The Reaping

Harold Olstein


Standing on the stage as Calder prances towards the girl's bowl. I hate the stupid looks on the boys faces. Of course, the non-Careers are timidly looking at me,knowing that at least they are not gonna be kill. But the Careers had malicious faces on them.


Half of them probably hate my guts and the other half hates my father's guts and think this is a suitable payback. Oh how I hate these petty criminals. I would be showing my scorn but I'm too busy shaking.


Mr. Calder still looks ridiculous,even up close. 


"Io Hyacinth"


The dirty horrid people parted ways to reveal a frail girl of barely 12. She seemed sickly pale and it's obvious that she's not gonna survive further than 5 seconds. She seemed weak. I don't know why but I pity for her. Maybe I pity her because she's going to have her life thrown away and she can't do anything about. Maybe she reminded me about myself. Sadly,I couldn't do anything. Miracles don't ha-....



"I volunteer..."


I couldn't believe it! That ruddy girl from earlier volunteered. For what? I don't believe anyone can be selfless in this world. Is she doing it for the fame and glory. Stupid woman or a hero? Stupid woman most probably.


She is standing right next to me. I could ask her...


"Mr. Calder,". I recognise that voice. " it seems we are already defying traditions so can't I have a word with these two?" . It's my father, Victor Olstein.


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