect life. At sixteen, and with the help of daddies credit card, she even already has a charity program for helping the environment, which she's also big on. From an outsiders perspective, Hope's perfect. But then you get to know her a little better, and the facade is blown. You see, Hope seems perfect because she tries way too hard twenty four hours a day to make everyone think that. Some would call that being fake, but she calls it putting forth effort. She really does love the environment and support peace and love and friendship, but she hates cheerleading, she's tired of studying to get good grades, and the people she hangs out with get on her nerves way more than she lets on. Not that she'll ever tell you or anyone else that. Hope plans to go to her grave being perfect. Social-wise, she's decently friendly. She'll be rude to losers when she has to be/when her popular friends are around. Otherwise she's not hard to get along with, mostly because she's desperate for you and everyone else to admire her. With all the time Hope puts into being perfect, she obviously pulls it off quite well. Most guys she dates consider themselves pretty lucky and more than half the school is her friend, so she must be doing something right. When it comes to love Hope's a little desperate. She's had seventeen boyfriends since she turned thirteen and she thought she was in love with every single one. She's a hopeless romantic who craves the attention and admiration boys give her in relationships so much that she thinks she's in love with all of them until things go horribly wrong and her heart is broken all over again.

{Place of Origin}

Right here in Lima, Ohio

{Reason for joining Glee Club}

She'll tell you it's because the Quarterback joined, but really singing is just the only form of art that she's both talented at and enjoys.


Hope's parents were both born in Lima as well and never left. Her father is a firefighter and her mother a receptionist so she's not filthy rich but given that she's a golden child they try to give her everything she wants. She's been an attention seeker since she was five, when her mother forced her into dance lessons. Somewhere around twelve years old she realized she didn't really even like dancing, but it was too late, her mother was already so proud. Hope won Lima's child beauty pageant every year until she turned thirteen and wasn't allowed to enter anymore. That's where the love for attention originated. Hope has extremely big dreams, she just hasn't spent enough time getting to know herself to really figure them out. She does perfect in school, having Glee Club, cheerleading, and volleyball on her record pretty much guarantees a good University. So she knows she's going big places and wants to be extremely important as an adult in her career, she's just got no idea what that career path is yet.​



Kelly Jieun Lee


"My name is short enough as it is..."



"Is it too late to emancipate?"



"Yes I'm a cup A deal with it!"



"Love is just an imbalance of hormones."



"Just because I'm asian..."

The Know-it all


"I'm plain. That's it."


Kelly is a very short and petite girl She's about five feet in height and weighs about a hundred and ten pounds which is quite surprising giving the big appetite she has. She has long black silky hair that's hidden from the world in a low ponytail. She has brown eyes which are covered by a pair of big rimmed glasses. Kelly has fair skin from her lack of exposure to the sun. Her style is very simple. She sticks to neutral colors not really wanting to call much attention to herself. Her style of clothing consists of jeans and plain colored shirts. No accessories, no make up.



*She loves to eat.

*She loves the color green.

*She fan girls about hot wings and tacos

*She likes to listen to classical music

*She has a thing for organization


"You better not use this against me."

*Kelly dislikes emotions.

*She hates letting people down

*She doesn't like being back-stabbed

*She can't stand pressure

*she dislike's her parents always pushing her to get a boyfriend


"We all have them what's the big deal?"

*She's afraid of rodents

*She's afraid of disappointing people

*She's afraid of commitment


"Okay so I may be a bit insane"

*Kelly jumps up and down when she gets excited although it is very rare.

*She tends to call everyone by the first letter of their name.

*She has a bad habit of correcting people


"Why don't you get to know me? Oh right I don't like you."

Kelly is a very unique person once you get to know her. At the beginning she might come off as the typical Asian, smart, dedicated, wanting to be perfect, but in reality she's much more complex than you can imagine. Kelly hates emotions because she lack control over them. She rather be snappy and sarcastic than admit she's feeling something. Although she's a very serious person she loves hanging out with the jokesters since they balance out her personality. On the inside Kelly is a wild child that's being suppressed since everyone expects more from her.

{Place of Origin}

"No I'm not Chinese..."

South Korea

{Reason for joining Glee Club}

"You actually think I want to be here?"

Kelly needs and extra curricular so her resume could be well rounded.


"I came from far away that's all you need to know."

Kelly came to America when she was eight years old. She wasn't quick to make friends when she got here language being an obvious barrier, but as time went by Kelly began loosing her accent and making more friends. She was still a bit shy however. It wasn't easy for her to open up to people and that caused her to really become distant. As she grew up and started middle school, Kelly began find the way people interacted incredibly dumb. She began appreciating the distance she had placed between her and the world since she she wasn't really pleased with it. That's when she discovered her love for music. Kelly began playing piano although she regretted her decision soon after. Seeing her interest in music her parents took this as an opportunity to push her.

Kelly's parents milked her passion for the piano. They would make her practice for hours and signed her up in every possible music class they could. They didn't mean wrong of course, they just wanted their daughter to have the best opportunities possible. Kelly slowly lost her love for the piano and unfortunately she lost love in general. Being driven to the point of hating the one thing she loved the most, Kelly began to stop herself from loving. Eventually she lost the feeling completely. Unable to love from the fear of ending up hating what she loved, Kelly became very sarcastic. She still had her quirky self, but that was buried under the expectations the world put on her.

Once she started high school, Kelly was pressured by her parents into getting the best grades. She studied hard focusing on school only. She became top of her class and scored outstandingly in her SATs. After her first year Kelly had set her standards very high, and as the years went by it became more and more difficult to accomplish them. Kelly began breaking becoming emotionally unstable, until she promised herself to completely block any emotions. Becoming a blunt distant person, Kelly kept fulfilling her expectations. Although when time came for college applications, her perfection fell down the roof. Kelly had the perfect grades and the perfect scores, but the thing she was missing was extracurricular involvement. Completely shocked that her lack of extracurricular involvement, Kelly took the the reins of her own life and decided to join clubs.​


"And don't you forget it."

Jordan Daniel Reyes


"Call me…Your Highness. That'd suit me fine."

Footloose, Twinkletoes (he hates that), Rey, J.R.


"Old enough…"



"Wha'chu think, fool?"



"It's really none of your business, and I don't regret taking your girl out last night."

Bisexual, but he hasn't come out about it


"Wait, why do I have be defined by some societal stereotype?"

The Dancer


"Doesn't really matter, does it? Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Mexicans…I bet you think all Latinos look the same, pft."


Although he was born in the United States, Jordan comes from Puerto Rican descent that is obvious in all of his family members. Most people assume he's Hispanic right away, and they would be correct. He has brown eyes and dark (almost black) hair that is normally cut very short unless he just doesn't care for awhile. Jordan is actually quite fit because he dances a lot, but consistently wearing large shirts makes him look like nothing but skin and bones. For that reason, people tend to forget he's somewhat muscular and pick on him for being skinny. Unlike the picture, he does not have pierced ears. Jordan is a little shorter than most guys his age, but he can jump pretty high (that makes up for the height difference, right?) He normally wears a hat that his dad gave him when he was younger.


"I'm not too picky. Just give me a beat, and I'm set for days."

Dancing- all kinds

Singing when no one is around



Music of all kinds, but especially hip hop, dance, and electronic

Graffiti and modern/pop art




"Yeah, just no."



Rainy days/Thunderstorms

Being sad

Serious conversations

Listening to his family and friends argue

Being looked down on or made fun of


"Aw come on, you think I'm scared of that?"

Walking alone at night

People finding out his secrets / Ruined reputation

Serious commitments/relationships

His family losing everything they worked for



"Yup, I'm that annoying kid, sorry."

Wearing his hat inside (until a teacher tells him to remove it)

Tapping his foot and/or pencil

Drumming on things

Dancing/bouncing while he walks


"Man, I don't know. Just stick around long enough, and you'll figure it out."

Jordan acts pretty cocky and carefree most of the time, but that's just the thing- it's mostly an act. On the surface, he's just an average student who makes grades good enough to get by while devoting his time to "more important" things like talking to girls and going to parties. In reality, he doesn't go to any more parties than the average guy, and he actually gets good grades because he knows it will make his mom proud. Jordan has this sort of "cool kid" mentality that makes him think that he will always be the awesome hip-hop dancer, but if anyone knew he was an honor student or bisexual, people would stop hanging around him. It's honestly a bit counterproductive because everyone wants to stand out and be noticed but also fit in and be accepted, and Jordan is a perfect example of that struggle. If people try to really get to know him, he doesn't know what to say or do. Jordan isn't very good at opening up or engaging in deep conversation, and therefore, most of his relationships have flopped. He lacks confidence and doesn't believe that people will accept all of his traits and interests, so he sticks with what he knows people will accept- the cool, somewhat annoying dancer kid with charm, swag, and wits.

{Place of Origin}

"Talk about a city that never sleeps. Or with all the nightlife, maybe it's more like one that never wakes up."

Miami, Florida

{Reason for joining Glee Club}

"Like I would actually join that…"

Jordan lost a bet with a friend and opted to sign up for Glee Club as a joke instead of take the friend's place in detention. Jordan is pretty sure he won't get into Glee Club or join, whatever you're even supposed to do in a glee club.


"Alright, this is getting a little too personal for my taste."

Jordan had to be a tough kid growing up on the streets of Miami. His dad (although he was a nice man) was mixed up in the wrong crowd, and his mom worked all day just to make ends meet. Jordan is the youngest of four, and all his siblings were troublemakers. He was a rather shy kid, and he got bullied in elementary school because he was so quiet. The only thing that really kept Jordan from falling into the worst habits was hip hop. He saw a bunch of guys dancing to some music out on the street one day and watched them in secret for months, practicing on his own. One day, one of the guys noticed him watching and asked if he liked the music. Although he was only a kid, the guys taught him how to dance and became like his family. Dancing gave him confidence and helped him escape his reality for awhile.

After his dad got sent to prison for dealing and his oldest brother eloped with some girl, Jordan's mother had enough and decided they all needed to get out of the city. She took her three other children as far as money could get them, and things were hard at first. It wasn't much different from Miami- they were staying in a cheap motels for several months, and all of the family members had to work to earn money. After what seemed like forever for Jordan, his mom got a real job in Ohio, and the family was able to move into a nice, simple house. Everything started getting better from then on. Although they would never forget Miami or be fully rid of those memories, the family tried to straighten out- they all made an effort to stop arguing and get along while moving forward with their lives.

When Jordan started high school, he was one of the outcasts. In time, he found some friends, as most do. He dances a lot in the hallways on the way to class, or just out on the grass sometimes. People started recognizing him as the dancer, and to be honest, that's how most people probably still recognize him since he's a bit of a show-off. Before long, Jordan found a nearby dance studio and asked about dance lessons. The instructor told him that hip hop was just one form of dance, and that he would have to learn discipline and control if he truly wanted to become a better dancer. So he started taking ballet and jazz lessons in order to learn basic skills. He soon discovered that he really loves ballet and jazz, even though they're often seen as feminine. Jordan doesn't tell anyone about the ballet and jazz because he values his reputation and honestly cares too much what people think of him.​

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