The Realms Saviors [Inactive]

Jaineer sees a man in pain (Surdon) and started to make his way towards him. He sprinted and finally got to him. "You look like you could need some help"
Atani held onto Alcor tightly. She was scared to death. Atani's eyes were as large as saucers. She could see a dragons shadow coming from right above them. She knew what was going to happen. They were going to try to capture her. They wouldn't leave until that happened. She knew what she had to do. The dragon lowered itself and grabbed her with his talons. She let the dragon take her. She started to cry. Not out of fear of dying. But out of fear of her peoples lives. Including Alcor's
Surdon (Just saying, I am really far from the village/kingdom.)

I looked at him, and I said "That.... would be nice." I began lifting my arm up, so he could pull me up. I felt so pained, that I didn't even want to TRY by myself to get up. Who knew Princess protecting means BREAKING EVERYTHING. Old knights do. Even worse, when you see it's all pointless, as the princess gets captured. 'Oh that dragon up there just stole a princess, good thing I broke my back helping her.'
Alcor frowned and pulled a bow from his back. Aiming he fired a few shots at the dragons eyes hoping to get it to release Atani. "Atani! I'll come for you!" He called to her just in case he failed to stop the dragon from taking her now. He shook his head knowing he would be unable to fire more arrows with out risking hitting Atani.

"Not to mention I was tossed in the air to be eaten by another." I say, smiling, as he helps me up. Glad I found someone who helped me today.
"Yea I can't leave people behind, I made a mistake of doing that to many times before. I gave up on my quest, and I am now trying to help anyone in need, oh and I kinda have to go save the town as well. Stay strong, you should rest, I may not be able to save you next time... Oh I'm Jaineer by the way."
((I will be here but I will be busy for like 20 minutes))

Atani heard Alcor promise to come for her. She closed her eyes with relief. She knew he would come for her. The dragon threw her up into the air and then she landed on its back. The rider was someone she knew. It was her mother. Queen Lerava turned around. "Hehe you're goijg to regret taking the throne." She cackled. "Mother?" Atani said confuzed and shocked.

"My name is Surdon." I say to him, as he leaves. I looked up into the sky, as I saw the dragon carry the princess away. I will have to go and search for her, no doubt, as it's one of my jobs as a knight. That's a bad thing, as I'm pretty tired of this pain. But, pain is an illusion. Your job, destiny, your life is not.
Alcor shook his head as he watched the dragon fly off with Atani. Things had become even more personal with the affection he had been forming for her. Nothing would stop him for saving her now. Looking down at the horse he gave it the command to run and with that he was off to save Atani, but first he would need to get help.
As Jaineer ran he thought about how he made his first friend in 8 years and it was a pretty big step for him. Just then a dragon out of no where grabs him with it's powerful jaws almost tearing him apart, but luckily Jaineer still had his short sword, in pain he stabbed it in the tongue, it roared with fear and drop Jaineer, knocking him almost out from the fall and huge blood loss from a huge gash in his stomach, then he just blacked out after.

Riding back, I noticed how Jaineer had the gash, so I jumped off my horse, and carried him. I mounted my steed again, one hand keeping Jaineer steady, the other controlling the horse. I rode towards the other knight {Alcor} and caught up to him, so I spoke "So we need to go and search for her, do we?"
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(( I'm going to get off now I'll be on later))

Jaineer woke up on the back of Surdon's horse not knowing what happened, except that he fell. He looked down at the gash noticing it's been doing better, but not that much. He was in to much pain to really do much anyways so he just drifted back to sleep.
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