The Razor That is Occam


Junior Member
This is where you can post your characters. I am looking for about 4-5 additional players (multiple characters are allowed per person but not too many) who have strong Rping skills.

I will check your post and give you the go ahead if I feel you have a decent setup. If not I will give you a chance to edit it depending on if I feel it will still make a decent contribution to the RP. Remember be creative but not crazy.

The template:

Name:(insert here)

Age:(try to make sure your character is over the age of 21, there may be a single exception for one really strong character)

Job:(what do they do for money, or they broke, heading to school, maybe a cop, doctor, etc.

Physical Description: (how do they look? how do they typically dress? Give a description but you can also give a picture if you want)

Sexuality:If you feel the need to have on go right on ahead)

Ability: (you dont HAVE to be a Contractor but if you do no multiples are allowed, keep the power interesting but also not "overpowered"

Habit: (what happens after you use your ability? make sure its creative. remember your character HAS to do the habit after use of the power. Unless of course the habit is constantly active.)

Personality Description:(what are they like, do they have hobbies, ambitions, etc.)

Relationships:(do they have any or are they more of the loner type.)

I will be posting mine soon if you would like an example.

Name: Jessica Fawzi

Age: 27

Job: Detective

Physical Description:

Average height(about 5'3"), with a gymnast build. She has dark skin with almond eyes and raven hair

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ability: Dimensional storage/amalgamation, she has the ability to store anything within her sight in a pocket world, and alter it within the pocket space if she wants. Though there is no size limit to what she can store, but she will rarely store anything large than a bike.

Habit: Severe kleptomania, Jessica has to steal something of value after usage of her abilities. If she does not she because distressed and her body does not function. The larger the value the more she needs to steal. If she releases the object within a few minutes of storing it she only has to take something of a smaller value. Recombining the items seem to have no effect on her habit.

Personality Description: A fresh faced detective Jessica served Occam as an Officer for 2 years as part of St. Lamarks police force. Being recently promoted to Detective Jessica aims to find out just who or what is causing so much turmoil in Occam. She is rather easy to get along with though being a bit of socialite among the police force. She sees value in every persons job thus making her very well liked. She is however nervous in more serious situations be it professional or personal. She finds it troubling that she has to hide her ability seeing as it could cost her the career she worked so hard for. In spite of this Jessica is a hard working part of the police force. Jessica tends to let her heart sway her at times when her logical mind may prove more helpful.

Relationships: Though she does not hide from relationships, she does find herself single more often then she would like. She does however, keep very strong and long lasting friendships with most of the people that she comes across.

Name: Jadon Paraiso

Age: 45

Job: Former-Military special ops, special agent. Current-Serial Killer and current resident of the Dallen Gale penitentiary.

Physical Description:
Tall (about 6'1"), very muscular, with tannish skin and dark hair with slight grey streaks. His eye are golden. He also sports a Short Boxed Beard

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ability: Can take pain then redistribute it into another medium or convert that pain to enhance his body in some way physically. Any pain or force Jadon takes can be converted into his body to enhance his body, enhanced strength, enhanced immune system, etc. He can also redirect the pain or force into another medium such as another person or an object.

Habit: Jadon has to hurt himself in someway to use his ability. This means if he is punched or hurt in some way then his Habit has been done. However, if he places the pain/force into something else the force or pain is doubled to himself. Though he has become some what use to this Jadon still tries avoid critical wounds, the pain is not always worth it.

Personality Description: Calm and even headed, Jadon exudes a gentleman like and perfectly calm persona. Jadon was the perfect soldier starting off at the age of 19. Not just excelling in the physical aspect but he is a tactical genius. This led to a wonderful carrier for the military for 8 years. He then served the government for 8 more after that as an agent, helping defend around the world and train some of the best agents down the line. No one but Jadon knows why he decide to go on a man-hunting spree for the next 5 years. Having a zen like nature and never showing malice in his nature it is somewhat disturbing to know that he would hunt down criminals around the world, torture them and then kill them slowly. After he felt, the a "break" was needed he willingly gave himself up to the authorities and has been on lock down for the past 5 years. He is currently en route to the St. Lamark's headquarters to be used as an aid in the current murder investigation.

Relationships: Jadon had many friends in the government and may still have a few among them. He has over the years acquired friends in the military and underground world as well. Keeping him up to date with any information they can find.
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Name: Paige Weaver

Age: 26

Job: Hacker

Physical Description:

Paige is the kind of woman that draws the eyes of others to her... however, not for the preferred reasons. Her frame is tall and thin, but she appears gaunt and emaciated at all times. It is clear that she is unhealthy, which is indicated not just by her slender frame but also because of her sallow ashen complexion. Another strange feature that Paige possesses is her nearly-white hair. Her features are clearly contrasted when she is with her sister, Riley, who possesses the olive skin and dark hair common to Weaver family members.

Sexuality: Asexual

Ability: For a half-block radius, Paige can manipulate technology. This means that she can manipulate anything that is plugged into a wall or in some way connected to the Internet. She can use this to do any number of things that a user can manually do if they had access to the device, such as accessing and sending files, turning things on and off, etc. This does not include devices such as flashlights or any other things that run on battery power and this does not include any number of tasks where the object would not do the task, such as making electronics move, or turning them into weapons unless it has been designed to be a weapon (such as turning on a drill or electric saw).

Habit: Paige has powers that are clearly deteriorating her body and mind. It is not just apparent by the way that colour has seemingly washed itself from her body, but it is also clear when you meet her. Paige appears to be nothing more than a walking puppet, unable to speak and appearing vacant and lifeless to all but her sister with whom she listens to and communicates with through Riley's phone or through gestures and glances. Her personality can be demonstrated when she communicates through technology or when she communicates with her sister. but she rarely demonstrates any sign of life other than that.

Personality Description: Aside from her sister, Paige appears to have very little stake in reality, preferring to spend all of her time connected to a computer and to the Internet when in proximity to a computer. She doesn't show much personality, but Riley knows that she is very knowledgeable and clever due to all of the time that she spends online. When Paige demonstrates her personality, she appears to be considerably more meek and patient than her sister, though her humour is generally more sarcastic than her sister's. When she is unable to connect to technology for a span of time, Paige is quick to become frustrated and moody.

Relationships: Has a very strong co-dependent relationship with her sister, Riley.

Name: Riley Weaver

Age: 24

Job: She is Paige's partner. She steps in if a mission goes sour by either talking or using her ability.

Physical Description:

It's hard to believe that Riley and Paige are sisters when comparing them, as Riley is significantly shorter than Paige and she is a healthy weight. Many of her features that contrast with Paige's are characteristics of the Weaver family as she has the typical olive-colouring and the dark thick hair. There is evidence of her habit on her person as nearly every item of clothing that she owns is covered in scorch marks and partially burnt away and her body is covered with numerous burn marks and scars at all times.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Ability: She is able to create and manipulate flames.

Habit: Riley is painfully and compulsively drawn to her own fire after it has been unleashed and she has no natural resistance to her flames. She wishes that she could use it all of the time, but she is forced to use it only in dire situations where her or Paige is threatened as the flames could just as easily harm her or her sister. She relies on Paige in these situations to keep her from her own moth-like tendencies.

Personality Description: Riley likes movement, change, and action in any order. One would be unlikely to find her not doing anything or lounging around, and instead she engages herself with any number of activities, doing anything from archery to yoga. She does try to keep as close as possible to her sister, Paige, so during most of her free time she is at their home as Paige is far more stationary than she likes to be. Riley's attention is easily divided and changed, and her mood is just as easily influenced. Her emotional state is usually very volatile, and she can bounce from enthusiasm to anger to disappointment in matters of seconds depending on her external environment. Despite her wild emotions, she fancies herself to be charismatic and a quick talker. The only real character trait she seems to share with her sister is a sarcastic humour, though Paige is usually worse for this than her.

Relationships: Has a very strong co-dependent relationship with her sister, Paige.
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Name: Miria Lennart

Age: 36

Job: Owner of a small private investigation firm.

Physical Description: Miria is short and compact; muscular enough not to be petite but lean enough not to be bulky. Her hair is pale blonde and slightly curly, falling to just below her shoulders if she leaves it down instead of in it's usual braid. She has a round face, with bow-shaped lips and lightly tanned skin. her eyes are round, and a washed out blue-grey color, framed with darker eyebrows and thick eyelashes. She usually wears a slate grey skirt and blazer with a pale blouse underneath for work. Casually, she tends towards comfy jeans and pastel colored sweaters.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ability: Can send her mind/see anywhere within a two mile radius. For instance, if she's sitting in her living room, she can close her eyes and see whats happening in the kitchen as if she was there, without having to move an inch.

Habit: Bringing her mind back to her body causes headaches, and if she does it to long or tries to go too far she'll sometimes black out completely or be sick for several days.

Personality Description: Miria is generally upbeat and friendly, with a bit of a cynical streak. She rarely takes anything at face value, but will never let any of her suspicions show on her face. When she get's mad, she gets mad, and won't back down from a fight even if it would be the smart thing to do. She knows krav-maga and how to wield several types of guns expertly. Very good at problem solving, though not always the best at common sense.

Relationships: Miria has trouble holding down any long term relationships, and doesn't get along well with her parents. She has a younger brother who lives outside Occam, whom she speaks with regularly over the phone and skype.
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Name: Angie (Angeline) Adelaide

Age: 24

Job: EMT

Physical Description: Angie is a tall brunette with features that echo vaguely of French descent. Her hair falls to elbow-length in shiny, chocolate waves, and she maintains her appearance with the zealotry of the young and lucky. A single streak of hair nestled in the dark gets dyed frequently depending on Angie's favorite color of the month - currently a deep, rich shade of purple - and she wears it all tied in a neat bun at the nape of her neck when she is working. Her clothing varies from her daily uniform - black boots and belt, blue cargo pants, and a white, collared shirt emblazoned with the crest of St Matthews' Hospital - to black jeans and fitted blouses on her off hours, complete with an emerald choker. Beneath the clothing, she has several tattoos: black and grey wings in a looping, jagged style fanning across her shoulderblades; a ruby-and-green snake 'round her left thigh, biting its own tail; and a pattern of tiny red flowers curling up her right wrist, currently numbering fourteen.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Ability: Angie is able to alter the nature of healing; when handling an injured patron, she is able to quicken the healing process by causing bleeds to clot faster, infections to slow, or hearts to maintain their pulse - in progressive order of difficulty. On the flipside of that, she is also able to worsen inflicted wounds, making it impossible for the bleeding to stop, raising temperatures out of control, or, ultimately, stopping a heartbeat completely. The main restriction on this is that Angie cannot use her abilities on a perfectly healthy individual, nor can she use them from afar. The process must, by its very nature, be hands-on.

Habit: Use of this ability has two effects, depending on the purpose Angie uses it for. If she worsens the wounds of those around her, it causes revitalization of her own body; if she is perfectly healthy, the strength of the usage will induce a varying degree of manic tendencies. If she heals the wounds of another, her own health begins deteriorating in kind. In moments of serious, life-threatening use, old wounds return, causing a ghastly resurgence of the past.

Personality Description: Angie is a woman of two sides. To work and friendly acquaintances, she is pleasant enough to be around, calm and faintly amused by the activities of all around her and easily relied upon to keep the crew running, even after the worst jobs. She rarely engages in social time outside of her job. This is generally understood among EMTs as a symptom of the stressful, long hours demanded by their vocation; however, in Angie's case, she is not an habitual drinker or home dweller in her off time. Rather, she prefers long drives around the city and its outskirts to settle her thoughts. During this time, she is quiet, moody and dangerous to interrupt. Though she purposefully ensures she never meets a colleague during this drives, others that engage her time find her uncompromising and frighteningly cold.

Relationships: As can already be surmised from her personality description, Angie prefers to keep her day life and night life remarkably separate. However, during the day, Angie is friendly and flirtatious with the best of them; she simply does not allow it to carry over into her private time. It is frequently remarked among her colleagues that she should 'settle down', 'think of the children', or 'do more than dinner' with that nice boy from ER, comments she smiles at before replying that one-night stands are more her thing.
(( I can post a starting post in the OOC thread to show you my roleplaying style. I say this because the rps I am in aren't that advanced.))

Kai Jackson

Age: Nineteen years old. Born on January Eighteenth.

Job: Currently has none, though is in college. Kai loves drawing and painting; though he does not attend an art school.

Physical Description:


Kai stands five feet and two inches (Yes he knows he is short!) and only weighs one-hundred five pounds.

Sexuality: Demisexual. This means he is only attracted towards personality.

Ability: Anyone who looks into his eyes are immediately driven into their darkest nightmares. In the long run they will start hearing strange noises and constantly feel watched.

Habit: Kai has horrible anxiety, to the point he shakes due to the voices in his head.

Personality Description: Kai is very shy and does not like to engage in conversations. All of his mental state is driven by fear; being concerned with what people think of him as he walks down a side walk all the way to being driven into madness because he does not want to hurt any of his friends. Constantly wearing sunglasses or hats to hide his face so he does not have eye contact, Kai has convinced himself that everyone he meets will get hurt due to his curse.

Relationships: Being a college student that is focused on school, others make fun of him and avoid him. Though he has a great friend who lives three dorms down.

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