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Fandom The Rebirth of Hyrule: A Battle Against Darkness


Location: Near Lookout Landing | Interactions: @Ploegy @Bambiholic

Guess he wasn’t going to help Juniper get her stuff out of the pond after all. Truth be told Ura probably knew less than the both of them. Since most of his time was spent in Subrosia during the last disaster he only knew information second hand.

“Yeah, that shit seems to be bad news,” Ura said thinking back to what happened the Hylian earlier. At least it seemed the princess knew of the issues and was taking a proactive approach to it. With the castle in the sky now it could just be because it directly involved her but she seemed kind enough that that wasn’t the case.
“I missed most of the go’n ons,” Ura said turning back to look where the shorty squad had come from,” You blink and you miss it. Whatever the fuck is going on is probably Link’s fault though. I heard problems follow him left and right.”

A very very small part of Ura wanted to throw in the towel and find a way back to Subrosia. A fellow his age shouldn’t be stuck in a strange land with all this going on. He wasn’t some hero like that Link fella or some Royalty like Zelda was. Hell, He wasn’t even one of those special folks that gathered around them…well he was by Zelda but that’s just because Ura was going to complain you know?

Even the little kor-poo-poo didn’t need his help since the little guy used his stick to fly over the ponds surface. For now, near the pond the trio was safe enough but what if the darkness spread and monsters came upon them? Ura was confident he would be able to hide away and survive with the few items he brought from home but how long would the others last? He snapped out of his thoughts when Maple addressed him.

“Nah I know jack shit. I’m surprised that you don’t know more,” Ura said motioning to Juniper the misunderstanding still going strong,” Odds are everything will become clearer once people stop running around like a bunch of fools. Seems the big route to the underground that opened up has them in a tizzy.”

That may be awhile since the surface seemed to have a bunch of idiots. Grade A fools naturally. He thought a bit more awkwardly by the pond still making no effort to help pick up the remaining stuff unless it floated within reach.

“Normally I guess people find some sort of great tree, some goddess statue, a queen fairy, or some sage to find out what sort of calamity is going on. At least that’s what I’ve heard before so do either of you know where the fuck one of those might be?”

Given the fact Princess Zelda herself was with them one of those figures would be willing to help them out.

(Location: Zora Domain) | Interactions:
Arai Arai (Reten)
As Moko had expected, Reten hadn't taken the news well. Joking as she was, it's hard to remain cheery in the face of imminent starvation. She grit her teeth again, struggling to keep her frustration concealed; that feeling of powerlessness had made another trip around the bend. She was supposed to be the one Reten and the others could rely on, the one to protect and shelter them, but all she could do wouldn't be enough.

She did her best to swallow her bitter emotions. This was no time for a pity party, but it was definitely time for Moko to take a page out of her own training regiment: if you think you're useless, make yourself useful. If hunting in the highlands couldn't work, they needed a Plan B.

Moko nodded along with Reten's musings. "That hero kid was always pretty resourceful," she added. She'd met him briefly the last few times he'd been to Zora Domain--even had a chance to spar with him one time, though the fight was stopped before it had gotten good. Given he'd saved the domain's tailfin twice over, having him to help out would've definitely been appreciated. "Maybe we could think about askin' the Sheikah for help, too. I'd bet dollars to Deku nuts those braniacs'd already have this slop cleaned up by yesterday..."

She turned and looked up at the Skyview Tower visible just over the cliffs above them. Some of the Sheikah had come in a few months ago to set that up, something about keeping an eye on the sky...bit too over her head to understand. She'd passed by it a few times out hunting, though it was covered in the same sludge everything else was. Still, though...if they could build something like that, they had to know of something that could help the Zora.

Reten had a good point; Lookout Landing was a good place to set out for. Last Moko'd heard, it was the HQ of one of the top Sheikah researchers, not to mention pretty close to where Link and Zelda had last been seen. If they were looking for answers, that was the place to go. Wait, what was that about asking the lady?

"Wh--Hey, Reten! Hold on!" Moko turned back around, realizing the Zora knight was already on her way to speak with Yonah about taking an expedition to Lookout Landing. "We gotta think this through a little bit! You can't just--"

But Reten was already coming back down the stairs, giving Moko a thumbs up as confirmation that they were good to go. She sighed in resignation. "Okay, I guess you can just do that..." She said with a smirk. "Alright, kiddo, I guess we're going to Lookout Landing after all. Good thing I picked up some of these while I was out."

Digging around in her sack briefly, she pulled out a pair of green, bulbous fruits, almost resembling a gourd, and tossed one of them to her companion. "I found these growing next to one of those weird rocks that fell from the sky a few trips back. Not exactly sure what they're called, but if you give 'em a good squeeze--"

Moko clenched her fist around the fruit, causing it to explode in a burst of water.

"--That happens. The waters downriver are still pretty murky. I doubt we'll be able to swim through them until we get closer to the castle, meaning a good chunk of this trip is going to be walking. These'll be to make sure we stay happy and hydrated. I've been building a stockpile of these things just in case, and I've got a good feeling we'll find more on the road. Speaking of..."

Moko hoisted the bag back over her shoulder, starting off towards the storehouse. "Might be a good idea to go ahead and hit the trail while we've got daylight to burn, and that starts with getting some supplies. Hate to take anything from the domain they're probably going to need, so I say we pack light and do our best to live off the land until we reach the landing. I'm already on my way to the storehouse to drop this stuff off, so might as well start making plans to leave, right?"


Juniper ,, Berry ❜ ─ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 optimistic animal lover ─ ❛
mentions: maple, ura ; location: near lookout landing
tldr: fishing her items out of the pond using the umbrella handle while thinking of heading to lookout landing

Juniper reached out and managed to grab the umbrella in a singular motion, pulling it up out of the water. Now she had successfully retrieved her umbrella it wouldn’t take her much longer to get out of this pickle — soon enough, she would be able to start tackling the real problem at hand. The Korok didn’t seem to know much about what was going on either, apart from the potential involvement of the floating castle. Juniper figured the castle could definitely have something to do with it, but without her loftwing, a large domesticated bird species native to Skyloft, she didn’t stand a chance of getting high up enough in the air to get a proper look at it. "It sure doesn't look great. Who knows what could be up there right now."

The young woman began to reel some of her items back to safety using the handle of the umbrella, pausing for a moment part-way through to admire the Korok’s ability to fly using his nifty mechanism. “I wonder if they make those in big..” she thought aloud, acknowledging that she’d certainly be too heavy to use one of that size to fly. What Ura then said in response to Maple caused Juniper to snap out of her thoughts, her purple eyes glistening at the mention of that particular name. The swordsman Link was famous even up on Skyloft, after all. If anyone knew what to do, it would be him. “Link!” she repeated enthusiastically, her recognition of the hero from the age-old legends showing evidently.

“I don’t know much about the situation at all, but Link might certainly know! And maybe that great big tower over there would have some of those — or at least people who could point us in the right direction to him! ..Err, I mean to those things!” she said in response, referring to the nearby settlement that could be seen from miles away thanks to its large protruding tower. She did momentarily wonder why Ura thought she might have known more than they did, but soon shrugged it off. Juniper thought that going straight to those dangerous holes with no preparation or planning would be far too reckless. She may have been brave and eager to get to the bottom of what was going on, but she didn’t have a death wish. "Of course, I'm not expecting either of you to come with me," she added with a genuine smile while she retrieved the last of her items, not wanting to pressure the two into taking up this quest up with her if they weren't up for it. "Though the company would be delightful!"

coded by archangel_

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